
Opinion: The Console Wars Are Over


The year 2019 is coming to a close.  Ending another year, no, another decade of video gaming.  And with a new decade just around the corner, it’s fitting that the industry will celebrate this new decade with new hardware. I probably know what some of you are thinking about.

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OB1Biker1679d ago

Its interesting read and I agree the companies have different approach that we saw coming long ago already. However theres a lot of wishful thinking emphasized in the conclusion.

'There aren’t console gamers or PC Gamers. We are all gamers, period.'
Is just denying the facts with virtue signalling magic powder. We are all gamers doesn't contradict the tact that people have preferences and different approaches to playing video games even including on mobile phones. I see the so called 'console war' getting stronger than ever from the companies and even more so from gamers who started on all forum, discussion, youtube and social media, to push their own preferences and propaganda.

UltraNova1679d ago (Edited 1679d ago )

Spot on. To add to your comment, not only will console wars intensify but it will spread and expand to Service wars as well and both wars will be fueled by exclusives. We will see a resurgence of exclusives being the major force of competition in an effort to differentiate themselves from others. We already see it happening just look at MS, from a company that depended on buying limited exclusivity and depending on 3rd party all while trying to convince us that exclusives no longer matter to a complete 180 in buying studios left and right.

Enter Google, they'll quickly understand that if they wish to lure in gamers to their underperforming service they'll have to offer content unique/only available on their platform.

Console/service wars will be bigger than ever.

1679d ago
UltraNova1679d ago (Edited 1679d ago )

Oh my...captain planet to MS's rescue I see.

Look i won't go at with you, no offence, however I'll say this - Sony never downplayed the importance of exclusives. This should be enough to get my point across. Now, if reading facts/truth hurts your feelings then you should refrain from visiting these forums.

And who in their right mind wants "console wars" to be over? What, do we really need Ms and Sony stop competing for our money and people stop having discussions over who is "better" and why? What is this Gattaca? Smh.

1679d ago
UltraNova1679d ago


No response? Did you actually read my... response?

Nitrowolf21679d ago (Edited 1679d ago )


What even are you talking about? Nova never said Sony didnt rely on 3rd party, he was stating the clear and obvious with how MS was more reliant on 3rd party content rather than exclusives, and that backfired on them so much that all this gen they have been making decisions to correct this. That is a fact, and proof shown by their recent remarks and push for inquisitions

Nintendo and Sony both have 3rd party exclusives, but they're not just their sole reliance when they have a number of 1st party games coming out so frequently.

Obscure_Observer1679d ago (Edited 1679d ago )


"Console/service wars will be bigger than ever."

Console wars will still be a thing in the future, no doubt. But i don´t think it´s gonna be as fierce and toxic as we had years ago in this generation. As quality improves for all companies, fanboys will have less and less controversial topics to discuss over.

Nintendo is far from the WiiU days and since Kimishima took over after Iwata passed away (R.I.P), Nintendo is a very different company. More open, less restrictive, more global, more gamer AND developer friendly.

Mattrick almost single handed destroyed the Xbox brand after the disastrous launch of the Xbox One and their focus on sports, TV, Kinect and an all entertainment focus fueled by DRM, Always Online, a useless dvd player (for games) and at the top of all that, a less powerfull and yet more expensive Xbox. Those days seems long gone now.

Scarlett will be a powerful machine focused exclusive on games! Phil Spencer acquired/created 9 new studios and Xbox Games Studios has now 15 first party studios and there´s even more new acquisitions to be made.

Sony has the clear advantage for the next gen, and all Ryan needs to do is not screw things over. Hopefully the new executive staff will be able to evolve the brand while continue with the formula that made the PS4 the isolated leader this generation.

With all companies offering great consoles, games and services, I think fanboys will become more critical of the brands they´ll be willing support over the next generation rather than focus on the competition itself.

And who in their right mind wants "console wars" to be over? What, do we really need Ms and Sony stop competing for our money and people stop having discussions over who is "better" and why? What is this Gattaca? Smh.

Spot on! Nobody wants console wars to be over! These companies learn to each other from both good and bad practices. We need competition. Good competition.

UltraNova1679d ago


I'll be damned...I mostly agree with you. I guess anything is possible these days.

A couple points:

"Console wars will still be a thing in the future, no doubt. But i don´t think it´s gonna be as fierce and toxic as we had years ago in this generation. As quality improves for all companies, fanboys will have less and less controversial topics to discuss over."

