Leeroyw207d ago

Alan Wake 2 goty is their answer.

repsahj207d ago

Nowadays, if you release your game in late December, it will be automatically GOTY. If Alan Wake 2 is released in January, it will be forgotten in a couple of months.

ItzArditrus187d ago

That is not why it works at all there is a cutoff point for GOTY hense Spider-Man 2 not beign nominated for anything at the golden joysticks or the game awards


BG3 is still seeing 100k concurrent players, proving that not every game needs to be live-service

With so many live-service games to choose from it can be incredibly overwhelming to decide what to play these days.

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just_looken16h ago

Gta from 2008 can at times have ten times the player count than suicide squad 2024.



There is a pool of players that want to be milked bdsm style that pool is not growing as fast as the amount of players that are needed to support so many of these live service titles. The limited time crap is also a chore for alot of users like how diablo 4 forces user's to max out a character every 3 months to get the new gear.

andy8516h ago

Not surprised. Probably the most attention to detail in a game ever.

Popsicle8h ago

I have 300 hours in the game, and while I see why it isn’t for everyone, I never played a game with such freedom and attention to detail. The world feels alive in a way I have personally never experienced.

On a side note, my wife has never liked video games, but I got her to try this one. She now has 150+ hours in the game. It took 17 years, but I can now share one of my favorite hobbies with her. Amazing game!

CrimsonWing6913h ago

I think GaaS proves not every game needs to be GaaS. Sony’s finding this out the hard way.

StormSnooper10h ago

How about MS? Their games are almost all gaas.

CrimsonWing697h ago(Edited 7h ago)

I mean, that’s like picking on the special needs kid. MS hasn’t been doing so hot since they launched that sh*t show of an Xbox One. In their defense their exclusives coming up look a lot hotter than say Concord, Marathon, or whatever that GaaS Heist game Sony has.

My point was less console wars and more that GaaS is the most volatile of all models of games to produce. Jim Ryan made it an initiative to double down on them. I see far more failure than success and yet these scum bags keep pushing it almost out of spite for most of them not being supported. It’s pretty revolting to be honest. There’s literally ONLY one reason GaaS exists and it’s pretty damn greedy reason.

VersusDMC7h ago

What did Sony find out with the 12 million sales of Helldivers 2? And we didn't even find out yet with Concord as it hasn't released yet.

And is every PS5 exclusive this year GaaS? Check your math on that.

CrimsonWing695h ago(Edited 5h ago)

First off, pull your head out of Sony’s ass. There’s no math to check. I said Jim Ryan’s focus on GaaS. So, work on your reading comprehension skills.

While we’re at it, since I know this is going to twist into an Irrational discussion, let’s just table this for when Concord releases. I get that it’ll ruffle fanboys feathers.

I only name dropped Sony because of their GaaS focus and, well you’re on this site quite frequently, let me know the ratio of Concord negativity articles to the positive ones…

I’m also shocked at the support for GaaS. This is why we’re at this point in the industry, though.

VersusDMC4h ago


Who is supporting GaaS?

I'm just pushing back on your statement that "every game is GaaS". Which is obviously brain dead looking at the single player games Sony published or had exclusively released so far this year compared to live service. And after Concord there's Astro Bot and Silent Hill 2.

And Helldivers 2 is clearly the game the devs wanted to make and Firewalk is a self proclaimed multiplayer game studio so they wouldn't have made a game you wanted to play anyways.

So take your head out of your own ass and stop with the hyperbole.

CrimsonWing693h ago(Edited 3h ago)

First off, “the every game as GaaS” was staying on the same line as the article title, “proving that not EVERY game needs to be live-service.”

I mean, holy sh*t, why get a wild hare up your a** over that? You saw me mention Sony, which I did over Concord’s reception and the fact that they have plans for more GaaS, and you totally go into defensive fanboy mode.

“Who’s supporting GaaS?”

Literally brings up how successful Helldivers 2 is.

It’s like impossible to discuss anything with fanboys because as soon as they pull away from swallowing Sony’s gravy they’re so out of touch with any negative fact over their precious brand that it just turns into a sh*t show to have any sensible discourse.

Facts: reception to GaaS games are mostly negative than positive.

Facts: More GaaS fail over GaaS games that do succeed.

Facts: Concord is getting poor reception

Facts: Sony has a bunch more GaaS in the pipeline.

So, yea get your head out of Sony’s ass and learn to interpret and comprehend what’s being said instead of losing your sh*t and claiming hyperbole. It’s super f*cking annoying.

VersusDMC2h ago

You're just a baby that throws tantrums when a game genre comes out that you don't like.

And when you see one be unpopular you claim they all are so they stop making it like a child without considering there are people that like these kind of games and would like new ones. I don't like them. But i'm not a narcissist to go out and demand people stop making that type of game.

You have the same mentality as the executives that closed down Japan studio. "They don't sell, nobody likes them, spread the devs to other studios to make games that people actually like and buy."

Sony had one break records and one that might bomb. That won't stop them from making more. So keep seething.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2h ago
Furesis9h ago

What? Live service is there to milk money. Even if BG3 had 5 mil concurrent players it still wouldn't generate any extra money, that is the point of live service and for u to not own anything. BG3 being popular will sell more copies sure but this is not the point. And this is one of the best and biggest game in recent history of course it will have good numbers, it is relatively new too. I get what you are getting at but you are kinda brute forcing your point. Kinda of a no brainer take anyway tbh

phoenixwing7h ago

What dumb sh!t article and thinking is this that concurrent players means a thing worth talking about? It has zero influence on how much lifetime money these companies make. Bg3 sold millions of copies at 60 dollars a pop and made bank. Having a bunch of players later on revisiting the game does little to say anything other than ppl like to play it. If the numbers go down compared to a live service game it makes no difference.

Tldr: concurrent players means nothing for single player games amd this article is a waste of time on what must have been a slow news day

Christopher1h ago

Are we arguing for company profit or for player happiness?

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Cheaters in Street Fighter 6 Ranked Are Getting Out of Hand & Capcom Needs to Do Something About it

The Nerd Stash: "Cheaters in Street Fighter 6 ranked have become more and more common, so much so that pro players are constantly running into them."

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Einhander19727d ago

Play on PlayStation and turn off cross play problem solved.

bloop5d ago

They need to add the option to filter out matchmaking with modern controls in online too.

jznrpg4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

If it’s online and PC it has cheaters. It was pretty bad when I quit PC gaming years ago and I’m sure it’s worse now

DivineHand1254d ago

This is why I don't play fighting games online. You are either going up against a cheater or a guy that sounds like he was there while the game was being coded. It is not a place for casual players.

Einhander197211d ago (Edited 11d ago )

The platform breakdowns really show how irrelevant xbox has come for selling software.

1 Hogwarts Legacy Switch 41%, PS5 26%, PS4 24%, Xbox 5%

2 EA Sports FC 24 Switch 34%, PS5 28%, PS4 26%, Xbox 12%

OtterX11d ago

Yea, you can see why some developers and publishers are increasingly starting to skip XBox all together. Unless you're in a small minority of successful and highly played Gamepass games, you're pretty much taking a payout on your game just to rot and die on the service.

FinalFantasyFanatic10d ago

Not that surprising, the Switch has some killer exclusive titles, so people have to own a Switch to play them.