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Sony confirms more PC ports are coming, because it's making a ton of money

Sony reaffirmed that it will continue to release first-party games on PC, and it's not hard to see why.

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Community514d ago
kenpachi514d ago

"because it's making a ton of money"

not likely most ps games on pc break past 1 million number they spend more money fixing shody ports like tlou on pc

"It's impossible to say exactly how much of the jump can be attributed directly to PC game sales" or the fact ps5 consoles or more in stock now than before

GotGame818514d ago

A lot of gamers prefer PC. For one upgrades come out far more often than consoles. Playstation, and Nintendo consoles do not have mod communities either. Xbox does, but it isn't as large as, on PC.

Number1TailzFan514d ago

Keyboard and mouse IMO is almost essential for certain games as well, like RTS, management/builder style games, and of course FPS.

ManMarmalade513d ago

I like using my PC to play snes and ps1 games haha

VariantAEC513d ago

If that were true most gamers would be on PC primarily...

But they aren't!

darthv72513d ago

So far the ones they have released work pretty good on steamdeck. Im not going to complain if they keep that trend going.

Yui_Suzumiya513d ago (Edited 513d ago )

I only use my laptop for eroge (18+ visual novels) and everything else is on my Switch OLED. FPS, RPG, horror and visual novels.

MADGameR512d ago

Yea but if you are the average PC gamer that's got a rig that is only going to run those PS5 games at 1080p 120FPS, it is a waste of money to settle for an average PC.

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514d ago Replies(6)
ModsDoBetter514d ago

Official PlayStation PC Sales Numbers Revealed by Sony (2022)

Horizon Zero Dawn
• 2.39m
• $60 Million in Revenue

Days Gone
• 852k
• $22.7 Million in Revenue

God of War
• 971k
• $26.2 Million in Revenue

Kind of blows your “not likely most ps games on pc break 1 million” out of the water there.

Minute Man 721513d ago

You think GOW would have sold more

Machina513d ago

The GoW figure was revealed less than two months after it launched, which is why it seems low in comparison.

Days Gone was 10 months of sales, and Horizon was 17 months.

Philaroni513d ago

Did Returnal numbers every get posted? I feel that type of game would really appeal to the PC player. Bullet hell games and such are very popular on PC. They don't sell too much in the first place but then again they don't cost $300 million to make.

IamTylerDurden1513d ago (Edited 513d ago )

If they didn't make money they wouldn't continue. Simmer on that logic Columbo..

IamTylerDurden1513d ago

Or investigate it. Columbo, u know, Columbo...

jukins513d ago

Its not that the games sell particularly spectacular its just that the ROI is incredibly high since most of the workcis already done. For example horizon had over a 360% ROI when it debuted on pc

ShoryuSwordsman513d ago

It's not that crazy, they're just porting a game and getting mostly profit, because they don't have to spend anything on actually creating a game. It's like being able to profit off of a ten year old movie, just by releasing it in theaters overseas. So of course they would, but I think that trend will only be lucrative to them for games already made.

TheCaptainKuchiki513d ago

1 million extra sales bring them ton of money yes.
The cost of porting and fixing bugs is definitely lower than the revenue brought from PC ports.
Remember that those games already broke even on PS. It's just bonus money for them.

Philaroni513d ago

"not likely most ps games on pc break past 1 million number they spend more money fixing shody ports like tlou on pc"

To be honest I'm not disagreeing with you on the TLOU port, that was done by the same guys that did the Batman PC port and that was kind of shit too, thing is Sony has a great track record of updating and fixing things on PC the best they can as fast as they can, I play on an ultra wide and thus far there games on PC have supported it very well.

Reality is, PC games as of late have been utter shit this year and for a while. Unless its a PC only type of game. The down trend in PC quality of games that are made for PS5 and Xbox first is kind of logical, PC does not make the kind of gaming $$$ it use too. Driver support and accounting for all the different hardware configurations alone is a mess. Hell it too Microsoft forever to fix 'ish' Halo MCC and the latest one on PC. This has always been the case with PC games, very rare does anything come out on PC that works perfectly with out issues, something as simple as one background application could mess things up, they can't force you to update drivers and have to develop things on a wildcard like environment. Though like others here have said, Mods on PC and such and the ability if you have the know how to fix things on your own and improve it is where PC really shines.

To be a real PC gamer you have to put in some work of your own, that is hard if not impossible for many who are not in the tech field to do, thus why all the cash for these places come from consoles first.

I am curious though to those of you here that maybe have AMD cards. Since both Sony and MS use AMD chips and drivers, I'd assume just by the nature from that to PC if you have the same hardware. "Both CPU and GPU" that there might be less issues. I'm on Intel and Nvidia still, and things work rather fine but its older more proven hardware... my other rig is Intel with an AMD GPU and there has been some weird cluster fuckery at times even thought that rig is more powerful on paper.

Just my 2 cents.

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bleedsoe9mm514d ago

Day and date just a matter of time

tay8701514d ago

Eh, I don't no man, That's alot of extra work for each studio. If it does ever happen, it won't be for quite some time.

UltimateRacer514d ago

Day and Date won’t happen except for Live Service that need a big player base to survive. Single player will remain on PlayStation first then be ported a year/ 2 years later or maybe never.

Imalwaysright513d ago

If third party devs can do it for 3 platforms I don't see any reason as to why Sony's 1st party devs can't do it for 2 platforms.

DarkZane514d ago

@bleedsoe9mm It won't happen, you will have to wait 2-3 years for a game to be ported and not all of them will be ported either.

Crows90513d ago

Except horizon fw was 1 year.

DarkZane513d ago (Edited 513d ago )

@Crows90 I don't know what you're talking about, Horizon Zero Dawn came out on PS4 in 2017 and on PC in 2020, that's 3 years in between.

