
Why Are Sony And Nintendo So Silent? What Are They Waiting For?

Their silence may be frustrating, but there is a method to their madness.

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KilluaX31589d ago

They have nothing to show. Absolutely nothing.

AspiringProGenji1589d ago

Sony must have a lot to show, but they are not in a hurry for that. MS is the one that has to still make amends for their mistakes this gen and prove that next gen will be different. Everything they have show is exciting and it is working for them as it should, but Sony is not in that position and they don’t need to immediately respond

Waiting until the competition show all their cards is actually good strategy that winners can afford. Even if that makes us wait longer for something and impatient, the PS4 is enough entertainment until then. There are many great games to play this year to ease the wait

Gazondaily1588d ago

"Waiting until the competition show all their cards is actually good strategy that winners can afford."

Well at least now people can stop with the 'SonY hAs No cOmpeTition' posts lol. Clearly that nonsense wasnt ever true and the proof is in the pudding.

The Wood1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )

Nah. I just think they're moving at their own beat. They have that luxury right now. They don't have to do anything in response or in line with Microsoft. Never get goaded into doing things before you planned.

We all know approximately when the console will be released so it's up to them when they reveal. Some people are getting anxious and wondering when it'll be so that doesn't work in their favor but it's not like Sony said when they'd reveal the ps5 then negated on that.

The no competition narrative could be attributed to 2 things. 1, Microsoft didn't compete this gen or 2, Phil's words about Sony or Nintendo not being their main competitor being misinterpreted or taken too literally. Either way if gaming is xbox's business, Sony and Nintendo are competitors no matter how you deliver content. Stupid comment from a library of stupid comments from dude

S2Killinit1588d ago

True. There is no reason they need to rush. MS is probably in a hurry to make people forget this generation as fast as possible, so Sony & Ninty can hold off until its time to make their moves.

Spurg1588d ago

No matter how much of their cards they show its too late in the game to change anything. The only thing that can be changed the way they present the info.

Realms1588d ago

Isn't MS not in competition with Sony and Nintendo anymore according to them google, amazon, and apple are the real competition. LOL

343_Guilty_Spark1588d ago


The competition can wait too.

CaptainHenry9161588d ago


They don't have competition. It's laughable to be honest

timotim1588d ago

I have one question and one question only...what is it that Nintendo has to be silent about? Im not understanding these headlines...they seem weird recently.


Like my dad says, why buy new technology if it will only get better

indysurfn1588d ago

This article has fact problems for instance they say Sony and Nintendo has not had communication for awhile pointing to Nintendo they say it has not had any for the largest gap. Nintendo just had one
on 01/01/2020. ABOUT A MONTH AGO. A simple website check at Nintendo will show they had 6 last year.
And already 1 this year and about to have another one. https://www.nintendo.com/ni...

DarkZane1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )

@Septic Sony does have competition ... it's Nintendo. Everyone sane realized a long time ago that Microsoft simply can't win against Sony no matter they do. The only ones who still think they have a chance are the hardcore Xbox fanboys. Even Microsoft realized it since they tried to change the narrative by saying google and amazon are their competition.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1588d ago
1588d ago
Elda1588d ago

Always know the ones that stay silent usually always end up making a big bang.

1588d ago
neutralgamer19921588d ago

The reason Sony hasn't shown anything who knows but I do know this they want that $399 price point($450) is the actual cost at launch to manufacture

Sony is more than willing to take $50 loss to gain install base. In the long run they will make a lot more back in subscriptions and software sales. So ms best be ready to match $399 otherwise it's over

madpuppy1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )

HAHA, that is the difference between MS and Sony/Nintendo corporate culture, Microsoft is the LOUDEST when they have nothing, they regale everyone with tales of cloud computing and secret sauce meant to tickle the ears...typical of a braggart. Sony and Nintendo, on the other hand keep quiet and build anticipation with their customers, future and present. You know from the past that they will not disappoint with hollow statements and promises of amazing technology that turns out to be as gossamer as a wisp of smoke from a candle blown out from the slightest breeze.
I'll take the silence before the storm over the hollow promises ANY DAY!

Chaos_Order1588d ago

Don't mind me. I'm just bookmarking this comment so I can add it to r/agedlikemilk when the time comes. :)

CorndogBurglar1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )

Didn't both Sony and MS wait until E3 2013 to reveal the Xbox One and PS4? And then didn't they launch in October and November of the same year, just a couple months after E3?

