
Starfield Fans Displeased As Paid Mods Becomes Increasingly Likely

Starfield fans believe paid mods are on the horizon after the introduction of Skyrim's new 'Bethesda Game Studios Creations'.

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Terry_B233d ago

Yup..and if Microsoft is successful with it, they will use it for more games and other companies will as well. Bravo @ Xbox /Microsoft supporters. :I

Obscure_Observer233d ago

"Yup..and if Microsoft is successful with it, they will use it for more games and other companies will as well. Bravo @ Xbox /Microsoft supporters. :I"

This is Bethesda´s decision, genius. MS has nothing to do with it.

Besides, mods don´t deserve to get paid for their work?

When its Sony feeding you a remaster from a three years old game and charge you 10 dollars for an upgrade, its all fair and just, because the developers deserves to be paid for their work.

I see, the goalposts has been moved yet again. Bethesda bad, Naughty Dog good.

Gotta love that sweet hypocrisy.

just_looken233d ago

I like its always about that $10 upgrade but not the msrp at $70 also they have both listed last i checked so one wrong click you can get the wrong version.

Heaven forbid sony lowered there digital msrp prices years later on games but that would be for the gamers this sony 2018+ is for the suit's.

EvertonFC232d ago

We don't mind paying £10 for an remaster upgrade pmsl, Dev and employees need paying you know, it's not free to create/make a remaster you dummy.
I take you wouldn't charge anything then lay off all you're employees who are out of work cause your studio went bust.

badz149232d ago

are you seriously defending paid mods right now? are you dumb?!

Terry_B232d ago

oof. I would reply to that comment if it was from someone else. But you are just a lost case.

Vengeance1138232d ago

Ohhhh boy, defending paid mods are we? Yikes! Another new low for Obscure.

S2Killinit232d ago (Edited 232d ago )

MS’s Gaas-focus is how they want to pay for the acquisition they paid 70 BILLION for.

Now xbox gamers have to foot the bill yall.

Obscure_Observer232d ago


"I take you wouldn't charge anything then lay off all you're employees who are out of work cause your studio went bust."


Nowadays, Naughty Dog is nothing but a lazy dev studio! Since they got absolutely nothing for the current generation, they gonna release a freak remaster before Factions 2, which was supposed to be TLOU 2´s MP!

Now trapped into development hell, they chose the easy route release and this crap to cash in!

Many independent third party developers like CDPR delivered next gen upgrades for free! For all platforms! Nobody got fired. Nobody!

Sony is the one company pushing for this scam! For all of its first party games!

So spare me from your lying narrative that ND (or any PS studio) is at risk and gone bankrupt in case they don´t nickel-and-diming you to hell. You´re fooling not other but yourself.

232d ago
dumahim232d ago

"Besides, mods don´t deserve to get paid for their work?"

A mod is a set of files. How would one pay some files? You mean the people who create those mods? Sure, they can get paid if they want. See the guy who did one of the DLSS mods. Bethesda now wants to step in and collect the money themselves and give the creator a cut.

The rest of your comment is a sad attempt at a Strawman argument that doesn't even make sense.

Christopher232d ago (Edited 232d ago )

***This is Bethesda´s decision, genius. MS has nothing to do with it. ***

When are they going to announce that Bethesda bought Microsoft?

***I see, the goalposts has been moved yet again. Bethesda bad, Naughty Dog good. ***

You're not the one that should make this argument.

Mr_cheese232d ago (Edited 232d ago )

It's interesting that you call Naughty Dog a lazy developer when you know little to nothing about the projects they're working on that aren't announced.

So it's okay for Bethesda to re-release skyrim across 3 generations and take their sweet time delivering their next title.

It's okay for rockstar games to release across 3 generations and take their sweet time on the next installment.

It's not lazy, it's quiet work until they're ready to show

MrBaskerville232d ago

Maybe people are ok with the 10$ because they get a lot more than just visual upgrades? It's almost as if you pay for the dlc and get the remaster as a bonus

shinoff2183232d ago

Just looken,I think Nintendo is the company you should have issue with. Their first party games never drop in price. You can find Sony first party titles on sale all the time. Same as ms. Nintendo is the only one who don't drop the prices

recoctimocassirnff232d ago (Edited 232d ago )

This is ms's decision, genius. Bethesda has nothing to do with it. If ms wanted to fire the entire staff of beth they could.