Horizon Forbidden West came out in 2022 and a year later, it hasn't come out on PC and there is absolutely no sign it's coming out soon. In fact, a PC release hasn't been announced at all yet. You will probably need to wait another year for a PC release at least, but it's likely going to be 2 years.

TheCaptainKuchiki513d ago

@Crows90 you people need to check your facts before you even start typing anything. Smh

Aloymetal514d ago

And still most PS gamers wouldn't bat an eyelid, haven't you seen the record numbers of PS consoles sales on a global scale even tho a bunch of Sony 1st party exclusives are on PC right now???

IamTylerDurden1513d ago

The XB rally cry going on how many years now? A scare tactic to devalue the PS hardware. The only day n date in the forseeable future will be service games, primarily f2p.

darkrider513d ago

We already know that doesnt work.

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GamerDude82514d ago

So Microsoft took crap for making their games on pc too. People said it wasn’t a true exclusive. So Sony is doing the same. So they will be losing exclusive games too. How will this be spun now?

gold_drake514d ago (Edited 514d ago )


but its .. not quite the same imo

sony is expending out
ms already has their windows userbase.

but yeh. im not a pc player so it doesnt rly matter to me all too much. i just hope they get their pc games in order. ridiculous how broken some of their pc ports have been ha

Shadowsteal514d ago (Edited 514d ago )

You really need it spelled out for you? Microsoft drops exclusives on Xbox and PC day and date. Meaning there's no reason for a gamer to purchase an Xbox if they already own a capable PC, especially when you have a game like Starfield which will thrive off modding which only PC's can truly provide.

Sony are dropping exclusives on PC fairly strategically. Such as Horizon, God of War, and even Spider-Man prior to the release of their respective sequels. Sony isn't hoping to convert PC gamers to Playstation, but rather just purchase a PS5 to play the sequels.

Now to get back to your point, even if you consider Sony "losing" exclusives, the exclusives are dropped on PC when the games are not as relevant and the sequels are already out or about to release exclusively on PS5. So does it really change the narrative that when PC gamers get access to Horizon: Forbidden West, Spider-Man2, and God of War: Ragnarok, PS5 owners will be gearing up to play Horizon 3, Spider-Man 3, and the next God of War?

No spins here, just facts.

anast514d ago

Thank you for fighting the good fight.

ModsDoBetter514d ago

“You really need it spelled out for you? Microsoft drops exclusives on Xbox and PC day and date. Meaning there's no reason for a gamer to purchase an Xbox if they already own a capable PC, especially when you have a game like Starfield which will thrive off modding which only PC's can truly provide.”

Aside from the unnecessary opening remark, I agree with this sentiment. Never looked at it from this angle before.

One example with my mates who are primarily PC gamers over last night for a games night and we played Ragnarok which prompted the discussion around the PC release schedule and how the wait is excruciating.

Philaroni513d ago (Edited 513d ago )

"Sony are dropping exclusives on PC fairly strategically. Such as Horizon, God of War, and even Spider-Man prior to the release of their respective sequels. Sony isn't hoping to convert PC gamers to Playstation, but rather just purchase a PS5 to play the sequels."

Not sure if you saw my other comment, but its both that and the fact the pipelines are very different. You are right they are being smart about it but also I feel they have given quality when they do, and remember this is like the first time we ever seen them do this in mass, and they won't be stopping. I know for a fact we are getting Ghost's here this year or early Feb, from the former collages I have in the industry the main issue is finding teams to do the ports and work for it, thus why Bluepoint and such where a big deal to get, the main teams want to work on the 'next' game and as they should, we all know Sony gives a big damn about quality, that takes time and the masses will get things on Playstation first anyway, I'm in a minority that some times get it on PC as well (Well if I get free codes XD) since I like playing on my ultra wide more then 4k, but I'm a very nich example. I'd like to see there turn around time be faster, and its going to be in the years to come. They are investing in to it.

Edit. What its kind of like when you go to see a movie on the big screen and have to wait a long time for it to come out to DVD or BluRay. I feel like that is kind of the method they are going for but not because they can't just release it, more so that with games its alot more involved. I don't know I feel like that is kind of a good analogy. I was just thinking how Baulders Gate 3... a PC game for sure for me, is coming to PS5 but will come to Xbox once they got issues figured out. It its all more complex then people give it credit for."

ModsDoBetter514d ago

I agree with this.

There’s a double standard when it comes to Sony vs Microsoft rollout to a wider market with PC releases.

The critics trash Microsoft for doing so and sarcastically jab that they have no exclusives as a result, yet move the goalposts when Sony does the same.

Shadowsteal514d ago

Microsoft releases on PC because they NEED to. Historically their first party output has been paltry and left a lot to be desired. Microsoft has been focusing on gamepass and PC to appeal to shareholders and convince them that the Xbox brand is still profitable and otherwise.

Sony has been releasing on PC for completely different reasons. The first thing to realize is Sony could have not bothered releasing anything on PC and they would've still been fine, however they're pretty ambitious and have lofty plans to expand. The releases on PC lets them access an untapped playerbase for them and advertises Playstation and the revenue is used to fund the continued development of 1st party Playstation titles.

The only goalposts being moved here is Microsoft. They're the ones that decided the number of consoles sold is no longer relevant because it's convenient for them. They're 100% committed to gamepass subscribers, however they haven't been reporting the number of gamepass subscribers either, so who knows wtf is going on there, but from the context clues, it can't be good.

Crows90513d ago

Except no goal post has been moved. A double standard assumes the exact same situation. The situations are not the exact same.

ModsDoBetter513d ago


I replied to @Shadow’s other comment when I read further down and stated that I now understand the perspective and general reason behind the attitude towards Microsoft Vs Sony in this regard.

Posted this comment before scrolling a wee bit further.


