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Gears 5 Xbox Series X Screenshots and Comparison With Xbox One X Inside

Gears 5 screenshots for the Xbox Series X are out now along with a comparison with the Xbox One X that highlights the difference.

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Community1440d ago
RaidenBlack1440d ago

Maybe the differences will be more noticeable in a video ?

Mr Pumblechook1440d ago

Gears 5 is getting a ton of coverage and promotion from Microsoft, why is this being treated like a launch exclusive?

bouzebbal1440d ago (Edited 1440d ago )

Wait, is it unexpected to see a last gen game performing better on a next gen hardware?? What's new in that?

Where are the next gen launch titles xbox??

Hakuoro1440d ago

Mr Pumblechook

Because it's the only AAA game Microsoft has released in the past 5 years that was actually popular. And they literally have zero other games launching with the console now that Halo was delayed.

pocolocoX1440d ago

You really can't use your phone or low rez computer screen to do an analysis of the difference. But just looking at the photos I can see volumetric lighting is noticeably different. So is the lighting on surfaces. We'll need a DF analysis as the Xbox One X was pretty powerful already.

umair_s511440d ago

Because it is a launch exclusive, 😆

Army_of_Darkness1439d ago

If they removed the console labels, I wouldn't be able to see or tell the difference.... Hell, I still can't right now! 😁

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Pricey1440d ago

Unlikely, differences are typically less pronounced in motion.

conanlifts1440d ago

It might if it is due to lighting effects. In the last picture I notice a difference, they added a bin. Otherwise I can't tell them apart at all.

Pricey1440d ago (Edited 1440d ago )

Yeh that's true. Dynamic lighting is something you have to see in motion. Is there a video because the arrival mentions the main difference as dynamic lighting, is it even possible to spot dynamic lighting in a screenshot?

1440d ago
TravsVoid1440d ago

The screenshots are terrible quality.

mrsolidsteel201440d ago


Once "Obscure" gets wind of this, he's going to point out all of the benefits that's on the Series X, even though those screenshots appears to be identical.

Then the wonderful idiots over at digital foundry are going to zoom in 400% on some ridiculous texture to show you how superior the Series X is compare to anything else on the market.

TheTony3161440d ago

I think they'll need 800% zoom for this one.

1440d ago
Christopher1440d ago (Edited 1440d ago )

I can tell the shadows are sharper and more defined on One X pretty easily (not that Series S looks bad at all), but I gotta pixel count to get more detail than that.

Edit: It should be noted, One X is 4k, Series S is 1440p. So, if you view this at full resolution on 4k, things would be easier to see as well rather than these downsized images. But, it still won't be anything too huge.

343_Guilty_Spark1440d ago

Same reasons remake of a very good PS3 game that's coming to PS4 and PS5 is...

Because it's an upgrade and everyone hasn't played Gears 5.

lifeisgamesok1440d ago

And people think there's going to be big difference in multiplatform games between the PS5 and XSX Lol

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Smoke381440d ago (Edited 1440d ago )

This is what a free upgrade get you no noticeable differences man this is so disappointing.

aconnellan1440d ago

Now we’re trying to downplay free upgrades?

MadLad1440d ago

If it's an Xbox title..

1440d ago
Popsicle1440d ago (Edited 1440d ago )

@aconnellan, I appreciate it is free, but I am not seeing any upgrades evidenced by these screenshots.

Christopher1440d ago

Well, if people are going to hype the free upgrades as massive improvements for next-gen but it then falls short on the X as far as potential... Seems like people have just as much a right to note the lack of upgrade on X just as people can praise it for being "massive" without ever seeing it for themselves.


I think hes really downplaying this game's alleged upgrade...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1439d ago
alb18991440d ago (Edited 1440d ago )

Will you really compare a remake of a game that was made for PS3 to an upgrade from a game that was made two years ago?
Look what you get for free:

These screenshots showcase the Xbox Series X version that has received a significant upgrade placing it above even the PC version. According to The Coalition, the following features were updated on the Xbox Series X.

Higher Resolution TexturesImproved Anisotropic FilteringHigher-Resolution Volume FogHigher Quality Depth of FieldExtremely far Draw Distances with high level of object detailShadow Resolution and Shadow DistanceHigh-quality Screen-Space ReflectionsPost Processing improvements like Bloom, Lens Flare, Light Shafts, etc.+ More!
120fps MP!!
This people, I tell you!
But the worst of all is that almost everyone is looking for difference from a 6" phone that isn't even 4k.
Pay for your Spiderman upgrade and receive a 60fps with conditions..... incredible!!
Wait for Digital Foundry análisis

RaidenBlack1440d ago

I think he might be referring/comparing to Spider-Man paid upgrade.
I might be wrong too.

S2Killinit1440d ago (Edited 1440d ago )

I dont think anyone referred Demons Souls though. You just assumed.

As to this, I see a barely discernible but ultimately insignificant difference. Which is fine, its free.

Ju1440d ago (Edited 1440d ago )

Lets wait for DF ... because that puts what I see in a totally different light. Thanks. Now we know.

