
Full Auto - Xbox 360 Launch Title Deserves a Reboot

The second part of SEGA’s Xbox360 Launch portfolio, alongside Condemned: Criminal Origins, Full Auto was first previewed at E3 2005. It received praise at the time, but was ultimately recognised as being flawed.

6044d ago Replies(1)
Shaka2K66044d ago

And not a single exclusive game in there.

The WildAttorney6044d ago

Because you're going a great job. There is only one console with a majority of crappy games, and that's the PS3. Do you really think GRAW 2, Halo 3, Assassin's Creed, GHII, Call of Duty 2, Condemned, Oblivion, Call of Duty 4 and the Orange Box are "crappy games"? Are you still bottle fed? And a large share of the games on the link are indeed exclusive titles. In fact, the majority of Xbox 360's game library are not available for the PS3. By contrast, most of the games available for the PS3 are available for the Xbox 360, and most were available on the Xbox 360 long before they came to the PS3. Sucks to be a PS3 owner.

Raptors6044d ago

It amazes me how this guy has 5 bubbles. It really shows who's running this site....

boodybandit6044d ago

having 5 bubbles?
I am curious.

cow moolester6044d ago

Wow...how sad do you have to be to comment on a 360 article when you clearly don't like it....If you don't have one then your view on it becomes completely invalid

mikeslemonade6044d ago

Where's the deal with free XBL? Im not even going to consider unless xbl is free.

Silver Bull3t6044d ago

I'll assume you mean for a GOLD account, so you can play online. Otherwise you can still use the FREE SILVER acct to browse marketplace, dload demos, arcade titles, movies etc.

You do realize you'll spend more on 1 new game than on 1 FULL YEAR of XBL right? Some games come with free XBL trials included.

You could also add a prepaid XBL card to your Christmas list.

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11 new Xbox 360 vs. PS3 comparison video's

We have already seen some Xbox 360 vs. PS3 comparison video's, today 11 new ones appeared. The video's are showing the difference (if any) between games such as Call of Duty 3, Ridge Racer (6 vs 7), Tiger Woods 07, Madden NFL 07, Fight Night 3, NBA 2K7, Need for Speed: Carbon, Tony Hawk Project 8, Full Auto (1 vs 2), Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Blazing Angels.

Can you see the difference?

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marcusfenix6401d ago

Look the same, except Ridge Racer and Blazing Angels. To me RR6 looks better, but blazing angels looks a little better on the ps3 with the extra polish time.

videl6401d ago

is this a joke ? ridge racer is far better on the ps3. go into a shop and look at it, and then look at rr6.

THWIP6401d ago

...YOU are the joke. Any moron with ONE EYE can see the PS3 games don't look any better than the 360's. In some cases...and reviewers agree...the 360 versions look BETTER.
The only PS3 games that will have a shot at looking close to what Sony has promised, are 1st party/exclusive titles, that get alot more $$ and dev time thrown at them. Sadly, R:FOM was forced to be a day-1 launch title, because Sony had nothing else ready for launch (i.e. Killzone 2); therefore, it looks more like an HD version of Black, rather than a truly next-gen title.

Marty83706401d ago

The colours and lighting in the majority of those games looks better on the PS3.

CG6401d ago

Watch them again!! but with your eyes OPEN this time fool.

FordGTGuy6401d ago

and thats all I have t osay about that.

Geohound6401d ago

PS3 looks brighter, and I couldn't care less. Sony's titles at this time make me sleepy.

TheMART6401d ago

I call that


If they used the wrong kind of washing powder. Too bright, too light. The 360 has the better colour palettes overal. And watch COD3 with the helmets physics of stuff flying away after shooting. The PS3 helmets pop up so strange

InMyOpinion6401d ago

Can't judge from these videos, they all look the same. COD 3 on the Ps3 is supposed to run in 30 fps and 360 60, but I can't see any difference between the versions. Bad videos I guess considering reviewers say the Ps3 version is'nt as good.

power of Green 6401d ago

Nevermind the videos and nevermind these Sony fans the reviewers say games look and run better on the 360 and the games that were built for the PS3(1st party)a far worse.

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Full Auto 2 Soundtrack Announced

Gearing up for its launch-day release on the PS3, Full Auto 2: Battlelines is set to improve upon the original game previously released on the Xbox 360 in every way, one of which being some great licensed music. Just this week Sega has announced the game's official soundtrack, and we are here to report the full song lineup....

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OC_MurphysLaw6433d ago

NO REPLAY mode. If ever there was a game that just screamed show me the replay of the race its Full Auto. I played the 360 version for all of 20min and then got tired of it cause I could never appreciate the destructable enviorments I was blowin up during single player. I really wanted to go back and watch the race and see how the stuff I blew up, etc...affected the race. anyway....its a feature this series should have but sadly doesn't(for sure 360 doesn't have it...dont' think the PS3 has it either)

Mikey_Gee6433d ago

If part "2" is even close to part one, NOT INTERESTED !!

Arkham6433d ago

This info was already posted. Enough already.

xombi6433d ago

the last one was garbage..this one...garbage X 2..sega please...go back to the golden age of classic games...ie; shinobi; shenmue; etc etc..


Yo Wassap6433d ago

shemenue wasn't that great, classic games are almost always just looked at through rose tinted spectacles. That is except if they are really crap (rise of the robots?)

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