IamTylerDurden1513d ago (Edited 513d ago )


Sony has been roasted for years over PC ports. XB fans have yelled "day n date coming soon" for years. Both were criticized and tbf Sony's output is not the same. They aren't day n date, every game, etc. The situations aren't even the same and IF every game is day n date in the future they will get heavy criticism. Furthermore, MS created a precedent early last gen. Ppl are used to PC ports now. Like when Sony raised game prices they took the brunt of criticism. MS followed but weren't as heavily attacked. That's life. No Sony protection, just differing circumstances.

darkrider513d ago

It's not the same. It's incredible how Microsoft gamers still don't understand. Day one and two year later or before the sequel is launched isn't the same.

That why Sony exclusives sell millions day one and Microsoft exclusive games don't reach any charts.

Thats becaude even launch games still pop up on charts. Because they aren't on pc

Microsoft tottaly cannabalise sales because of the amazing combo GP and pc day one. What an amazing move to be dead last and losing marketshare while the competition is breaking records.

Philaroni513d ago

I agree, and its dumb an unfair to everyone. First off MS was making PC games long before they made the Xbox. Where in reverse Sony only really ever did Playstation games and now are opened up to PC. A HELL of alot of that is the fact both are now using not some weird chips but all x86 and this gen the two systems are closer to a PC then anything, for a long time Sony had this thing with custom chips (still do kind of for some things) but nothing like it use to be. (coughs Cell) MS has been doing what they always have been, Sony is doing it now because well they finally can it makes sense. I don't see who loses here. Its a win win triple double for me at least, and many.

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Furesis514d ago

Believe it or not but most people don't care about petty console fanboy wars.

JackBNimble513d ago

Except here at n4g most people are ragging fanboys

Crows90513d ago

Not the same but similar and still makes them not exclusives. Nobody is spinning. MS fans are the only spinners.

JackBNimble513d ago

Says the die hard sonyfanboy

Crows90513d ago

Name-calling ...very mature of you.
Nimble maybe but not very bright.

franwex513d ago

It’s a pro Sony site bro. There’s going to be a double standard, but there’s a bit of a difference.

Sony will release on the PlayStation before porting to PC-as that’s a mostly Microsoft platform.

Microsoft will release on PC and Xbox at the same time as it’s their own platforms.

If Sony made PCs with their own operating system (or just an operating system that is widely used) they too would do a simultaneous release.

So to answer the question, why get an Xbox or PlayStation if everything will be available on PC eventually anyway? Because you prefer console gaming and in Sony’s case-because you’re going to play it now instead of later.

IamTylerDurden1513d ago

It's not the same though. Day n date everything for MS is not the same as some games 1-3 yrs after launch on PS. It's not. Just like Stellar Blade is not the same as Bethesda. Third party and or/timed single games vs IP banishment. Stop saying it's the same. It isn't.

JackBNimble513d ago

How will it be spun?
The sonyboys simply tell you pc guys that you got to wait 2 or 3 years before you're going to get a Sony game .

So that makes everything ok right?

IamFrasierCrane513d ago

How is that spin? That is exactly how it works. The games come to PC years later and then the games are no longer exclusive to their respective console.

On Xbox the games release simultaneously with PC and do not have an exclusive time period. Xbox fanboys like you started calling them “MS exclusives” or “console exclusives” which is fine. (even through it goes against the very definition of the word exclusive)

Yes, everything is OK.

JackBNimble513d ago

Well it used to be the sonyboys bragging rights that Sony games were not on pc , hence they were "true exclusives ".

Then that all changed and you move the goal post big time.

Now you all claim it ain't the same as xbox games because there's a 2 or 3 year wait ... which is bullshit anyways.

I can't wait to hear what you all say when Sony starts releasing day one on pc . Jim Ryan doesn't care what you fanboys think, it's all about revenue, and sooner or later Sony games will be day one.

CBaoth513d ago

um yeah once Sony releases day and date on PC THEN IT WILL BE THE SAME.
Until then IT'S NOT. There's no extra layer to decipher here, how many copies did GOWR on PC sell?

Why do xbox fans always argue apples to oranges comparisons? The other day some Xbox guy tried to equate the No Man Sky launch failure to the Redfall controversy. One's 1st party w/ a year delay and the other was an indie dev who suffered through a flood and had to have computers donated to them. Go figure

Philaroni513d ago

I don't think MS should have got crap for that, the main thing is Xbox runs a version of Windows as its OS and what do most people on PC play on, Windows. If I remember right Sony uses a type of Linux custom OS that is made to interface with there studios game engines. Consider the fact this is the first time, ever we seen any Sony games on PC, something no one thought that would happen is a good thing? MS has had Halo on PC for years, Gearbox did the old 1 and 2 ports of it back in the day. Even had some more maps and such then the Xbox version. MS back in the day use to be kind of PC gods with games, really miss those days but that was long before the Xbox.

Even today MS has tools that helps to kind of 'auto' port to some extent the XBSX to the S to an extent to help devs save time, they do have good tools for that and since its all Windows/Dos based they are in a much more controlled environment. Few seem to know this but MS helps alot of devs when it comes to compatibility and such between versions of windows and getting games to work on there OS. They have always been rather great at that. Anyone saying its not a 'true exclusive' is just fan boy talk, hell maybe way back in the day that made some sense? But now days? The lines are getting more and more blurry with each gen.

Also to your point more direct GamerDude82, All games are made on PC's then compiled to run on the dev kits and so on. I'd not worry too much about what people say in that regards, maybe I'm just old now days and seen things from the start, and how they have evolved.

darkrider513d ago

Can you play day one any Sony exclusive?

You can play all Microsoft day one.

When it's on more then one platform it's not exclusive. Until it is, it's exclusive. Not that hard to understand

franwex513d ago

But it’s still a Microsoft platform. So it makes sense why Microsoft would also release their games on windows along with Xbox.

