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Starfield Leaked Screenshots Show Ship Interiors, Reveals Different Factions

Starfield has been a minefield of leaks recently going as far as being a part of the official Bethesda survey. New screenshots have emerged for the game.

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LordoftheCritics1168d ago

Another Star.... something is beginning to get anxious.

King_Noctis1167d ago

What is beginning to get anxious?

1167d ago
Obscure_Observer1167d ago (Edited 1167d ago )

"Another Star.... something is beginning to get anxious."


Anyway... Jeff Grubb confirmed that Starfield will be an Xbox and PC exclusive.

And water is wet. :)

Amazing new IP for Xbox is coming boys and girls. *_*

dekke1167d ago (Edited 1167d ago )

actually its gamepass exclusive, so it will be on where ever gp is including phones ^^

Obscure_Observer1167d ago


It´s called Xbox Ecosystem. ;)

And play a game like Starfield on mobile? Ugh.

To each his own I guess.

LordoftheCritics1167d ago (Edited 1167d ago )

Somehow I assumed people would guess it was Star Citizen.

TheTony3161167d ago

Jeff Grubb also said that Cyberpunk would launch day 1 on Gamepass...

1167d ago
CaptainHenry9161167d ago (Edited 1167d ago )

This is what I got from the tweet?

I'm Jeff. And y'all, I don't mean I'm confirming it for Microsoft, I mean I've confirmed it in terms of my reporting.

Quote Tweet

Lavariz Streams


· 16h

Replying to @JeffGrubb

Not to sound rude but who are you and why are you the one who can confirm that?

We should let Phil Spencer and Microsoft confirm it and not Jeff 😁. Regardless, hopefully they optimize the PC version

Father__Merrin1167d ago

who is jeff grubb? does he work for microsoft or bethesda?

ForwardDude1167d ago

That and Cyberpunk 2077 still a Xbox store exclusive too. For all we know, they will be at the same level of quality: Witcher 3 being vastly better than Skyrim, Cyberpunk 2077 should be vastly better than Starfield too.

Vengeance11381167d ago

What exactly makes it automatically amazing? All anyone knows is it's set in space and features ships...

Amazing? Not yet, amazing potential? Absolutely.

Obscure_Observer1167d ago


"What exactly makes it automatically amazing? All anyone knows is it's set in space and features ships..."

It´s a BETHESDA game! First new IP in 22 years! A quick look on the HUD´s left icon and I know that something UNIQUE is coming gameplay wise! A new level of PHISICS!

This game is gonna be HUGE!

I´m expecting this game to be all that Star Citzen, Dead Space, Mass Effect and even the unborn now canceled SCI-FI Open World game from Santa Monica to be and MORE.

Got your hype levels and check? Good.

I´m hyped and I know this game is gonna be amazing! ;)

CaptainHenry9161166d ago

@obscure Obscure

You mean Starfield will be Fallout 76 in space. There I fixed it for you

Obscure_Observer1166d ago


"You mean Starfield will be Fallout 76 in space. There I fixed it for you"

Lol. This comment won´t age well. XD

So now you have confirmation that Starfield is a multiplayer game and a "Fallout" clone on the top of it?


Don´t you ever let me see you hyped for this game. XD

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King_Noctis1167d ago

“ Somehow I assumed people would guess it was Star Citizen.”

What does Star Citizen have anything to do with Starfield? They both are being developed by two very different developers.

LordoftheCritics1167d ago

Let's just say they may be sharing the same space.

Doesn't matter who develops it.

Anomander1167d ago

Except one is actually going to come out and another is milking people for cash and will be lucky to come out. Entirely two different Spaces.

King_Noctis1167d ago (Edited 1167d ago )

“ Let's just say they may be sharing the same space.”

How? Star Citizen is a crowd-funded multiplayer game developing by a studio with no prior record, while Starfield is a single-player Bethesda game backing up by Microsoft. How can both share anything?

“Doesn't matter who develops it.”

So using your logic, are devs like Naughty Dogs the same to Cloud Imperium Games? Are devs like Rockstar the same to CIG? Are devs like Nintendo the same to CIG?

LordoftheCritics1167d ago (Edited 1167d ago )

Lol you still dont get it.

Its an ongoing joke that what if someone makes a game like Star Citizen before Star Citizen releases.

