
Ukraine's Government Officially Requests Atomic Heart's Ban in Letters to Sony, Microsoft, & Valve

Last month, Ukraine's Ministry of Digital Transformation announced that it would reach out to Sony, Microsoft, and Valve requesting the ban of digital sales of Mundfish's Atomic Heart in the country. Today, they announced that they have followed through and published letters to the platform holders.

SullysCigar510d ago

Here we go... Play it now everyone, before it's too late. You don't get to make your own decisions, the Ukrainian Government will let you know what you can and can't buy. 🙄

VenomUK509d ago

This is a bad precedent, for governments to ask companies to prevent art-based media to be banned. If individuals don’t want to play it then it’s their choice - but don’t force the removal of choice from the public.

These are dangerous times we’ve entered, where everyone wants to suffocated the voices of people they disagree with. What will you do about it?

victorMaje509d ago

If this goes through, gamers should sue the stores. If it doesn’t we should watch the terms & conditions very closely.

sadraiden509d ago

It's not a bad precedent. It's an extremely specific instance of a country being invaded by an aggressor, and the invaded country requesting a video game platform prevent sales of Russian content in their country.

"Suffocated the voices of people they disagree with" such a shitty take. It's a video game.

Abriael509d ago (Edited 509d ago )

I'd say it's more "dangerous" when a country invades another in complete defiance of international law and starts committing a bunch of war crimes against its people than when a country politely asks for a (really shitty) game to be removed from sale.

When there's a war of aggression, it's entirely normal that those who are being invaded and are defending their freedom and territorial integrity fight on all fronts, including the cultural fronts.

The fact that some seem to be angrier about a simple request for the ban of a crap game than about tens of thousands of people being murdered in the name of putin's hubris really shows their colors and how screwed up their priorities are.

GhostTurtle509d ago

It's a terrible precedent....what the fuck are you talking about?

VenomUK509d ago (Edited 509d ago )

@Abriael: "The fact that some seem to be angrier about a simple request for the ban of a crap game than about tens of thousands of people being murdered in the name of Putin's hubris really shows their colours and how screwed up their priorities are."

It's not that anybody is endorsing or celebrating the illegal invasion of Ukraine - I don't think anybody here is doing that. Rather, the point you're making is that because THIS is such an important issue the game should be banned. Likewise, just a month ago there were other people saying HOGWARTS LEGACY should be banned because the issues related to the trans-debate are so important. There are loads of games that are important to some, somewhere. There are loads of games that are offensive to some groups, somewhere:

Should Hogwarts Legacy be banned because a group of people have very strong and sincere feelings about it being harmful?

Should SIX DAYS IN FALLUJAH be banned because it's extremely offensive to some people who have strong feelings about the invasion of Iraq?

Should ATOMIC HEART be banned because some people have strong feelings about the invasion of Ukraine?

I believe people are being sincere about the reasons they want Atomic Heart to be released - but with respect, we can't run societies by choosing to ban games, media, books, films, conversations, etc, just because a subsection of society doesn't agree with them. In a democracy, freedom is about having the choice to not be forced to play a game - not trying to force your choice on others.

Abriael509d ago (Edited 509d ago )

@venomUK: As a matter of fact, there's people right here supporting the invasion of Ukraine quite openly, while others (you included) are engaging in whataboutism, which isn't all that much better.

Whether the game should be banned or not, depends on the platform holders. It's their decision that they can take freely.

Just like it's Ukraine's right to ask for its ban. In war, you don't fight just with guns. Fighting on a cultural level is an entirely viable and justified tactic when there's a much more powerful (albeit absolutely inept) country trying to obliterate you from the map.

As for me, a game that unironically glorifies soviet ideology (and yes, it does) is despicable. My personal reaction is not to support it (easy choice since everything I've seen of it is absolute trash), but if a country wants to request its ban, it's their right, just like it's Sony's, Microsoft's, and Valve's right to accept that request or deny it.

No one here is "forcing" anything. They have made a request, which they literally cannot "force" on anyone. If the platform holders decide to (unlikely) accede to said request, it's their choice, and anyone will be free to judge that choice according to their personal values.

JackBNimble509d ago

Ukraine is being invaded by the Russian government, not Russian civilians. To demonize average civilians/ developers because they live in Russia or are Russian is disgusting.

BlackTar187509d ago

It’s very clear from the posts that sadraiden and abriael don’t even know much about the conflict and did their research on cnn,msnbc or Fox News. You guys need to let it sync in they are all propaganda.

Abriael509d ago (Edited 509d ago )

@JackBNimble: the russian government didn't elect itself and is not without support.