And thanks to people like you supporting these acquisitions, ms has to recoup their investment, so paid mods will most definitely be a thing.

Obscure, don't you ever get tired of being completely wrong? I mean, you're not just a little wrong, you are the complete opposite of the truth is almost every single one of your posts.

Angyobangyo231d ago

No hypocrisy. You didn't even more the goalposts, you completely switched them. You tried turning into a Sony thing and said, look what they're doing, so leave Xbox-kun alone! FYI, I don't agree with remastering titles that are 3 years old or charging extra to upgrade, and think many don't asv well. The topic is about the Creation Club, which was met with the backlash from the actual modding community in 2015 to which it was binned within a week. But somehow Bethesda felt it would be a good time to drag back that corpse.

jjb1981231d ago

This is a completely stupid comparison. Mods have been unpaid for years with an option to support them. They are taking money for other modder's work and calling it their own. There is a huge difference . A remaster and mods are not even the same you dolt.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 231d ago
just_looken233d ago

This system was in fallout 4 then skyrim well before ms showed up.

Now destiny being purchased by sony then sony raising cost of everything followed by worse content along with there continued support for there overpriced ps5 along with the ps portal that requires a psn account to use that is a bad trend.

Paid mods is only good by donation i would not mind tossing a buck whatever i can some mods having amazing about of work done on them but $10-$30 not thank you.

Zeref232d ago

You're mad at them for letting their creators, who put their blood sweat and tears in these mods make money from them?

Andrew336232d ago

Yes. Because anything related to MS is bad on this trash site.

Christopher232d ago (Edited 232d ago )

Mad that Bethesda will get a cut from the work of modders. This isn't about paying modders, it's about another revenue stream from them doing absolutely nothing but integrating a credit card reader into it.

If you want the makers of mods to get paid, go to Nexus and donate to them. The system already exists.

Zeref232d ago (Edited 232d ago )

So this is a whole bunch of nothing then?
If the creators don't like it they can still use Nexus Mods.

Christopher232d ago (Edited 232d ago )

*** If the creators don't like it they can still use Nexus Mods. ***

The issue here is if they block modders that aren't on their system, which is likely what's to happen when they see another revenue stream.

See: Starfield has no official mod support and is planned for 2024... right after this news that Skyrim mods are getting paid integration and Bethesda gets a cut of it.

*** So this is a whole bunch of nothing then? ***

Then why is Bethesda putting so much effort into it? It's not nothing, that's the point. You're not thinking that this is a benevolent act of Bethesda are you? Why? They're a company. They're about profits. Why would you think that? Stop it.

Zeref232d ago (Edited 232d ago )


They're not removing support for Nexus Mods. Therefore your whole argument is moot.
You're just making stuff up to be mad about.

Christopher232d ago (Edited 232d ago )

***They're not removing support for Nexus Mods. Therefore your whole argument is moot. ***

There literally isn't full mod support right now.

I'm making things up? Read a history book.

"The previous attempt to launch paid mods was disastrous because many modders operate on the assumption that they're participating in a gift economy, devoting their time for free to create something for others to enjoy with the understanding that everyone else is doing the same. This is a social contract, one that is instantly broken if someone chooses to sell their work. Similar controversies arise in fan fiction communities when an author finds a publishing deal and their work is suddenly yoinked from fic repository AO3 over night.

It's worse in gaming communities, too, because mods are often technically dependent on the work of other mods. If one creator pulls their previously free work to place it behind a paywall, a lot of other mods can be rendered unplayable. It also substantially disincentivises generosity within the community so that shared resources designed for other modders to build upon - such as SKSE, but also texture packs and so on - become less common."

isarai232d ago (Edited 232d ago )

There's already a way to pay them via donations through their mod profile on mod DB or Nexus. Bethesda doesn't deserve to make money off of other people's blood sweat and tears in these mods.


