
PlayStation To Delete A Ton Of TV Shows Users Already Paid For

Sony says Mythbusters and more Discovery TV shows are going away whether you bought them or not.

darthv72238d ago

they have no choice... Its the content holders decision and I'd assume this will affect other services as well.

just_looken238d ago (Edited 238d ago )

Not the point they did this in the past and continue to take your money without the end user knowing its not a purchase but a rental. If this was a video game like the all mighty spiderman everyone would flip there shit


Marvel buys spiderman ip pulls every game from ps5 makes it multiplat "remaster" version every sony cult member would riot LOL

Obscure_Observer238d ago

"Marvel buys spiderman ip pulls every game from ps5 makes it multiplat "remaster" version every sony cult member would riot LOL"


MrBeatdown238d ago

"without the end user knowing its not a purchase but a rental."

How dumb do you have to be to not realize the servers for whatever random thing you buy digitally won't be around until the end of time? I know I ain't passing down my Vudu account to my grand kids.

Gamingsince1981237d ago

People don't realise that digital content isn't permanent and you never own it ??? Weird because it's in the tos.

237d ago
just_looken237d ago


But i have spiderman on my pc/ps4 and do not want to buy a $800 plastic box.

I also have saved over $300 this year thanks to gamepass because in the old days we went to a store it was call a video rental store aka blockbuster/movie gallery video stop.

These magic places you could rent stuff no it really before 2010 the world was a thing and we had rental's income you could live off of and a friendly no mass killing society.

In these magic buildings you would pay what we pay for gamepass to rent games and if you liked them you buy them just a crazy thing i know but it was real. So because i used to go to these fantasy buildings i enjoy gamepass as its basicaly my yearly blockbuster budget and or a price of 1 point 5 games per year.

NotoriousWhiz237d ago

Won't stop me from buying digital, but trust and believe that if they try to take my stuff. I will find other means to get it back. 🏴‍☠️

badz149237d ago

You do know if they could buy the Spidey IP back from Sony THAT easily, they would have done it long ago, right?

shinoff2183237d ago (Edited 237d ago )

I mean that kinda is the point. What should Sony do? Their not removing it. Cute try though at the bash

Go physical. These type of things will continue to happen.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 237d ago
shadowT238d ago

No, Phil Spencer would solve this issue by buying Warner.

DarXyde237d ago

Affect others? Very likely. It starts with Sony, but I doubt they'll be the last.

This right here from the article gets to me:

“Is there a way I can save this content?” asked one panicked PlayStation user on Reddit. “I use PS4...But I have bought many seasons of shows such as Dual Survival that I do not wish to lose. I was actually under the impression since I owned it, I wouldn’t ever lose it…”

This is a substantial concern of mine. There are many people who make digital purchases and because they have not been inconvenienced by what licensing entails in comparison to ownership (yet), there's a passive acceptance of this happening—likely, they don't know. It's easy to say they should have read the ToS, but I think Sony owes those users store credit *at minimum*.

If people are content with throwing money at things where a merger could light that money on fire, have at it. But companies NEED to do a better job of informing people and they REALLY need to drop the price of digital purchases. You do NOT have the same rights and access as physical media holders and that needs to be reflected in the pricing. $30-40 seems appropriate. What's worse, you're restricted to PSN pricing schemes, so they can lower prices at a Nintendo pace.

I feel bad for owners of the original PS5DE, but I'll give Sony some credit for allowing slim DE owners a means of adopting physical media now. It's a way to address a growing concern, but I still contend the general public knows very little about digital purchases.

shinoff2183237d ago

I've always figured most people prefer the digital so they don't have to get the fk off the couch or whatever their sitting on. All because of that your willing to lose ownership.

JackBNimble237d ago

Shinoff that's such a load of propaganda claiming physical means you own the media... you don't. You have access to the license, that's it that's all.

-Foxtrot237d ago

Still pretty f****** shitty

This is always why physical whether it’s music, film or games matter

JackBNimble237d ago

You guy's need to stop making excuses for Sony. Isn't this part of the reason they increased psn? They should have done something regardless if it cost them money.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 237d ago
Snookies12238d ago

*cough* physical media *cough* Granted, these days I buy most media digitally. But, this is why physical media should NEVER go away.

just_looken237d ago

But it has australia and now new zeland no longer have them and every walmart/bestbuy in north America is getting rid of them.

I have recently seen the old code in a box when you buy a movie now.



shinoff2183237d ago

And maybe they change their mind when sales drop. Their pratically giving their money to amazon and other online stores. Anytime i ever walked into best buy it was for a movie or a game. Ive no reason to go now. Sometimes id buy other things not related to my reason for going

Chocoburger238d ago

I hate how digital rights are handled, and hope physical media doesn't go away (at least in my life time). Fortunately I know better than to purchase TV shows and movies digitally.

Mulando237d ago

Physical media goes away after about 20-30 years because the media degrades

Chocoburger237d ago

We don't know that for sure, 41 year old game tapes on the Spectrum still work to this day. No one knows how long blu-rays will last.
Furthermore, your own physical media is easier to back up onto a hard drive, and from an old hard drive to newer hard drives as the decades wear on.

Mulando237d ago (Edited 237d ago )

Already lost some DVDs because of degrading materials.

Backing things up makes it easier, but is not allowed in my country if the media has a copy protection. Because of that, I love gog.com

DarXyde237d ago

Highly dependent on the owner, I would say.

As of ~February 2023 (last time I tried), my NES, SNES, Genesis, N64 games still work. I think I have a copy of Shenmue for Dreamcast where one of the discs doesn't work, but that's totally my fault.

All of my consoles still work, and I would say 90-95% of my old games still work.

It absolutely depends on how you take care of them.

Kornholic237d ago

That's mostly BS. You can test it for yourself by playing PS1 and PS2 games, for example.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 237d ago
OtterX237d ago (Edited 237d ago )

The 2 largest electronic store chains where I live already stopped carrying all blurays, hd blurays, dvds. We were told that Disney for instance has already stopped production of bluray discs as of August. We were pretty disappointed bc we wanted to get some classic Disney movies for our kids for Christmas, and handing a 3 and 6 year old digital codes just isn't as fun, you know?

Of course we can still buy them online for now, but there will be a bigger push to discontinue disc production in the future.

It's all part of a push for greater sustainability.

"Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better" -Essay posted on World Economic Forum's official website

shadowT238d ago

we need a TV series preservation

just_looken237d ago

YES WE DO! so many shows now are trash because so few watched the greats and think cgi/clipboard shows are great.

I watched cops/og simpsons/king of the hill/deadwood starship troopers cartoon or you got the original dc animated/marvel first xmen stuff spawn cybersix or the goat from japan ghost in the shell. Oh the them songs were banger and the movies all used real guns/props stunts mad max anyone? or the dirty harry stuff

Michiel1989237d ago

wdym? The tv shows we get nowadays are great, definitely in the best period ever when it comes to tv shows.

just_looken236d ago


5 shows that are praised user/critic side to the end last 5 years.

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gold_drake11h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot2h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing2h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro2h ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣

phoenixwing32m ago

@zeek that's right it's as good or better than a pokemon game but they didn't have access to pokemon game money. So it's more of a stain on pokemon company to be in the same ballpark as them

Inverno23m ago

It's time we admit that they were never really that amazing to begin with. The games have never quite reach the same level of awesomeness as the anime. Look at the last few seasons we got to wrap up Ash's adventure, and the new series. 4 lazy Switch games and a remake which was so low effort that you wouldn't be able to tell it's a remake if your weren't told beforehand. The concept of Pokemon will always be awesome, but man the games absolutely suck.


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