Dirty_Lemons509d ago

Yep absolutely. Germany has a bad track record for banning games too. It's not political, it's a bloody game. We have games where we go and murder innocent people in airports, or hack people to pieces and suffocate them with plastic bags (great game that Manhunt...) yet they aren't banned.

That said, this Ukraine conflict is extremely crappy and shouldn't be happening to begin with.

Umb509d ago

@Abriael, I think you need to look at things in Ukraine leading up to 2014 and the events soon after including the Minsk Accord and the situation in Donbas.

Geo-political narratives is complex enough but the MSM on either side doesn't help make things clearier, however, the bias will naturally fall in Western favor if you live in the west. And the western MSM has done a number of questionable things since the Gulf War era leading to current.

To allow a governemnt of another country to control how citizens of another country lives is not right. If we are to take the same standards, we also need to apply it to CCP of China and their long list of atrocities. Will we also be arguing the same point if the CCP told our government to ban things? Though I have a feeling this is already happening to a degree.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 509d ago
Abriael509d ago

@Christopher: People often forget that their IP can be located 😂

SullysCigar509d ago

Lmao I didn't forget anything, I'm just not entertaining irrelevant questions arising from an inability to accept that others have differing views.

If you want to play that game: Do you have to live in Ukraine to value freedom of choice? Does my location somehow make my opinion less relevant than sadraidens? I take it he lives in Ukraine? I also take it you won't answer that last point.

Christopher509d ago

@Sully they don't, but they also didn't just blatantly lie about it.

SullysCigar508d ago

I was making a point Chris, but you already knew that.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 508d ago
Sonic1881509d ago

Why would I want to play a game that sucks

JackBNimble509d ago

No one said you have to play anything, that doesn't make it ok to ban a game just because you are ok with it.

Sonic1881509d ago

Fair enough but the game is still awful. They tried to compare it to Bioshock 🙄😂

Gamer_Dude509d ago

I'm not a fan of being told what to do.

neutralgamer1992509d ago

110 billion euros spent
Billions in damages
Countless lives affected
Too many people died/dying

And the solution to all this was presented last April.

Defending their freedom and land yet have lost freedom and lost so much of their land. In April 2022 Russia said give us a guarantee that Ukraine won't join nato and we would leave your country completely. But I guess that's not good enough because that means all the aid money stops

There is no winning this war against Russia. Russia losing could lead to nuclear war. I understand why Russia don't want NATO forces inside Ukraine and on their borders. So if I was running Ukraine I would be more worried about coming to a peaceful agreement and not trying to ban a game

If anyone wants to have a real conversation reply otherwise keep believing what media tells us especially western media

Abriael509d ago (Edited 509d ago )

It's hilarious that someone actually thinks russia won't be defeated.

They've been slapped and humiliated at every corner by a country that is 40+ times smaller. Their oh-so-mighty military that was supposed to conquer Kyiv in 3 days has proven to be one of the most inept in the world.

It's amazing that someone still thinks waving around the nuclear threat is going to have any effect.

NATO is several times stronger than russia in every possible way, and if there's one party that must be afraid of escalation, that's russia.

NATO has never been a threat to russia. The only threat to russia is putin and his bid to keep himself relevant and in power. The only effect putin's hubris attained is to make NATO stronger and to push more countries on its borders into NATO. Good job, I guess.

Incidentally, what you mention about "April 2022" is pure historical revisionism. It literally never happened.

fr0sty508d ago

You're misunderstanding what is going on here, they aren't trying to ban it worldwide, they just want it blocked in their own country, which they have every right to do.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 508d ago
shinoff2183509d ago

Again if their asking for it to be banned in their country I have no issue with that. None. If their asking for a worldwide ban I'd need some hard evidence that the studio is supporting the war with funds from the game before I could even think of getting behind that.

Flawlessmic509d ago (Edited 509d ago )


I don't understand why everyone in Russia should painted with the same brush as the leader.

The devs haven't done anything wrong as far as I know, why should all there hard work be banned.

Ridiculous request tbh, I mean I feel for Ukraine but to just brand all Russians as bad and to ban there work is no better unless they have done something or added something in the game to be offensive to Ukraine.

509d ago
SullysCigar509d ago

"I don't understand why everyone in Russia should painted with the same brush as the leader." America is lucky the rest of the world don't apply this logic, or they'd assume Americans were senile. Be nice if we could extend the same courtesy, but people are too busy being in media-induced outrage mode to think.

Look at all the disagrees and not one reasonable retort. We're free to make our own choices with regards to purchases like this and Ukraine officials are trying to remove that privilege. How is anyone okay with that? If you agree with their principle, don't buy the game. Let the rest of us do as we please, too.