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XiNatsuDragnel514d ago

I hope it's 2-3 years later than day 1 because I think Sony seen how Microsoft sales are like imo

RedDevils513d ago

Day 1 would kill their sale. Earliest should be 6 months if not, a year from release is the best profitable time for them.

Red513d ago

Not being funny at all, but I legitimately wanna know how releasing day 1 on PC would "kill" sales.

darkrider513d ago

Exactly. That model is just a gigantic flop. Seven year and they still don't understand.

PrinceOfAnger514d ago

3 or 6 month exclusive is fine, then release on pc.

Shane Kim513d ago

About one year I would say. But at the end of day who cares.

Eonjay513d ago

I would definitely say a year. After seeing how soon TLoU on PC launched after PS5, I think they messed up by trying to get a quick turnaround to coincide with the TV show.

Games are getting ever more complex and when you combine that with the PC landscape, appropriate time must be given. Focus on getting the console version out then have your best porting teams prep for a PC release.

FinalFantasyFanatic513d ago

I think if they did it 3 or 6 months, most people wouldn't even buy the PS version, they'd just wait for the PC version, a longer wait time is probably better for Sony.

Philaroni513d ago

For single player games I would agree. The one thing now we know with the industry is when it comes to MP games you need lots of people fast, and got to keep them engaged. I can't say for sure since my buddy won't tell me but I have a feeling Last of Us Factions might come to PS and PC at the same date. That would make alot of sense to me. Staggering a Multi Player online game just does not seem smart to me. I don't bitch too much but I got really pissed when Street Fighter was a Sony Exclusive... Fighting games above all need players... sure it was a good flex for Sony but more people in games like that which already have a low player base compared to other types of games need a community right away and together.

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This PC build will rival a PS5 Pro... and it's roughly the same price

The PS5 Pro price announcement has caused quite a stir, so here's a gaming PC build you might want to go for instead

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Community8d ago
TheNamelessOne9d ago

But, but, but ... you need to pay 2-3 times as much as a console for the same performance /s

BeHunted8d ago

You also need a subscription to play online on PlayStation, which is free on PC, with cheaper games and free weekly games on Epic Game Store, Humble Bundle, etc. If you're subscribed to Amazon Prime: Free Games.

Everything is cheaper on PC. At least you don't need to replace the CPU or RAM. Every generation, you can replace the GPU for the same price as a PlayStation 5 Pro.


Please be quiet you’re making to much sense…

fr0sty8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

The same people that say "At least you don't need to replace the CPU or RAM when you upgrade your PC" are the same people saying "PS5 Pro is gonna suck because they didn't replace the CPU or RAM!".

This build is comparing a 6 core CPU to an 8 core in Pro, a PCI-E x4 SSD with a max 5,150MBps read and 4,900MBps write to PS5 Pro's SSD with 8-9 GB/s thanks to its dedicated hardware compressor/decompressor, the Radeon GPU lacks the RDNA4 raytracing features found in Pro, it costs as much as a Pro with a 4K Blu-Ray drive added on but it doesn't have a disc drive, and they didn't include the price of the operating system or a keyboard, mouse, and controller.

This isn't even considering PSSR, 3D audio, or haptic feedback that are missing from this PC build.

This is a ridiculous comparison... Sorry PCMR, you're going to have to try harder than that.

CrimsonIdol8d ago

You can absolutely compare a 6 core desktop CPU to the PS5 CPU, especially one that outperforms a PS5 in both single AND multithreaded performance in spite of the core differential.

Babadook78d ago (Edited 8d ago )

fr0sty making more sense than the PC faithful here.

PC games are more expensive unless you pirate. I'm shocked at how PC guys continually don't get that physical media bought used and or sold used is a cheaper option. PC never competes on a tight budget. And the tweaking is not for most people either.

Neofire8d ago

Exactly @Frosty, simple minded people will at the article at face value and not read it and anyone who reads will see what they did and the false equivalencies they are using.

Loktai7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

@CrimsonIdol When you begin to look at bandwidth between the CPU and GPU, ram speed, etc the argument falls apart. You also need to look at things like system overhead and APIs - console APIs in general tend to yield a few percent performance difference.... that few percent is near equivalent to moving up one model of hardware for all but feature set purposes. You cant build a PC that'll match a base PS5 for 450- the extra couple hundred bucks are not going to make the PC keep up with a PS5.... Digital Foundry themselves say the closest to PS5 pro in raw performance comparison on PC is a 4070...The PS5 pro is going to include a controller ( which is over 50 bucks, so please include that in your PC cost) so the base system cost is 650. If you think you can build the rest of the PC behind the 4070 including a gig or two of 5gbps storage for 100 dollars be my guest.

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Babadook78d ago (Edited 8d ago )

"But, but, but ... you need to pay 2-3 times as much as a console for the same performance /s"

It's actually true. These builds are never as cheap and/or powerful as the console they claim to compete with.

In this case the GPU is a gen behind, does not compete with upscaling (PSSR) nor raytracing nor video ram. The SSD is less than half the performance. You'd have to add a few things like windows and a controller.

CrimsonIdol8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

While I'd largely agree that you pay an extra couple hundred to put a better PC together, Thanks to the extra $200US premium you pay to buy it in Australia you can put together an RTX 4070 system for less that's absolutely going to be better for gaming performance than a PS5. RT will be better. An SSD matters for loads, not having the absolute fastest doesn't matter nearly as much as you think. It's great the PS5 has all but removed the HDD bottleneck for loading, this ends shifting the bottleneck to the next thing: the CPU. after all, the game generally has to do something with that data. While it's a great idea to shift the streaming and compression to a dedicated bit of kit in practice, rarely if ever do multiplat titles actually load faster on PS5 to PC, even when the PC has Gen 3 NVMe. In fact as DF proved, even on the PS5 the fast SSD doesn't actually make any difference compared to if the PS5 SSD is forced to run at gen 3 speeds.

