
This Pokemon Sword and Shield DLC Will Make You Hate Game Freak Even More

Pokemon Sword and Shield already attracted rage from longtime fans, and the new DLC will only make things worse.

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Community1616d ago
Neonridr1617d ago

It's hilarious that some people honestly only think that it's cut pokemon being offered in the DLC. Ignore the new pokemon, new regions, new content.. it's literally only adding in old pokemon


Majin-vegeta1617d ago

The problem is they ducking lied again.
1st time:regarding the "High quality animations"which was crap and now with "nO mOrE pOkEMoN will be added.lo and behold theyre giving more pokemon.

Neonridr1616d ago

well it's not just old pokemon they are adding in. They are adding in new ones too. I agree that not having a full dex was a blow to begin with, but there's still plenty of good content here.

-Foxtrot1616d ago


It's seriously not the point

One Minute

"We couldn't do it because of time / resources / limitations..." whatever

4-5 Months Later

"SURPRISE...200 ARE ADDED...and here's more content you need to pay for even though the base game was so lacking"

They lied. Simple as that.

originaljohn1616d ago

Do you have an actual quote of someone in GF saying "no more Pokémon will be added"? I remember them saying older Pokémon will appear in newer games but can't remember them ruling out adding Pokémon at a later date.
Personally I prefer this much more, we're getting an expansion sooner than a 3rd game iteration

King_Noctis1616d ago (Edited 1616d ago )

Where did they specifically said that no more Pokemon will be added? All I saw was they said that they “currently have no plan to add more”. Notice the word “currently“? And how is giving more content a bad thing now?

“ "We couldn't do it because of time / resources / limitations..." whatever
4-5 Months Later
"SURPRISE...200 ARE ADDED...and here's more content you need to pay for even though the base game was so lacking"

They said they couldn’t do it because of time limit, but then release 4-5 month laters. Do you see the contradiction in your post?

lcslick1616d ago

I remember when making the 3ds region free was impossible, despite the normal ds being region free. Then someone found a glitch using a random 3ds game that made the 3ds region free, showing how nintendo blatantly lied about it........ then they actually patched the glitch to make it region locked again. I never trust what nintendo or their devs say after that and it made me only buy preownd stuff from them if anything.

--Onilink--1616d ago

So they decided to backtrack on a decision that had caused controversy and now that is a bad thing? It seems pretty clear, even by their mention of everyone able to import the new pokemon for free, that it was a reaction to the negative feedback.


Its not 4-5 months, the expansion comes out on June, which is 8 months after release to add 100+ pokemon and the 2nd expansion comes out on Fall, which means it will probably be about a year since release for the other 100+ pokemon (and thats not even mentioning that obviously part of the work for a dlc will always start before the base product is finished).

So yeah, those seem like pretty normal timelines to me

badz1491615d ago


"So they decided to backtrack on a decision that had caused controversy and now that is a bad thing?"

and charge $30 for it! that's not backtracking, that's cutting contents to sell for later!

--Onilink--1615d ago


Except they are not charging for it.

Every one of the pokemon added can be traded in to the base game, either by someone else that has it, or if you own them from a previous game (which is basically as it has been for pretty much every single pokemon game in the past)

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Sono4211616d ago (Edited 1616d ago )

Neon you need to stop trying so hard to defend this, literally any way you slice it, doesn't look good.

It is an indisputable fact that all old Pokemon are using their old models and animations from the 3DS games, so now let's look at the reasons GF gave for excluding old pokemon
1. Re-doing all the models (in fact a proven lie)
2. Making high quality animations (also proven lie)
3. Balancing (Not a single rational person believed this anyway but now that they are bringing most back including all legendaries, pretty much a proven lie)

So now that they are selling them to us with this DLC what would any logical person assume? Well considering we know they are all using their 3DS models and animations, the only real answer is that they were intentionally held back to be sold as DLC later.

And no, they aren't free, not even a little bit, just because you are waiting for someone else to pay the bill doesn't make them free, just because someone who paid for them trades them to you, is the farthest thing from free.

