
Why Blaming Video Games for Violence is Wrong

Gamer and YouTuber Charlie Goldberg says it's time to stop bashing video games and instead celebrate millions of American gamers who participate in a national industry that is valued at an estimated $36.9 billion. In this video Op-Ed, he debunks the claims of politicians who blame video games for mass shootings.

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jeb691747d ago
Knightofelemia1747d ago

Video games are always the scapegoat when it comes to violence or some mass shooting and yet Hollywood makes violent movies and there is no blame there. I play GTA V online and I am not going around shooting or killing real people because I know the difference between real life and fantasy. Usually people who do mass shootings are not all there in the head due to the way they were raised, how they were raised, or how they raised when growing up. If a kid has been bullied all his life and has no way to express or vent his anger then yes he might shoot a school. There is not enough support for people who have mental issues and if there is support the waiting line is usually longer then a bathroom line at a Slayer concert. It's not the gun killing that person its the idiot on the other end who decided to shoot that person the gun is only doing what it was made for.

Gaming1011746d ago

Jeebus Cripes, I thought videogames being a scapegoat was something completely outdated. I thought we were past this when GTA 3 was being blamed on people's hooliganism, as if people were going to start running over hookers on the street if they played a videogame. Please. That was 2003, and a massive amount of research has shown zero correlation between videogames and violent behavior.

1747d ago
bouzebbal1747d ago

It's as retarded as blaming a religion for horrendous acts.. If a person is sick it's regardless of what he plays or believes in. there is not much to do before it's too late..


Europe software sales | May 2024 | EA FC 24 #1, Ghost of Tsushima #4, Hellblade 2 missed 'Top 100'

"This is GSD figures, which tracks all digital game sales from most major publishers (Nintendo data is absent), and physical game sales in all major European markets."

"The No.1 selling game in May this year was EA Sports FC 24, followed by Grand Theft Auto 5. F1 2024 races in at No.3. The PC release of Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut sends the PlayStation game up to No.4."

"11.6 million PC and console games were sold across European markets in May. Compared with the same five week period in 2023, that's a drop of nearly 17%."

"Hellblade 2, System Shock Remake, and the Rogue Prince of Persia all missing out on the Top 100."

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Einhander19729h ago

I need an xbox fan to explain to me how Hellblade didn't even enter the top 100 since Game Pass doesn't effect sales and you guys are all just using the service as a trial to buy the games later.... /s (for sigh)

Also tell me again how 3.5 M sales first month for FF was bad...

If Microsoft didn't buy the developer this could have been a multiplatform game and if they wanted they still could have got it day 1 on Game Pass.

If I worked at Ninja Theory I'd be sprucing up my resume right about now.

MNRC235h ago

Why are you more concerned about Microsoft’s financials than Microsoft?

CrashMania15m ago(Edited 6m ago)

Think it's pretty obvious to most that Hellblade 2 was a flop, it was setup to fail by skipping playstation and being sent to die on gamepass, especially on a platform where they openly mock playstation 'movie games', this being way more movie than any PS game.

Cacabunga1h ago

Here we go.. too much barking about EA CEO getting a big bonus when the same ones are buying his games. So pathetic


Dragon Ball's Toyotarou Inks the Lead Character From a Beloved Super Nintendo Classic

Dragon Ball Super's official artist Toyotarou offers his illustrative take on a classic Super Nintendo character by the late Akira Toriyama.

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Exvalos21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

Im still confused as to why we never got a remake.


Hex Phantom - Review | HexGaming's Anti-Drift Controller

The Hex Phantom is a modified PlayStation 5 controller, created by HexGaming, with several advanced features.

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Wrong story type
Should be Opinion piece
anything being reviewed thats not a game goes under opinion, which also means no site name in title
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Nook3d ago
Nook4d ago

As a note, this is topical because it's currently on Kickstarter for funding.