
Ghost of Tsushima Review - IGN

Ghost of Tsushima is an absolutely gorgeous open-world action/adventure with incredible combat and clever solutions to longstanding issues in the genre, despite dropping the ball on the stealth side of its stealth/action split.

RazzerRedux1473d ago (Edited 1473d ago )

Another kick ass game from Sony! New IP at the end of the generation as well. This is why I buy PlayStation.


No doubt man. Hard to believe that I just finished TLOU 2 and in three days I'll be playing GoT. Two blockbusters weeks apart. Just awesome.

pwnmaster30001473d ago (Edited 1473d ago )

Yeah Sony is leave this era with a bang and I finally made up my mind to pre order the game.

Sony devs is looking really strong for next gen. A lot of them is producing really great games.

I’m so conflicted because I love last of us 2 but haven’t finished it but I really want to play ghost right away.

mikeslemonade1473d ago

PS4 held it back. Should have been a PS5 only game just like TLoU2.

jznrpg1473d ago

@mikeslemon don’t worry , they will support PS5 with a lot of games until the end of the new gen

Army_of_Darkness1473d ago


Oh you... Always saying the same sh*t like a broken record at the end of every gen... At least be a little more creative next time?

Marquinho1473d ago (Edited 1473d ago )

Will need wait for more reviews. Wonder why IGN's so far above the media in Metacritic (currently 83)

For a new IP, 83 of media is pretty good though.

pwnmaster30001473d ago (Edited 1473d ago )

Lol several other sites gave it a 9.
Plus this is sucker punches biggest game...
I predict their next game to be on another level.

RazzerRedux1473d ago (Edited 1473d ago )

9 isn't really "far above" 8.3 at all. 83 is a great score for any game, but definitely hard to achieve with new IP.

WillyC0091473d ago

It’s at 85% on OpenCritic

morganfell1473d ago

Reviews are meaningless. They are just opinions and favorable or not they have degenerated into a mere litany if personal likes and dislikes, completely devoid of any objectivity. There is only one reviewer that is of consequence and that is the one you see when you are brushing your teeth.

sushimama1473d ago (Edited 1473d ago )

YOUR BOY Skill Up says it is "astoundingly good" and is one of the best open world games ever made. So now I know you'll be down to play. I know how much you value his opinion.

ACG on youtube loved it too

Marquinho1473d ago Show
SamTheGamer1473d ago (Edited 1473d ago )

Now it's 84 based on 86 critic review. Are you gonna buy the game?

Marquinho1473d ago Show
starchild1473d ago

I do think Skill Up is one of the better reviewers out there. But ultimately I don't take any reviewer's opinion as the gospel truth.

rainslacker1473d ago (Edited 1473d ago )

.7 is so high over the meta?

1-2 points within meta is generally probably a good sign that it's at least a reasonable review.

ForwardDude1473d ago

It's not coordinated. If every site gave the game exactly 8.3 that would be shaddy.

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1473d ago
crazyCoconuts1473d ago

I can't keep up with all the Sony exclusive games I want to play. I just started Death Stranding (and loving it), and I still have Days Gone, TLOU2, and now GoT to get through before PS5. Damn, good problem to have

1473d ago
-Ghost1473d ago

The wait is almost over 😃 Still remember the day when they revealed it back in 2017 for Paris Games Week

CaptainHenry9161473d ago

Sony knows how to deliver great exclusives

RauLeCreuset1473d ago

Ditto. The last two games I finished were FF7R and TLOU2. Now Ghosts in just a few days. I still have to decide when I'm going to play Iron Man VR. The consistent strength of Sony's catalog over the last four gens would be enough on its own to convince me to invest in PS5.

1472d ago
SierraGuy1472d ago

It does assassin's Creed better than ... assassin's Creed!!!

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1473d ago Replies(8)
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gravedigger1473d ago

New IP and Sony nailed it again

sampsonon1473d ago

Now let's hope The Order gets to a sequel and has a tweak or two to the game. Taking chances should be celebrated.

gameslayer24111473d ago

Sadly the studio responsible for the Order is now owned by Facebook, so I dont see us getting the sequel it so rightfully deserves.

1473d ago
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Ghost of Tsushima Update 2.24 Enables Matchmaking Between Consoles and PC This July 16

Players will be able to download Ghost of Tsushima update 2.24 (PS5 version 2.024) this July 16, and this is for the Legends multiplayer mode.


AMD FSR 3.1 Frame Gen 15% Faster than DLSS 3.5: Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Forbidden West

Nixxes just added FSR 3.1 to all recent Sony titles on PC. This update improves quality and temporal stability while boosting frame rates by up to 10%. It also allows you to pair AMD’s open-source (works on everything) frame generation with DLSS-based upscaling.

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DarXyde25d ago

I'm genuinely curious on results when stacking DLSS+FSR. I imagine it will create some inconsistencies but I haven't seen any circumstance where they're paired.

Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough because something like this would definitely be tested and analyzed.

DustMan25d ago

DLSS plus AMD frame Gen can be used together via a mod that's easy to install on most games that support DLSS 3.0. It's a difference maker and both work very well in tandem with each other. I can see it being implemented moving forward as the Frame Generation aspect of FSR does not need to be coupled with it's it's upscaling tech. That said. FSR is getting better with each and every upgrade. Honestly it's getting hard for me to see a difference at this point with my 40 year old eyes.

Started up Last of Us, and honestly I had a really hard time finding quality issues with the new FSR vs DLSS. Yes. DLSS has an edge, slightly noticeable when you stop moving and analyze all the details. However I'm not playing games to simply judge the games fidelity.

If AMD can figure out how to beef up their Ray Tracing performance they'll really be on to something. I personally will find it difficult to buy another Nvidia GPU when I fear a set of features will be locked behind a paywall in 2 or 3 years.

Zeref25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

It shouldn't be a problem at all. The tech is completely independent of eachother. If NVIDIA wanted to they could do the same.

ED20225d ago

Yea and fsr looking horrible while dlss is no brainer looks like native+ without amd pixelation,shimmering and ghosting. Nvidia and sony did good job on horizon fbw it looks increbile and play maxed out 4k visuals(with dlss quality) 120fps

DustMan25d ago

I have a 3080, and the difference is becoming less and less apparent. Not saying FSR is perfect yet, but It's improving bit by bit with every update. Depending on your setup the difference is really becoming negligible, and in a couple years AMD's equivalent will be just as viable. Won't need to buy a new GPU to take advantage of it either.


Games like Ghost of Tsushima you don't want to miss out on

Love Ghost of Tsushima? Explore similar games with exciting combat, epic adventures, and dangerous worlds to conquer.

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