I will admit though, there is A LOT of content in this DLC, no doubt about that at all, 2 DLC packs, both with 2 new areas, complete with their own wild areas, both get new stories, both get new characters, both get new cosmetics, both get new legendaries.

I'm being genuinely serious, that's a lot of content... I would argue that is over half of what the original game offered, if not for getting not many new Pokemon, only legendaries, that is basically as much content as the original game gave us, seriously think about it, if they added 100 new pokemon in this DLC you could basically call it a sequel, that's just how much content is put in this compared to Sw&Sh.

So now the question is... what have they been doing?! Can they actually create this much content in less than a year?! I mean if so.. you would think Sw&Sh's development time couldn't have been longer than a year and a half... except we know it was much longer than that... okay so how is it they can create really close to the amount of content in Sw&Sh in less than a year? Especially when Sw&Sh had such a small amount of content compared to previous games. MUCH longer development time, but almost the same amount of content as the DLC? Something isn't adding up here... Well considering we know for 100% certain they held back Pokemon just to sell them later as DLC, whats to stop them from holding back other content to sell as DLC?

Seems WAY more likely than them making all of this in less than a year.

Neonridr1616d ago

you make some very good points. I agree that it raises some questions, but clearly GF is trying to make good here by putting so much into these packs. I'm not saying that putting cut pokemon back in the game via paid DLC is the best way to go about it, but there is enough there in these packs that they warrant purchase on their own merits.

Sono4211616d ago


I disagree, it doesn't raise questions, it creates answers.
Why did Sw&Sh have so much less content than previous games? How did they create so much DLC content in such a very short amount of time?

Both questions put together only have one answer... content excluded to be sold as DLC, and the proven fact that they did this with the Pokemon only goes to show that they are capable of doing it, so it isn't a stretch at all.

Them selling us product we used to be able to get for $40 for an extra $30 on top of our $60 is does not warrant any purchase from me.

I never thought I would actually say this, but I almost would have preferred Ultra Sw&Sh, at least then I could just wait to buy the version that would have had all of this extra content for $60, instead of being forced to pay $90.

--Onilink--1616d ago

Im sorry, but those pokemon are free. There hasnt been a single pokemon game where all of them could be caught in the wild. They always required trading from older games, which was the thing people were complaining about, that they couldnt bring their old pokemon with them.

Which is what GF has now addressed with those free updates in case you dont want to pay for the dlc.

originaljohn1616d ago

I suppose you have access to GF resources dedicated to the project. Unless your a project manager on this game there is no way you can make the assumptions you've posted.
Pokémon games launch inline with a new TV show which is a major factor as to why sword and shield launch with so little content another reason was because half the team where working on let's go Eevee & Pikachu. They literally say in the direct they're in the middle of creating the new content, to claim it's been 'held back' would imply its already finished. These expansion packs are made because of the dexit backlash. Also 2020 could be the first year in a very long time a mainline game or remaster isn't release which would actually cost GF less than expanding on the current game.
I want this to be the standard for Pokémon moving forward, we could potentially get older regions as dlc with all the benefits only found in those games. It's a much better way to keep players engaged than releasing a new full price game every year.

NotoriousWhiz1615d ago

Pokémon is literally released every single year. This year it would appear they skipped the 3rd version in favor of DLC. No, developing Pokémon does not take that long, because if it did, they wouldn't release a new Pokémon game every single year.

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Majin-vegeta1617d ago

I will say being able to catch the pokemon without the need to buy the dlc is a does soften the lie.But you still need someone that has to have them

-Foxtrot1616d ago

And if you don't then you most likely need to buy the DLC to have these missing Pokemon pop up in your game.

Batnut001616d ago

Which is still better than having to buy another version of the same game to get that extra stuff.

-Foxtrot1616d ago

It’s still £30 man that’s not good no matter how you spin it

Some people hold off and would rather wait for the third game. Pay only once for the entire improved version

Batnut001616d ago

Ah yes 30 pounds which again would be cheaper than buying up another new game, and sure some people do wait but most people don’t and they shouldn’t have to pay more to get the full experience and now no one has to. It’s all their without having to shell out more.

averagejoe261616d ago


Nintendo knows their fanboys will buy anything.

