
5 Of The Best Shooters Available On Xbox Game Pass Right Now

FragHero writes: "Here is a handy guide to some of the best shooters available to play via the ever-expanding Xbox Game Pass service for PC and console."

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772d ago
772d ago
772d ago

Sunset Overdrive PS5 Port Ruled Out In Favor of Wolverine

Insomniac has confirmed that a PS5 port for 2014's Sunset Overdrive is not currently planned due to a focus on Marvel's Wolverine.

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RaidenBlack30d ago

(well, they're likely also working with Nixxes for the inevitable Spider-Man 2 PC port as well)

Cacabunga30d ago

Wise decision, enough with old gen games already!!!

DarXyde29d ago

Sunset Overdrive was great...

I quite enjoyed the Demons' Souls remake too. I'm more or less begging for a Bloodborne sequel but would snap up a remake in a heartbeat.

Concertoine29d ago

I’d rather play an older unique game than a new Marvel game.

Im so blown out on Marvel, I can’t fathom how some people seem to have a bottomless appetite for it. A studio like Insomniac could do way better.

just_looken29d ago

Yep those poor devs are now a marvel sweat camp

This port and a quick pc patch to fix some bugs would have been a great idea i actualy forgot its not on ps5 you think it would have by now.

But hey they got like you said spiderman 2 pc port then spiderman 3 then spiderman collection with a wolverne/blade tossed in.

Amplitude29d ago

From everything we've seen, it's not like Insomniac is being forced to make Marvel games - it's clearly a good partnership that results in good games. They're still making Ratchet games anyway which is what really matters

Redemption-6429d ago

I have no idea why people like you keep making lies. Does it help you sleep at night? Where are you getting this information that they are either being forced or made into a Marvel camp? Sony approach Insomniac when they were independent to work on a Marvel IP and they picked Spider-Man. After the success of Spider-Man, it was Insomniac who pitched Wolverine to Sony/Marvel and was given the green light

30d ago Replies(5)
-Foxtrot30d ago

This is new…it pretty much confirms it can happen eventually.

I thought Microsoft had publishing rights or something

Eonjay30d ago

Yes you are right. Microsoft allegedly has rights to the first game. Perhaps Microsoft wasted to sell it back to Sony in exchange for a port to Xbox Series. This would make the statement make more sense because I can't imagine that a port of this game even compares to the creation of Wolverine. So Microsoft probably requested a multiplat port.

gold_drake30d ago

yeh, the article says as much that MS does have publishing rights.

Profchaos30d ago

They do but Microsoft doesn't really care about the game they are considering Halo 1 for ps5 so this would be nothing

badz14930d ago

MS doesn't just have the publishing rights for SSoD, they also have publishing rights for the next 2 games in the franchise!

Zeke6829d ago

" The game was later pitched to various publishers, which rejected them because Insomniac demanded to retain ownership of the intellectual property. The project was later pitched to Microsoft Studios, which was eager to work with Insomniac. Microsoft allowed Insomniac to own the rights to the game"

Seems Insomniac own the rights after all...

badz14929d ago


publishing rights is not the same as IP rights or ownership. for SSoD, Insomniac owns the IP, MS owns the publishing rights. just like Sony with Spider-man. Sony only owns the publishing rights to the movies and games but the IP is still owned by Marvel/Disney.

Zeke6829d ago

See my comment below. When Insomniac left M$ they let Microsoft keep their publishing rights for... drumroll... Xbox and PC.
If they want to release it on PS they can let Sony publish it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 29d ago
Abnor_Mal30d ago

“It is important to note that Xbox owns the publishing rights to Sunset Overdrive.

Therefore, a PS5 port would need to be approved by Microsoft.”

I said this eight days ago and got disagrees.

Fishy Fingers30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Most people dont read bro..

Had it been their IP through and through it would of been an easy release for them and its a fun game, probably would of already happened. The people saying no ones cares about Sunset Overdrive would be saying cant wait to play in 4K 60 if announced

NotoriousWhiz29d ago

"Most people dont read bro.."


Zeke6829d ago (Edited 29d ago )

"Most people dont read bro..."

"The game was later pitched to various publishers, which rejected them because Insomniac demanded to retain ownership of the intellectual property. The project was later pitched to Microsoft Studios, which was eager to work with Insomniac. Microsoft allowed Insomniac to own the rights to the game. Sunset Overdrive was made for Microsoft's Xbox One console; it was released on the 20th anniversary of Insomniac, in 2014"

What I read is that Insomniac still own the rights to the game. Prove me wrong! ;)

Edit M$ owns publishing rights on Xbox, not Playstation as they never intended to release it on PS ever.

KwietStorm_BLM30d ago

We can forget about all of their iconic IPs. They're a Marvel studio now.

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solideagle64d ago (Edited 64d ago )

where is GOW (original trilogy)?