
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift – is the name putting people off?


"I was slightly bemused when I first heard the title of the new MotorStorm game. Was it an expansion of the original, perhaps? Was there a specific reason why the '2' was left out of the title? There didn't seem to be, given that the game was set against an entirely different backdrop, had twice as many tracks as the first and contained monster trucks, the latter being a commercially sensible inclusion in my eyes. Still, I read the press release and moved on with my life. It was a sequel, all right, and Evolution Studios had the time to create a top quality racing title. It eventually turned out to be miles better than the first, so I gave it 93%.

This rule doesn't seem to apply in every case, though. Call of Duty: World At War just became the third fastest-selling title of all time in the UK, but that was bolstered by a heavy advertising campaign, which extended to a showing of Quantum Of Solace I attended last week. Without a strong marketing campaign to generate interest, MotorStorm: Pacific Rift appears to have suffered.

Hopefully, through future PS3 bundles and sustainable, long-term interest, it'll become as big a commercial hit as the first."

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Its not only motorstorm.Every PS3 game will suffer because sony is CRAP at marketing....

Mr_Bun5693d ago (Edited 5693d ago )

I agree...what happened to Sony's marketing? They used excel at it (at least in reference to the PSone and even the PS2)...Where did they go?

@High Def

The author is referring to the lack of the number "2"...as in MotorStorm 2...claiming that people think it is just an expansion or something

ultimolu5693d ago

Agreeing with advertisement. Sony can do a lot better than this.

Mr_Bun5693d ago

I hate typing your name so I am going to refer to you as UJ from now on, k?

On topic: I really wish Sony would advertise the hell out of their games like the good 'ol days.

ultimolu5693d ago (Edited 5693d ago )

That's fine. It was supposed to be ultimo but I added the u for the heck of it. Yes, and the l. xD;

But yeah, Sony needs to advertise. People won't know the PS3 is an amazing system if they don't get out there and make it known.

Shortstop5693d ago

Then how do you explain the L, ultimolu? lol

I liked the commercial for Motorstorm, but yeah, PS3's advertising hasn't been nearly as invasive as M$ has been. I am always somewhat annoyed when M$ has a commercial for a multiplat game. I know hype can be a bad thing if overdone, but Sony is not hyping anything, ever anymore.

You just see a few ads when the game is released and that's it. Nothing building up the hype a month or so before a game release and never anything after about a month. I guess they are relying on word-of-mouth.

BrianC62345693d ago

"Every PS3 game will suffer because sony is CRAP at marketing...."

I don't agree with that at all. Lately all I read is dumb comments like yours. People say Sony doesn't advertise the PS3. I see commercials all the time. And I always know a PS3 commercial is on because of the sound they always use in their commercials. They could do more to advertise their bigger games but I don't see many Nintendo or Micrsoft commercials either. Maybe it depends on what you watch on TV. I see plenty of Sony commercials during shows I watch.

thewhoopimen5693d ago (Edited 5693d ago )

>>>>Its not only motorstorm.Every PS3 game will suffer because sony is CRAP at marketing....

Just to clarify, SONY USA's marketing is not doing too well, but it isn't crap. They just aren't doing what MS is doing, which is blanketing every available ad space to the point of annoyance. Here is the problem. Sony is too polite, assumes too highly of the American consumer, and just doesn't understand Americans' tolerance for ad blanketing (or might not have MS's budget, which i personally think is doubtful. Everyone ALWAYS has ad money during holiday season since 50%+ of all retail sales comes around this time). The way MS is marketing here in the US, wouldn't be tolerated elsewhere in the world. MS would get huge amounts of complaints/fines/penalties for being a nuisance with the bus stop, billborads, posters, tv spots etc.

Not to demean Americans (but this is what is ACTUALLY put in Marketing textbooks in US colleges/universities. I kid you not.), American consumers love to be TOLD that a product is great and what to get... where say, europeans prefer to base judgements for themselves and don't like pushy ads). I say TOLD b/c most US ads are misleading and ill-informative.