Soooooo......why is it surprising that they haven't officially unveiled the PS5 in February?

Felix_Argyle_Catbro1587d ago

Sony revealed PS4 in February 2013.

CorndogBurglar1587d ago


No, bro. In February of 2013 all Sony did was announce that the PS4 would be releasing Holiday of 2013. They didn't reveal a price or even show the console. They did all that at E3 2013.

Moonman1588d ago

It's funny how the two with "nothing to show' are the only two I'm interested in. :)

1587d ago
+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1587d ago
Gazondaily1589d ago

It seems like Sony may be in a bind here IF the rumours are true.

Xbox has a power advantage.
The Bloomberg article highlights that Sony might really be stuck when it comes to pricing. Sony now may be #waitingforE3 for Microsoft to show its hand when it comes to price. Even then, a lower priced SKU and higher priced and more powerful XSX with not a significant price increase over the PS5 could cause some issues for Sony.

It depends on how hard MS wants to compete on price. Spencer has said that Xbox wont be out of position in power or price this gen. Remember how Jim Ryan and co at Sony were running up and down the halls celebrating when Xbox One price was revealed? It shows how crucial pricing is.

There is mounting pressure on Sony to reveal something, particularly as it is not attending E3. The continued silence and the leaks and industry chatter seems to suggest a far less confident Sony in the run up to next gen. But, at this point, we can only make educated based on these rumours. All will be revealed in the coming months.

lifeisgamesok1589d ago

I don't like the silence from Sony about the PS5 I think they should show a 1st party game if the reveal is still months away but when the full reveal happens, all will be forgiven

AngelicIceDiamond1588d ago

It's interesting this gen Sony was a head of the game with the PS event and controlling the news and the positive perception. Forcing MS to scramble around months later to have an event (which they fumbled themselves )

With the PS5 parts being problematic with the price and struggling with market price proposition just shows that no matter what, it's always a stressful time for both companies handling new consoles. I, just like everyone else thought Sony was gonna do what they did with PS4 but it's always not that simple I suppose.

It's a cold War stages. Which is typically the longest most frustrating stages of pre- next gen goodness.

Silly gameAr1589d ago (Edited 1589d ago )

Does the thought of that rumor make you feel all giddy inside? One thing in your comment is true for sure, though. All will be reveled in the coming months.

ziggurcat1588d ago

With an expected MSRP of $499.99 I don't think the cost of the PS5 would change at all, so the doom n' gloom of it all is a bit exaggerated, considering that they sold the PS4 for $399.99 when it cost them $381/unit: https://www.engadget.com/20...

AngelicIceDiamond1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )

"Many of the games launched for the PlayStation 5 will also be available to play on the predecessor machine"”

-Kenchiro Yoshida Chief Executive Officer

You mention rumors though everybody reported on Sony having only PS5 games. But that in itself was a rumor started by JS and every single person ran with it. Sony has never confirmed PS5 only games everyone just assumed and passed it off as fact. Tbh there's way too many things being said and illusions to make out what's, what. Nothing's "real" because nothing has officially been announced by Sony just the logo, God fall and controller features that's it.

Silly gameAr1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )

There were people that were ready and willing to pay that much for the series X, and that's how much the X1X cost, but, by the tone of septic's comment, I guess there wouldn't be people willing to pay that much for the PS5. SO, I guess if the series x turns out to be 499, as well, those are going to fly off the shelves, while the PS5 just sits there, getting dusty, huh septic?

MasterCornholio1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )


"Many of the games launched for the PlayStation 5 will also be available to play on the predecessor machine"”

Learn to pronounce
determiner · pronoun · adjective
a large number of."

Large number of =/= All

Which means this statement is true as well.

"Some of the games launched for the PlayStation 5 will not be available to play on the predecessor machine"

Sony isn't confirming that all PS5 launch titles will be playable on the PS4. However they did confirm that some titles won't be playable on the PS4.

With that said I expect the PS5 to have some exclusive titles at launch.


Anyways what Yoshida is making a reference to are the cross gen titles they the PS5 will have at launch. Just like with every console launch there will be cross gen title and he just confirmed that some of those launch titles won't be cross gen as well. This is something that ive seen happen at the start of every console generation.

