
Kaiju Video Games: Big Creatures in a Small City - The Best Examples of a Niche Genre

With Pacific Rim bringing the concept of Kaiju to the masses Ruaidhri looks back at some of the best video games to feature big monsters beating seven shades out of each other not caring for the collateral damage of cities.

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GamerSciz4008d ago

RAMPAGE was one of the best "Monster" games ever...so much fun in the arcade.

4008d ago
WeAreLegion4008d ago

Where is War of the Monsters?!? That's the best one!

isarai577d ago

Satisfying visual feedback, so many games have lost this principle and it's sad. Almost everything you do has an interesting and Satisfying reaction, making everything physics based is the key to that, watching everything fly, crumble, and react to your weapons, and slowly increasing you weapons capabilities to do so to an absurd degree, just keeps ramping up the satisfaction of how good it feels to play this game.

Nitrowolf2577d ago

Games are great, they may not be the greatest visually, but man do they really push the hardware they’re on cpu wise

RetroCaptainSteve577d ago

I'm a big fan of how you can blow buildings apart with no consequence. :D


10 Best Godzilla Games of All Time

Cultured Vultures: "Godzilla is approaching the generator, and he's also approaching our list of the best Godzilla games."

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Black & White 2 gets a 4K HD Texture Pack

Modder 'merendas235' released a 4K HD Texture Pack for Black & White 2.

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XxINFERNUSxX1166d ago

Used to play this game a lot :D

soundoffreedom1166d ago

The game of my childhood! Lots of nice memories

soundoffreedom1165d ago

Now I'm playing Project Diablo 2 and this is also a great game, but I need to buy more Project Diablo 2 items

soundoffreedom1163d ago

It was a great game and a great project. I also have great memories, I remember very well playing Diablo 2. Now the new Project Diablo 2 has come out and I still spend hours playing on the computer. To be honest, I always buy Items on Odealo because it's a safe and trusted site where you can always buy any quantity of Project Diablo 2 items. If you want to know, Odealo is the best answer. Here you can safely buy items for Project Diablo 2 https://odealo.com/games/pr...
Check it out. Me and my friends are very pleased

Michiel19891166d ago

I remember playing the first one on my dad's pc, running at about 5 frames per second on a pentium III. Finally i convinced him to get a new pc (partly because he wanted to play Prince of Persia 3d himself) and i had a glorious time with the game. Never played the sequel though.