Also language for US ads needs to be written on an elementary 4-5th grade level, must be spoken with regular pauses to account for slower comprehension, and REGULARLY repeated. Ads cannot be artsy, b/c Americans just don't get it. It doesn't matter if the ad is informative or not, misleading or not, as long as Americans are TOLD to buy it, and the conditions above are met, Americans will buy. If you don't believe me, analyze some commercials sometime.

MS is doing exactly that, blasting ads at Americans like propaganda until all they can think of, is the game. I hope this gives you some insight of MS's marketing assumptions that Americans are dumb hicks, with low level education, and easily brainwashed through countless repeats.

I guess the bottom line is Sony needs to play to a market of 5th graders and stop treating Americans like adults.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5693d ago
Aclay5694d ago (Edited 5694d ago )

With the overabundance of games this holiday, I think that Motorstorm Pacific Rift is just simply getting overlooked. I think that Sony should have delayed it until the end of November or early December.

I mean, LBP came out around the time of Motorstorm Pacific Rift in the U.S., and Resistance 2 came out the week after Motorstorm. Both LBP and R2 were more anticipated, and that's what most PS3 owners were picking up at the time and it's as simple as that.

I do plan on getting Motorstorm Pacific Rift because I greatly enjoyed the first and still play it from time to time, it's just that I've begun some holiday shopping and I've already purchased several other games already (Dead Space, Fallout 3, Resistance 2), so I put the purchase of Motorstorm Pacific Rift on hold until next month or early next year because as much as I love video games, I'm not spending all of my money this holiday on JUST games.

Kleptic5694d ago

totally agree...It may have done better had it been delayed until early 2009 possibly...the PS3 simply had too many games all at once through late October...where as the first motorstorm released in a window entirely on its own...

I don't think the name has anything to do with it...people don't care about the number...they care about the name...the motorstorm part is what will catch people's attention, and in the end the game will do perfectly fine...

WANNA GET HIGH5693d ago (Edited 5693d ago )

That is the truth.When u compare it to MS adds and NINTENDO they are CRAP.The amount of times i see ms adds is uncountable(and im serious,dont think im trying to be funny).Sony depends on word of mouth too much.When u compare the amount of billboards u see a MS game to sony it is very worring.Sony needs to step it up next year.I just hope killzone 2 dose not suffer because of lack of adds.And other big titles like God Of War 3.

What sony should be doing is having posters on almost every bus stop ad billboards like MS dose.I know some one who did not even know MGS4 was out until he came to my house and that was a couple of weeks ago.He dose not go to game stores because all he plays is COD4 and he dose not check PSN for new trailers or gose to game web sites like we do,as soon as he puts on hes ps3 he just starts playing COD4.It sounds crazy but its true.

BrianC62345693d ago

I agree but I think Sony should have released Pacific Rift in the summer or after Christmas. New game releases really die off after the holidays. It was smart to push Killzone 2 back. Not that it wouldn't have sold great but now it won't have much competition. I just think these companies release way too many games at once. Spread them out more. I know everyone says but we want Christmas sales. Well you aren't getting them. A good game will sell well any time of the year.

BrianC62345693d ago

"When u compare it to MS adds and NINTENDO they are CRAP.The amount of times i see ms adds is uncountable(and im serious,dont think im trying to be funny).Sony depends on word of mouth too much.When u compare the amount of billboards u see a MS game to sony it is very worring."

Where are these billboard ads you're talking about? I live in southern California and I don't see Microsoft billboards around me. I see as many Sony commercials as I see Microsoft and Nintendo commercials. I guess I don't watch the shows Microsoft bombards then.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5693d ago
James Vanderbeek5694d ago

is buy it. Its one of the best games this year.. And i am not a big racing fan but this game it pure hell on wheels..

5693d ago Replies(1)
Silogon5693d ago

Anyone who didn't buy it or doesn't buy it is a fool... It is easily my top pick for game of the year on Ps3. Easily! They made amends for everything wrong with the 1st one. Everything... I also like how much more forgiving it is. No more are you blasted up against a rock wall for hitting a pebble and if you are no longer do they set you back as you watch the entire line up pass you by as you're getting reset on the track.

MSPR is the best game I've played all year. And I hate everything... ;-)

Mr_Potato_5693d ago

For once I agree with you, I have trouble stopping playing this game, it's the ultimate arcade racer.