NotoriousWhiz509d ago

I just can't believe how many people upvoted @b777conehead's comment.

anast509d ago (Edited 509d ago )


Those nazis were sheltered and raised as Russian speaking citizens by governments that were manicured and propped up by Putin's Russia. Not to mention the president of the Ukraine is secular and Jewish. It looks like the Ukraine are trying to finally get rid of the neonazis..

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 509d ago
victorMaje509d ago ShowReplies(3)
Old_Scout509d ago

I think their perspective is the taxes the government will get from the company and employees goes to support the war, though it's probably a negligible amount. Gave you an up because nothing you said is unreasonable.

staticall509d ago

I fundamentally disagree that a government should ask/demand stores to remove any games. They shouldn't have the power to do that, even in their own country. They can ask a publisher, though - that's fine in my eyes.

I'll explain the difference:
Publishers must have the full control over what stores their game is being distributed in. They're the one who've paid and they distribute the game. They decide the prices and availability in different countries. So they're the authority here.

If government will decide that, they'll get a huge leverage and set a terrifying precedent.
Your game says anything negative about president/government/country? Banned.
You have an opinion we don't like? Banned.
You're a developer from a country we don't like? Banned.
Someone on your team said something we disagree with. Banned.

This will limit creativity, forbid certain topics, because publishers will see certain topic as "dangerous".
And don't forget a saying, «Appetite comes with eating» - first they'll block a game in one country, then try to pull it from every country in the world, after that - demand certain prices, request to add certain things and remove others or any other kind of shenanigans. Because they'll get a huge leverage.

The ONLY things, in my opinion, a government should do is:
1) Ask a publisher to remove the game or block sales in your specific location. Publishers will probably obey. But it must be their decision.
2) Ban a game in their country by law. Isn't how it should work in democratic countries anyway?

I'm saying this because in Russia, we had a law that allowed the government to block certain websites. First it was just for selling drugs, pedophilia and suicide how-tos(?) and people were ok with that. Once the law have passed, they started adding more and more stuff there - selling stuff from other countries under Russia "sanctions", "lying" about COVID, publishing politicians salary, what they own or when they break the law, being against the government or having funding from other countries, you name it. And now, they can block for whatever reason they want. This is what will happen with game stores as well. Government doesn't know when to stop.

sadraiden509d ago

Did you read the blurb? It says "in their country".

staticall509d ago

Did you actually read Fedorov tweet? I'll quote for you:
«Taking into account the above mentioned, we urge [Company name] to ban the selling digital versions of this game via [Platform]».
That's it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 509d ago
509d ago Replies(5)
EvertonFC509d ago

Need to see evidence tbh before making any educated call

sadraiden509d ago ShowReplies(1)
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Trapped In Limbo is one of those strange DLCs that feels too long and short at the same time, it's a fun idea that feels like it belongs in a different game

Read Full Story >>

Atomic Heart: Trapped in Limbo Review - IGN

A disappointing mix of ideas that ends as an exhausting Temple Run clone, Atomic Heart: Trapped in Limbo gets less fun the longer it goes goes on.

MrDead164d ago

Looks like a no-clip run for me.

SimpleSlave164d ago

...Holy trash Bat-o-man! WTF is this shit? This is what happens when you let LeafyIsHere fans design a game.

On a serious note, this shows not everybody is cut out to be a game designer. But making Ubisawft generic by-the-number game design look like high art is something else. That takes some serious rotten brain damage. Never allow that person or team near any game...ever.

This is what they'll use to justify the us of AI in their next game, isn't it? Awesome...

shinoff2183163d ago

A 3. Damn must've fk over ign somehow. Their usually way more dishonest with their ratings. I'll judge it for myself. Here's hoping for a physical re release with dlc included in another year or so. I got the patience for it. I'm definitely interested in the game. Not really into fps games but this seems unique enough.


Atomic Heart: Trapped in Limbo Trailer

This seems like a solid update to an interesting game. Get ready for an explosive adventure as Focus Entertainment and Mundfish celebrate the release of Atomic Heart’s highly anticipated second DLC, Trapped in Limbo

shinoff2183171d ago

Good I'll wait just a bit longer see if they re release a complete edition. I've been holding off for this

Garethvk171d ago

I liked the core game but you do need to factor puzzles and such into the action.

Garethvk170d ago

I like to see something a bit different yet in keeping with the core game.

mastershredder170d ago (Edited 170d ago )

I wonder how the core game is. 1...2...3...

Garethvk170d ago

It was fine for me save for some puzzles.

TheEnigma313170d ago

This game just didn't do it for me.

Garethvk170d ago

Some puzzles took me put of the flow of the game but at least they tried something new.