MasterCornholio1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )


Went and looked up Jason's comment and he really isn't wrong based off what Yoshida said.

“I’ve heard some of the PS5 launch titles”, Schreier said. “I won’t say them yet as I probably will want to some kind of report on that stuff for the future. But those will be on PS5 only.”

"Many of the games launched for the PlayStation 5 will also be available to play on the predecessor machine"” Yoshida CFO at Sony

I don't see how the two statements conflict with each other. And since Yoshida is the CFO at Sony we can consider him a direct source.


Gon0S1588d ago

What is really strange is that SONY who is rumored to have less powered system is encountering RAM and SSD part price problems, whereas Microsoft using the same parts with faster GPU and CPU does encounter pricing problems...

Do you really think this fairy tale is true ? Do you really think Microsoft managed to get cheaper parts because they are Microsoft or because they built CPU, GPU and RAM plants for their own über cheap production ?

Sorry, but I don't buy this crap. This is just a race to get the cheaper price point against the opponent, nothing much about the price of internal parts (that part has already been hard settled down in contracts for months now)

Gazondaily1588d ago

"Does the thought of that rumor make you feel all giddy inside?"

It makes me as giddy as it makes you sad =(

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1588d ago
Muzikguy1588d ago

Sony isn't less confident. This is their 5th time in the ring. They're being smart. What's with all the doom and gloom acting as if Sony doesn't have a clue?

WickedLester1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )

How in hell do you KNOW that Xbox has a "power advantage" when final specs have not been officially released by either company? I love how Xbots just presume this.

RosweeSon1588d ago

Or spin Sony’s silence as a problem it’s called not revealing yourself a year in advance. They gonna smash it when they actually announce something more concrete. It’s a gonna be big news whenever they decide to drop it. Myself can’t see it for a few months why do they need to people now when it’s coming if you want one get saving now ;)

Muzikguy1588d ago

Bu...but they SAID they wouldn't be outmatched on power or price. That means it MUST be true! /s

Let's not forget that MS games will be playable on other platforms as well and they also said they're "not competing" along with other conflicting tidbits of information

Gazondaily1588d ago


"I love how Xbots just presume this."

The irony. Read the post and try again. "IF the rumours are true"

Shapeshifter751588d ago

Even IF the power advantage goes to XB, it will make zero difference just as it did this gen. XB1X is slightly more powerful than a PS4 Pro, but has very few applications to set it apart. I've said it time and time again...the difference is the strength of Sony's stable of 1st party studios vs. Thise under MS. Talent is on a whole other level.

WickedLester1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )


Of course you are correct. However I'm telling you, on a pure hardware level, the performance of these two consoles will be so similar, it will be like trying to compare the latest Apple iPhone with the latest Samsung Galaxy. Yes, one of them is going to (marginally) "win" the spec sheet comparison. But I guarantee you, Call of Duty will look and run identical on both consoles. Assassin's Creed and Far Cry will look and run identical on both consoles. Madden and Fifa 2021 will look and run identical on both consoles, and so on and so forth. The only things that will truly differentiate these two consoles are A. Exclusive games and B. UI/Services.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1588d ago
Atom6661588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )

Always keep in mind that Playstation accounts for such a large portion of Sony's overall health that they need to be careful in everything they do.

Right now, they're seemingly being quiet, but it is absolutely purposeful. Price is a HUGE point. I think they are aiming for something close to $400, but between component issues and Xbox, it legitimately might be a very stressful situation for them.

But more than that, and perhaps simplest of all explanations, the PS4 continues to make them serious money, and they need it to. Balancing that transition to nextgen is crucial right now. So I expect that PS5 talk is being held back as much as possible. They're walking a line right now that is never easy.

Their market position allows them to be quiet right now, and their need for continued PS success for the company as a whole means they will want to take advantage of anything they can...including being reactive to Xbox.

For the sake of drama, I would like to see MS grow a pair and just come out now and say: "The Series X will be the same price as PS5. Whatever that is." They won't do it, but it'll be a memorable move if they did rather than the cat and mouse game we'll see.

But right now, I'm leaning towards the belief that MS sought to build the most capable machine for $500 like the OneX, and Sony aimed for $400. The differences between selling at a loss, breaking even, or selling at a profit are probably in flux right now. Those differences don't seem like a lot now, but we're potentially talking hundreds of millions of $ in revenue.