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Revisiting PS3 classic Motorstorm - The driving celebration that should never have ended

Digital Foundry : Evolution Studios' Motorstorm is one of the first, finest and most fondly remembered of launch titles for PlayStation 3. It's a release designed to answer the question posed by each new console generation: what makes a game 'next-gen'? With its robust physics engine and massive tracks, Motorstorm serves up a bold affirmative answer to this question, delivering an experience that could never have existed on prior console hardware. At the same time, the path to release was fraught with challenges that almost serve as a microcosm of the PlayStation 3 release situation itself. It was a success, however, with a trilogy of PS3 releases, plus PSP, Vita and even PS2 off-shoots.

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RaidenBlack763d ago

After Driveclub and Onrush, the dev team will now contribute to and assist with the development of the upcoming NFS.

darthv72763d ago

I would give anything to have a full compilation of the series remastered to play on PS5 with full DS support. Feeling the deformation of the tracks as you race in pacific rift or the snow laden tracks in arctic edge... that would be sweet.

MastaMold763d ago (Edited 763d ago )

Yes MotorStorm World Tour for PS5 damn it Sony make it. The Desert, Pacific Islands, The Arctic and City races.

Army_of_Darkness763d ago

Motorstorm Pacific rift was awesome! I think MotorStorm: Apocalypse was what killed the franchise due to its change of direction...

darthv72763d ago

Pacific rift is the best (IMO) but apocalypse wasnt what killed it. At least it was still somewhat of a MS game. The RC one is really a departure from the norm. None of which were bad as they were all fun in their own ways.

Army_of_Darkness763d ago

Lol! I completely forgot about the RC version.

Knushwood Butt763d ago (Edited 763d ago )

RC was a blast to play on Vita.

Apocalypse had unfortunate timing due to the 3/11 earthquake in Japan. I never got around to playing that one.

Evolution had some harsh experiences. I had Driveclub from launch and the server issues weren't that bad and certainly didn't prevent you from enjoying the game.

ABizzel1762d ago

Agree Apocalypse didn't kill it, it's just racing games in general just became less popular nearing the end of the PS360 generation as it was flooded with medicore racers and the extremely niche but enjoyable ones like Motorstorm, Blur, Spilt Second, and Forza Horizon (still going strong, but actual sales have been decent fro a racer, and often expanded by console bundles and now GamePass)

But since the PS4/XBO generation had a lack of arcade racers, it's a prime time for games like this to come back.

I've said for the longest, the additional income of PS+ Premium should be used for, Remastering, Remaking, or recreating sequels / spinoffs of classic PS franchises to launch into the service. Many PS3 games fit this mold of looking good enough that a quick remaster to 4K@60 with better texture maps would give them near PS4 quality.

Remasters: A game like Motorstorm look good enough where it can simply be remastered in 4K @ 60fps, and have better textures for mud, mountains/rock structures, and vehicles and it would hold up WELL.

Remakes: Games like Legend of Dragoon, Warhawk (could be a simple remaster also), and so many others could get remakes like FF7.

Recreates: Shorter sequels/prequels/spin-offs to other classic PS IPs like how Infamous First Light / Blood Festival (BF was a highly underrated vampire game) and Uncharted Lost Legacy. Give spin-offs to things like Heavenly Sword, The Order 1886 (1786 or 1986), Puppeteer, Tokyo Jungle, and more.

ABizzel1762d ago (Edited 762d ago )

This is also why Sone NEEDS to get PS3 emulation up and running. It gets rid of all the PS3 server farms and replaces it with software that can work on EVERY future PS console with updated coding.

At bare minimum emulation could double the resolution and framerates of all PS3 games making many of them 1440p@60fps without any real work, and a few 4k@60fps.

As for full-on remakes again updating to 4K@60fps with completely revamped textures, and an option for 1440p@60fps with global illumination can make these games shine with a new lease on life.