I cant see this. Look at peoples interactions in social media and forums these days. It seems everyone is offended and lashes out on everything small or big. I think it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

"Scarlett will be a powerful machine focused exclusive on games! Phil Spencer acquired/created 9 new studios and Xbox Games Studios has now 15 first party studios and there´s even more new acquisitions to be made."

All signs show this is indeed true. Like I said in many occasions, xbox will once again focus on exclusives in order to differentiate and make the brand more appealing. That's super exciting afaic since it will put pressure in Sony and other competitors as well.

"With all companies offering great consoles, games and services, I think fanboys will become more critical of the brands they´ll be willing support over the next generation rather than focus on the competition itself."

I'm not sure about this, maybe you are way more hopefull about people's ability to focus on criticizing their favorite brand on its own merits and shortcomings rather than focusing on the competition than I am. Like I said above, things will get worse before they hopefully get better.

Last but not least, when I refer to console wars I do not in any way shape or form condone in toxic exchanges. I'm all about objectivity and fair criticism with one clear goal - doing my part in getting necessary messages across to Publishers. We did it many times before, why stop now?

Anyway that my two cents, see ya in the trenches.

Godmars2901679d ago

You do realize that you're talking about past issues and effort during the console wars, right? Not current times.

1678d ago
OB1Biker1678d ago (Edited 1678d ago )

I mostly agree with you, console wars is a good thing from the companies. However I dont see it to be a good thing when it's from gamers and also gaming sites pushing it for traffic.
When someone enjoys sharing their passion (as long as it's not the idiotic promoting and advertising length some fanatics go into) these a no reason why people cant tolerate some one enjoying whatever game or platform they wish and call them names (like fanboy etc)

Also it entails a lot of misinformation and lies that unfortunately people easily get caught into. Its not helpful at all albeit entertaining (I'm having a good laugh reading some Twitter or youtube trying to hype a next gen console in a partizan way sometimes)

UltraNova1678d ago (Edited 1678d ago )


"I mostly agree with you, console wars is a good thing from the companies. However I dont see it to be a good thing when it's from gamers and also gaming sites pushing it for traffic."

You cant have one without the other unfortunately. Gamer "wars" can become feedback for publishers one way or another. A recent powerfull example was back in 2013 when MS came out with their anti-consumer plan for this gen. One side saw their intentions and called them out and the other side (a few blind fanboys, not all xbox fans) defended them. A classic console war setting. That dispute was so vocal that it made it into media sites l, news everywhere and finally where it matters most in a MS high level conference room with suits running around trying to find ways to go back on their plans and save what's left to save.

This is exactly why "console wars" at its purest form is beneficial for us.

solideagle1678d ago (Edited 1678d ago )

"There is no defence to how Microsoft started this gen. It was the underdog from the start"

did you just call Microsoft an underdog? :O
Microsoft with US$102.33 billion total equity vs Sony $34 billion dollar company
Coming from gen where Sony sold 150 millions to respected 85+ million only vs Microsoft practically putting Sony on back foot and selling more than PS3 for first 3-4 years

I am not expert but Microsoft was never underdog and Sony was not juggernaut at the beginning of this gen in my humble opinion

1677d ago
rainslacker1677d ago

We're already seeing service wars. It's off the back of the console war, but I don't see why it would be any different when you have competing gaming services. Even if the community wanted to end the console war on their own....which would be a slow mingling end really....the gaming media would collapse under the weight of it's own incompetence, and inability to know how to report actual news or editorial, so they will make sure that the community is always at each others throats.

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darthv721678d ago

When I was younger, I picked sides. Now that I'm older, I choose to support gaming as a whole and it has turned out pretty dang good for me in the process. 1977 was a turning point in my young life and I am thankful to have been in this hobby for 42 years now. I've seen the highs and lows. Played the good and the bad. Experienced the thrill and agony. Just like in sports.

No matter who you root for, we really are all in the same hobby for the same reason and that reason is we love to play video games. We may not agree on things but that is human nature.

1678d ago
rainslacker1677d ago (Edited 1677d ago )

You two constantly come in and poke the console war bear. Neither of you have risen up above the fray. Hell, even I probably perpetuate the console war rhetoric, and I'm sure some on here believe that I'm a fan boy for Sony.

I won't call either of you as bad some of the rampant fan boys, but both of you have indeed gone to lengths to do what you say you are now above. Maybe you don't see it, but that's how others are going to see it. Maybe, like me, others may not see that I'm not necessarily doing it because I want to promote the console war, but that's the way it comes across a lot of the time, and it's one reason why the console war won't end. People want to be part of it, and they will get defensive, or offensive, because even though they may not be able to recognize it, they need to have pride in their console preference.

