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Is There Any Good Reason To Spend $60 On Gears 5?

You can spend $60 to play Gears 5 on Xbox One or PC. But why would you do that when you could spend $10? Or just $1?

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Community1724d ago
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FallenAngel19841725d ago
crazyCoconuts1725d ago

Is there any good reason for me to read another Forbes click bait article?

Automatic791724d ago

Well said @crazy

I own the game.

1724d ago
Strange991724d ago

lol, yea, Forbes is trying to suck you in with the video game article and expect you to leave a subscriber. I’m sure Forbes biggest audience is teenage boys, not business owners.

Sciurus_vulgaris1725d ago

1. You want to own the game
2. You don’t want to rent the game by paying monthly fees
3. You like Gears of War and want to directly support the franchise.
4. You collect games
5. You aren’t on a tight budget.

Silly gameAr1725d ago (Edited 1725d ago )

I'm on a tight budget, but even then, I try to support the companies that really put work in to make a great game. I do understand there are people that are just not able to do that. That is who should take advantage of gamepass to the fullest. I just don't see how it's going to support the devs in the long run.

Unless, MT's become bigger in console gaming then they already have, and then we all have a problem.

1724d ago
kneon1724d ago


I expect that the majority of that MT revenue comes from mobile and F2P games. I don't expect the MT revenue from games like this is all that high.

WiiU-Dude1724d ago (Edited 1724d ago )

People bemoan micro transactions, but they really could be great. If you are a gamer who ignores them then they aren't hurting you. Meanwhile, those who do indulge in them are hopefully creating the needed income for developers thus it is a win win. I only spend on extra content. More tracks, new area, more story, more cars once in a while etc. I almost never buy cosmetic crap or even weapons. Unless it is pay to win crap, they really can be ignored.

antz11041724d ago

I tried it on gamepass and loved it. My gamepass ran out and I'm not renewing. Definitely will be buying it.

Silly gameAr1724d ago


I bemoan the MT's that obviously take advantage of people. If done right, they're not bad, if done to make a quick buck, then we have Mario Kart Tour.

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mandingo1724d ago

Think you touched on everything:)

1724d ago
nowitzki20041724d ago

You just schooled this question.

Orionsangel1724d ago (Edited 1724d ago )

A lot of us just wanna play the game. We're not collectors. You get it fo 2 dollars on Ultimate Game Pass.

Sciurus_vulgaris1724d ago

The $1 and 2 dollar promos aren’t something people can readily use over-and-over again. Once your promo is over you will have to pay the full subscription fee each month to keep playing the game unless you buy it.

UltraNova1724d ago

I keep hearing about the 1-2 dollars deal and I have to ask, is this a permanent thing or a limited time promo? What I'm asking, will this be a thing 3, 6 months later?

Strange991724d ago

I hope your collecting for the fun of it, because they won’t be worth anything, ever. Comics that sold tens of thousands and are in pristine condition sell for peanuts. You’ll certainly be on your death bed looking at that collectors edition of TLOU2 thinking one day, one day... when you realize it’s worth 5% more than what you paid for it. Inflation be damned!

Sciurus_vulgaris1724d ago

I collect because I like to. I sometimes randomly get the urge to dust off and play old games.

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william_cade1724d ago

If you are a fan of the franchise, yes.

NarutoFox1724d ago (Edited 1724d ago )

I was a fan like 15 yrs ago. Now new games have took over and evolved over the years 😁

ninsigma1724d ago

nope. Get it for the 1 dollar deal. Then if you really wanna own it you can wait for a sale in the future and you won't have missed out.

Nu1724d ago

I'm buying when a good sale happens. I'll try and play free for as long as possible

Latex741724d ago

This is great advice win win

sprinterboy1724d ago (Edited 1724d ago )

Someone gets it.
I've just payed £3.99 last month for EA access and although I'm glad I didn't pay full price for battlefront2, bf5 and anthem I can't really complain as I felt I got my money's worth.
Also bf5 is down to £19.99 atm so if I wanted I could continue my love hate relationship of bf5 for a total of £24 with ea access included in that.
Bargain if you ask me, even if we all hate EA we can't moan at these offers atm.
I was saying to a friend yesterday that psnow has Gow, tlou remaster, doom, wolfeinstein, uc4 etc now for £8.99 as I know his nephew struggles to play all the games he likes due to money. Whatever opinion we have on physical, digital, subscription services or streaming its great options at the end of the day as long as we don't turn gaming into gaas, battle royal, Mt mess that is.

waverider1724d ago

If you want another blockbuster like Gear 5 you should buy it. A game of this quality any player should get it, because with services and after the numbers that Microsoft told will make money... 100+ millions games wont give any kind of return with the service model. Services are good for AA, not for AAA games. Much less when you just got a couple of millions in combined Xbox and PC gamers that got gamepass at 1,2 or 15$.....

KillBill1724d ago

So your take on this is that Microsoft is making a poor business plan by offering 1st party AAA games as well many 3rd party AAA games on their GamePass service and won't be able to make any positive returns? Well maybe you better rush over and give them the news because obviously they could use a great business mind like yours to run their company. lol

waverider1724d ago

Yes, thats the reality. Right now they arent making enough money to cover the cost of making triple AAA games., not even close with 1, 2 or 15$ when they have a couple of millions of subscribers between Xbox and PC, thats was what Gear 5 shows with 3 millions.... Games that cost more then 100 millons to make cant be on any service. Maybe AA, but never huge blockbusters. Right now there isnt martket for that.

