
Forza Motorsport players slam “terrible” AI compared to Horizon

Forza Motorsport has attracted plenty of criticism from fans, and a comparison of its AI with Forza Horizon 5 has taken it even further.

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Jin_Sakai280d ago

Talk about a step backwards. And nearly 6 years in the making. It’s like Xbox studios complete with each other on making the worst games possible.

280d ago
TheColbertinator278d ago

Playground Games is becoming the better studio with more fun games in mind.

VariantAEC277d ago

Don't know why people are disagreeing, PGG definitely has the potential to be better, at the very least, PGG is making some of Microsoft's most polished games.

Reaper22_278d ago

Another bogus Forza claim from the same website. Just move on people.

278d ago
VariantAEC277d ago

What's funny is this is how FM's AI has always been. Literally every single fanboy remark made against GT games since the very beginning of FM in 2005 was BS to pump up FM games and make GT look like crud.
This isn't hyperbole. Microsoft created Turn 10 to make Xbox's version of GT.
Like most stuff MS attempts... it just didn't work out.

jznrpg278d ago

It’s clear there is little AI for Forza just on rails go around the track and if there’s a car in front of it they will go right through it like it’s not there.

278d ago Replies(3)

Forza Motorsport PC modded: extra detail and improved ray tracing are there for the taking | DF

Extra detail, improved RT reflections and RT global illumination can be modded into Forza Motorsport PC. Here's how.

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VariantAEC2d ago

What a joke... wonder how long until FM23 with RTGI is compared with GT7 on PS4, though? Also which game will look better?


Forza Horizon 5 Races To 40 Million Players

Discover the massive player count of Forza Horizon 5. Learn why this racing game has attracted 40 million players and counting.

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Obscure_Observer11d ago


Fable couldn´t be in more capable hands.

Here´s hoping for Forza Horizon 6 to be set in Japan. Already feeling that INITIAL D vibes!

I can´t wait!!!

GaboonViper11d ago

Fantastic milestone for a stunning game, and yes Fable is gonna be beast, Playground are the crown jewel in MS first party roster IMO.

And FH6 in Japan would be breathtaking, just imagine the graphics.🙀


The guy is using a tweet from one of the biggest xbots clown to do an article 😂😂😂 there's no 40 million players stop the 🧢

ChasterMies11d ago

“While this isn’t official from Xbox we now know Forza Horizon 5 has hit a staggering 40 million players thanks to the in-game leaderboard.”

I’m calling b.s. on this.


Forza Motorsport To Remove Car Upgrade Progression Limit

A new update for Forza Motorsport has been announced that will remove the car upgrade progression limit. It will come out next month.

BurritoWarrior168d ago

Beyond repair at this point the people have made up their minds on this game already. You had one chance and ya blew it

execution17168d ago

Should've took what they did with 4s progression and improved on it