
A camera hack reveals that in horror classic P.T., Lisa is always right behind you

From VG247: "If you ever got the feeling that Lisa was right behind you in P.T., that’s because she was – literally at all times.

P.T., the Silent Hills demo that many consider to be one of the best horror games of all time, was downloaded over a million times on PS4 before the game was cancelled and the demo was pulled. Fans have mourned for it, and uncovered new, weird shit inside it, ever since."

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Community1840d ago
1840d ago Replies(1)
W34KN35S1840d ago

I thought this was already a known thing , you can hear her walking behind you and see her shadow in some segments.

aarogree1839d ago

There are plenty of ways in games to make sounds play and shadows move without a model.

Obelisk921839d ago (Edited 1839d ago )

It's unbelievable how much work and thought went into this DEMO. The full game would've been mindblowing.

P.T. is probably the worst loss we experienced in this decade.

DuckOnQuack351839d ago

I still cry about it every night. There hasn't been a great psychological horror game in a long long time.

Fluttershy771839d ago

Kojima is obsessive crazy

CrimsonPheonix1839d ago (Edited 1839d ago )

F&*% konami.

CorndogBurglar1840d ago

It's such a shame what happened to this game.

It's also very surprising that no one has stepped up and made something similar. Usually most devs/production companies in the video game industry mimic anything that is successful, and with all the praise that P.T. got one would think something very similar would have come out by now.

SkatterBrain1839d ago

I think its what Resident Evil 7 was trying to go for when they changed to 1st person view

kparks1839d ago

If RE7 was going for PT they missed the mark big time that game was a huge let down.

VerminSC1839d ago

There were many copy cats. Alison road for one

darren_poolies1839d ago

We haven't had an update on that in over 3 years, safe to assume it's probably dead.

SkatterBrain1839d ago (Edited 1839d ago )

I Remember Seeing That and being soo excited to try it out Also the realistic Titanic simulator

Neonridr1839d ago

There is a game coming called Visage which hopes to retain that P.T. feel. Allison Road was probably the biggest one, but it mysteriously got cancelled.

ps360s1839d ago

All these games which are based on the idea of P.T are good but we all know that apart from the gameplay and feel, we won't be getting the incredible story/puzzles/voice acting and so on to go with it which we can expect P.T to have if it wasn't canceled.

A shame :(

Neonridr1839d ago

@ps360s - fully agree there. These other games are but a slice of the experience we would have gotten here. It truly is a real shame.

Fluttershy771839d ago

Yeah but how? I mean, Silent Hill 1-2-3 were all successful (and absolute masterpieces for me) but those games were made by the genius of Team Silent, and this one by Kojima... so even if they try they usually end up with something like Evil Within or RE7 (which I don't want to crp on those games but they are not Silent Hill)
Hopefully Konami will get their sht together (eventually) the way Capcom is doing, and could reunite the old gang...

Redshadowsaint1839d ago

The creator of PT supposedlydid make a similar game. They have a trailer for it and everything.

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10 Most Terrifying Silent Hill Monsters & What They Symbolize

TNS: “Nightmare fuel to say the least, check out the 10 most terrifying Silent Hill monsters, and what they symbolize.”

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The Complete Ranking of Silent Hill Games from Worst to Best

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Vits332d ago

I mostly disagree with Downpour's position. Yeah, the game is not amazing by any stretch of the imagination but is much better than the HD Collection and Homecoming. The main issue is the performance, but that was mitigated by the patches, especially on the PS3. Personally, I put it a little behind Origins and The Room.

Having Restless Dreams as a different entry from Silent Hill 2 is also a choice.

bfrye26332d ago

Normally, we would not consider it a different game (Restless Dreams), but since it had a very different critical reception and had new content, it was allowed. As for Downpour, I would agree, but since that one is subjective, we let him make his case for the placement.

gold_drake332d ago

silent hill 2 is definitely the best one out of those.

for me personally, the whole ritual/cult stuff was always so weird to me in all the other games.

CrimsonWing69331d ago

No disrespect but I put SH2 over 1. 1 is fantastic, but 2 took it all up a level.

bfrye26331d ago

We agree, that is why the writer put it in top place!


Dataminer gets PT playable on a PlayStation 5 via hacked emulator

From Eurogamer: "Konami horror project P.T. has been made playable on a PlayStation 5, via a hacked PS4 emulator.

Streamer and dataminer Lance McDonald has managed to get the game working on a non-jailbroken PS5 console.

Essentially, a legitimate copy of P.T. is required as well as an active PSN account on both a jailbroken PS5 and a normal, fully updated PS5. The emulator is then transferred from one to the other."

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MIDGETonSTILTS17705d ago

Hopefully the October 19 Silent Hill announcement makes it so that I don’t need to fret with eBay and all of this emulator nonsense to enjoy a 10 minutes demo for Halloween….

How does Konami not appreciate how much they spite their face when they tarnish Kojima’a legacy?

MrBaskerville705d ago

While we'll surely get several SH projects in the coming years, expecting anything related to P.T. is setting yourself up for dissapointment. Sadly.

MIDGETonSTILTS17705d ago

Yeah I get the sense that Kojima might’ve literally shat on his boss’ desk before leaving