There are only a few things that make people contentious.

-Pride: Console preference taken to the extreme, or at times people just annoyed at seeing something they like constantly attacked.
-Insecurity: Trolls who just love to antagonize people because it makes them feel better.
-People genuinely disappointed.

The last ones are the ones who never get taken seriously, because more often than not, they're put into the first two groups.

darthv721677d ago (Edited 1677d ago )

Rain, yeah I stand up to others bad mouthing the hobby I enjoy. It looks like I do it more for xbox because that platform gets so much unwarranted hate (especially this gen) that I have to try and be the voice of reason. Ive stood up for nintendo, sega, sony... hell even atari. Point is I always come back to center unless another ass hat troll wants to talk shit about something they dont even play.

You play xbox, you are critical but also reasonable, just like me. And like me you hate to see people hating for no other reason than its the thing to do. We agree at times, others not so much but unlike the one sided gamers we at least can say we have been on both sides of the track.

If anyone is paying attention then they know that is real, not an act for the sake of argument. There are lots of fakes with their concern trolling that need to be shored up.

Wouldnt you agree?

And if proclaiming I play the field is seen as a negative then so be it. I'll still be the guy who chooses to do that.

PhoenixUp1679d ago

Console wars will never end

1679d ago Replies(4)
darthv721678d ago

When you get older, they arent as relevant as they were when you were younger. People tend to grow out of that schoolyard mentality of this vs that. Not all people, of course... but people do get older and more appreciative of things as a whole.

Lennoxb631679d ago

If you have a mind of your own there was never any console wars. No amount of trolling is going to move me from what I prefer. If my preference changes, the change was motivated by me and me alone. Not anyone talking negatively on my preferences.

Zodiac1679d ago

"Console wars" ended a while ago. Once the "craze" element in gaming ended, the "wars" ended. Even in the 360 generation, gaming could still be seen in what i like to call, "the exciting" period where getting your ps2,GC,xbox,360,ps3 and wii was "exciting" and it just felt different.

However, you could even argue that it ended with Nintendo vs Sega. Can we really say there is a "war" between Sony and Microsoft when 3rd party games have been more or less the best selling, most popular and most memorable games on their platforms? Mario vs Sonic is the only real company battle there has really been.

CorndogBurglar1678d ago (Edited 1678d ago )

Do you not understand what Console Wars are? It's a war between consoles and the winner is determined by CONSOLE SALES. Not whether or not 3rd party or 1st party games sell more copies.

3rd party games don't help push consoles because you can buy them on multiple platforms. Exclusives sell consoles. Nintendo has survived for almost 40 years on that understanding.

Saying there are no console wars because 3rd party games sell better on consoles is missing the point because people don't choose consoles based on 3rd party games. People choose consoles based on the CONSOLE itself and the EXCLUSIVES they bring to the table.

What you are describing is something else. Developer Wars? Publisher Wars? I don't know. But saying console Wars don't exist because of game sales is silly. For one, people don't buy games without a console. So the very first step is choosing a console. And as long as there is more than one company selling game consoles there will ALWAYS be console Wars. Because no company wants to be 2nd best and sell fewer units than their competition. And there will always be those fans that bad mouth other consoles and refuse to enjoy them all, for whatever their reasoning may be.

Imortus_san1678d ago

The Console Wars are a relly fun way to troll many.

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PS6 Graphics – Can it Approach Photorealism?

If the PS5 Pro leaks are accurate, the eventual PS6 is slated to be one powerful console. But if modern GPUs still lag behind true photorealism, can the PS6 get there?

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Hugodastrevas35d ago

I hate to be "that guy", but we have go ask ourselves do the industry need photorealistic graphics at this point or actually good games, good content, less anti-consumer practices?
This graphical obsession has brought nothing but years upon years of waiting for a game to launch with huge detailed empty worlds, bad stories and predictable gameplay and (micro)transactions everywhere. Sorry for the rant.

MrGameAndWatch35d ago

Same. I really don't want to be in an interactive film and, to me photorealism is not needed for immersion.

RaidenBlack35d ago

Why always target photorealism?
Why not use the extra horsepower for better, complex & diverse AI?
Why not target more interactable world? Why not use the new performance headroom for more physics effects?
Player choices that drastically affect and changes the game world?

