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season84 (4) - 594d ago Cancel
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exputers (4) - 595d ago Cancel

Armored Core 6 Being Helmed by Sekiro Director, Story Overview and Screenshots Surface

Armored Core 6 is being directed by Sekiro game director Masaru Yamamura confirmed. New screenshots and story info surfaces.

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Community594d ago
Bobertt594d ago

It says Hidetaka Miyazaki was the original director for the game but then he handed it over to the Sekiro director. I wonder if that was cause he had to work on Elden Ring or if they have another big game in development.

excaliburps594d ago

I gather maybe Elden Ring DLC and then another project?

GamingSinceForever594d ago

Elden Ring DLC is totally unnecessary. 😂

I think I put about 220 hours into the game and still haven’t unlocked a few doors.

jznrpg594d ago

It had enough filler , but a tight DLC I wouldn’t mind . They said DLC is coming

Old_Boss_593d ago

I'm betting Elden Ring DLC is headed by yui tanimura while Miyazaki is working on a new IP

jznrpg594d ago (Edited 594d ago )

I do believe they saw the massive money Elden Ring made and Miyazaki was put on another Souls game or DLC or both . That is most likely what happened in my mind .

I don’t hope for Elden Ring 2 though any time soon .
I’d much rather have Bloodborne 2 , Sekiro 2 , Demons Souls 2 .
Would be cool if they want back to the old days and make ShadowTower , KingsField or of course a new IP.

I am really looking forward to Armored Core 6 and hopefully what Miyazaki started and Yamamura finishes is the best mech game ever made , I hope

Tapani594d ago

What do you mean "put on"?
He is the President and Representative Director of From Software!

WolfSeed594d ago


This isn't getting the hype it deserves. I haven't felt this excited since the announcement of FF7R, and we all know how long ago that was.

H9594d ago

Masaru Yamamura was the Lead Designer in Sekiro, not director

CantThinkOfAUsername594d ago

Indeed, the only game Hidetaka Miyazaki didn't direct was Dark Souls 2.

anast594d ago

Day 1. Almost positive it will be GOTY, unless Bloodborne 2 releases the same year.

CrimsonWing69594d ago

What’s the best Armored Core game to check out?

fitofficial594d ago

The controls for the PS2 games were pretty rough before AC3. I'd say start there, but if you want a real challenge AC2 is a good place to start.

593d ago
purple101594d ago

Never had one, always wanted one.

Now with power of next gen console (to do these justice)
....might have to oblige and buy it finally.

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Almost A Year Later, Armored Core 6 Comes Across As Sekiro's Rebellious Brother

Armored Core 6 is the modern, action-packed mecha game that deviates from the Soulsbornes formula orchestrated by Hidetaka Miyazaki.

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Community76d ago

From Software Parent Company's Profits Drop, but Armored Core Surprises

From Software parent company Kadokawa has released its financials for the year, and while profits are down, Armored Core has performed surprisingly well.

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Community77d ago
zaanan77d ago

In other words, FromSoft is kicking ass; other Kadokawa game companies, not so much.

savedsynner77d ago

Name another company that has ever released only games worthy of a 90+ score for over a decade? starting with Demon's Souls, nothing but 90+s...even DS2 was a great game.

Ataraxias77d ago

Princess Peach Showtime is currently in the mid 70s

esherwood77d ago

Fromsoft is one of the few good guys left

FinalFantasyFanatic76d ago

I hope we get another AC game in the future or some DLC, I don't think we'll see DLC though. At the shizuoka hobby show they apparently announced a heap of AC model kits, even from older games like AC3.


Armored Core 6 Sales Performed "Beyond Expectations" Last Quarter According to Kadokawa

According to parent company Kadokawa, Armored Core 6 sales performed "beyond expectations" at the end of last year, as did Elden Ring sales.

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Community168d ago
XiNatsuDragnel169d ago (Edited 169d ago )

Good game excited for 7

FinalFantasyFanatic168d ago

I loved it, no surprise it did well because there's nothing like it and the fans have been starved of a new game for 10 years. It also helps that the game is fun and complete, no DLC/micro transactions or season passes either, which is typical of From Software games, I can't wait for Armored Core 7!

UltimateOwnage167d ago

Its a fantastic game. It plays great on my Deck as well, so its an equally amazing portable game. No IAP's, no online requirement, just raw, exciting gameplay. The way games used to be. More of this, and they will get my day-1 money instead of waiting for sales to buy in.