Soul Calibur IV Confirmed

While discussing the future of Dragon Ball Z fighting games in an exclusive interview with Namco Bandai Chief Producer, Daisuke Uchiyama, GameDaily learned that both the Tekken and Soul Calibur teams were working on new titles in their respective series. It's been known for some time that Namco has been working on Tekken 6 for the PlayStation 3, but this is the first confirmation that a new Soul Calibur title is in the works.

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OutLaw6612d ago

Soul Calibur 4 would be great on the 360. I hope that this does happen.

MJ230076611d ago

I really hope this happens for 360, it would also be cool if the would go back and make 3 for the 360, and we could get 2 on the BC list!

FeralPhoenix6611d ago

I think its disrespectful how some of the Japanese Developers try to give XBOX fans old ports of games previously released on PS2, I have both systems, but I favor my XBOX over PS2. I don't mind if each system gets its share of exclusive's thats good, but in my opinion some of the Japanese Dev. favor Sony heavily, then try to make money off of XBOX owners with old ports (sloppy seconds)...I REALLY would like to see Soul Calibur 4 on the 360, but its too late to get my money for SC 3. Either they make it multi-platform from the begining or an exclusive, but I'm not going to run out and buy an old port once its not selling on the PS brand console anymore, I hope sales for SC 3 suck and sales for SC 4 turn out pretty good for the 360, hopefully they will get the message not to bull$h!t us with old ports, but hey this is just my opinion.

sonyISgod6611d ago

So when the American Compan favor the 360, it's doesn't matter amd that is good right? But when a Japanese company favor there Japanese company they are just BullSh1te now righ?

You could try hard with your logic, but you are just pathetic for stating some BS. And about SC 3 to fail in sales, well I'm sorry to inform you that it didn't suck in sales and it been out for the longest time now.

PS3 Owns All6611d ago

It is contrary to the Sony DNA that even the suckiest PlayStation guys will sell. Maybe you people may not like it but other people in other countries will. Oh yeah and just to shake things up a bit, 5 years after the PS3 launch WE WILL be another PS3. I'm not going to say anything but its just going to happen. And boy are you guys in for a surprise! So Sony is right, the PlayStation 3 will be now and the future!

clayton6611d ago (Edited 6611d ago )

In particular, the article focused on how the industry is currently at a mini-nadir of the boom-and-bust cycle typically generated by the transition from current- to next-generation consoles. It quoted Soleil-Hudson Square Research's Daniel Ernst as saying that his fellow analysts have dropped their original estimates of 2006 game revenue by as much as 60 percent.

Ernst also said that now even the most optimistic analysts peg the next-gen-platform installed base as reaching only 15 million by year's end. Of those, he estimates that 12 million will be Xbox 360s--and the rest a hodgepodge of Nintendo's affordable Wii and Sony's PlayStation 3.

FamoAmo6611d ago

Why is this under PS3? Its been confirmed as a 360 exclusive!!

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Sexy Videogame Robots

In response the recent UK survey, which shows 1 in 5 Brits would have sex with a Robot - Rice Digital takes a look at the videogame robots they'd most like to sleep with.

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Patashnik3726d ago

Some of those were just... wtf?

Don't think I've laughed so much in ages!

DaveyB3726d ago

The Chibi Robo one made me laugh - but the GLaDOS one was o_0


Tekken Bishoujo Ling Xiaoyu Figure Revealed

Following its official release in other territories this autumn, The Ling Xiaoyu Bishoujo Statue is now officially available throughout Europe. The latest addition to the popular line of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Bishoujo Statues, Ling Xiaoyu is based on a new illustration by master Japanese illustrator Shunya Yamashita.

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New Tekken Bishoujo Statue Launches: Alisa Bosconovitch

Following capoeira master Christie Monteiro is the second Tekken Bishoujo Statue, a new vision of Alisa Bosconovitch is now available at UK retail stores. An android with detachable limbs, this elite and beautiful fighter came onto the scene first in Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion and appears here based on an illustration by renowned Japanese artist Shunya Yamashita, known for his videogame character designs and beautiful illustrations.

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