This is a gamble from Microsoft that believe that 50, 60 millions in the future will buy services monthly, but the number from XBL and PC arent enought, not even close. Thats why microsoft also told they wont share numbers about subscribers. Like they stop with number of consoles. This after Gear 5, where many started to understand the reality.

sprinterboy1724d ago (Edited 1724d ago )

They are not making money on gamepass yet though, even ms know that.
Its getting everybody on board, hooked and invested into the eco system with mt (skins/weapons etc) gaas model ms wants first, then they may make a profit with scarlett and beyond?
Seriously ask yourself what type of games will keep gamers from leaving gamepass after a trial or promotion month? Sp games (nope) it's, you guessed it, popular battle royal games, gaas model games, the destiny's and divisions of this world etc.
If that's what you want, then support it but mark my words the scarlett will turn into nothing more than gaas model bare bones games at launch with MT and such, loads of battle royal games with a handful of awesome 3rd party games here and there.

conanlifts1724d ago

" 100+ millions games wont give any kind of return with the service model"

If they get 100 million subscribers at $15 each that is an income of 1.8 billion per year. It also increases player numbers for MT'S etc. It would be hugely profitable if it made it to 100 million subscribers.

waverider1724d ago

my mistake 100 million plus budget to make a game, and not games.

Godmars2901724d ago (Edited 1724d ago )

But isn't their user base more like 40 million? 30?

Even if you were talking about 100 million subs, that $1.8 billion isn't direct profit, especially if talking about paying 3rd party holders of content on their service. The cost or payout to studios and devs for making any 1st parties. Sure, might be less risk directly in involved for MS, but its less money, maybe far less, for studios than if their games were directly purchased from a "100 million" consumer base.

conanlifts1724d ago

@godmars yes something like that on console. But they have pc now to increase their subs. I personally don't see those numbers happening any time soon, but in a decade who knows where things will be.

As for direct profit I won't guess what it would be, but it would still be good. The thing that would sadly push profit up are the Micro transactions increasing from the higher user base.

KillBill1724d ago

Your math is way off it would only take 10 million subscribers at $15 each to earn them $1.8 billion in revenue per year. (it was estimated back in May 2019 that they had 9.5 million GamePass subscribers per Neogaf) So likely scenario is they are already poised to make relatively $2 Billion a year in subscription revenue alone. The idea that kind of money itself isn't enough to make the AAA games a worthy venture while still putting so much back into the 3rd party companies that share in said revenue and the built in user base for developers.

1724d ago
Godmars2901724d ago

What difference will PC make if Xbox Game pass covers PC and console both? Maybe it might be enough to get PC owners to get a console to have access to console-only titles?

And still the ignored issue that caused Atari and the game industry to crash back in the day: Greed not only overriding quality as executives cut corners, but further nickle and diming with microtransactions. Allowing them a streaming pool in which to dump games into in hopes people will blindly dump money in after is just not a sensible, sustainable practice, but that's what they're moving towards.

"Even if it is only 2-3% of the user group that is not console owners that alone and adds north of 60 million users."

Given that MS has stopped reporting any numbers of real consequence, that in most cases one game often fails to sell over a million, AAA title average 4, million, would love to know where you get your numbers. Suspect you're thinking mobile market, which is the least example console gaming needs.

KillBill1722d ago

Again, $15 x 12 months = $180 x 10 million = $1.8 billion... it was estimated in may at 9.5 million monthly GamePass subscribers (likely many more now). Math... it is not that hard people.

Also, one year ago it was showing that XBL had 57 Million active users bringing in over $30 billion. Microsoft is not hurting in any way.

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conanlifts1724d ago

"my mistake 100 million plus budget to make a game, and not games."

I think you mistyped and I misread your comment.

Strange991724d ago

This is retarded. They made this game and put it on their game service specifically to bring in subscribers. Buying the game and subscribing to the serviceboth is just making yourself a fool. Their getting their money either way. You think they did this because your smarter than them and they didn’t know any better? For fuck sake.

Strange991724d ago

Since I can’t reply to your below comment... so what your saying is bringing in subscribers to a repeating monthly fee... guaranteed repeating revenue.... is garbage compared to a a flat fee one time purchase? You paid ay attention to the rise of Netflix at all?

Zeref1724d ago (Edited 1724d ago )

You do know Microsoft is the most valuable company in the world right now, right? They made a trillion dollars doing exactly this... Providing services.

I'm sure they know what they're doing better than you do.

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All Xbox Games with Mouse and Keyboard Support

Are you longing to get a tactical advantage from your input method? Here's all the All Xbox Games with mouse and keyboard support.

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Gears 5 Is Microsoft's First Game on GeForce NOW; Deathloop, Grounded, Pentiment Coming Next Week

Gears 5 is available to stream on GeForce NOW as Microsoft's first game following the partnership with NVIDIA. More will follow next week.

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Top 35 Best Xbox One Games of All Time

BLG writes: "For a console that had a lukewarm (at best) launch, the Xbox One had a lot of great games. So much so that even listing 35 of the best Xbox One games feels like we’re leaving some out!"

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shinoff2183711d ago

i went through the list to kill some time. WHat I found crazy was out of the 35 games only 3 are exclusive to the xbox one. Forza ori and damn I forgot the other.