RosweeSon1588d ago

Yeah I mean those multi billion dollar blockbuster movies they put out don’t make them any money.
Sony just letting Microsoft talk. Talk is cheap and before Sony have even announced anything Xbox could talk themselves into trouble whilst Sony play it smart and actually get things finished before showing off their next console.

Silly gameAr1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )

No one wants to lose money, no matter if you're worth a trillon dollars, or 78 billion. This kind of feels like the PS3 days, where people kept bringing up Sony's finances, and acting like they could go broke at any moment, yet they came out with the PS4, even though the PS3 hemorrhaged so much money.

I believe they're in a lot better shape this time than they were last time, in case they have to take a hit.

What I find funny is the company that is worth a trillion dollars seems like they're struggling to keep up with the company that's worth significantly less.

Atom6661588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )


I'm going to go out on a limb and say you don't actually follow the ups and downs of Sony Pictures group? They have one billion dollar IP in Spiderman. Charlie's angels ain't cutting it the rest of the time. Their profits were just $50 million last quarter. For the last FY, Sony Pictures accounted for about 6% of Sony's profits.

Playstation literally accounts for 1/3 of Sony's profits last year. Facts not feelings might help you articulate a better point.


The difference has always been: what can you afford to lose? That stretch of time around the PS3 almost ruined Sony. With the smart restructuring, they're in a much better spot, but that has made PS all the more important.

If the next Xbox tanks, it will barely register with investors. If the next PS tanks, their stock plummets.

Same thing for you: facts not feelings. It's not a knock on Sony that it has to be deliberate and careful. Nintendo is in an even worse position, which we've seen play out before our eyes just 4-5 years ago.

rainslacker1588d ago

What I see is that Sony has announced almost as much as MS, with the exception of what games would be available at launch. Sony was first to announce more than the fact that they were making a new console.

Sony has games this year they still have to sell, so I can see why they'd want to wait for those games to have their marketing run. Next gen games are going to take a lot of focus later in the year. It's really not much different than the ps4. They showed a lot at e3, but TLOU had already had its marketing run. The reveal they only showed a couple games, which weren't likely to take a lot of focus.

Atom6661588d ago


Can't disagree. MS gets credited for the box reveal, and for generally discussing Series X a decent amount, but no real details are being mentioned.

Things that get attention, like the Booty comments about cross gen, really are only a more specific statement that Sony made weeks prior too. It should be highlighted that both companies have discussed BC and cross gen for the same reason we both mention: continued sales of current gen.

Hell, Sony COULD come out right now and say that TLoU2 will look and play better on PS5 and show us the benefits of the new SSD load times, CPU benefits, etc. We all expect those things to happen, but talking about it too much could hurt its early sales on PS4. I also don't expect too much talk from them generally until their FY ends next month.

Even the "reveal" won't tell all.

I am curious about GoT marketing though. I think they either need to throw a lot of marketing behind it if it comes after we likely see a bunch of nextgen titles at E3, or just make it cross gen. That's a game that should start a gen and get people invested into a new IP early in a gen, not at its close. With BC, it might not matter as much though.

RosweeSon1588d ago

It’s nothing about feelings but let’s not make out like Sony don’t make money from many other revenue streams. Billion dollar films was flippant not literal. I don’t read through the bank balances no I don’t care I play games you said your self tho PlayStation is a big chunk of their money sure a 1/3 you say... so that means the majority is from elsewhere 66%
6% of their profits is still profits they make films for typically 100-250 million and they can make 3- however many times that. Then there’s their phones laptops tv’s stereos but sure Sony are majorly in trouble 🤷🏻‍♂️😂
I’m not even in a rush for PS5 I’d still get that anytime before I’ll be getting an Xbox tho this gen has done nothing to convince me Microsoft are interested in games. As for the next Xbox tanking worrying investors who cares I don’t give a shit about their investors. I care about the games why do you care about their investors are you getting a cut 🤷🏻‍♂️😂

Atom6661588d ago

No emojis necessary. I gave my opinion as to why they're "being quiet." That's the topic of the article.

You said random things based on, by your own admission, zero factual knowledge on your part. Feelings, not facts.