This is not even a topic about the devs. Its screenshots revealing ship interiors which people were speculating a long time ago and that could mean some kind of space travel or similar and thats where the whole Star Citizen/Starfield convo started a while back. I have no idea how this is about the devs at all.

Sharing the space as in sharing the space of a similar kind of game. That's what it means.

PrinceOfAnger1167d ago

Star citizen has a single-player btw named squadron 42.

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1168d ago Replies(3)
-Foxtrot1168d ago

I hope despite being set in Space and the like you still have one big main map.

I thought something like the Outer Worlds was good but having to travel constantly to different hubs, and only by travelling all away back to your ship to select the new destination, was a little annoying. When you were doing missions and you had the types of missions which dotted you from one hub to the other, it was a bit of a ballache.

Least with a single map you can walk around and explore more freely

Orchard1168d ago

Hype for this game is through the roof - I really hope it lives up to expectations. It may be the first must have exclusive for XSX.

E3 is going to be interesting - under a month away now!

ThePacemaker1167d ago

Its coming out on PC day 1 as well. So it is not “Xbox exclusive”.

And yeah I will grab it on PC.

iplay1up21167d ago (Edited 1167d ago )

Sony is releasing 41 games on Steam. Your point? Microsoft bad/Sony good. 🤣🤣🤣

Orchard1167d ago (Edited 1167d ago )

@ThePacemaker By exclusive I meant in the console space - same way I still consider HZD, DG, DS etc, a PS exclusive.

Glad to hear you’re planning on picking it up though - whether on Xbox or PC, I’m confident it’s going to be a good experience - and good to support Zenimax on making new IP’s.

I’ll likely be playing it on both since it’ll be in game pass for both - assuming I can get my hands on an Xbox in time, and assuming that it has cross saves between both.

@iplay1up2 Yeah I don’t really understand the logic. People think MS/Sony releasing on PC somehow devalues Xbox/PS or that buying on PC is somehow avoiding supporting those platforms/companies - but when you buy a Sony or MS game on PC… guess where your money goes…

1167d ago
1167d ago
franwex1167d ago

By now we should all know that PC is like some sort a neutral ground regarding the console war you people have between PlayStation/Xbox.

DiRtY1167d ago

Okay, you make it sound like Microsoft doesn’t want you to buy their game on PC...

Pricey1167d ago


This person thinks releasing day one on PC devalues Xbox/PC ecosystems. In the case of gamepass it would also need to be released at at least half the price.

Shinkus1167d ago

You're 100% right, it's not an Xbox exclusive, just like horizon, days gone, death stranding aren't exclusive to ps. I don't get why people have such a hard time accepting when something is or isn't an exclusive.

XBManiac1167d ago

And mobile... and tablets... and browsers... and some TV sets... It will be everywhere but Switch and PlayStation. That's good news. Everybody will be able to play it... for a price of 1$/month.

MadLad1167d ago

Microsoft exclusive.
Does that help you accept knowing it's not coming to other consoles?

RazzerRedux1167d ago


"Microsoft exclusive. "

It isn't Microsoft exclusive. It is going to be sold on Steam. You know quite well that Steam is not a Microsoft platform.

"Does that help you accept knowing it's not coming to other consoles?"

ThePacemaker made a factual statement. It is not Xbox exclusive at all. But once again, you are resorting to the console war you chide others for engaging in.

jznrpg1167d ago

@iplay1up2 It’s like 37 dlcs and 4 games

1167d ago
RazzerRedux1167d ago

"except steam is on an Ms platform"

Windows is an open platform, "little guy". Valve pays Microsoft nothing to be on Windows. Microsoft pays Valve 30% for every game it sells on Steam. This idea that a game on Steam somehow makes it a "Microsoft exclusive" is just nonsense.

Michiel19891167d ago (Edited 1167d ago )

@razzer ok microsoft console exclusive then, u happy now grammar nazi? sad to see people try to avoid admitting is an xbox CONSOLE exclusive, resorting to "you didnt type it exactly right". we all know its coming to pc now, we all know its not coming to ps (if this rumour stuff is correct), so we all know what people mean in this instance with xbox exclusive. try saying xbox exclusive 3 times in a row, maybe youll get used to it eventually.

just dont say that to the mirror or Biggie Smalls and Phil Spencer will come to murder you.

