
The Conduit Gamestop Exclusive Limited Edition

NintendoDpad Reports:
"Gamestop is offering a Conduit Limited Edition game for pre-order.
The limited edition package will include:
- a unique ASE with custom detailing and projected light
- "Secret Agent" Multiplayer character
- 24 page artbook featuring art from the game"

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Product5641d ago

This is not such a bad pre-order imo.

nintendohomie5641d ago

I am interested in the special agent multiplayer

SinnedNogara5640d ago

Just hope that Secret Agent looks awesome.

I also hope weapon mods will be avalible in multiplayer, like adding a EOD Tech Scope to the FN SCAR or something.

Jinxstar5641d ago

I want to be excited for a wii game... I just can't anymore. Madworld was the first game I bought for it since smash bros and I can't even see a game I will be buying down the road... Conduit looks average to me... Nothing more. I hope they do well but I can't see it sadly...

bob saget remix5641d ago

It does look average. It just looks like your average old shooter.

Smacktard5641d ago

I agree, it does look like an average shooter. Why can't you guys be interested in good-looking games coming out, like Muramasa or Little King's Story, though?

ChickeyCantor5641d ago (Edited 5641d ago )

" It just looks like your average old shooter."
But does it play like an avrage old shooter?

"Why can't you guys be interested in good-looking games coming out, like Muramasa or Little King's Story, though?"


Product5640d ago

the controls sure dont look average to me.

hatchimatchi5640d ago

i think the environments look generic as well as the characters but the story sounds really interesting to me because of the conspiracies and whatnot. It's obvious that HVS is relying on the controls and online to set this game apart from the other fps games on the wii. Not to mention the game engine they designed. I think the game will score really well across the boards as far as reviews go but what is gonna be the main factor in the end is gonna be the sales. Hopefully wii owners will go out and buy this game cause if this game tanks i really can't see any other developers willing to make a title geared towards the core gamer. HVS has packed this game with everything from the looks of it and if the sales aren't good that's gonna make a big statement to other companies.

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Shnazzyone5640d ago

OOH! that's what i was waiting for... sweet preorder goodies! looks like i'm gonna go out and preorder tomorrow.

BTW.. what's with the same 4 people who bash this game repeatedly... if you don't care about the game then why do you keep making negative comments on it? Perhaps because your a bit threatened by a kick arse fps on wii? must be.

hatchimatchi5640d ago

I don't think anyone feels threatened by the conduit. They're just trying to get a rise out of you.

Shnazzyone5640d ago

Well i feel special now. That is really a poor excuse however. Friggin' trolls


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