If 1/3 of their entire success is tied to the success of PS, you think maybe they might be a little careful and deliberate with their PR?

Muzikguy1588d ago

Sony phones aren't doing well and neither are their laptops. Even their TVs have been struggling. Sony Pictures makes money but they lose quite a bit too. Most their films would be considered flops. I like to actually look at that stuff, and if you are interested go here www.the-numbers.com

What confuses me about some of these comments is people talking about PS4 making Sony money and them wanting people to stay with it, but Sony has already mentioned how they want a quick transition to PS5. I wonder what they're planning...

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1588d ago
SpaceRanger1588d ago

“ The continued silence and the leaks and industry chatter seems to suggest a far less confident Sony in the run up to next gen.“

Lmao that’s your take on all of this? As they have in past gens, are still focusing on delivering quality experiences for the current gen... compared to MS who are making the same generation ending mistake they made in the 360 era.

remixx1161588d ago

4 amazing gens in a row and he thinks they are scared. I kinda don't get him, if Sony can deliver during the PS3 era than they probably got this.

I find this kinda strange cuz MS has had 2 mediocre gens in a row but people are soooo confident in them at the start of every new gen. Things are kinda flipped ain't they??

rainslacker1588d ago

Who exactly is mounting this pressure for Sony to show something?

Mooncake1588d ago

I've sent them a few emails. I reckon 1 more might be enough to break the camel's back... full spec reveal incoming tomorrow!

rainslacker1588d ago

On behalf of the community, I thank you for your perseverance, because the rest of us are too lazy to do anything more than suggest Sony needs to reveal now or be doomed for the future.

RazzerRedux1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )

"Spencer has said that Xbox wont be out of position in power or price this gen. "

Out of position doesn't mean beating Sony on either. It means they will be competitive on price and performance. So much for that "power advantage" if they aim to have the same price or they are willing to take a big loss on hardware, which I doubt Microsoft is willing to do. So if Sony comes in with a $100 lower price at launch then Phil Spencer has put Microsoft in an awkward position because he talks too much.

"The continued silence and the leaks and industry chatter seems to suggest a far less confident Sony in the run up to next gen. "

lol.....no it doesn't. Sony is right in line with the steps they took to reveal PS4. You can be pessimistic and say Sony is "less confident" or you could say Sony is being careful to not be over confident. Regardless, let's not pretend Microsoft has shown their entire hand. They haven't. They are taking measured steps just like Sony.


"Who exactly is mounting this pressure for Sony to show something?"

I would love to know this as well.

Christopher1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )

***It seems like Sony may be in a bind here IF the rumours are true.***

All the eggs in one basket routine.

I think it's pretty easy to explain why they're not talking, because showing anything too early is easily taken by the competition. Same way Microsoft suddenly started mentioning they would have a fast SSD as well right after Sony showed off their loading times on their SSD.

The smart thing is to show everything you can as late as possible so the competition can't suddenly implement it as well.

Mooncake1588d ago

It isn't all about the competition either. Sony still have the PS4 on the market and some huge games incoming, they probably don't want to shift the focus at this point irrespective of what Microsoft or Nintendo are doing.

I'm sure they have a good idea of when they should start building PS5 hype, they aren't new to this game.

rainslacker1588d ago

While I do agree with you, if you wait too long, you stand the chance of being upstaged by the competition. The SSD announcement from Sony was out of nowhere, so it took everyone by surprise. But, as a hypothetical, lets say MS decides to release specs next week, and they do happen to be significantly higher, then that puts people talking about them and their killer specs, and then Sony comes along and announces something lower. Then they're in the position MS was in with SSD, where it's not as impressive, and they don't get as much attention from it.

In the above scenario, Sony could work it's message in such an instance, and maybe focus on something different, but it's not going to help them much in the way these things play out.

However, I also feel it's pretty safe to assume that these companies also know with a reasonable degree of certainty what the other will have to offer. The longer they take, the more chances they have to find out things in ways that just happen to happen because of the insular nature of the industry. I wouldn't be surprised if both companies knew pretty closely what the specs are for the competitions systems by now. Once dev kits go out, the information doesn't stay secret for long. It's already all over deveveloper channels, because it's not breaking NDA there, and both Sony and MS do go to those channels. They wouldn't have specifics, but enough info to figure it out.