A lot of mod creators are against this. The Skyrim update basically broke a bunch of mods. Monetizing mods isn't good because a lot of mods use other peoples work. This will only be good for a few modders (MS or BGS certified) but will hurt the mod community. You'll be paying for the most basic mods like weapons or player houses. I think they were charging $6 for the gun and $7 for a player home. That's not gonna work when people run hundreds of mods with skyrim, and mods like TES Apotheosis or Fallout London won't be possible because Microsoft won't let them put mods up like that for free(for console). If they mess up the next Elder Scrolls, they are done

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 227d ago
neutralgamer1992232d ago

would we all be talking about this game if it wasn't an xbox exclusive? what i mean is i bought a XSX for this game and no doubt it didn't live up for me. So if this game was available on all platforms there wouldn't be many defending this game because its MID. but that's the reality where neither playstation nor xbox fans will ever admit their platform has issues or if an exclusive is average

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 227d ago
Luc20233d ago

Mods on nexusmods are work of passion and you can donate to the creator if you want to. This 'great' new idea is to put mods behind a paywall where they creators get a small % in royalties. I doubt PC community will support this when there are free alternatives ( didn't MS try to charge for GFWL?). As for consoles .. there won't be free options.

just_looken233d ago

That is correct games like gtaiv needed a xbox account for GFWL that needed xbox gold to play online it died quick. But this idea about mods was on fallout 4 skyrim for consoles it was successful there.

Luc20232d ago

Fair enough. Haven't played these on PC. Got Follout las Vegas on sale and download a few mods from nexus. Not sure I'd pay for a mod for an old game.

recoctimocassirnff232d ago

Unless you want to put American flags in a game, or make a female character a tiny bit more attractive, then nexusmods will nude you from orbit.

EvertonFC232d ago

What did gamers expect when the games practically free on GP, MS have to make the profit somehow to recoup dev costs.
Surely Xbox gamers can fathom where GP is going to go ffs, it's not rocket science 🤣😂

BeHunted232d ago (Edited 232d ago )

Enjoy your regulation to the Championship.

The Wood232d ago

Oh ess

Is he really an Evertonian

EvertonFC232d ago

Even with the points deduction we will be just fine, maybe 14th a the end of the season or 10th when we get some points back. Luton, sheff utd and Burnley will be relegated NOT us

The Wood221d ago (Edited 221d ago )

confirmed ..... definitely a real Everton dude, im a gooner

Rude-ro232d ago

It is not free on gamepass. You have to pay a subscription to access the game.
Paying for extras on any subscription accessed game is the literal definition of throwing money away and stupidity at the highest level.

EvertonFC232d ago

Thats why I said practically free, meaning sub fee.

Rude-ro232d ago

It is not free on gamepass, you have to pay a subscription to access the game.
Paying for extras on a game through a subscription is the literal definition of throwing money away and ignorance at the highest level.

EvertonFC232d ago

Thats why I said practically free, meaning GP fee needed.

recoctimocassirnff232d ago

I gave you an agree, but it's actually very believable what ms is doing.

BrainSyphoned232d ago

They can't become increasingly likely when they were a sure thing all along. Bethesda has been cruising on the past fumes of greatness and other people's work and passion for a long time. The thing that made thr S.P.E.C.I.A.L died.

Hire some mod creators right now to work on ES6 or it is screwed.

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10 "Bad" Games I Actually Enjoyed

TNS: "We're shining a light on a bunch of "bad" games that may've been left wanting when it comes to their critical or audience reception."

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Profchaos2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Good list I've had similar reactions to some games even ones on the list like the order and Callisto

Also I recently grabbed forspoken for, 5 dollars at a eb games Clarence sale and I am actually enjoying it more than I thought I would

Sometimes you just need to give critically panned games a chance

FTLmaster2d ago

Oh gosh, good shout on Forspoken! Genuinely forgot about that one, and haven't got around to playing it. It's on my to-buy-in-a-sale list!

Cacabunga1d 15h ago (Edited 1d 15h ago )

Knack was great ! Had a blast with the first one. Haven’t tried the second one though due to backlog

The Fight: Lights Out was also a game i enjoyed very much and highly detailed with great motion control when you understand how they work, which is what pushed people away from this game..

LoveSpuds1d 13h ago

Both The Order and Calisto were harshly treated in my view. I am not saying they are perfect, but the were both really solid games. I personally really liked them despite acknowledging their flaws and coincidentally, got the platinum trophy for both games.

Evil West is another really fun game that's worth checking out for sure.

andy851d 13h ago

Forspoken was great. Never really understood all the criticism. 2nd best traversal in a game after Spiderman

Profchaos1d 7h ago

Yeah gameplay wise I get huge infamous vibes with its combat starting out as low level eventually becoming a unstoppable power spewing killing machine with a wide variety of powers infamous is one of my favourite franchises obviously it's not the same but I love the combat of it so far.

