RaidenBlack1139d ago

This sure looked pretty impressive and they even offered a deep dive.

Army_of_Darkness1139d ago

This game looks fantastic! Probably the only Xbox Series X game I want to play.

1139d ago
ABizzel11139d ago

Agreed, probably game of their show for me. Forza and Stalker 2.

TheColbertinator1139d ago

Not Japan but sure looks tempting

Jin_Sakai1139d ago

Literally the only game that wowed me during the show.

CaptainHenry9161139d ago (Edited 1139d ago )

This and Outerworlds 2 did it for me

1139d ago Replies(2)
King_Noctis1138d ago (Edited 1138d ago )

You didn’t watch the entire show?

1139d ago
alb18991139d ago

To think that this game will be on Gamepass day one is just crazy

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Forza Horizon 5 Races To 40 Million Players

Discover the massive player count of Forza Horizon 5. Learn why this racing game has attracted 40 million players and counting.

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Obscure_Observer11d ago


Fable couldn´t be in more capable hands.

Here´s hoping for Forza Horizon 6 to be set in Japan. Already feeling that INITIAL D vibes!

I can´t wait!!!

GaboonViper11d ago

Fantastic milestone for a stunning game, and yes Fable is gonna be beast, Playground are the crown jewel in MS first party roster IMO.

And FH6 in Japan would be breathtaking, just imagine the graphics.🙀


The guy is using a tweet from one of the biggest xbots clown to do an article 😂😂😂 there's no 40 million players stop the 🧢

ChasterMies11d ago

“While this isn’t official from Xbox we now know Forza Horizon 5 has hit a staggering 40 million players thanks to the in-game leaderboard.”

I’m calling b.s. on this.


Four new cars set for Forza Horizon 5’s Chinese Lucky Stars Pack

The new paid-for downloadable content will include four cars, three from Chinese brands and one synonymous with the nation.


15 Best Racing Games You Need to Play [2023 Edition]

The best racing games on the market.

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