CaptainHenry9161588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )

Don't forget the One X won't have any first party exclusives for 2 years. They're giving the advantage to Sony anyway if you ask me

REDGUM1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )

Although the pricing of these consoles will be a factor moving forward i do believe that Sony this generation, and from a personal perspective all generations, but definitely this gen have proven what they are all about.... the games, the community & the freedom given to all of the development teams out there.
We have had a wide variety of top notch games this gen.
Personally i think that Sony have proven themselves to us... the gamer, that they know what we want/crave for.

If Sony's new console was up to/max $200 dearer than the competition this coming gen i think they have shown that it'd be worth the investment.i don't believe now that price will be as big of a factor as it once was.

Sure, it'd be great to be the same price etc for more bargaining power but i just don't think they need to now. I've veen amazed at the choices in games I've been given this and passed generations, i ain't going elsewhere to game now, I'm happy with what i have chosen to play on.

BillyG0AT1588d ago

70 dislikes for one of the most facutal comments in this whole thread?

Christopher1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )

Rumors and opinions are facts now?

Muzikguy1588d ago


I've been seeing it a lot lately

BillyG0AT1588d ago Show
Mooncake1588d ago

I could teabag my keyboard for a minute and the resulting text would contain just as many facts as that comment.

Silly gameAr1588d ago


Where do you go for your gaming news? The xboxhub? I'm sure where ever you go, they don't have fanboys.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1588d ago
SolidGamerX1588d ago

You heard it here first folk quite equals "far less confident" apparently, lol. There's nothing educated about what you're saying you're just parroting the rumors that you like, the ones that paint a negative picture for Sony. You guys tried this all last gen and it never worked out for you apparently you need another generation of reminders. The only one in a bind is Microsoft and it doesn't require rumors for people to know that.

1588d ago
HICK1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )

Did you happen to read that Bloomberg article? Seemed like pretty weak rumors. I'm also curious how XSX wouldn't also have the same issues as PS5 given they will probably be very similar. No one seems to acknowledge that yet. Also, if the PS5 costs $450 and they sell it for $499.99, then that is a better margin than what they made on PS4 supposedly. I think the constant regurgitation of leaks/rumors shows the need for Sony to give the gaming community something soon.

ziggurcat1588d ago

The margin, at least at launch, for the PS4 between cost per unit and retail was $381 vs. $399.99. $19. I think if the $450 is accurate, their margin would be way better than the PS4's if they sold the PS5 at the expected $499.99. If they were fine with a $19 margin, I think they'd also be fine with a $50 margin.

Weapon_of_choice1588d ago

I'll smoke what you are smoking, cause you're tripping bro. Only in your head mate

madpuppy1588d ago

Septic is right, Microsoft has got Sony on the run, Sony has been running so fast that they win the race almost every generation.

DarkZane1588d ago

@Septic No one knows who has the power advantage. No confirmed specs are out for either console. If anything latest rumors point to Sony having the advantage.

Even if it doesn't point it out, the bloomberg article definitely also apply to Microsoft. If Sony is having problems with part shortage, it's 100% certain Microsoft is having the same problem because they get their stuff from the same place. Of course, that article choose to ignore that for clickbait and the xbox fanboys chose to do so for their narrative. Just like how they pretend that the 12 TF > 9TF is a real thing even though no specs have been confirmed.

There is also zero confirmation that there will be 2 Xbox next gen since Lockhart is really just a rumor that hasn't been confirmed.

Gazondaily1588d ago

"No one knows who has the power advantage. No confirmed specs are out for either console."

Yes I never said it was a fact.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 1588d ago
lifeisgamesok1589d ago

Microsoft needed to really come out make a statement and prove themselves for the next console cycle so their working on that

People know PlayStation will always be about great games

2pacalypsenow1589d ago

Nintendo already released their next gen console.

TheColbertinator1588d ago

And the Switch Lite along with dozens of their own self-published games selling in the millions.


Knushwood Butt1588d ago

Not a lot of third party titles there.

specialguest1588d ago

Nintendo is in a unique position where they don't have to play the power game or release anything within the same timeline as MS and Sony. They continue to be in a league of their own and still have healthy sales

execution171588d ago

What does Nintendo have to show besides Mystery Dungeon DX and Animal Crossing and maybe no more heroes 3 and xenoblade

Rimeskeem1589d ago

Last time Sony murdered MS before the generation even started after showing nothing. Why not do the same?

