
New EA Fight Night Game May Be Announced This Year

A brand new EA Fight Night game may be on the verge of receiving an official announcement later this year in 2024.

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Community104d ago
purple101105d ago

PSVR2 potential system seller

Don’t f*** this up Sony

FlavorLav01104d ago

I would absolutely love to see that happen, but wouldn’t that decision be up to EA. So shouldn’t it be “don’t f*** this up EA”?

Cacabunga104d ago

EA releasing a fight night?? I’m impressed!

LG_Fox_Brazil104d ago

Finally, it's been so long since the last one

GamerRN104d ago

As long as they truly tap next Gen power and go all out! I want to see an ultra realistic Fight Night

Barlos104d ago

I'm hoping so. I've been wanting a new Fight Night for years!

MetroidFREAK21104d ago

Not gonna be the same as it was

Sitdown104d ago

What's the upcoming lottery numbers?

MetroidFREAK21104d ago

It's modern EA. Every fighter will be $5-10

badboyz09104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

UFC deal must ending? For those that don't know reports were that the new WWE owner who also owns UFC may let one of the publishers go 2K or EA. Many gamers were suggesting EA will be let go soon and this adds to it. "UFC 2K"

Profchaos104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

I think they just don't need to make so many UFC games as rapidly anymore as micro transactions loot boxes etc seems to be the primary motivation not to push the franchise into annual territory. Plus UFC 4 was poorly received as being the same thing

My money is next gen EA sports games become launcher hubs and focus on selling transactions, subs etc instead of the base game.

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It's Time for a New Fight Night Game

GameRant Writes "It's time for EA's long-dormant Fight Night franchise to dust off its gloves for another round, and there are a few things it should include."

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Community729d ago
chrisx730d ago (Edited 730d ago )

Absolutely agree. I miss this series, fight night champion was really good

badboyz09729d ago (Edited 729d ago )

It's time for a Boxing Game.

peppeaccardo729d ago (Edited 729d ago )

Only if EA introduces Loot boxes with which we might have a 0.00001% chance to win golden or platinum boxing gloves. In that case Hell Yeah ! ... well .. to be honest I do not think anybody cares.

toneblanco925729d ago

Go YouTube ESBC. They're about to make the best boxing game of all time.

Blaze929729d ago

they are about to make a boxing game. Dunno about all that best of all time talk lets relax lol

DarXyde729d ago

Loved Fight Night, but I am not at all convinced this is going to go well in EA's hands.


Forget EA Sports’ UFC 4. We Want Fight Night Sequel Instead

It’s been almost a decade since the critically acclaimed Fight Night Champion, the final title in a series of beloved boxing video games from Electronic Arts. Since 2011, the studio has been focused on their mixed martial arts title, UFC, instead. But with the rise of the popularity of boxing again, thanks to fighters like Floyd Mayweather and Tyson Fury, could we possibly have another Fight Night game on the way?

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Community1457d ago
BigBoss51501457d ago

In the words of the great Stone Cold Steve Austin Ooooh Hell Yeeeeah!!! lol. Also it would be sweet if EA gave us a new Def Jam Fighting game with a roster of Rappers that's unheard of. Biggie.Pun.Pac.Jam Master Jay.Eminem.JayZ.Eazy E.MGK.Naz. and over 60 of the best rappers ever past and present. One can only hope.

Deebo_slice1456d ago

Hell, I will take remaster of Champion. PLEASE!