Hyperstrada1440d ago

Most xbox users will be updating Gears from xbox-s not a x1x, so the upgrade will be more pronounced then this comparison.
120fps is not disappointing.

Kavorklestein1439d ago

That is very true. Many of my friends are on the OG Xb1 and not even a 1S.
The jump will be great for them!

Wrex3691440d ago

I lOve PaYInG 70 fOR gaMES PlEAse rAIse PrIcE

warriorcase1440d ago

Digital foundry did a video a little bit back talking bout it and the article mentions it right there:

"These screenshots showcase the Xbox Series X version that has received a significant upgrade placing it above even the PC version. According to The Coalition, the following features were updated on the Xbox Series X.

Higher Resolution Textures
Improved Anisotropic Filtering
Higher-Resolution Volume Fog
Higher Quality Depth of Field
Extremely far Draw Distances with high level of object detail
Shadow Resolution and Shadow Distance
High-quality Screen-Space Reflections
Post Processing improvements like Bloom, Lens Flare, Light Shafts, etc.
+ More!"

LimpTool1440d ago

Watched Austin Evans This Is video and he said it's way better than the One X version. Uses the ultra PC settings with more on top of that.

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PowerPlayaaa1440d ago

And the difference iiiiiiis..............?

solideagle1440d ago

Xbox Series X
Xbox One X

Series One? Xbox X is common... (bad joke)

DJStotty1440d ago (Edited 1440d ago )

"And the difference iiiiiiis..............?"

One is higher quality than the other. Simple.

Enhancements in the Series X version :-

Higher Resolution Textures
Improved Anisotropic Filtering
Higher-Resolution Volume Fog
Higher Quality Depth of Field
Extremely far Draw Distances with high level of object detail
Shadow Resolution and Shadow Distance
High-quality Screen-Space Reflections
Post Processing improvements like Bloom, Lens Flare, Light Shafts, etc.

It is in black and white, the Series X version is now a higher quality than the PC version.

Ron_Danger1440d ago

Yeah we can all read the press release. We can also all see the comparison pictures. Nothing in that list of upgrades is better or even apparent on the Series X. If you can honestly say that what you see is worth the price of a $500 console then I can completely understand why Microsoft’s marketing team thinks they’re killing it.

DJStotty1440d ago (Edited 1440d ago )


" If you can honestly say that what you see is worth the price of a $500 console then I can completely understand why Microsoft’s marketing team thinks they’re killing it."

Now come on, who buys a $500 console for a last gen game?

Your going to have to try and troll harder than that

GryestOfBluSkies1440d ago

"Now come on, who buys a $500 console for a last gen game?"

Literally everybody who's buying a Series s/x. Backwards compatibility is all any Xbox fans talk about.

DJStotty1440d ago

Well to be fair, both camps are doing full BC this gen.

It is a plus for both as people who preorder either the PS5 or Series X, will still be playing their old games on the new hardware. (unless gamers are suddenly going to lose interest and trade in every single PS4/Xbox One game?) which to be perfectly honest, is more or less 100% of the launch lineup on either console.

Both launch lineups are cross-gen, so this "Literally everybody who's buying a Series s/x. Backwards compatibility is all any Xbox fans talk about." rhetoric, falls quite flat.

What will PS5 gamers be playing on launch day? The 18 PS4 games? the cross-gen games? or their back catalogue? Certainly will not be new exclusive PS5 only games will it now?

Ron_Danger1440d ago

Why do I have to try harder? If anything Microsoft needs to try harder. I game on PlayStation which makes me the target for MS’ sales team. Guys like you are already one in the bag for them so it doesn’t really matter what they show, you’ll buy it anyway.

I started gaming on Atari in the 80’s, then Nintendo in the early 90’s because their games interested me. Then I switched to Sega because I liked their faster paced arcade style of games. Then later in the 90’s I moved to PlayStation because of their games and I haven’t seen a reason since then to switch. If Nintendo or MS start putting out games I want to play, I’ll jump on board.

Showing “enhanced” screen shots of a game running on the most powerful console ever and then looking identical is not a way to sell new users on a console.

StoneyYoshi1440d ago

"What will PS5 gamers be playing on launch day? The 18 PS4 games? the cross-gen games? or their back catalogue? Certainly will not be new exclusive PS5 only games will it now?"

I'll be enjoying Demons Souls, and I decided to give Destruction all stars a try. Those are PS5 only

Yes I know Demons Souls is a remake from a PS3 game so its technically "not new". I never played it so its new to me and its still only playable on PS5.

Chevalier1439d ago

" Now come on, who buys a $500 console for a last gen game?"

Your criticizing him yet your not criticizing MS using a last gen game to showcase the Series X that's just rich. All anyone ever talks about on Series X is playing old games. That's just hilarious.

DJStotty1439d ago (Edited 1439d ago )

"I game on PlayStation"

That explains why you are here trying to bash a console you do not game on.

I rest my case


"Your criticizing him yet your not criticizing MS using a last gen game to showcase the Series X that's just rich."

