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I am Jesus Christ Reveals New Gameplay Showing Transformation of Water Into Wine Miracle

Today Developer SimulaM released a new gameplay video of its upcoming Jesus simulator I am Jesus Christ, showing the famous miracle at Canan.

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Community855d ago
855d ago
BigBosss855d ago

As an Orthodox Christian enquirer, I am curious to try this out lol

855d ago Replies(1)
Vx_855d ago (Edited 855d ago )

Are you still worshiping a middle eastern man in 2021? Many moved on man..

Sitdown855d ago

Are we still asking rhetorical questions in 2022, while not proofreading our attempt to be witty?

TheEroica855d ago

You've never wondered what Jesus Christ said? Never contemplated the great philosophies of man and how they intersect with religion? To dismiss the message of Jesus christ, whether you are religious or curious would be unfortunate.

"many have moved on" lol.... How silly. What you mean is many never bothered, to their own detriment.

iplay1up2855d ago (Edited 855d ago )

Didn't realize it was 2021! Perhaps YOU need to wake up! Absolutely nothing SHOULD exist, yet I does! If we exist so can God! Let that sink in! Oh wait, you still live in 2021! That is what you posted. A month and a half into the new year! Over 45 days later, you are still saying it is 2021! Wow, you are super smart!

Aussiesummer855d ago

now this is what you call white washing.

Imalwaysright855d ago (Edited 855d ago )

This is what you call being ignorant. It's as if Israel doesn't exist and some people don't know how israeli look like or pretend not to to cause irrelevant controversies. Fortunately google exists and we can set the record straight

855d ago
Imalwaysright855d ago (Edited 855d ago )


Picture from 1947
Picture from1920 https://upload.wikimedia.or...
Another one from 1920
From 1925 https://www.thejakartapost....

"That’s why they are all fair skinned"

Oh yes, that makes perfect sense... for someone that never took a biology class. You should use Mendel's work as a starting point to understand how genetics work.

855d ago
Imalwaysright855d ago (Edited 855d ago )


""Clearly regional genealogy doesn't change in 2000 years"

Of course it doesn't unless there is historic event or natural disaster that causes it to change. You see, unless someone slaughtered the vast majority of Israel's population at some point in time after Jesus was alive or there was mass immigration in wich people that weren't native to Israel became the vast majority of the population there is absolutely no reason to think that the israeli that lived 2000 years ago would look significantly different than modern day israeli.

You see, when you have kids you'll be passing on to them your genetic information and you when your kids have kids of their own they'll be passing on their genetic code and so on. When we scale this to an entire country where people mix with each other this leads to an homogenous genetic code wich will be reflected in an homogenous set of phenotypic traits. Japan, Angola, India, Sweden etc have populations with homogenuous phenotypic traits and that is something that doesn't happen by chance and if you think it does then you should also take some biology classes.

Oh and I provided pictures from native israeli and they could easily have been used as models for the NPCs in this game so why are you talking to me about "white americans"? Do you think that having white skin colour is something exclusive to americans? Also, I'm not talking about judaism as judaism is a religion. I'm talking about humans, I'm talking about israeli.

zahdab855d ago (Edited 855d ago )

Geez man countries in the middle east such as lebanon, syria, jordan & Palestine have loads if white/Caucasian colored eyed popoluation doesnt mean thats what peoole in the region looked like 2000 years ago ... also you've picked the one country whose (almost) entire population came from european regions and have lived there for ages... way to disprove a point... and why are you sooooo angry ... chill.

Imalwaysright855d ago (Edited 855d ago )


Angry? Don't pretend that you know the 1st thing about me and that's quite an odd thing to say considering that I'm basing my comments on science and this: "whose (almost) entire population came from european regions" is a bold faced lie as only 30% of Israel's population is descendent of ashkenazi jews so how exactly did disprove what I said?

Om4ever855d ago

You should change of pseudo

855d ago
Retroman855d ago (Edited 855d ago )

@ imalwaysright
Uhhh, No you are Not right.
If you do a Historical research on the region of Palestine climax of weather and heat condition in the desert environment you would known Nomadic people lived in Bethlehem, Nazareth area. research provide nomadic people are Amber, Sardine, Jasper complexion people with black hair not White skin or Fair skin people with blonde hair. even in the Old Testament with Moses living in Egypt Africa. Egyptian people had to be Jasper complexion with black Nappy hair. Moses married a Ethiopian woman Zipporah with Nappy hair. I don't think a white Moses would have married a woman of color and his sister Miriam and brother Arron was white appreciated that. these people are from bloodline of Benjamin/Judah seed of peleg from the seed of Shemite/Hamite ( lite Sardine Arabian complexion/lite Amber African complexion Noah 2 Son's Japth 3rd son (White) is never mentioned after the Flood again through out the bible.