RazzerRedux1167d ago

@Michiel1989 obviously do not know the difference between correcting someone's facts and correcting their grammar. I don't correct grammar because I'm just as likely to make mistakes as anyone.

Simple fact: Starfield is no more an Xbox exclusive than it is a PC exclusive. If I called it a PC exclusive, Xbox fans would lose their shit. can't have it both ways. Call it console exclusive or don't use the damn word at all. This isn't hard.

Michiel19891166d ago

@razzer u just proved my point. you are argueing because someone didnt write it exactly right. Did you also correct everyone when someone said ff7R was a ps exclusive instead of a "1 year timed ps console exclusive". I know what spelling is, i know what grammar is. I also never said u were wrong, yes you are the one that typed it correctly but you are also the one that starts petty arguments when someone says xbox exclusive instead of xbox console exclusive while we all know what that person means in the context of this article.

and i u really wanna start nitpicking, you arent factually right because its not even on official statement its made by some guy (journalist) and not the company that actually, you know...makes the game.

RazzerRedux1166d ago (Edited 1166d ago )


If you know what spelling and grammar is then why are you yapping at me about correcting grammar? I am addressing the actual things people say, not their "typing". If you want to whine about petty arguments then start with your own silly post.

"Did you also correct everyone when someone said ff7R was a ps exclusive instead of a "1 year timed ps console exclusive"."

I don't know that I've been involved in much FF7 discussions at all as I've explicitly stated I'm waiting on the PC version, which is as much of acknowledgement of the game being timed exclusive as you can get. Have I corrected folks claiming games like Horizon, Days Gone, etc. are PS exclusives? Hell yes, I have. Console gamers like to throw around the word "exclusive" so easily they try to pretend PC doesn't exist. Even you with your "you know what we mean" bullshit. If you are butthurt that folks like ThePacemaker and myself remind them that the PC version does exist then you'll just have to be butthurt.

I also acknowledged that Starfield would be exclusive to Xbox and PC after Phil Spencer announced that Bethesda games would be exclusive to place where Game Pass exists. That is Xbox and PC. So I didn't need Jeff Grubb to tell me that. Now unless we get new info from Phil Spencer I'm going with what he has said.

Any more petty arguments you want to start?

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TheTony3161167d ago


"Sony is releasing 41 games on Steam. Your point? Microsoft bad/Sony good. 🤣🤣🤣 "

That includes DLC. Right now there are 3 games and 21 DLC items = 24

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10 "Bad" Games I Actually Enjoyed

TNS: "We're shining a light on a bunch of "bad" games that may've been left wanting when it comes to their critical or audience reception."

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FTLmaster2d ago
Profchaos2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Good list I've had similar reactions to some games even ones on the list like the order and Callisto

Also I recently grabbed forspoken for, 5 dollars at a eb games Clarence sale and I am actually enjoying it more than I thought I would

Sometimes you just need to give critically panned games a chance

FTLmaster2d ago

Oh gosh, good shout on Forspoken! Genuinely forgot about that one, and haven't got around to playing it. It's on my to-buy-in-a-sale list!

Cacabunga1d 15h ago (Edited 1d 15h ago )

Knack was great ! Had a blast with the first one. Haven’t tried the second one though due to backlog

The Fight: Lights Out was also a game i enjoyed very much and highly detailed with great motion control when you understand how they work, which is what pushed people away from this game..

LoveSpuds1d 13h ago

Both The Order and Calisto were harshly treated in my view. I am not saying they are perfect, but the were both really solid games. I personally really liked them despite acknowledging their flaws and coincidentally, got the platinum trophy for both games.

Evil West is another really fun game that's worth checking out for sure.

andy851d 13h ago

Forspoken was great. Never really understood all the criticism. 2nd best traversal in a game after Spiderman

Profchaos1d 6h ago

Yeah gameplay wise I get huge infamous vibes with its combat starting out as low level eventually becoming a unstoppable power spewing killing machine with a wide variety of powers infamous is one of my favourite franchises obviously it's not the same but I love the combat of it so far.

