
What's with Dead Space Extraction's boxart?

New boxart of Dead Space Extraction has been released, but does it convey the same feeling as the original?

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Product5528d ago

They need to change this to a more appropriate cover for this kind of game.

SinnedNogara5528d ago

Agreed, we need another severed limb (a Necromorph foot maybe??) or something.

Product5528d ago

I dont really know if i would go that far but i feel they need to make it more realistic than the vibrant color used on the cover.

qface645528d ago

seems out of place if you ask me
after seeing the kind of game dead space is this cover just looks odd

Product5528d ago

"cover just looks odd"

Exactly...almost like The Conduit's, but The Conduit isn't trying to be scary either.

kevnb5527d ago

and I actually kinda like it...

Hellsvacancy5527d ago

Its like if Uwe Boll was 2 make Dead Space the movie THIS is probably wot the Dvd cover would look like - Not good

Syronicus5527d ago

The best part of Dead SPace was the idea that 99.9% of the time you were alone and surrounded by some nasty creatures fighting for your life. In this pic, they show two people doing just that and it makes me think the game will be less personal and less scary. If that is what the game is to be then fine but if so, then I can't see it living up to the Dead Space I love.

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Hiruma Youchi5527d ago

too much On rail horror games on wii.
they should make normal horror games.
On rail isnt scary. You guys remember house of the dead with the Gun back on Dreamcast? it was fun but not scary

Admiral_Benson5527d ago

Looks like they've gone for some sort of Star Wars/Event Horizon kind of mish mash with that cover art

Big fan of the original and I'm not feeling the new look at all...

bunfighterii5527d ago

like all wii covers, looks like a kid's game

qface645527d ago

.__. please just don't talk anymore

peeps5527d ago

i won't be as blunt but i c his point. Even though this is still going to be a mature game the cover isn't as mature as the original game. I could understand if they were aiming at a younger age group, like with ghostbusters on wii compared to ps3/360, different look to the game and different look to the cover.

but like is say, it seems to be targetting the same age group that the first did. maybe just being on wii they opted for a kinda 'less serious' cover. not sure less serious is the right words to use but it's hard to explain

Olly5527d ago

It's just boxart. I mean, handpainted art doesn't work so much for horror, and it doesn't look very scary, true. But it's just a cover, and it shouldn't reflect on the final product.

micro_invader5527d ago

But the cover of a game serves as a sort of "first impression" that a casual passer by gets, and by casual I mean someone who doesn't visit video game sites often. The target audience of this game are mainly teenagers and older, not anyone younger. Which is why this cover doesn't really work, it's not conveying the dark theme that's present in the game, instead it looks a bit too vibrant for that.

But that's just my opinion.

ChickeyCantor5527d ago

Vibrant colours are much more catchier for the eye.
Brown isn't really requesting your attention now is it?

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Dead Space Games Ranked From Worst to Best

BLG writes: "Dead Space. It’s a beloved horror series – one that yours truly can’t stop talking about on stream! Yet there are more Dead Space games than you may be aware of. So it’s my duty to introduce you to the best Dead Space games, and one very, very bad one. It’s time to grab a plasma cutter, cut off the limbs of terrifying necromorphs, and decide once and for all (on this website) which of the Dead Space games reigns supreme!"

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-Foxtrot726d ago

Dead Space Extraction better than the original Dead Space?


lucian229725d ago

I played all three. Didn't find them fun, just had nothing to play. I don't think I beat third game though. Combat was super clunky, graphics and art design were ugly imo, story in first game wasn't too bad, rest were meh.

Over hyped series imo, also it doesn't help horror games don't scare me, so I guess that's a big reason for me too.

MIDGETonSTILTS17725d ago

Play Alien Isolation on Hard or Nightmare.

Start on the movie DLC so that you don’t have to play a bunch of campaign in order to find out if you’ll be scared.

lucian229725d ago

I heard that was a good one. Honestly vr games scare me with jump scares because of how the threat feels real.

MIDGETonSTILTS17725d ago

There isn’t an official VR mode, unfortunately.

The audio should pull you right in if you use headphones.

CDbiggen725d ago

Just finished playing the first, enjoyed the fact Isaac was a silent alien crushing psycho doom-guy type. Just started the second yesterday and I'm annoyed he's a talker now and sounds like a regular guy who hasn't been through hell, but I suppose he couldn't remain silent.

VersusDMC725d ago

Dead Space 2 is my favorite followed by 1 then 3. All are good to me though. Just beat all 3 on series X and they hold up.

Xenial725d ago

As simple as 1,2,3.

Extraction, then Ignition.

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DarkOcelet2460d ago

"'This was just a single-player game [and it] needed to be a live service.'"

What kind of a stupid mindset is that? It didn't need to be a damn live service. Single player games can work and you have the damn Star Wars name attached to it so it will sell well regardless of it having MP or not.

Ashlen2460d ago

How can you say this.

"We are seeing an evolution in the marketplace, and it became clear to us that to deliver an experience that players wanted to come back and enjoy for a long time, that we needed to pivot the design."

And then say this in the very next paragraph.

"It wasn't about, 'This was just a single-player game [and it] needed to be a live service."

I would say "do they really think people are this stupid?" But since people keep buying EA games after all the crap they have done over the years and decades that made gaming worse... I guess, yes, yes they are.