Cacabunga34d ago (Edited 34d ago )

Let’s first see what PS5 graphics look like.. we’ve seen nothing yet

RaidenBlack34d ago

For that, first Naughty Dog's PS5 single-player exclusive, then Guerilla's PS5 single-player exclusive

OtterX35d ago (Edited 35d ago )

If anything, the massive layoffs in the industry right now are showing that investors are pulling out and not wanting to invest as much as they are right now into AAAs. Much less push for even higher detail, unless many parts of it are automated by AI for a cheaper price. Not saying I support people's jobs being replaced by AI, just stating a reality of what the money people want.

DarXyde35d ago (Edited 35d ago )

Photorealism should be reserved for games like Gran Turismo. It costs far too much to incorporate that level of detail.

Even then, if it comes at the cost of physics calculations or frame rate given the shared resources of consoles, I'd scale it back in favor of a smoother experience.

Nintendo was quite smart to never pigeonhole themselves into that. Great foresight on their part, I'd say.

8bitAssassin35d ago

But they've gotten very lazy on their games. I still like their approach don't just make game play your biggest innovation.

DarXyde35d ago (Edited 35d ago )


I assume you're talking about Nintendo.

I think it works for them. I'm honestly glad that it's nothing like PlayStation or Xbox. It's a great reason to own one.

8bitAssassin34d ago

Yup!! I am. Yes it works for them and I love it. I want them to have better than average old tech so the scope of some of their games can drop jaws. I'm not talking about counting pixels either.

anast35d ago

I think we need both. Why lower the standard? A photorealistic Bloodborne or Elden Ring game would be insane.

isarai35d ago

Nah im with you on that, like visually games look fine, maybe up the resolution on average but i would much rather resources be spent on things that actually make the game FEEL good to play at this point.

shinoff218335d ago

Don't forget about the budgets.

ROCKY2835d ago

agreed - stop with the expensive photo realism and just create amazing games that are less expensive that are not a risk to create an original game within 2-3 years and not 7 years of development - like the OG PS2/Xbox era !

WolfSeed35d ago

There are individual goals for individual parameters. Graphics, gameplay, scale, geometry, AI Sophistication, etc.

This article touches one of them. No need to cancel the conversation because you care more about other things.

Amplitude34d ago (Edited 34d ago )

Some photorealism is much cheaper to produce than what devs are currently forced to do.
If all games could have path tracing, there would be no need for developers to manually map ambient occlusion, shadowmaps, reflection probes, etc. It's a huge undertaking that's making games cost way more to produce on account of the rather pathetic-for-2024 RT and general performance of the current gen consoles.

As much as i hate to say it, we need new consoles as soon as feasibly possible. These consoles launched at the absolute worst possible time, right before RT/DLSS2.0/3.0 were able to quickly skyrocket games in quality on the PC side of things, leaving a ridiculously large gap between PC and console almost immediately after launch and preventing things like CyberPunk Pathtracing Mode in other games. They're holding everything back and making games take longer to produce.

I think Microsoft may be smart if they end up adopting a model where multiple companies (including NVidia) can release multiple spec variant "PC" boxes with the XBox OS. One console every decade doesn't cut it with how quick technology moves in this new era we're in.

smolinsk34d ago

I would love the Next step in graphic to be massive but it always turns out that it takes a long time so the ps6 graphics are gonna be like the best we have now Just with 60fps in every game. World love to se the big ass large worlds with fantastic graphics and depth. Gta 6 are gonna bring that for sure.

just_looken34d ago


100% agree but it also made the use of upscale tech the norm which made games worse and the fact console now are just tablets we need a console with a real gpu real cpu real ram setup.

It would be so amazing to see a game like you said made like the ps2/ps3 era using today's pc parts pushing the hardware.

There are titles out there that make my pc run like its still on the desktop

Barlos34d ago

Agreed. For me at least, games are escapism. I don't want them mimicking real life. Graphics don't have to be photorealistic to be impressive. As with you, I'm more about the story, and I would prefer innovation in other ways. The PS5 did it with the DualSense. This it more important to me than just shinier graphics.

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Zenzuu35d ago

Personally for me, graphics have already gotten to the point where I don't really feel the need to see having it to make anymore realistic or better.

At this point, I rather game developers focus on quality/engaging stories, gameplay, & contents. Also not every every single game needs to opened world just for the sake of it.

anast35d ago

I'd rather they focus on both. It's a trillion dollar industry. They should be able to do both.

neutralgamer199235d ago


Believe it or not when it comes to consoles and games graphics are still the biggest factor. Why do you think we still see CHI trailers or in engine footage. The first impression is very important. Not for us core gamers but for millions of casuals who are quite easily impressed with wow factor graphics

TiredGamer35d ago

"More, more, more!!! I don't care what it takes - I deserve more! And I won't PAY a dollar more!"