Babadook78d ago (Edited 8d ago )

DF said a lot of BS about PS5s SSD before it launched. PC ended up with massive issues with compilation stutter that still effects many games to this day. Only recently did DF sheepishly admit the PS5s lightning quick IO was actually not handled the same on the PC side. Furthermore SSD is about more than load times. Load times are only a nice bonus. It's about asset management in game for next gen engines. UE5 games will need that too. This build would get trounced in years time if not at launch.

KyRo7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

I hate to break this to you but there's upscaling tech available for every game ever on PC for less than £5 on Steam which even helps decade old PC play modern games smoothly. It even has 4x frame generation and works for games, videos, emulation, everything. PSSR could have been on PS5 too but they chose not to.

Babadook77d ago (Edited 7d ago )

"there's upscaling tech available for every game ever on PC for less than £5 on Steam which even helps decade old PC play modern games smoothly"

What are you referring to specifically?

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Grilla8d ago

Even if it was cheaper and stronger I wouldn’t build or buy a pc. I moved on from pc during the ps4 gen. Don’t have the time or patience anymore. I’d rather buy multiple consoles and game in whatever room is convenient. I’ve been waiting for the pro to buy a 3rd ps5.

OldDuffer8d ago

Exactly. I have a 4K PC rig and though I thought I might play games on it, I never have. On PC you are always fiddling and spend far less of your free time actually playing games. Switch on and play within a minute is the only way for me. Maybe the tech fiddling and looking up best settings is something younger people like to do - I got bored of it and stopped gaming on PC around 20 years ago. No desire to go back despite having the rig to do so.
Choices are good though and someone with no PC I would advise to get one over a console because there is so much else you can do with it. I will always choose a hardware console to actually game on. As a committed gamer, its the best place to play uninterrupted games for me and my circs, but 'horses for courses'.

LikAChicken8d ago


What fiddling are you doing? Most of the modern games (within the last decade plus) even make it easier by having a general toggle or slider of Quality settings to Performance settings.

Neonridr8d ago

@oldduffer - too much work to wake the computer from sleep, launch the Steam app and click the play button?

if you have a 4K PC rig, what in gods name would you be fiddling with? I have an 8600K + 3080 and I don't have to fiddle at all.

Loktai7d ago

@Neonridr - Dealing with all the other apps on the PC, the rebooting, buying the OS to begin with- instability issues, the DRIVERS for various devices and believe me once you start trying to use different headsets or other things on PC it does work usually pretty well but its not as simple as a console- everything is not as integrated. Yes Steam generally works fine- but when you buy a game you DO have to check if it will even run as intended on your system (not a thing on console) - and there are other aspects that make it less smooth than a console- I am a systems engineer professionally- I use and deal with computer systems all day long and for me, or you maybe it isnt fiddling but it isnt as straight forward as a console. A pS5 or a switch or something- you literally just put the disk or cart in (there is some install process for the Playstation side not on the switch) and it shows up on your front dash board, you launch it, everything is compatible, works out of the box and your settings are good to go - I can understand the appeal. I dont hate on either platform- but to say a PC isnt more fiddley- its someone whos never had a RAM stick go bad or some other issue- now try to get support for your PC when its just crashing , even if you JUST got the parts and built this PC yourself- now you need to figure out whats wrong, you dont get to just CALL someone and get a replacement - if the game isnt running as expected - you dont just know that the game needs a a patch or that all users are experiencing this- it can be something with YOUR rig- either somethintg from the beginning or something that happened randomly while you owned it like an update.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 7d ago
MajorLazer8d ago

The biggest issue with PC gaming is the games that either release late on the platform, or don't release at all. GTA VI is the most anticipated entertainment product in history, yet PC will have to wait at least a year for it.

PrinceOfAnger8d ago

All of the games here will be day one on pc
But ps5 will have to wait ?

Rude-ro8d ago

Not one smart person would go through a bargain bin parts list to build a pc that is out of date and would need an upgrade that would replace the motherboard and cpu to move forward.
Let alone the generic gpu,

God the desperation from pc/microsoft kids is astonishing.

If platforms want to be popular… then do what is best… make wanted games.

You absolutely will spend a minimum of $1,400 on a pc build.
2k + for solid 1440p or 4K gaming,

This build would be 1440p max at mid settings but getting the best performance out of 1080p.

This cheap build does not come close to what the ps5 pro would offer in gaming or visual quality,

“Roughly” the same price…
And any person who built this pc would feel stupid after doing so.

Neonridr8d ago

but instead you'd buy a locked console that is also out of date.


Rude-ro7d ago

Many would… yes.
The ps5 is not out of date.
Not in today’s gaming market.
You have the anchor that is the Xbox s to thank for that.
You have the overwhelming majority of the pc community gaming on old rigs pushing 1080p to thank for that.

Gaming is only as good as the games being released.
Since not many companies are doing anything to push gaming other than a pixel count… how is any gaming device “out of date”?

My point, for those interested, $700 for an updated console with an exclusive chipset for ray tracing, double the gpu, and what is already the fastest component communication in any console is a good deal in todays market.

Is the ps5 pro what I wanted? No.
Because the reality is gaming is at a stand still.
The majority of developers only want cash cows and micro transactions.
The only way to gain said profits in today’s market is to be on as many devices as possible with cheap development tools/production.

A “pro” version today should come with a display port for monitor support, low latency competition, high refresh rates etc..
The gaming popularity of today is online PvP gaming…
A hole in console gaming due to the lack of support for the above.
All with the comfort of a locked system that would be better suited to combat cheating that has plagued pc gaming in said genre.