ChasterMies2d ago

I feel like we’re finally starting to see a sea change in how we treat our favorite games. Sure, we all acknowledge that a game can suck and we can still enjoy it. Hopefully this results in meaningful review scores. Personally, I find a lot of bad games are better if you blast through them on the easiest difficulty. Callisto protocol on the image is a good example of this.

LoveSpuds1d 13h ago (Edited 1d 13h ago )

I really liked Calisto, harshly treated for sure and I don't necessarily think it needs to be played on easy to enjoy it. It's not perfect, but it's not the car crash the media portrayed it as either.

I have said it before, but part of the issue is that there is a mind share going on in games coverage, with all the main outfits being personal friends and talking too each other. As such, there is a risk that everyone ends up sharing in the same opinion rather than thinking from themselves. I reckon that's why some games get a universal bashing when consumers actually like the game and equally, games get great reviews across the board and the game doesnt land with consumers.

RaidenBlack2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Actually, I started liking FO76 after the wastelanders DLC ... it has been my guilty pleasure
other games I can think of Order 1886, Driveclub, Resident Evil 6 (only the Leon part), Alpha Protocol (pretty unique, needs a remake), XIII Remake (after patches), Medal of Honor 2010, Medal of Honor Warfighter, Homefront The Revolution, Enemy Front, Legendary The Box, Faces of War, Conflict: Vietnam, Conflict: Global Storm & Codename: Panzers – Cold War

CosmicTurtle2d ago

Driveclub was genuinely a good game with a poor launch. Alpha Protocol is superb, just a few archaic design choices for the time.

RaidenBlack1d 15h ago

I want past games with interesting setups/mechanics but having some flaws (due to crunch or budget) to be remade so that the gaming community can appreciate and enjoy them as was envisioned and intended by the developers. In contrast to a successful game being remade again just with prettier coat of paint.
Alpha Protocol tops that and I'll include FO:NV as well as an exception (it is popular but features were cut due to limited dev time). And also Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines I, Singularity, KOTOR II and maybe Daikatana.
There might be others which I can't recall atm.

SonyStyled2d ago

I loved Enemy Front. I pre ordered it months prior and remember calling the store to check if it came out that day. The guy never heard of it but confirmed my copy was ready to pick up. Game was simple and basic in a good way. Didn’t have any tacked on extras. A simple mission and objectives in each level. Kind of reminded me of the first Crysis in a way

gold_drake2d ago

The Order was really good. abit short

RiseNShine2d ago

I loved The Order, ridiculous graphics for it's time and a very interesting setting, it was linear but not as bad as people say. Similar thing with Callisto Protocol, i admit that i played it a long time after release so maybe issues were fixed by then, but it was a fantastic Dead Space-like horror game with some of the best graphics i've seen in my life.

LoveSpuds1d 13h ago

Yup, I am afraid to say I waited on Calisto and picked it up for around 30 quid. Once I played it on felt really badly for the devs because the game was really decent.

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Earth Becomes Habitable Again in Starfield, Thanks to this Mod

Thanks to the Starfield Creation Kit, the "Earth Restored" mod has transformed the Earth into a Pine Forest and filled the sea with life.

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4d ago

Starfield DLC needs to be as awe-inspiring as Shadow of the Erdtree to win players back

Shadow of the Erdtree saw a 1000% player count surge at its launch. Will Starfield’s Shattered Space be able to do the same?

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Brazz14d ago

Spoiler... It Will not. Bethesda is outdated.

anast14d ago

If it gets rid of the loading screens and adds space exploration, it will.

phoenixwing14d ago

loading screens and zones are hardboiled into the game, they would have to remake it to change it. which if they had just made a new engine or used someone else's they wouldn't be in this mess

purple10114d ago

only PSpro release will get rid of there loading, at at minimum, half the time it takes.

lucian22914d ago

nah cuz game has multiple things that have to happen before transition to outer space; issue is it isnt seamless

BoneMagnus14d ago

I played Starfield this past weekend. I enjoyed it and overall was about 30 hours in, but as soon as I got the e-mail about the GamePass price increase, I cancelled my account and deleted Starfield, Halo, Forza and others off my Series X.

If I want to play those games, I’ll just buy them outright - and truth is, I’m pretty sure I won’t. They aren’t worth it to me.

Ninver14d ago

Brutal truth. Thanks gor being honest.

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