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meepmoopmeep (4) - 5559d ago Cancel
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QuietBelief (1) - 5559d ago Cancel

AVault: Dark Horizon Review


"Sadly, Dark Horizon is a disappointment in a lot of ways. Looking at the screenshots, you might be tempted to pick up a copy because the game is certainly pretty, but the frustrations that come with it are not worth the price. Fans searching for a game to come along and rescue the space fighter sim will have to keep looking."

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GamersInfo: Dark Horizon Review

GamersInfo writes: "I'm a fan of space ships, lasers, "pew pew," and of course, explosions. What sort of science fiction fan would I be otherwise? Much to my sadness, the space simulator/shooter genre has been dying in recent years, so when I heard Dark Horizon was being released I couldn't wait to see how it turned out. Once installed I eagerly double clicked the icon, expecting to be launched into space and shooting down enemy ships faster than I could say, "I have you now." Instead, I was greeted with an error box telling me that my DirectX was messed up and I should reinstall the game. Several reinstalls later, said box was still plaguing my efforts to play, so I spent a little time on Google searching for a solution. A complete reinstall of DirectX, the game, and a reboot of my computer finally got me into the game."

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GamePyre Review: Dark Horizon Writes:

"Disappointment is not a strong enough word to describe how I really feel about this game's gameplay and controls. Maybe this just happens to be one of those games that I just can't seem to do well in, but in all honesty I blame Paradox and not my flying skills.

The first thing that I want to point out is the fact that Dark Horizon is a space flight game but unfortunately for us joysticks do not work. There is an option for them, but after about an hour and a half of trying to get either one of my two joysticks to work I gave up. While the flight stick itself works, for some reason you can not bind any controls to the joystick; they are limited to keyboard and mouse only."

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Game Vortex: Dark Horizon Review

Game Vortex writes:

"If you played the original The Tarr Chronicles, I think you would feel that this game is redemption on this original property, judging from what has been written about it. I had a good time, like I said, but with the repetitive missions and non-immersive story, I had to say that this was a fairly average game. It looks great, and is really well-balanced, keeping it from being lackluster. A little more time would have done this game some real good. A little more time to vary the missions and better explain the story could have made this a great game, instead of a good one. I am off to take down my flight toys. Guardian Wumpus out."

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