ChasterMies2d ago

I feel like we’re finally starting to see a sea change in how we treat our favorite games. Sure, we all acknowledge that a game can suck and we can still enjoy it. Hopefully this results in meaningful review scores. Personally, I find a lot of bad games are better if you blast through them on the easiest difficulty. Callisto protocol on the image is a good example of this.

LoveSpuds1d 13h ago (Edited 1d 13h ago )

I really liked Calisto, harshly treated for sure and I don't necessarily think it needs to be played on easy to enjoy it. It's not perfect, but it's not the car crash the media portrayed it as either.

I have said it before, but part of the issue is that there is a mind share going on in games coverage, with all the main outfits being personal friends and talking too each other. As such, there is a risk that everyone ends up sharing in the same opinion rather than thinking from themselves. I reckon that's why some games get a universal bashing when consumers actually like the game and equally, games get great reviews across the board and the game doesnt land with consumers.

RaidenBlack2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Actually, I started liking FO76 after the wastelanders DLC ... it has been my guilty pleasure
other games I can think of Order 1886, Driveclub, Resident Evil 6 (only the Leon part), Alpha Protocol (pretty unique, needs a remake), XIII Remake (after patches), Medal of Honor 2010, Medal of Honor Warfighter, Homefront The Revolution, Enemy Front, Legendary The Box, Faces of War, Conflict: Vietnam, Conflict: Global Storm & Codename: Panzers – Cold War

CosmicTurtle2d ago

Driveclub was genuinely a good game with a poor launch. Alpha Protocol is superb, just a few archaic design choices for the time.

RaidenBlack1d 14h ago

I want past games with interesting setups/mechanics but having some flaws (due to crunch or budget) to be remade so that the gaming community can appreciate and enjoy them as was envisioned and intended by the developers. In contrast to a successful game being remade again just with prettier coat of paint.
Alpha Protocol tops that and I'll include FO:NV as well as an exception (it is popular but features were cut due to limited dev time). And also Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines I, Singularity, KOTOR II and maybe Daikatana.
There might be others which I can't recall atm.

SonyStyled2d ago

I loved Enemy Front. I pre ordered it months prior and remember calling the store to check if it came out that day. The guy never heard of it but confirmed my copy was ready to pick up. Game was simple and basic in a good way. Didn’t have any tacked on extras. A simple mission and objectives in each level. Kind of reminded me of the first Crysis in a way

gold_drake2d ago

The Order was really good. abit short

RiseNShine2d ago

I loved The Order, ridiculous graphics for it's time and a very interesting setting, it was linear but not as bad as people say. Similar thing with Callisto Protocol, i admit that i played it a long time after release so maybe issues were fixed by then, but it was a fantastic Dead Space-like horror game with some of the best graphics i've seen in my life.

LoveSpuds1d 13h ago

Yup, I am afraid to say I waited on Calisto and picked it up for around 30 quid. Once I played it on felt really badly for the devs because the game was really decent.

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Earth Becomes Habitable Again in Starfield, Thanks to this Mod

Thanks to the Starfield Creation Kit, the "Earth Restored" mod has transformed the Earth into a Pine Forest and filled the sea with life.

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Starfield is not on Xbox One
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Starfield DLC needs to be as awe-inspiring as Shadow of the Erdtree to win players back

Shadow of the Erdtree saw a 1000% player count surge at its launch. Will Starfield’s Shattered Space be able to do the same?

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Community14d ago
Brazz14d ago

Spoiler... It Will not. Bethesda is outdated.

anast14d ago

If it gets rid of the loading screens and adds space exploration, it will.

phoenixwing14d ago

loading screens and zones are hardboiled into the game, they would have to remake it to change it. which if they had just made a new engine or used someone else's they wouldn't be in this mess

purple10114d ago

only PSpro release will get rid of there loading, at at minimum, half the time it takes.

lucian22914d ago

nah cuz game has multiple things that have to happen before transition to outer space; issue is it isnt seamless

BoneMagnus14d ago

I played Starfield this past weekend. I enjoyed it and overall was about 30 hours in, but as soon as I got the e-mail about the GamePass price increase, I cancelled my account and deleted Starfield, Halo, Forza and others off my Series X.

If I want to play those games, I’ll just buy them outright - and truth is, I’m pretty sure I won’t. They aren’t worth it to me.

Ninver14d ago

Brutal truth. Thanks gor being honest.

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