That's the mindset of some people out there.

JEECE34d ago

I mean, can we still say that's the case even when casuals flock to mediocre looking battle royales? PUBG became huge among casuals, and it looks like a PS3 era shooter with textures that didn't load properly. And casuals have embraced the cartoon aesthetic (Fortnite is the easy example here, but there are others). What is the recent graphics focused game casuals have flocked to? Are you counting COD for that?

anast34d ago

@1992 Candy Crush and Monopoly Go

@Tired Like I said. It's a trillion dollar industry. They could definitely do more. Customers are paying a ton of money.

WolfSeed35d ago

There are individual goals for individual parameters. Graphics, gameplay, scale, geometry, AI Sophistication, etc. No need to cancel the conversation because you care more about other things.

smolinsk34d ago

Graphics are the biggest selling point and will always be.

neutralgamer199234d ago

Agreed especially for those who aren’t hardcore gamers. We core gamers look at everything through core gamers POV. But there is a much bigger casual market who likes looking at pretty things

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andy8535d ago

Honestly with UC4 I thought we were close but things don't really seem to have improved much in 8 years. Hellblade 2 seems to have raised the bar a bit though

MrBaskerville35d ago

I don't think publishers have the money to make that happen. They can barely sustain the current level of fidelity.

Sciurus_vulgaris34d ago

The goal post for what photorealistic graphics are has always been moving. I remember some 360/PS3 sports games being called photorealistic way back in the mid 2000s.

bRuud8335d ago

Simply, no! Graphics wise there is barely any difference between the PS4 and PS5 just a little more particle effects and very minimal use of ray tracing. I expect even less diffence between PS5 and PS6. Just better implementation of Ray Tracing.

purple10135d ago

you are correct, but there ram has doubled, and now we have ssd not a spinning disk drive, I think we have not yet scratched the surface of next gen personally,

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Nintendo says Switch 2 will be officially announced before the end of March 2025

This is Furukawa, President of Nintendo. We will make an announcement about the successor to Nintendo Switch within this fiscal year. It will have been over nine years since we announced the existence of Nintendo Switch back in March 2015. We will be holding a Nintendo Direct this June regarding the Nintendo Switch software lineup for the latter half of 2024, but please be aware that there will be no mention of the Nintendo Switch successor during that presentation.

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Christopher48d ago
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Profchaos48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

I'm excited for a switch 2 however I don't feel it will be coming this year as per the tweet in they are commuting to a reveal in this Japanese financial year in 2025.

Realistically we will get one last holiday season to focus on the switch because it would be madness for Nintendo to go into the holidays where the switch always performs well when they have announced a switch 2.

I'm thinking we see a announcement late Jan 25 personally with a release between March and June depending on when the software is ready and how strong the holday sales were if they need to boost those figures for the next earnings call or not

gold_drake48d ago

yea agreed. they'll probably match it with the new pkmn game they announced

VenomUK48d ago

So it begins!

Where one contender pulls out of the game, another comes back bigger and stronger.

Nintendo Switch 2 - let the games begin.

Cacabunga47d ago

A new Splatoon launch title for sure.. hoping they change the recipe and make it open world.

I think it’ll come out Q1 25. Let’s wait and see

H948d ago

There's a event in June for games on the switch and they said there won't be a switch 2 announcement so no way they will announce the console after june and still release it in the same year

Eonjay48d ago

So, I think they will shoot for another FYQ4 release (like with the first Switch) but I am confused by the headline:

'[...] Switch 2 will be officially ANNOUNCED before the end of March 2025' This implies that the Switch 2 isn't coming out till maybe holiday 2025 or maybe even 2026. I think they will be better served by NOT releasing when GTA 6 launches (unless there is some shocking reveal that it will run on Switch 2). Release early 2025.

Neonridr48d ago

I'd say it'll be released before March 2025 tbh.

notachance48d ago

Holiday announcement with summer launch

thesoftware73048d ago

It should be an interesting year; Sony, Nintendo, and MS all have new Hardware to show.

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PS5 Pro specs leak video taken down by Sony

Sony is taking actions as video by Moore’s Law is Dead, has been issued with a copyright claim.

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andy8568d ago

And people say it's all fake because Sony haven't said anything 😂 conveniently forget the PS4 Pro was only announced 2 months before release.