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gamer7804855d ago

No one knows for sure tbh but he most likely wasn’t back either. But he was probably a darker skinned and of course jewish. Not that it really matters unlike character.

Retroman855d ago

No he was Not black but since he was born in Bethlehem "Palestinian" Jesus was " Amber/Sardine complexion with black hair and brown or Hazel green eyes. I bet Trillion Dollar's he was "Not" Ashkenazi German Jew as Fake Hollywood portrayed him.

Kakashi Hatake855d ago

Im Black, could care less what Jesus looked like. Black people draw Jesus as Black all the time when he was most likely Middle Eastern . Can't only call out Whites for doing what everyone else does. At the end of the day, his looks doesn't matter, only his message.

Imalwaysright853d ago (Edited 853d ago )


The fact remains that about 70% of Israel population are Mizrahi Jews and they look like this and they could easily be mistaken as portuguese, italians, french, croatians etc

Native israeli as well as other middle eastern populations, arabs and north africans have fair complexions. I am southern european and where the sun don't shine my skin color is a disgusting milky white but if I spend 2 days on the beach you ignorant americans would say that I'm iranian or iraqi or something like that. You americans obviously struggle with the concept that is tanning so much so that I've recentely saw some you saying that greeks are people of color and this article shows how utterly ignorant you were and some of you still are as evidenced by these comments

Like I said to another user you must believe that having white as a skin color is something exclusive to "white americans" and also you are only helping my argument. Most countries in the world have homogenuous genetic code wich is reflected in them having populations with a homogenuous phenotypic traits and that is something that doesn't change just like that. There is ABSOLUTELY no reason to think that israeli that lived 2000 years ago would look significantly different than modern israeli.


Yes, I am right. Every goddamn country surrounding the Mediterranean have populations with fair skin complexions and you're someone that obviously also struggles with the concept that is tanning. We, people with fair complexions can have as many complexions as we like depending on how much time we spend in the sun. Why don't you ignorant americans take the time to take some basic biology classes before wasting my time?

Also I tried to google what the hell is jasper complexion and I couldn't find anything. Ancient Egyptians had levantine ancestry so they looked like the people that lived in in the Levant AKA today's middle east and like Israeli, there is absolutely no reason to think that they would look significantly different than modern day egyptians despite the FACT that Ancient Egyptians were genetically closest with ancient europeans than they are with today's egyptians.

"Both types of genomic material showed that ancient Egyptians shared little DNA with modern sub-Saharan Africans. Instead, their closest relatives were people living during the Neolithic and Bronze ages in an area known as the Levant. Strikingly, the mummies were more closely related to ancient Europeans and Anatolians than to modern Egyptians."

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SDuck855d ago

Regardless of GPU power, it seems nothing will be able to handle Jesus Christ at 60fps

hotnickles855d ago (Edited 855d ago )

Jesus Christ was a gangster rapper. They killed him then he came back and made a platinum album.

gamer7804855d ago

On the right track actually but He was more of a rebel than a gangster. He was counter-cultural and challenged the norms and was crucified for it. But yah a lot of music is written about him now

hotnickles855d ago

That’s actually a quote form a song called “the CIA is trying to kill me.” This just reminded me of it haha

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Jesus Christ The Diablo IV Beta Is Next Month | Podcast 73

TechRaptor writes: "This week we talk about the Jesus coming to Steam, Ubisoft's unannounced large game, and games pass not leading to more sales."

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Abriael483d ago

Skyrim Meets Scripture in I Am Jesus Christ | COGconnected

I Am Jesus Christ is a first person action RPG in which the player assumes the role of Jesus, highlighting a number of Bible stories.

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Community563d ago
Duke19563d ago

Even mentioning Skyrim in the same sentence as this garbage is an insult to gaming

Rebel_Scum563d ago

“highlighting a number of Bible stories”

So its a fantasy game.

Star51563d ago

i actually wanna play this. Yes , yes I know

gold_drake562d ago

i think a game like this needs to be done well to have ppl be intrested in it ha.


Jesus Simulator I Am Jesus Christ: Prologue Gets Release Date in Time for Christmas

You will be able to play as Jesus Christ himself for free next month.

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Abriael575d ago
CobraKai574d ago

I hope it’s Jesus, with Devil May Cry gameplay, and epic Bayonetta like finishing moves.

cell989574d ago

This is so wrong in so many ways. Sure if you're an atheist you can care less, but if you believe in God, you know profiting off of him is wrong. Now mocking his life and death through a video game?? Nah

SullysCigar574d ago

Even an atheist can understand how this will be offensive to believers. It's okay to mock Christians though, it seems, these days.