It's hilarious.

King_Noctis1616d ago

Its a good thing then that Pokemon is not their only game right?

King_Noctis1615d ago

“ it is for GameFreak”

I could have sworn that Little Town Hero had just came out at the tail end of last year.

Maybe I’m wrong.

Antnee5341616d ago

I very much like this, because now for only 30 I get more from these games and it's not just a 60 dollar third version that adds very minor additions. These were the best pokemon games to date, you can have your opinion and I won't fight that but you cant change my mind that these are the best pokemon games yet. Also the two new maps they are adding are like the wild area. I dont hate anything they did, though I wish none of the legends were coming back. I think if they ever were to come back they should have been dripped out through the raids.

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I’m Struggling To Care About Pokemon Any More

Despite being a lifelong fans, some are exhausted by the frequency and quality of modern Pokemon games

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Community353d ago
gold_drake353d ago

sword and violet just made me tired of the current format.

they rly traded a cohesive story and Lore for open region.

ZeekQuattro353d ago

As much as a fan of Pokemon I never was one to buy every new gen or spin off or remake. I bought Red & Blue. Played Ruby for a few gyms on PC. Played a bit of Fire Red again on PC but didn't buy a new entry until Black. After that I bought X and Moon. Then Let's Go Evee and Sword. Lastly I bought Violet. So it's hard for me to burned out on Pokemon.

franwex353d ago

Stopped caring after Gen 3 to be honest.

Dudeson353d ago

Same here, simply grew up and lost interest, but the nostalgia filter still hits for things like the old pokemon crystal.

FinalFantasyFanatic352d ago

It was Gen 2 for me, I just can't keep up with all the new generations of Pokemon they add in, I'm keen to jump into Violet/Scarlett though to see what's new.

got_dam353d ago

I always enjoyed these game until the newest ones. The open world is sooooo bland. I missed walking into some random house and getting a cool trade opportunity. Hell, I miss jut walking into buildings. There are not a lot of interior spaces in violet. And a motorcycle is not a pokemon. I don't care how mythic or whatever it is.

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Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Has Already Surpassed Sword & Shield's Total Retail Sales in Japan

Despite their flaws, Pokemon Scarlet & Violet have been so popular that sales have already surpassed Sword & Shield.

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Community516d ago
Flakegriffin516d ago

Because it’s an actual good game, gameplay wise. If we could get these mechanics on an actual updated Nintendo machine then it would’ve done even better.

-Foxtrot516d ago

Not really

It’s buggy, shallow compared to what we could have had in a logical generation jump and just doesn’t seem to hit what this franchise could do if it was made by a competent developer

It sold on the name because suckers eat that shit up

Inverno516d ago

Didn't take me long to realize that if you strip the open world it's pretty short. I will say that they definitely had better ideas this time around, but this is what we should've gotten at the start of the gen. If they were instead given the chance to skip a yearly release or two and work off what they made here they'd have something really good. Hopefully that Feb update fixes the performance issues so I can finish it.

gold_drake516d ago

i agree.

the game is rly bland and i had so many bugs it was crazy, like how does that even happen with a franchise like this ha.

Chard515d ago

So you played it after all? Does that make you a sucker?

Rutaprkl515d ago (Edited 515d ago )

I personally liked Sword/Shield more on launch compared to SV

gleepot515d ago

I love pokemon, but the games are starting to feel like they were made by an indie team in 1 year with no money and no QA

For being the most financially successful franchise ever, you'd think they could spend time and resources making an extremely polished experience.


Making Pokémon 3D Was A Mistake

Pokémon’s shift to 3D was a big mistake, as the series’ roots in 2D design make it difficult to transfer important game mechanics into a 3D overworld.

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Community546d ago
CrimsonWing69546d ago

why do other games pull off 3D monster collecting JRPG games just fine? Look at Jade Cocoon and Shin Megami Tensei for examples.

FallenAngel1984546d ago

Answer should be obvious.

No other videogame franchise is as merchandise driven as Pokémon