RookieMonsterLives1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )

Didn't Sony reveled the PS4 hardware spec before the XB1 in 2013?

Oh yes, Feb 20, 2013
"As introduced by lead system architect Mark Cerny, the PS4 is based on a "supercharged PC architecture," with an X86 processor, enhanced PC-style GPU, and 8GB of GDDR5 unified high-speed memory. The controller is called, unsurprisingly, the DualShock 4, and features the Vita-style touchpad we'd heard about, and a light bar on the back to identify players. Each PS4 will contain a 3D camera to track the various controllers using the bar. The PS4 contains 8 CPU cores, providing almost 2 teraflops of computational performance. The power allows for 30,000 polygons to be rendered in real time (by way of comparison, Heavy Rain on the PS3 utilized 15,000). "Overall, our goal has been to architect the system to support a breadth of experiences," said Cerny.

Cmv381588d ago

They also revealed info before ms for the ps5 too, not sure what your point is.

RookieMonsterLives1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )


What details did Sony revealed for PS5 other than it will have faster loading time for games , the name, the logo and this bit of info?
"So what do we know about the PS5 so far? The hysteria started in early 2019, when Mark Cerny, the chief We wouldn't get the official name or release date until much later, but Cerny did shed some light on the next-gen console's capabilities, revealing that it would retain a disc drive, and would have something to do with Sony's game streaming ambitions; other than that there was little else to go on."

Compared to the full spec info for the PS4 at this same timeframes in 2013?

Edit: actually I did missed the "would have something to do with Sony's game streaming ambitions" part from the techradar link. Maybe that is a big reveal in disguise. Xcloud competitor🤔

rainslacker1588d ago

And they only showed a couple games at that reveal. It wasnt until e3 where they showed more. Sony was the first to announce any details about next gen beyond the name and the fact that they were going to have a console. Ms has shown a couple games, but any news they had besides the name and the look of the console, which are ultimately unimportant, is nothing more than what sony has announced.

IRetrouk1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )

They have talked about the ps5 twice so far last year, with near enough the same sort of info, much earlier than they did with the ps4.



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phoenixwing15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

Last week they said it had 30 million pre registrations

Now it's suddenly a flop? I'm thinking it was a slow news day the day they wrote this

Vits4h ago

That is the GACHA cycle. Pretty much every single one gets tons of pre-registrations because of the bonuses you get when you sign up. Then Gacha players will play it for a week or two to see if it's for them. Definitely not a flop for now, but not out of the woods either. Most gachas don't survive for more than a year. And WW has way higher production values than your average GACHA, so it's even more riskier.

Now, for the game itself: I played it for a bit, and it is a game that will definitely please those who complained about GI combat. But for everyone else, it's sort of "meh," particularly due to the lack of charisma in everything.

phoenixwing1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

It's not like it's super realistic graphics. They did overhaul it but I doubt top tier cel shading costs as much as bleeding edge tech for realistic graphics. My only gripe is they kept the Chinese names for things and it makes it harder to remember for english speakers.

Xeofate14h ago(Edited 13h ago)

The game made an estimated 26 million in May before it's official release and that number hasn't been updated for June so it's actually way higher.

I'm not sure what is going on with this site and trying to talk down this game but it's obviously hugely sucessful.

Is it just because it's going to be on PlayStation? It's the same sites that are talking up xbox and and talking down PlayStation that are talking this game down.

Sonyslave312h ago(Edited 12h ago)

No lol majority of this game sales is going to come from mobile n pc, like genshin impact.

This game had so much hype going on it crazy, the Geshin Impact killer smh it numbers not all that impressive compare to geshin.

Aint got shet to do with playstation 🤔 plus it launch was terrible fill with issues that Kuro still working on at this moment.

Xeofate5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

What are you talking about? It doesn't need to beat Genshin to be sucessful.

The game has been hugely popular, the sales ranking hasn't even been posted for the full release of the game, yet it's final beta did over 26m in sales.

The game has been a huge sucess for Kuro Games.

jznrpg58m ago

Don’t care for mobile gacha shite

blackblades0m ago

Then why TF are you here you dumb F* cause clearly you care enough to show up 🤡