
Black & White 2: Mac version (finally) arrives on January 6th.

Feral Interactive has announced Tuesday, January 6th as the worldwide release date for the much-anticipated Mac version of Black & White 2, the real-time, strategy sequel to the critically acclaimed hit Black & White, one of the best-selling Mac games of all time.

The release coincides with the opening of exhibits at Macworld Expo 2009 in San Francisco, Calif. where attendees can experience the game for themselves at the Feral booth.

y0haN5663d ago (Edited 5663d ago )

Wow only 3 and a half years late. Is this how late in the day Mac games have to be released in order for people with "current-gen" Macs to be able to run games PC gamers were running 3 years ago?

Bnet3435663d ago

lol Apple is such a failure t gamers.

karlostomy5662d ago

1. i pay more money for the same specs in a mac
2. i pay more for upgrades in a mac
3. i have to wait 3 more years to play current pc games
4. i need to run windows to stay competitive

oh what the heck. at least i can be smug in saying i own a mac.

YeOldeGamer5662d ago

2010 looks to be a banner year for Mac gamers, as they will finally get to play Half Life 2. :o


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I think i might have played more of 10.000 hours of AOM and AOE combined.


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