Also I'm still waiting on my DriveClub 1440p@60fps update 😭

ChiefofLoliPolice762d ago

Apocalypse was actually pretty good i don't think that's what killed the series. PR was the best though.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 762d ago
Kurt Russell762d ago

I was late to PS3 and Pacific Rift was the first game I picked up on it... huge miss to not have one on PS4, hope it gets some love on PS5 (as well as Ridge Racer and Wipeout).

akurtz763d ago

Only driving game i enjoyed.

darkrider763d ago

Really cool franchise. It's shame it ended

RosweeSon763d ago

Never really got into it myself I remember getting it with ps3 and being a bit underwhelmed I preferred the RC version they did for vita 🙌🏻🤣

EvertonFC763d ago

Going from ps2 to ps3 was not underwhelming when I first played motorstorm, it was like nothing we'd ever seen before ?

RosweeSon763d ago (Edited 763d ago )

Each to their own didn’t like it myself. 🤷🏻‍♂️✌🏻 ;I didn’t say going from ps2/3 was underwhelming just the launch game motorstorm, bit different but hey ho.

PS3 was a slow burner for me it’s my least favourite Sony console, maybe as I had my 360 as my main at that point but yeah wasn’t impressed with first couple of years to be honest but that’s just me. Once uncharted MGS4 GT5 Last of us GTA4/5 dropped sure but launch games weren’t all that imo. Resistance was alright wasn’t as big a change as ps4 or even now ps5 for me. PS3 took out rumble and basically went HD it’s wasn’t exactly a revolutionary start. 🤷🏻‍♂️✌🏻 ;

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God of War 3, Sly 3, P5 Persona, Dante's Inferno & more running via the latest version of RPCS3

DSOGaming writes: "RPCS3 is the best emulator for Sony’s previous-gen console, the Playstation 3, and we’ve decided to share some videos, showing Dante’s Inferno, God of War 3, Sly 3, P5 Persona, Motorstorm Pacific Rift, Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting, Super Hero Generations and more running on its latest version."

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SkatterBrain1818d ago

sony should get this emulator on the ps5 to have full BC

mijayire1818d ago

Funny how people were saying impossible yet some random developer is managing to do it. Give it few more years and you will see greater improvements and compatibility.

AspiringProGenji1818d ago (Edited 1818d ago )


imagine Sony taking more than 10 years developing a PS3 emulator that is still not perfect...

Gwiz1818d ago

It's crazy how accurate I was with the time frame of having actual good running PS3 emulation (2020)

Enturax1818d ago

Once Sony ultimately proves it doesn't care about its actual fans but other worthless stuff, like censorship, I'm going to start saving for a good gaming PC.

PitbullMonster1818d ago (Edited 1818d ago )

Lol, look at the specs of the PC they used for the Emulator, Intet I9 9900K and a MSI RTX2080TI.
Good luck saving at least 2000€ for a PS3 Emulator.

Enturax1817d ago

Yes, because PC parts never get cheaper and the emulator isn't being constantly optimized to work better.

Also, I'd rather pay extra for personal freedom and a much better performance than to support some communist bastards.


Heavy Rain, MotorStorm: Pacific Rift and Spiderman 3 running on the PC via the PS3 emulator, RPCS3

DSOGaming writes: "YouTube’s ‘reznoire’ and ‘Emulators for PC’ have shared some new videos from the latest version of the Playstation 3 emulator, RPCS3, showing Heavy Rain, MotorStorm: Pacific Rift and Spiderman 3 running in it."

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Father__Merrin2077d ago

These games are very old now its easier to just locate a ps3

ProjectVulcan2077d ago

Not the point. I for one want Metal Gear Solid 4 in minimum native 1080p and 60FPS. On PS3 it ran 1024 x 768 and about 25FPS.

So the only way that ever looks like happening is via emulation. Good work is being done on RPCS3.

marioJP872077d ago

Ain't happening. You'll get 1080P but the frame rate won't run at 60 fps. Emulators don't work that way as PC games does. Not a single emulator has been able to override a 30 fps game to run at 60 fps ... actual 60 frames.

ProjectVulcan2077d ago (Edited 2077d ago )

"Ain't happening. You'll get 1080P but the frame rate won't run at 60 fps. Emulators don't work that way"


@ MarioJP87 Lol sorry but go back to your console, you know nothing about PC emulation. I have run countless console titles that originally ran at 30FPS on PC emulators with a full fat 60FPS refresh. Countless! I suggest you google for Zelda BOTW emulation, where it's easy to have 50FPS+ for a game usually running 30 or below on Switch. https://www.youtube.com/wat... Just the other day I ran 25FPS PS2 game Metal Gear Solid 3 at 1080/60FPS on PCSX2 https://www.youtube.com/wat... ......two examples.

