
Gamespot: The Last Remnant Review

Gamespot: "When you first begin The Last Remnant, you'll participate in a battle within moments of inserting the game disc, and chances are that you'll be struck by a glaring issue: The frame rate is awful, and the texture pop-in is shockingly bad. It's an issue you'll never quite get used to, considering that it mars the entirety of the experience. What a shame, because this long and fascinating Japanese role-playing game has a way of getting under your skin. It features a rich, original fantasy world, obviously crafted with great care and artistry, and it tells a strong, politically charged tale that will keep you glued to the screen. Although somewhat flawed, the battle system is fun to play around with, particularly in the second half when enormous armies go head to head in some dramatic, bloody showdowns."

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Fobuo5685d ago

Is there really any doubt that Square Enix are losing their reputation as a great RPG maker?

Sarcasm5685d ago

There's no doubt. Yoichi Wada is ensuring their failure so he can quit and join Microsoft.

sushipoop5685d ago (Edited 5685d ago )

LMAO just keep making games for 360, Sellout-Enix. Keep it up! That's a great reputation you're making for yourselves. First Infinite Undiscovery and now this. Bravo!

Keep this Unreal Engine garbage on 360. PS3 owners don't want it.

kindi_boy5685d ago

installing the game and see if that helps, i'll try and put down my findings after i go back home.

bushfan5685d ago

they gave 38 out of 40.... maybe they are fanboys NOT to a console..but to a genre..gamespot talk about framedrops..then famitsu just don't care about or what? I don't get it. who i will trust, i need to see it to make my judge.

but something is true..square is going down, too many NDS games(like a chicken of golden eggs) I want few but good ones, not many but bad ones.

zantetsuken5685d ago

Famitsu also gave Haze a 38/40, and we saw how that did stateside...

Sexius Maximus5685d ago

Square hasn't made a great game since the 16 bit era. The SNES is still king of Squares groundbreaking achievements. Nothing in the passed 10 years can compete with FF2, FF6, Chrono, Mana, etc. Square ruled all back in the day.

miniduf15685d ago

Are you stupid. You know this game is coming out for PS3 as well, its a bad game, but not a bade 360 exclusive.

mpmaley5685d ago

@ 1.4


You seriously take Famitsu reviews seriously? Please get educated.

FrankenLife5684d ago

We haven't gotten many good JRPGs this gen in general. Perhaps White Knight and FFXIII will be different.

They said that everything about the game was great, except for the fps count. frame rate is important, but I don't know if I would drop a games score that low over frame rate unless it seriously impedes game play.

pixelsword5684d ago

...since it looks like FF XIII might be a big chunk of doo-doo, given the trail of poop games that's been coming outta SE.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5684d ago
Mr_Potato_5685d ago

Where are you going Square ? I'm really afraid for FF13 and FF13 Vs now...

Panthers5685d ago

I am hoping that the best men and women are working on those titles. Plus, it wont be on the Unreal Engine.

iMad5685d ago

Whan Lost Odyssey remains the best jRPG to date.

theKiller5685d ago

thats the problem with multiplatform games, and thats why we all were angry when FF13 went to 360, because they will hold back the ps3 version for the sake of 360!!

any way am not looking forward for FF13 until they prove it its a high quality game! FF12 sucked so badly!! and am not going to run after FF13!! however FFvs13 looks more promising since at least was built from the ground up for ps3 and no plans so far to go to 360!!

Square Enix is the Japanese EA.

my last hope if FF13 fails will be FFvs13 if that fails too i will leave the franchise for good!

mintaro5685d ago

Shame, if not for the Unreal Engine this would have been stellar.

Fobuo5685d ago

My thoughts exactly,it sounds like Square would be better off following Kojima Productions and developing their own...Oh wait,they DO have their own engine,but they didn't use it on their own game!

I wonder if Square will break up with Enix,at this rate,things aren't looking too sweet for the RPG maker

gamesmaster5685d ago

sony should just offer to buy square, whack soft back on the end. you know that name they used to go by when they made good games!

pixelsword5684d ago

...The white Engine was specifically meant for the PS3, so I wish they'd put more trailers out because I'm sure S-E will cut-up the PS3 version of FFXIII to make it look equal on the 360.

FFXIII will make or break S-E because if the 360 version of the game comes in at less than three discs, we'll all know that stuff has been cut out of the PS3 version, thanks to Id putting pressure on Microsoft by putting out their complaint list.

This will be very interesting.

Rage already failed themselves because they had to cut out a whole section of game to lick Microsoft's boots, so I wonder what Square-Enix will do to try to cover-up their bootlicking.

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Rangerman12081602d ago (Edited 1602d ago )

While I agree that the combat in Star Ocean 5's combat is pretty fun, saying that its story is more enjoyable than its predecessors is highly debatable. Also, it's not just the technical issues the game suffers from.

Gaming4Life19811601d ago

Star Ocean 5 was garbage and I was a huge star ocean fan.

Docmortem1602d ago

Completely disagree the games I played from the list all deserve their scores (Star Ocean, Nier, Tales of Zesteria, Type-0). While there are certainly people that love these games, they have flaws in many categories, that justify those scores.
Star Ocean especially bored the hell out of me. Lame story and face roll battle system (I finished the game anyway). These games are really niche and when rated by a broader public, fall short. In my opinion even in their own genre.

solideagle1602d ago

I personally have not played any game below 80 and thought wow this should have been 80-90 game. The only game I thought should have been 90 was Shadow Hearts II: Covenant. I am pretty sure there will be some games but average score usually is pretty good indication.

do you recommend any JRPG which you think were good/amazing but it didn't score well? I just purchased Tokyo xanadu but it seems way too slow like trails game but trail at least has good story. I will give it a shot

1601d ago
rainslacker1601d ago

I think there were quite a few JRPG games that got hit with lower meta scores last gen when all these reviewers were on their anti-anime tropes kick. Not that they should get up there into the high 80s or 90s, but they weren't 60-70 games either.

That's mostly died off this gen, thankfully

WickedLester1602d ago

Ni No Kuni 2 is way better than it's metascore.

solideagle1601d ago

I think Ni No Kuni 2 combat is pretty generic but if you add all DLCs then its combat is pretty awesome. I purchased the complete edition so I can say DLC changes the combat completely

FinalAeonX1601d ago

Ni no Kuni 1 is way better than its metascore

Father__Merrin1601d ago

meta scores are rubbish best ignore them. many gems out there

solideagle1601d ago (Edited 1601d ago )

can you please name few?

Kocurstvo1601d ago (Edited 1601d ago )

Useless to argument troll, but e.g. Eat Lead is hilarious and extremely funny, yet mediocre on metastupids.... Lords of the Fallen, Strange brigade... I could name hundreds

1601d ago
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kalkano1996d ago

It's a good game, but the story is only okay. The gameplay is where the game really shines, but the game itself does an atrocious job of explaining it's own systems. Basically, you need to read a "what I wish I knew before I started" somewhere online, and then the game becomes great.