
Forza Horizon 5 Has Now Topped 34 Million Players Since Launch

Forza Horizon 5 has achieved a new milestone of 34 million players. The game has been drawing a million players each month since May.

Obscure_Observer275d ago


Forza Horizon 5 topped 30 million players five months ago! O.o


3 years of phenomenal success!

Definitely the most popular racer in gaming!

Playground Games are masters of their craft and I have no doubt that Fable has the right studio to continue its legacy!

Phil absolutely nailed acquiring such a talent studio!

True next gen Forza Horizon 6 will raise the bar even higher!

I can´t wait!

274d ago
274d ago
ForwardDude274d ago

With Phil Spencer missing his Gamepass target three years in a row and the consensus that Starfield and Redfall are massive disapointment among players , it's good to see some win on Microsoft part. I second Obscure_Observer with the fact that Mario Kart 8 deluxe sales on Switch means nothing since Nintendo and Microsoft are not even in the same industry at all.

Lightning77274d ago

Redfall is a disappointment but Starfield is far from a disappointment. I dunno where you got that from.

Neonridr275d ago

well deserved, probably one of the best Forza games overall.

XiNatsuDragnel274d ago

Good forza unlike the recent one.

DivineHand125274d ago

I have spent many hours playing forza Horizon 5 myself and I love the crazy races where you are racing alongside planes and jet skis.

The only negative I can think of is that the in-game sound track could be better. I would also like to see nitro in the future games.

EvertonFC274d ago

Turn the games soundtrack off and play you're own music is what I do .

Brazz274d ago (Edited 274d ago )

Number of Players, not Sales or units sold.

Stanjara274d ago

It doesn't matter. All Xbox division has to do is keep players subscribed and keep the graph on the plus side. Even for 0.1%. If they can do that... they, as a whole, are successful.

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Obscure_Observer11d ago


Fable couldn´t be in more capable hands.

Here´s hoping for Forza Horizon 6 to be set in Japan. Already feeling that INITIAL D vibes!

I can´t wait!!!

GaboonViper11d ago

Fantastic milestone for a stunning game, and yes Fable is gonna be beast, Playground are the crown jewel in MS first party roster IMO.

And FH6 in Japan would be breathtaking, just imagine the graphics.🙀


The guy is using a tweet from one of the biggest xbots clown to do an article 😂😂😂 there's no 40 million players stop the 🧢

ChasterMies11d ago

“While this isn’t official from Xbox we now know Forza Horizon 5 has hit a staggering 40 million players thanks to the in-game leaderboard.”

I’m calling b.s. on this.


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