
Baldur's Gate 3 PC Tech Review: Polish That Puts Other AAA Games To Shame

Digital Foundry: A massive, runaway hit, Baldur's Gate 3 is an exceptional PC release and a brilliant game. In this video review, Alex Battaglia discusses what appeals to him about the game, discusses the proprietary game technology and of course, delivers optimized settings to maximize performance without losing much at all from the fully maxed out experience.

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just_looken301d ago

Wow i am always one to be like ok on a digital foundry video but this just smells like either copium or a paid video.

Head to the steam community tech section every hour there is a post with low fps/crashes/save gone or pc os broken now.

Here is some threads made today with over 20replies of players going past act 2 with bad fps broken saves quest lock bugs or are now naked do too inventory wipe.

You know why they have low amount of players finishing there game? because in this forum hundreds reported by act 3 there saves were corrupted.














All made within the last 18 hours over 30 pages of issues that all go around the game being broken after over 2 years of public testing.

Digital foundry calls this a technical marvel? f off

repsahj300d ago

Thanks for the links bro. I hope that when I play it on ps5, there won't be any problems like what happened on pc.

just_looken300d ago

Hopefully there is no issues from the pc on the ps5 version but as you can see some of the pc issues are years old.

They should buckle down get the pc version all fixed up then worry about console ports that is my hot take.

WhiteHawk300d ago

Yeah, this is a low for DF, it’s well known they released this game months early to avoid other games, specifically Star Field and they may be releasing patch’s with tons of fixes but that’s only because there’s tons to fix and still is, bugs, glitch’s and stutters. DF should be ashamed.

Ashby_JC300d ago

The game released 1 month early not MONTHS.

They smartly released early to avoid being in a release window with Starfield. As for bugs and glitches. If you had played the game you would realize how vast it is and it is bound to have it. There have been 3 hotfixes since release that have addressed bugs and glitches...that is a given with ANY game.

The same thing is going to happen with Starfield on release.

Many are having a great time with minimal bugs and glitches lets not act like this is some widespread problem when it is not. So DF has nothing to be ashamed of.

dumahim300d ago

Through the first 40ish hours I put into Act 1, I had 3 crashes. One of them being a Vulkan error. Since then, either because of Act 2 or because of the updates, I've had the game get stuck at loading at 60% like 4 times and once leading to my saves disappearing (easily fixed by moving local saves to a different folder). I wouldn't have expected Alex to have gotten that far into the game putting that many hours into it so he can do his analysis. Yes there's some issues, but in the big picture of it all, it's been very good.

NotoriousWhiz300d ago

"Yes there's some issues, but in the big picture of it all, it's been very good."

I mean, your post sounds like some pretty big issues to me, but I guess maybe that's normal for a PC game. I'm just a console pleb. On console, most games don't crash, lock up, or prevent your save data from being accessible.

dumahim300d ago

3 crashes in 40 hours and one of them being a Vulkan error. I most certainly have console games that'll crash that infrequently. The getting stuck when loading thing is a new development and not sure it's down to an update or just later game content. And no, it doesn't "prevent your save data from being accessible." It's still there, just have to move them from one folder to another.

Ashby_JC300d ago

In my experience Steam discussion forums can be quite toxic. Not saying people are not having issues but just about all PC games are going to have people having issues but the vast majority myself included are having an exceptional experience. So I must be getting paid?

anast300d ago

It does put other releases to shame though.

Bladesfist300d ago

The silent majority are probably in the same camp as me, no crashes whatsoever, no framerate issues but a couple of bugs encountered

Andy_Dee300d ago (Edited 300d ago )

I've been playing nonstop on a newly built pc with 0 crashes and zero issues overall.

A lag or stutter here or there maybe. Can't even remember.

A game of this size has less issues than any other modern game more or less.

Even god of war ragnarok had issues. Final Fantasy doesn't have a lot of issues either what I remember.

But other than that. Issues are common with all triple AAA games!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 300d ago
Binarycode300d ago

ROFL, It's a PS4 game or worse graphically.lol.

There's nothing amazing looking with this one, sorry to burst anyone's bubble. It's ok looking and that's it.

There shouldn't be any issues, because it's not pushing the envelope.

just_looken300d ago

sadly in todays gaming lansdscape ugly games can destroy hardware look at gollum on pc its all about optimization not the way it looks.

This game on pc eat's up ram and makes gpus bleed you half to play for awhile in a single session but it builds up.

dumahim300d ago

Everything I've seen about the game is it's very easy on the GPU and RAM (unless you play 5 hours without restarting the game). It's the CPU that suffers.

just_looken300d ago (Edited 300d ago )


Really i own the game got the crashed 2 times in 5ish hours of play one via vram

So i half to upgrade my 4090 then to be like yours?

dumahim300d ago


lol, seriously? I was running the game just fine with a 1070 in early access when it wasn't optimized yet. I now have a 4070 and it's doesn't run much better because I'm still on the oldish CPU. Just look at the DF video here. A 2060ti runs it at max settings at 1440p and hits 100fps. The official recommended specs is a 1060! With max settings I'm using 5.3GB of VRAM. Alex in the linked article talks about only using 4.5 with maxed out settings.

just_looken300d ago

Well i was just on it still getting owned by missing 99% of the time and watching ai hit me 3x to my 1


Guess i do not have this magic version yeall got

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 300d ago
Ashby_JC300d ago


100 percent wrong. If you had played the game...on PC you would not be saying this nonsense.

Binarycode300d ago

Are you telling me it's an amazing looking game. Because I have it and it isn't.

Angyobangyo300d ago

" There shouldn't be any issues, because it's not pushing the envelope. "

Imagine thinking you know better than Digital Foundry. I am confident it looks better than Life of Black Tiger.

Binarycode299d ago

I do.

It's a Youtube channel nothing more.

300d ago
300d ago

Baldur's Gate 3 Steam Deck Settings for Best Performance

Baldur’s Gate 3 is among the best RPGs ever made. We tested the game last month and posted the optimization guides for midrange and low-end PCs. This post covers the performance of BG3 on the Steam Deck, including the best settings to attain a stable 30 FPS gameplay.

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anast4d ago

That's not good. The Deck is struggling.

blanka45454d ago

Too demanding of a game that is only one game no problem. fsr 3 mod will be there

anast4d ago

There are a lot of games that are like this.


Baldur's Gate 3's Side Quest Design is its Secret Weapon

With a game like Baldur's Gate 3, a number of factors make it successful—but perhaps none are as powerful as its side quest design.

Read Full Story >>
Popsicle13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

Article makes a great point and I agree with it but is spoiler heavy. It should be marked. If you haven’t played through the game be warned as it even spoils parts of act 3.

Dirty_Lemons13d ago

Thanks for this dude, I am very interested in playing when I have time and am trying to avoid spoilers.

dakarli9d ago

This game rocks, everything is quality, and I love the cutscenes, which remind me of Dragon Age Origin.



Baldur's Gate 3 PS5 Physical Deluxe Editions Delayed Due to Production Issues

While we were so hoping to not have to update owners of the console physical Deluxe Edition with any further news of delay, we’ve now run into more production issues which means that players who pre-ordered their PS5 North America copy that was expected to ship later this month, will now have to wait until July before they can get their hands on them.

shinoff218315d ago

Got that email like 2 weeks ago. Tbh I'm not tripping. I understand sht happens. I'm just glad they changed their minds on the physical release

Popsicle14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

I with you. I got the email is well. Happy to eventually own a physical copy and glad it’s not digital only.