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What The Hell Happened To BioWare?

It's not often we see a developer fall so far from grace. Once regarded as pioneers in narrative-driven RPGs, BioWare has completely lost its way. So, what the hell happened?

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Community649d ago
ApocalypseShadow649d ago

Comment section over. This is the only right answer. EA happened. Just like Criterion and every other developer that was EA'd. Bought to acquire their game engines, to kill competition, to have them make their franchises while minimizing them and uplifting the EA brand.

Mobis-New-Nest648d ago

Mass Effect 1 is the best game in the series, the one I would replay if it got a remake. The BioWare team that worked on that no longer exists. I hope BioWare can be bought by company that actually cares about quality and not just DOLLA DOLLA BILLS YA'LL!!!!

jznrpg648d ago

Agreed. Love the first game

Software_Lover648d ago

The best Mass Effect Game. I still don't know how they screwed up the formula on the next 2.

648d ago
LordoftheCritics649d ago

The Doctors left.
Casey Hudson left.
Drew Karpshyn left.

Everyone else left.

I'm guessing the interns are running it now.

porkChop649d ago

Those 4 guys, especially the Doctors, were the heart and soul of Bioware. The studio could still make a comeback and start making great games again but it won't be the same Bioware.

LordoftheCritics649d ago (Edited 649d ago )

Yea Mark Darrah, David Gaider, Mike Laidlow also left and they were the og creators as well.

Many joined up to form Humanoid, and Archetype.

PapaBop648d ago

It's funny, I remember when Andromeda came out and the optimists kept on saying it was from their B team and we should wait for Anthem as that was being made by their top developers.. well we all know how that went.

MadLad647d ago (Edited 647d ago )

The original heads of Bioware legitimately wanted out of the videogame business.

The buyout was a godsend for them.

The fact that all of the creative leads exited after a few years of being under EA says a lot.


Hudson shouldn't be on the list... He's part of the problem.

Him and Mac Walters changed and wrote the garbage ending to the ME trilogy.

Also Hudson came back after leaving and Bioware continued to sink.

EazyC648d ago

I'd love to draw up a massive list of these maestros that made amazing games 10+ years ago and figure out where they've all gone since.

MadLad647d ago

Most of them left the games industry as a whole.
Everyone blames EA, but part of it was also losing all of their creative leads.
They legitimately sold the company and then jumped ship, probably knowing what was coming.

ABizzel1649d ago (Edited 649d ago )

1. They got bought out by EA for $$$, and ruined their own brand.
2. They lost too much high-end talent.
3. They were forced to start using Frostbite engine because EA wanted to play Engine wars and lost.
4. They needed a publisher who nurtures talent, and instead they were left on their own.
5. Their strengths were game worlds and storytelling, & they slipped in those areas & stuck in PS360 gameplay era.

Now are an entire generation of failed attempts we have the shell of the company that exists. Honestly, Bioware and 343i have had the same fall from grace. Both had huge franchises, but lost so much talent that they're shells of the PS360 era quality that was once there....except 343i is the leftover bad Bungie apples.

porkChop649d ago

Bioware was at the top of their game during their partnership with Microsoft. As much as I wouldn't want ME to be exclusive I do wish Microsoft would have bought them at the time.

LordoftheCritics649d ago (Edited 649d ago )

Yep MS pushed KOTOR for xbox and pc, also Mass Effect 1

and then Jade Empire also xbox and then pc (miss this game)

Bioware was on fire at one point.

jznrpg648d ago

Same thing would have happened with MS . They are very similar to EA

MadLad647d ago


I would love to see how you would make the connection.
Microsoft is pretty hands off with their developers and, even when they fail, they typically keep them and direct them onto other projects.
EA buys developers, micromanage them to an insane degree, and then quickly shutter them the second their own managerial decisions didn't turn a profit.

chobit_A5HL3Y649d ago

greed. sold out to ea and then all their key personnel left.

ocelot07649d ago (Edited 649d ago )

EA did a EA all over them.

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Zenless Zone Zero's team says "you can only produce something that players like if you like it too"

Pocket Tactics sat down with Zenless Zone Zero's lead producer, Zenhyu Li, at the Hoyoverse offices to discuss Street Fighter, player feedback, new characters, and more.

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Community41m ago

Spectrum Studio Boss in Hot Water as "Naked Sauna" as Part of Employees' Requirements Surface

Spectrum Studios is in hot water, as part of their job requirements involve "attending sauna sessions" that are "non-negotiable."

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Community1d 9h ago
rippermcrip1d 8h ago

Hopefully their next game isn't about a murderer and they require employees to kill to someone to have a real understanding.

excaliburps1d 6h ago


But you can't develop a game with sauna elements UNLESS you've been in a sauna with a game dev...preferably naked.

peppeaccardo13h ago

I think they got commissioned the next Leisure Suite Larry .... :P

H91d 7h ago

He is right you need to experience something to be able to write about it just like Tolkien threw himself in mount doom to understand Sauron and like Agatha Christie organized a death game on a remote island

Inverno1d 6h ago

Ah yes I read that news outlets were picking up on this string of facebook posts. Easy to write about some random conversation on FB without much context. Let's see how long it takes for them to talk to the devs directly for clarification. I'm sure these sites will drag this out as long as they can painting this guy as a creep. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't.

excaliburps1d 6h ago

Have you read his replies?? He is even explaining how his rationale is correct...

Inverno1d 6h ago

Yes I've read the replies. But if sites are gonna write about this they should do their jobs as journalist and get in contact with one of the woman who works in the studio.

swedishMeatwad1d 3h ago

Why would it only be a big deal for women? I wouldn't want to be required to sauna naked, wouldn't work at a place like that. Really strange that owner is defending this. Since the owner is involved in those communications, that's enough to write an article about. That's not to say they shouldn't reach out to them and any employees willing to talk but this is freakin' weird.

OtterX10h ago

@swedishMeatwad Right? Because if they really felt uncomfortable, they should have at the very least been allowed to wear a bikini or underwear under their towel. If the Owner demands that they get the real experience to better know the Sauna world, they should at least be offered the protection from creepers trying to look up their towel. It's same exact experience if they were slightly covered underneath. Demanding that they be nude is too much, especially if he's insinuating that they should be comfortable with removing their towel.

Inverno11h ago

It's not only a big deal for women, but do you think this would've been picked up if it were only men being pushed to go to a naked sauna? Do you think the FB post would've even been made of it were only men?

Aussiesummer15h ago

i read that as "Rectum Studio Boss in Hot Water as "Naked Sauna" as Part of Employees' Requirements Surface"

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Evercade Piko Interactive Collection 4 review - Games Asylum

Games Asylum: "As Forest Gump once mumbled, “Life is a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” The same is also true for Piko Interactive collections, with Piko merely being a license holder – whenever they’re involved, you never know which games are going to appear. It’s a very different case from something like Worms Collection, or the Bitmap Brothers Collection – a five game cart with three of those being iterations of Speedball. Yeah, we’re still bitter."

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Community2d ago
darthv722d ago

I really like what evercade is doing with these compilation carts. I cant quite get behind their new alpha tabletop units though... maybe they will grow on me.