Markdn8d ago

But but we are worried we gonna look stupid so we need to keep putting these articles out there cause we have to justify how much more important pcs are even though the entry level to compete with a console yet to be released mind, has just shot up. Stop very poor value for money for the pc if you ask me

S2Killinit8d ago

But the article is playing loose with the word “rivals”.

FyBy8d ago

7700XT ? Dont make me laugh :-)
But it is pricier than I expected. I think half way between PS5 and actual PS5 Pro price would make it a hit. This is steep even for me.

DustMan7d ago

I've shown several builds that put the price point at around $800 dollars which is what the total would be. If you wanted the ps5 pro & disc drive (since console players are going to die on that hill) You can add another 70 if you want a second controller. So in if you want that disk drive & another controller you need to add another 150 to the total making it $850.

Nobody comments on the system, but rather on how I've added the cost of a controller and disk drive.

it comes with a controller - cool, guess you don't need another if you have nobody to play with...ever
disk drive - "I don't need it "(despite console players constantly complaining about digital only)
The stand - "I don't need it" (which is the only reasonable thing I've heard)

It's a stigma that PC is soooo expensive. I've got friends who I play online with daily who built systems for around 1k, and they aren't complaining. They know they didn't build the king kong of PC's, just enough to play some of the modern stuff at good frame rates.

Kakashi Hatake7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

Have fun waiting for games. No GTA, No Astrobot, No Spiderman 2, no Final Fantasy 7, no Plucky Squire, no Gran Tursimso, among many others. I'm convinced the PC argument comes from angry Xbox fanboys.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 7d ago
truthBombs9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

You never needed twice the price to match the PS5 PRO. That's a myth.

Does that make the PS5 PRO a bad deal? Definitely not.

If I had a PS5 already I would choose the PS5 PRO simply because I can just trade my PS5.

But If I had to spend $700+ from scratch - I would definitely go with a PC.

I have control over performance across all my games. I don't need to wait on a patch. I save money on games and free online play. I can upgrade my components whenver I'm ready to.

Just do what's best for you.

Markdn8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

The other thing to note is the tech the have included with exception to the 350 gpu is old out of date crap so you defo have to upgrade that very soon. Also no peripherals. Another 50, no OS another 70. Ram is ddr 4 ffs, motherboard is a b550, that's old man. Wake up, and the fact they make assumptions about the ps5 pro memery management just makes you realise how much rubbish this add is talking about.

M3talDiamond9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Does the PC build's GPU in the article have PSSR? I didnt think so

BeHunted8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Nvidia has DLSS 2.0 and AMD has FSR, which are superior to anything on consoles. DLSS 2.0 remains one of the most innovative upscaling technologies on the market.

porkChop8d ago

DLSS is actually up to 3.5 now with higher quality upscaling, frame generation, and ray reconstruction.

fr0sty8d ago

You're talking about PSSR as if it's locked into its current state forever... they've already updated it once recently and improved its quality, and the system isn't even out yet. There also have been no direct comparisons between it and FSR or DLSS, so to say either is better is just guessing.

babadivad8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Comments like these reminds me that console only gamers don't know anything about the hardware they game on. And even less about what's available on PC.

Sony didn't invent upscaling technology. DLSS has been around and baked into GPUs for 7 years.

fr0sty8d ago

and DLSS isn't available for the PC build in this article, so let's stay on topic.

derek8d ago

@baba why do you care? Lol, you xbox fanatics are going crazy over the pros existence. Mind your own business and let people spend their money the way they want to.

babadivad8d ago

@Frosty FSR is available on all GPUs. AMD, Nvidia, and Intel.

So it is on topic. This technology is not new.

fr0sty7d ago

And nobody has yet to prove that PSSR is any worse than FSR or DLSS.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 7d ago
DivineHand1258d ago

Unfortunately, no AMD GPU has AI image upscaling capabilities. PSSR is Sony's attempt to start development in that area, however, one thing to note is that this will be the first iteration of PSSR. When we look back at Nvidia's DLSS or Intel's XeSS, the first iteration is usually nothing special.

We will likely see better utilization of PSSR with the second iteration when the PS6 releases.

jwillj2k48d ago

“ We will likely see better utilization of PSSR with the second iteration when the PS6 releases”

(Slow clap) Incredible foresight.. unf*ckin believable…

DivineHand1258d ago

@Fr0sty There is a difference between AMD's FSR and the options what Nvidia or Intel has to offer. FSR uses an open-source algorithm to upscale the images while the competition uses an AI algorithm. An advantage of FSR compared to the others is that FSR can be implemented on almost any GPU while the technologies that uses AI tend to see superior performance but is preparatory to each respective platform.

fr0sty7d ago

@divine, and PSSR is one of the aforementioned AI solutions, so it should yield superior quality.

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Einhander19729d ago

These are fake, that GPU is not the same performance, even if they want to act like it is. And they are using much slower memory.

PS5's GPU is using RDNA 4 tech that AMD hasn't even released themselves yet.

8d ago Replies(3)
Jin_Sakai9d ago

Stop with the nonsense and let console gamers be console gamers. Ain’t no one wanting to play with the biggest cheating crowd on the planet or wait a year to play games like Astro Bot.

BeHunted8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Imagine spending nearly £1k on a console in 2024. while PC is the cheapest option, cheap games, with free weekly games on the Epic Store.

8d ago
Giblet_Head8d ago (Edited 8d ago )


Interesting way to rationalize being ripped off long term. But I suppose sunk cost will do that.

andy858d ago

Eh not for me. I have a PC and I'd spend far more on games if that were where I primarily gamed simple for the fact they're all digital

fsfsxii8d ago

Epic games is now good? Lmao

jznrpg7d ago

I won’t be spending 1k I’ll be spending 699$ when it comes out.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 7d ago
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PS5 Pro-Like PC Would Cost a Fair Bit More, Says Digital Foundry; RTX 4070 Is the Closest GPU

Digital Foundry's Richard Leadbetter compared the PS5 Pro GPU to NVIDIA's GeForce RTX 4070 and said a PC with those specs would cost more.