It is true some games are designed with critical parts of the engine locked to frame rate, but most actually aren't. Probably 98 percent aren't. This is because many console games don't remain locked to 30FPS, so unless you hit the 30FPS you have problems elsewhere.

Whats more some of the ones that do have stuff like animation and physics locked to a 30FPS pacing occasionally have work around options baked into an advanced emulator.

MGS3 is one of those with specific configuration for 60FPS, AND it even has analogue button controller support to boot! Not even the Xbox 360 remaster has that!

letsa_go2077d ago

Thank you for schooling him, ProjectVulcan! I was like...wtf is this guy talking about? haha Someone has never used an emulator before I guess.

Spartacus102077d ago

By that logic you might as well not play any console exclusive from this gen since one day it will possibly be playable in native 4k, 144hz.

Yeah its a fact that the higher the res and frame rate the better, but waiting for all these years while the graphics themselves start to become outdated seems like one step forward, two steps back.

starchild2077d ago


One of the benefits of emulation is the ability to run at higher resolutions and smoother framerates. I can assure you I've run many console games at 60fps which normally run far below that. ProjectVulcan is correct about everything he said.


I don't want to have yet another console cluttering up the area around my TV. I don't really have the space for it to be honest. Backwards compatibility should be a normal feature for any gaming device. But emulation brings lots of additional benefits anyway.

marioJP872076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )

Show me a YouTube video with all of your claims and I will retract my comment. I've been emulating for years on PC, PS3 in its linux days and android. I know what I'm talking about. You claim 98% of emulated games? Show me proof. What can you provide besides MGS?
What other emulators do you claim are capable of this?

ProjectVulcan2075d ago (Edited 2075d ago )

Erm, most emulators are capable of it. DEMUL, PCSX2, Dolphin, Project64, ePSXe etc etc.....

I showed you two games that emulate at higher frame rates than on their native platforms. One is enough to prove the point. Pick either. Find videos of the other ten thousand yourself, it is not difficult.

It's a fact and you really don't know anything about emulation if you think that you cannot emulate console games to run faster! That's patently not true to anyone that has genuinely emulated console games on PC before.

marioJP872074d ago

Bull crap. I've been running dolphin for years on my laptop. I'm currently running it on my GTX 965m. I damn sure cant run resident evil 4 at 60 fps and I mean real 60 fps, not 60 frames with a locked 30 fps. I cant run "The Warriors" or "Manhunt" on PCSX2 at 60 fps.
Now if you can show me just a 30 second video of you running RE4 at 60 fps using dolphin, then I will admit to you being right and me being wrong.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2074d ago
Cmv382077d ago

Shhhhh. Let the master race who claim to have a better game platform try and find ways to illegally play better games.

MoshA2077d ago

Huh? Most people have played these games before and want to replay them on higher settings. Those who haven't won't enjoy them as much without nostalgia anyway.

ProjectVulcan2077d ago

Emulation is not illegal. This shouldn't have to be pointed out here, it should be common knowledge even to knuckle dragging mouth breathers.

annoyedgamer2077d ago

The ignorance is oozing from this comment.

letsa_go2077d ago

They get all the PC games, PLUS the ability to play console games. Sounds like master race to me!

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william_cade2077d ago

Poor Heavy Rain lol that game was and is a pile. Emulation sounds cool though - Res. Evil 3 and Directors Cut all the way.

Skankinruby2077d ago

Ugh, motorstorm collection on psn please!

LoveSpuds2077d ago

Know that would be a great collection of games for sure. My only gripe with these games was how difficult they got by the time you were two thirds of the way through the campaign.

Harkins17212077d ago

Making great game play even better!

pyroxxx2077d ago

So games run at 10 fps and graphical glitches not seen since pcsx2 in 2003,.. I will get there someday.

PirosThe4th2077d ago

Many games already run at full speed

2076d ago
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