Pretty sure Microsoft are not using Gears 5 to showcase the Series X, have they said that? I'm 100% confident that this is solely for the Gears of War fanbase and nothing else.

Why is Gears 5 not in any of the Series X promotional pieces like the latest trailer? Saying it is "Microsoft" that are using Gears to showcase the series X is nonsense.

Here is the launch trailer, no Gears of war in sight.

Chevalier1439d ago (Edited 1439d ago )

"Pretty sure Microsoft are not using Gears 5 to showcase the Series X, have they said that?"

Yeah they have. Coalition only made the update last weak and the list of differences. Seriously are you being purposely dense? There's an embargo from MS themselves. Did you even read the article ?

"Microsoft is now apparently going to lift the embargo of their current games that have been upgraded for Xbox Series X including Gears 5. "

This is a quote from the article and yeah they have shown Gears 5 at MULTIPLE events. Maybe go back and watch the last couple events and see. Just idiotic.

DJStotty1439d ago

The embargo has been lifted. Showing a game for the Series X is not the same as using a game to "showcase" the capability of a machine.


He wasn't asking you to read what they claim they are, he asked about what it can be seen (or not seen in this case).

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1440d ago Replies(3)
talocaca1440d ago

So.....there's no next gen games coming at launch, and old games look marginally better?

Maybe that's why they are really pushing Game's really all they got this year to try to justify buying a Series X 🤷‍♂️

Why exactly should Xbox users get this? Specially owners of the One X?

DJStotty1440d ago

Can't speak for you personally, but i have the One X and have pre-ordered the Series X.

If you do not feel the need to purchase is justifiable, then hold off.

NEXUS-61440d ago

When will it be justified?

That's the burning
question, just seems not worth it.

DJStotty1440d ago (Edited 1440d ago )

That will be different for everyone, some gamers will get PS5 and think it is justified, some will wait.

some gamers will get series X and think it is justified, some will wait.

Everyone will have their own justification timescale. I do not need to be convinced of justifying my purchase, i can do that myself.

"When will it be justified?

That's the burning
question, just seems not worth it."

You forgot "in my opinion"

NEXUS-61440d ago

Whatever makes you happy buddy - don't let my opinion influence your buying choices.

But in honesty - I just don't see the appeal. Having a 2+ yr old game/s as your selling point is really baffling.

And what they have shown of their soncalled 'next gen' stuff has been every shade of embarrassing.

You've gotta put into context the marketing and what is actually being shown - it doesn't add up.

DJStotty1440d ago

I am one of them that always gets launch consoles, regardless of lineup lol.

I still have a back catalogue of over 280 games to work through, and these will just transfer straight over to the Series X.

I can then trade in the One X, and get around £145 credit, so the Series X will essentially only cost me £300.

For me, it is a justifiable purchase.

I am also liking the look of the Medium which is released in December, Halo was delayed rightly so after the reveal. And the 3rd party games will keep me entertained until more 1st party is released.

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alb18991440d ago

Yep, not difference, 4k, Ray Tracing and 120fps on MP for free.
Spiderman with pay? 60fps with conditions and half Ray Tracing. Go to Digital Foundry to see it for your self.

Ju1440d ago (Edited 1440d ago )

Which Series X title on DF had shown RT? Sorry, I forgot. 120fps? That stick figure racer which drops resolution and removed everything but the track? Oh, ya, that one. What else?

MonsterChef1440d ago

Umm.. That 120fps was on dirt 5, and they talked about the dip in visual quality to achieve it. The ray tracing techniques you're knocking in spiderman have been shown to be effective and necessary parameters taken that even gaming pc rigs implement to achieve both stable frame rate and Ray tracing. It would make zero sense to tax your system to duplicate 4k Ray tracing when the surface that'll be reflecting it won't always be a mirror or in focus for that matter.

NeoGamer2321440d ago

I love how gamers think....

"There is a new generation, I have to have a reason to buy the console on day one otherwise it is crap".

No other electronic sells using this approach. Most other electronics get new features every year. But people only buy new ones when they feel a need to replace their existing one. That is how gaming needs to go.

crazyCoconuts1440d ago

No thank you. I'll take new generation for $500, Bob.

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All Xbox Games with Mouse and Keyboard Support

Are you longing to get a tactical advantage from your input method? Here's all the All Xbox Games with mouse and keyboard support.

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Community494d ago

Gears 5 Is Microsoft's First Game on GeForce NOW; Deathloop, Grounded, Pentiment Coming Next Week

Gears 5 is available to stream on GeForce NOW as Microsoft's first game following the partnership with NVIDIA. More will follow next week.

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Community495d ago

Top 35 Best Xbox One Games of All Time

BLG writes: "For a console that had a lukewarm (at best) launch, the Xbox One had a lot of great games. So much so that even listing 35 of the best Xbox One games feels like we’re leaving some out!"

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Community806d ago
shinoff2183805d ago

i went through the list to kill some time. WHat I found crazy was out of the 35 games only 3 are exclusive to the xbox one. Forza ori and damn I forgot the other.