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andy8510d ago

And it has features no PC does yet. Good price for what you get. Just very high for a console. The more I read the more I want it though.

jznrpg10d ago

It’s not that high. It 2024 not 1984

Cacabunga10d ago

Ok but where are the games to showcase all this power? Why use old gen titles?

fr0sty9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Spiderman 2 isn't an "old gen" title. Neither is Hogwarts. Horizon's DLC they showed is PS5 only. GT7, cross gen or not, is the best looking console racer out there (Even DF agrees there). Not to say they couldn't have done a better job, but they weren't strictly "old gen" titles.

Vits10d ago

Well, it locks you into a single digital store ecosystem, restricts access to many unlicensed accessories, and includes a subscription service for online play, which requires paying for the privilege of playing online in premium games. It also offers the option to place it vertically if you purchase an extra accessory and limits your options for mods and backward compatibility.

So yeah, it does offer a lot of features that a PC doesn’t. /s

Inverno10d ago

Machine learning, but that'll soon make it's way onto PC. So basically it has nothing special.

KyRo10d ago

@Vits everything else you said is a minor to me but the single reason I'm worried about an all digital future on consoles is the single digital store ecosystem. Physical is always cheaper in the UK for a brand new release. The day consoles go digital only will be the day I start gaming on a PC, no matter how troublesome it can be.

Vits9d ago


' - '


The shift to a digital future for consoles is likely to be a major issue for many people. While physical media is almost obsolete on PCs, there are still numerous stores and distribution channels available for the digital games.

But backward compatibility and accessory use are also significant concerns. Often, consoles push new "remasters" and updated versions of accessories, like fighting pads and taiko drums, that are only necessary because older ones aren’t supported. And that really sucks, especially when you already have spent quite a lot on the previous version that works just fine.

fr0sty9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

No dedicated 3D audio hardware, no dedicated hardware decompression chips (so PCs have to use their GPUs, which takes some of their GPU power in the process), no haptic feedback, no PSSR, no RDNA 4 ray tracing tech (yet).

The Pro isn't a digital only console, either, you can add the attachable blu-ray drive that the PS5 slim uses to it.

Obscure_Observer9d ago

What features?

Hopefully we´ll see those in action enhancing actual current gen games at TGS and the next State of Play later this month.

porkChop9d ago


PC have dedicated audio cards but also don't even need dedicated 3D audio hardware as most audio is handled by the CPU these days. PCs have far more powerful CPUs so having dedicated hardware doesn't really matter.

PCs also don't need dedicated decompression chips because CPUs and GPUs have so much raw power that it isn't necessary. Just like the 3D audio hardware it's only useful on console because you're limited in power for the generation, so dedicated hardware frees up some extra juice for longevity.

No PC doesn't have PSSR. PC has DLSS, XESS and more advanced versions of FSR than consoles get. PSSR is only a benefit because PS5 doesn't have DLSS, the most advanced and most iterated AI upscaling solution on the market.

Most of the PC market is Nvidia who are years ahead of AMD when it comes to raytracing performance and features. Having RDNA4 raytracing features before PC doesn't mean much without even knowing what those features are or what they do compared to RTX.

fr0sty9d ago

Read the post above yours... PC lacks dedicated hardware decoding, it has to rely on the GPU to do it (which takes some GPU power), it lacks a dedicated 3D audio chip, it lacks haptic feedback, it lacks RDNA4 ray tracing tech, it lacks a 36TFLOP GPU in a $700 system...

andy859d ago

RDNA 4 Ray Tracing for one. Isn't on PCs yet

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 9d ago
Obscure_Observer9d ago

"The more I read the more I want it though."

Marginal gains even for PS4 games. The new RT chip in action is far from impressive and had Hogwarts Legacy´s performance capped at 30fps.

fr0sty9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

It's far more impressive than anything in the $600 2TB Xbox Series X that only has 1/3 the raw compute power in its GPU, and more impressive than anything you can get in a PC for $700.

RaiderNation9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Are you self aware of how sad and pathetic you are, or are you still on that journey? Just curious, what motivates you to pop up in every PlayStation thread and criticize, marginalize, and downplay? Jeez dude, show us on the doll where Sony touched you! I think THIS is your actual hobby, not gaming.


Man, Xbox/PC gamers are really in their feels over this Pro console aren't they? LMAO! I can't wait to upgrade! It's going to be awesome! Let the haters stew in their own misery.

Sonic18819d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Regardless. It's still thr most powerful console in the world. GTA6 will sell like hotcakes just because of the PS5 and PS5 Pro and it will be the best console to play it on 😁

SDuck9d ago

Need a reminder of all the things you can do with a PC that you can't with a console?

kneon9d ago

I've still got 8 PCs in my home office, and that is after giving away 2 in the last few months. The last thing I need is more PCs, so when it's time to play games I fire up my PS5

wesnytsfs9d ago

LOL, yet still inferior to DLSS.

fr0sty9d ago

Got a source for that which isn't your ass?

smashman989d ago

If you're asking for a source on whether or not DLSS is the best you are completely out of your depth.

Grievous9d ago

Nvidia has like 3 generations of experience with it and they also charge insane prices for their cards.

Charlieboy3339d ago

And when was this analysis done? Oh right it hasn't been done yet. are just saying words for the hell of it.

smashman988d ago

@Grevious this is 100 percent true and why it really isn't all that surprising that DLSS is the best. Now what ps5 pro and even ps5 have going for them is that a comparable PC would likely run you twice or next to twice the cost. What AMD has going for it is much better price for performance.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 8d ago
Kakashi Hatake9d ago

Our phones do what most PCs does... We're buying these for games, not to do our taxes.