BeHunted68d ago

It's fake. There's no factual evidence other than his own made up specs.

Hereandthere68d ago

What were the specks Sony was afraid of showing?

Shikoku68d ago (Edited 68d ago )

Digital foundry put a video out saying what he leaked was exactly what they also knew about the PS5 PRO. So no it's not just stuff he made up

Babadook768d ago (Edited 68d ago )

If it’s fake what copyright does MLID infringe upon?


andy8568d ago

Aye because they'd go to the effort of copyright claiming it if it didn't exist 🙃😂 you'd have to be a special kind to be thinking its not a thing by now

Cacabunga68d ago

They need to reveal it with uncharted killzone or a heavy hitter like this

Ironmike68d ago (Edited 68d ago )

U mean the specs that we'll established digital foundry which said these are the actual specs published a video on 2 weeks ago I mean they are only one of most trusted sites for tech information but they just made up a video for the sake of it

Christopher67d ago

I would love for it all to be fake, but lots of people are saying they've seen/heard the same thing. But, man, we 100% don't need mid-gen upgrades when we're failing hard to optimize current hardware.

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Seraphim67d ago (Edited 67d ago )

if I recall Sony lowered sales expectations for PS5 earlier this year. if that is the case we won't hear anything about a Pro until next year or shortly before/when it's dropping. After all, if the Pro was dropping this year/fiscal year they wouldn't have lowered expectations.

As for squashing rumors. Yeah, shit like this prevents potential buyers from adopting now, just like slim rumors in the past. It only makes sense to keep things under wraps from a business perspective. Despite living in a technological age of unfettered access to information we don't need to know whats going on behind closed doors be that at Sony, Nintendo, MS, or amongst any development studios. When the steak is done we shall feast.

JackBNimble67d ago

By the time games are actually made to take advantage of the pro spec's the ps6 will be released or close to it.

jznrpg68d ago (Edited 68d ago )

Just announce it already! I want to preorder one asap. But in reality they don’t want to lessen PS5 sales until Pro is ready to launch so I understand the business part of it. September is probably when they announce it with an early November launch like the PS4 Pro

Ironmike68d ago

Pro won't lessen sales sames ps4 pro never and the ps4 pro was more relevant at the time cos move to 4k this not needed

RaidenBlack68d ago (Edited 68d ago )

Yea, my brother got his PS4 (coz of a good deal) after the PS4 Pro's release.

darthv7267d ago

^^same here. I got a base 4 for only $100 off a guy who bought the Pro. then a few months later I found a guy on craigslist selling a pro for $100 because it was left behind by his former roommate who moved out. That was the beginning of my obsession to buy up the different variants of the PS4 that were released.

As of now I am really only missing the 500m one and the gold slim but otherwise I have pretty much all the other retail ones. https://consolevariations.c...

crazyCoconuts67d ago

Anyone with 4K that appreciates 60fps is gonna disagree about it not being needed.
DLSS is a god send for Nvidia, and there's been nothing like it for AMD...yet ...

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DeadlyFire67d ago

They will announce it around E3 timeframe about May-June whenever they do a showcase for the year.

neutralgamer199268d ago

Just announce it this thing will sell well

Ironmike68d ago (Edited 68d ago )

I don't think it will pll still haven't seen the potential of ps5 yet

Cacabunga67d ago

agreed, but it might sell if they announce some 1st party games to lead the way. if people see the difference with the base version they can move on. for my sake I am still gaming mainly on PS4 (still not finished with RDR2 due to lack of gaming time). I have a huge backlog on PS5 I am hoping to get into.

mark3214uk68d ago

why? game makers havnt even come close to maxing out current spec yet, were getting al lthese new TFlops and game maker are making crappy remakes not worthy of the ps3

Minute Man 72168d ago

The guts of the 5 and X are 5 years old

fr0sty67d ago

People keep saying that, yet we still have games running at near HD resolutions, 30fps, and ray tracing features turned off.

PRIMORDUS68d ago (Edited 68d ago )

I would take that video and upload a torrent of it, fuck that copyright bullshit. If your going to do something that has a chance of being taken down, make a torrent first share it. Then Sony or any other company is helpless and you can laugh in their faces, taunting them to try to take it down 🤣

LoveSpuds68d ago

With kind of analysis and advice, you could be a lawyer for Trump!🤣

tronyx1268d ago

As much as the PS4 Pro didn't represent a major % in the playerbase, announcing a 'better' model will hinder sales from the 'base' model. They are right, business-wise.

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