
Stadia Appears to be a Failure – But That Doesn’t Have To Mean Games Streaming Is A Dead End

Google’s early failure doesn’t have to mean the end of the road for video game streaming.

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Community1765d ago
PhoenixUp1766d ago

Stadia isn’t the end all be all of streaming games. We’ve been doing so for years before it came out and there’s still plenty of alternatives

1766d ago Replies(6)
Stopac1766d ago

Stadia was just here too early.

I hate it but I do see games being delivered like this as a standard in the future. But with most IP's data caps Its just not a justifiable buy in this day and age. More and more 4K tv sets are being bought and people want to experience that, but not at the cost of risking a higher net bill for going over their cap.

They can just go for the offline version of 4k gaming, game streaming has to be rewarding financially and in terms of convenience. not just one or the other.

VenomUK1764d ago

@CaptainTravel. Cnet say Amazon DOES have plans for a cloud gaming service integrated with Twitch.


Stopac1764d ago (Edited 1764d ago )

That has nothing to do with what I said?

And I dunno why I have so many disagrees, unless it’s just people thinking physical format will always be here. Maybe in my lifetime it will still be a thing but not forever.

I prefer physical media, but I’m not ignorant I know which way the future of games will go in, it’s just now isn’t the time for it.

FGHFGHFGH1764d ago

I don't think it will be the standard in the future. Hardware isn't all that expensive right now and will get cheaper in the future but network stuff will always have lag.

ApocalypseShadow1765d ago

It's not a failure. It's just not a success either.

But burning hot hardware, no exclusives, gamers not getting codes, etc, sure isn't helping it.

Hopefully now, Google with their dumb pricing setup, arrogant power bragging but nothing to back it up, all the known and unknown influencers hiding or making shilling excuses for the crashing and burning of the launch, will learn that it's not so easy to break into the console business.

They just gave every supporter of native console gaming a Cheshire Cat smile and Joker laugh.

Gaming streaming is a cool thing. Just don't make us pay for it or shoddy setups that kill ownership.

kryteris1764d ago

purchase a game, then stream at 1080p for free seems like a really good deal.

Smokehouse1765d ago

I’m just glad that google wasted a ton of money.

D__RAiL1765d ago

I can tell you right now..i doubt they expected to have huge sales....its a consumer RDE program much like VR..I bet they will find success later next year...especially with 5G and Cyberpunk 2077 releasing

Smokehouse1765d ago

I sure hope not. Google is the last company I want entering the game space.

1765d ago Replies(6)
demonic361764d ago

What a childish attitude to have.

Smokehouse1764d ago

Reveling in the failures of asshole companies? Good riddance.

computeSci1765d ago

Do you guys remember the Sega Channel?

Marcello1765d ago

No but i do remember Dreamarena.

GrimReaperGamer1764d ago (Edited 1764d ago )

I want Sega to come back to the console market. Only games company I supported with every console they put out, excluding the 32x add-on.

bluebenjamin1764d ago (Edited 1764d ago )

Ive been waiting on another Dreamcast and NFL 2K for so long

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Is Cloud Gaming Finally Feasible In 2024?

Cloud gaming is being pushed by big corporations like Nvidia and Microsoft, but is streaming games online really that feasible?

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Community22d ago
Cacabunga22d ago

Xcloud is still in beta so… also runs poorly and not good on all devices.

darthv7221d ago

It's been around long enough to drop the beta tag. It works really good if you have at least 100mb speed. When I had 50mb, it would lag. Once I doubled it, it was much better. And that is running on a phone, a PC and a cloud handheld.

truthBombs22d ago

Maybe for super casual and turn based games. But nah. Nothing beats local hardware!

RhinoGamer8822d ago

Super fast wifi...yes (5% of us have it)...

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Stadia May Have Shot Itself in the Foot By Shutting Down So Early

As Google bids farewell to Stadia, recent events surrounding gaming industry hints that the tech giant might have closed shopped prematurely.

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Community556d ago
crazyCoconuts557d ago

"So, it wouldn't be far off to imagine a scenario where Microsoft would have signed a 10-year"

Like that would have saved Stadia. Ridiculously naive premise

isarai557d ago (Edited 557d ago )

No, it shot itself in the foot by not delivering on anything they promised. Besides the browser and multi device launching being easy, they failed to deliver on any other of their highly touted selling points. No game ran at 4k, or 60fps, or even at high settings let alone all 3 together. And honestly had some of the worst latency of any streaming service.

rippermcrip556d ago

No reason to give Microsoft a reason to tout another stupid "10 year deal" with cloud services that no one has ever heard of or uses.

Microsoft announces 10 year deal to bring Gamepass to LG refrigerators!!

gold_drake556d ago

lets not pretend that streaming games is great. and ms cant change that with their deals.

Terry_B556d ago

mad gamerant author is mad.

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Is Stadia Dead?

Is Stadia dead? No! Stadia’s heart beat is alive and well. Despite the perpetual declarations of Stadia’s death since even before the platform’s release, Stadia has continued to evolve, to release games (nearly 300!), to release new platform features and to expand to new territories.

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cl1983778d ago
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Community779d ago
Garethvk779d ago

I can tell you that p.r. firms no longer flood my inbox telling me which games are being released for it.

Yang_kai779d ago (Edited 779d ago )

But it’s time is running out Nintendo and VR is waiting for it in gaming hell

779d ago
Yang_kai778d ago

@sensor did you play with it?
I did and YES it’s in gaming hell
Regardless of what Nintendo fans think or wish for 🤷🏿

cluclap778d ago

@sensorchip, I think he is referring to Nintendo labo vr not Nintendo and vr separately

S2Killinit778d ago (Edited 778d ago )

VR is only getting bigger. Nintendo is doing superbly. Not sure where you are pulling your opinion from.

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Yang_kai778d ago

@ cluclap
I’m talking about the 90’s VR aka virtual boy that was dead on arrival like stadia.
Anyways let me stop here before I get flagged and send to sit outside in the ice thunderstorm

darthv72779d ago

I still get emails once a month about new titles and deals.

Knightofelemia779d ago

It should have died years ago but like a 1980's shitty horror movie with shitty sequels this thing will just not die.

Terry_B778d ago

Stadia is only 3 Years old, it started in November 2019. lol.

frostypants778d ago (Edited 778d ago )

Should have been DOA. Arguably it was for practical purposes. I don't know a single person who has it. It's the Atari Jaguar of cloud gaming services.

adamwparker778d ago

Google wasn't ready. They tried to deliver something good on paper, but messy behind the scenes.
Once the promises on the founders pack expired and still weren't realized, Stadia was done.
With more preparation, it could have been a whole different story.
Maybe the higher brass was pushing deadlines?
Maybe the competition was too much?
Maybe Covid stopped progress already mapped out for success?

We may never know everything about the Stadia startup, but it was a bold move, I'll give them that.

Aloymetal779d ago

It was practically DOA. It's just taking longer to fail because the company behind it has money to burn.

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