Markdn9d ago

Looking forward to Andy, it's amazing how many pc trolls jumping in these articles. It's almost like they worried. Constantly telling us about poor quality third party accessories and mods. Other great things they can do on there pc. Wish they would all just go do all them great pc things and leave the ps5 pro articles alone.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 8d ago
Schriefer910d ago

Machine learning already exist on PC I thought there was a feature that wasn’t on PC that I didn’t see when they announced it.

Destiny10809d ago

it has a dedicated raytracing chip which is not available to AMD cards just yet, future AMD cards will also have this feature probably more advanced then its console counterpart, but as of right know its exclusive to the PS5 Pro

obviously nvidia cards have had it for quite some time and that is why the PS5 Pro is being compared to the nvidia 4070 by some tech experts

fr0sty9d ago

While this is true, the machine learning features don't tie into the ray tracing stuff, different hardware involved. The ML stuff is what powers FSR on AMD GPUs, DLSS on Nvidia GPUs, and PSSR in PS5 Pro. AI-assisted frame-reconstruction to enable higher resolution output from lower resolution renders.

fr0sty9d ago

AMD has FSR, but PSSR is supposed to exceed it. It's said to be comparable to Nvidia's DLSS.

LikAChicken9d ago

It's said by who? Where did you read that?

Babadook78d ago

Most people are looking at the reconstruction ability of what’s been shown and saying it’s better than FSR. Therefore It would be closer to DLSS and considering its brand new tech could exceed it even. As for proof there likely won’t be any until launch.

Tapani8d ago

@fr0sty, Why are you so hard trying to defend the PS5 Pro? As many mentioned already, you have no idea what you are talking about.

wesnytsfs9d ago

I think he is talking about PS version of DLSS. They think Sonys will rival Nvidias. I say no way.

Knightofelemia9d ago

Those who want the upgrade and can afford the upgrade hey good for them. I'll stick to my slim if I had $1100 for an upgrade I would build a PC.

fr0sty9d ago

As the article says, you won't build a PC anywhere near as powerful for what you can buy a Pro for, and even then it still would lack features you can only get on PS5.

Number1TailzFan9d ago

DF are obviously pandering to the console watchers, why they'd do that I have no idea. Even Hardware Unboxed said 30fps was "terrible" I mean if you take into account todays standards, they aren't wrong.
Now DF says "30fps ain't bad".

If you want actual decent advice on a better PC for not much more then watch:

wesnytsfs9d ago

Except my current PC still blows away the PS5 pro. Its nice being able to upgrade like you can on PCs over time.

Rynxie9d ago

There's already videos of people building PCs for the same price as a PS5 pro, with better performance on the PC. I think df are just smoking some good stuff.

Michiel19899d ago (Edited 9d ago )

@frosty yes that was already known ever since more moderns consoles started coming out, what's your point? just like the fact that consoles will never be stronger than pc, should I also put that sentence on repeat?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 9d ago
ocelot079d ago

Don't worry everyone. Just follow ColtEastwood on X he will sort out a PS5 Pro killer pc. His builds are so good they don't even need RAM as apparently the VRAM on the GPU is enough lmfao can't make this up.

fr0sty9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

LOL, hilarious

RaidenBlack9d ago

Yea saw his post ... he's even defending that setup

fr0sty9d ago

"OK, do us all a favor, pull the RAM out of your computer and boot your PC only using your VRAM, tell us how that goes." lol

crazyCoconuts9d ago

Funny how as the console war comes to an end the Xbox warriors are now part of the PCMR.

repsahj9d ago

Lol. Part of their revenge. Combined forces of fans of PC and dead Xbox. XD

Michiel19899d ago

pcmr was never in competition with the pony ranch

crazyCoconuts9d ago

@michiel, exactly! And all of a sudden all these messages about how PCs are better.
As if PCs were suddenly invented...

Michiel19898d ago

@crazy each platform still has mostly the same pro's and cons that it had 20 years ago and i don't see that changing anytime soon, hell nintendo even insists on always being the weakest one in terms of power of the 3 and somehow they keep making it work.

VariantAEC4d ago

Henceforth Xbox Series should forever be known as the Deadbox Series!

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Chocoburger9d ago

Sheesh, what a moron. There's a reason why I blocked him years ago on Twitter.

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thesoftware7309d ago

That is actually really, really good, especially for a console.

If I'm impressed by the games at the next showcase I will get one.

Crows909d ago

I'm waiting for the next round of games by all of Sony's studios....none of them have gotten a chance to release anything yet.

ravens528d ago

Wow software. Decent level headed comment. Nice. "Next showcase" one of the few Xbox centric people who realizes they didn't show anything at the 9 min. presentation because they have another event planned. A lot of disingenuous Xbots and PC gamers in here.

thesoftware7308d ago (Edited 8d ago )


I'm always level-headed :).

Despite what is perceived, I have bought every single PS console since PS1, I remember living in NYC and going downtown to the Sony building just to play the display/kiosk, I was blown away, me and my brothers saved up and bought one shortly after.

I'm a gamer first(and like Nintendo the most) and you will be hard-pressed to find any post where I aimlessly diss Sony, I do defend Xbox, but it's only because I like the system as well, and some people on here go outta their way to crap on the system, Xbox hate on this site is overwhelming.

ravens527d ago

Fair enough. Gaming 1st ✊🏽 agreed (Physical tho lol).

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DualSense Edge Fully Customisable on PC with New App

Push Square writes: "Sony has published a new PlayStation Accessories app for PC that allows DualSense Edge owners to access the entire suite of features the high-end controller has to offer."

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ZoboomafooFan27d ago

Nice I just got a Dualsense Edge for PC gaming. Perfect timing.

Pedrof27d ago

Still NOT being able to invert the axises is pretty pathetic, software-wise.