
GameStop Shoppers Take Advantage of Crazy Xbox One X Loophole

While many within the gaming industry see an all-digital future as an inevitability, there are some unquestionable advantages that physical releases have over digital ones. One of the biggest, of course, is the ability to have some degree of control over purchased games. A digital title can't be loaned out to a friend, or traded in at the store. A number of gamers have taken issue with GameStop's trade practices through the years, but some have used those trade policies to their own advantage.

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Atom6661594d ago (Edited 1594d ago )

The best part is that the employees had to know what was happening, but there's no incentive for them to try to prevent it. The person who took in the trade probably even benefited by hitting whatever stupid quota corporate has going this month.

It's a win for everyone except the mismanaged corporation. A real feel good story.

Amplitude1593d ago


Man if you just resold them on kijiji or Facebook Marketplace or something you'd get way more, and it'd be cash lol

knickstr1594d ago

So basically he spent a lot of money to get a return on investment gift cards. Doesn't seem worth it.

Sgt_Slaughter1594d ago

If you're going to spend that money on gaming stuff anyway, it means he got a lot of free money in the process.

1593d ago
GamerRN1594d ago

He got 800 in free gift cards, how is that not worth it?

DarXyde1594d ago

He's limited to buying from Gamestop, which is a valid concern. That means he'll need to spend all of it before they go out of business entirely (which may well happen).

$800 is console money, plus games/ controllers, so I think he's all clear. Now, if PS5 plays all Playstation history and Gamestop starts stocking PS2 games again, this lad will have a bloody field day.

knickstr1594d ago

It's not exactly free. He had to make the initial investment to actually buy the Xbox one's. Then he turned around and traded them in for more money in return. He's buying them at 199 dollars a piece though.

InUrFoxHole1593d ago

He'll need to spend all of it before they go out of business entirely.... yes yes we know.

wwinterj1593d ago

Agreed but this is nothing new.

CrimsonWing691594d ago

Doesn’t feel so good, does it GameStop?

wwinterj1593d ago

This isn't the first time this happens nor will it be the last so in other words I doubt they care.

CrimsonWing691593d ago

I’m pretty sure they do care.

rainslacker1593d ago

Stuff like this happens a lot in big retail. Mistakes get made, or people find ways to buck the system. Return policies are often abused, and companies are more worried about upsetting a customer than they are about protecting their bottom line. Big companies can eat these costs, like Wal-Mart, Lowes, Amazon, Target, Best Buy, etc, but in more recent years they've all been cracking down on their return policies to some degree due to excessive fraud. Smaller companies can't really afford to eat these costs, and it can make or break their business if it's abused too much.

Nowadays, there are forums where people discuss how to rip off companies, and there is a pretty strong current of entitlement and over-expectations from running rampant when it comes to retail. Kind of like the people who act like GameStop rips them off all the time, even though those same people could just say no to being ripped off.

1594d ago
1594d ago
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