Be interesting to see if the devs are feeling brave and go for a sequel called 'I am the Prophet Muhammad'...

shinoff2183574d ago

As an American Im so over getting Christianity shoved down my throat. Specifically in politics. Religion has no place in our politics and its so littered in it through one side. So ive got no issues. Nothings off limits imo.

SullysCigar574d ago

^ of course religion has no place in politics, but then nobody here said it did.

As for "nothing's off limits", tell that to the staff at Charlie Hebdo...I'm not saying I disagree with your sentiment - free speech is important - but mocking religion is a dangerous game.

ManMarmalade574d ago (Edited 574d ago )

Doesnt matter if its mythology or not. That's not the point. Having a belief shouldn't allow you to have authority over someone else because of it. We have free speech for this reason, but people forget that it also includes beliefs and religions all the same ✌

SullysCigar574d ago

^ @ ManMarmalade, I agree! Same applies to all the woke bs we endure these days.

For example, I can respect that some men want to believe they're a woman, but they should respect that I know they're a man. That's how freedom of speech should work, at least. No hard feelings.

Gamingsince1981574d ago

Why is there a label for someone that doesn't believe in made up gods ? Why is athiest a thing , it should just be normal no title needed. There are already titles for the people that believe the wackydoodle stories , e.g catholic, Christian, Muslim and so on we don't need a name to say we aren't nuts.

shinoff2183574d ago (Edited 574d ago )


I know nobody said that it did but that was part of my point about religion being shoved down our throats in the u.s. it's rampant in right wing politics. So I brought it up as an example of being shoved down our throats.

I'm not sure what the Charlie hebdo sit is so I'll have to Google that. Far as my issue with Americans and Christianity alot of my issue is so so many of them are full of sh about being truly religious. I see it all the time. Now the ones who's truly believe and follow the word. I tend to believe they are nice genuine people and I have no qualms with them. Guess I could've stated that. My problem is I think there's alot of people who just use religion. For riches for votes you name it

ManMarmalade574d ago (Edited 574d ago )

Why are you bringing gender into this? People actually exist and have feelings and lives that others can't comprehend. Don't tell people how to live.

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shinoff2183574d ago

Maybe they will donate proceeds.

ManMarmalade574d ago (Edited 574d ago )

There are more religions than just christianity or catholicism. People that are offended by these things really need to get their eyes and ears checked. The same religion that persecuted people for playing D&D in the 80's, or card games like MtG or Yu-Gi-oh have no right to be offended by something that is being made specifically for comedic value. But God Of War is fine I guess 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

SullysCigar574d ago

That's because GOW is mythology.

There's a lot of bad stuff with all religions, but they should all be treated with the same respect (or contempt). There's no consistency. You wouldn't see Muslims poked at like this, for fear of fatal repercussions.

Why kick a hornets nest?

FWIW, I'm not even religious lol

Gamingsince1981574d ago


God and jesus are mythology......I don't get what your point is.

Babadook7574d ago

I don’t think Jesus is considered myth among modern historians.

Gamingsince1981574d ago

No one cares if anyone believes in God, profiting off of God of war is the same thing, they are all made up, except the mythology in God of war was made up wayyyyyyyyyyyy before God was made up , like way way way before.

Babadook7574d ago (Edited 574d ago )

God of wars mythology was made up in the 21st century. There actually isn’t good evidence God was made up, but it he was, it would be in the 2nd millennium BC at the latest.

Gamingsince1981574d ago (Edited 574d ago )


Yeah ok buddy /eyeroll

There were stories of hundreds even thousands of gods way before the new made up God was even thought about but good try I guess. If you or any one else believes in that tripe , well good luck to you, but most people have grown up.

I won't be reading your replies because I can see you argue with made up bull and I don't have the time or inclination to debate the stupidity of religion, also this isn't the place for it. Hei hei 🖐

Babadook7574d ago (Edited 574d ago )

The genealogy listed in the Old Testament reaches farther back than all the other gods you reference (Zeus especially), so I’m not sure your original claim has any merit. Bye then.

shinoff2183574d ago

Most people in religion profit off of God to be honest.

Abriael573d ago (Edited 573d ago )

Interesting to see that you're so offended by a video game featuring the life of Jesus. Were you this offended by the many, many movies and books that did exactly the same?

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shinoff2183574d ago

Personally im curious for no reason, Im not religious at all but I know the lore.

SegaSaturn669574d ago

Can't wait for Christ Centered Gamer to review it. It might even have more jesus in it than the latest iteration of star ocean

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