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Gears 5 Restores First-Party Order on Xbox

IGN: Our Xbox crew discusses the Gears 5 campaign now that the review embargo has lifted (don't worry, no spoilers!).

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King_Noctis1846d ago
Jin_Sakai1846d ago (Edited 1846d ago )

Really enjoying the game so far. The visuals on top of being 4k/60fps make it one of the best looking and playing console games of this generation.

Excited to see the Digital Foundry analysis tomorrow.

Vasto1846d ago (Edited 1846d ago )

Gears 5 is the best technical visual showcase on console this gen. To be native 4K / 60 FPS and be this beautiful is an amazing achievement.

The Wood1845d ago

You try too hard. . . A for effort though.

The visuals are looking well nice but to call it the best visual showcase on consoles this gen is a tad reachy. I get it. . . .

VenomUK1845d ago

'Restores first party order'?
This is Ryan McCaffrey claiming that Xbox is king of the exclusives! Gears of War 5 looks lovely but one high quality game is not enough to make the Xbox top for exclusives.

Vasto1845d ago (Edited 1845d ago )

To make a game Native 4K / 60FPS on a console and still look amazing is True Skill. Games that run at 30FPS are easy to make look good. How has The Coalition done this?

Gears 5 has set the benchmark on console and pc.

Donnie811845d ago

It is easily the best looking game on consoles this generation. So anyone doubting it is either a fanboy or in need of glasses

VenomUK1845d ago (Edited 1845d ago )

@azizlksa To restore first-party order you need to have a consistent body of exclusives. Gears 5 is strong (it's downloading now on my X) but Crackdown 3 is not of the same high standard.

For 2019 I'd say the Switch will win the first-party exclusives with Pokemon Sword & Shield, Animal Crossing, Luigi and more.

umair_s511845d ago

Great title for Xbox... congrats to MS. I'll get it for my future PC and play on max settings

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Profchaos1845d ago

I think it looks awesome but the best looking game well probably not I still think that rdr2 still looks better and I'm playing gears on my 2070.

kayoss1845d ago (Edited 1845d ago )

"...the best looking and playing console games of this generation." It only seems that way because its been so long since Xbox owner seen a first party game. You guys just forgot what good looking games look like on your xbox.

The game looks great, no denying that at all. But the best looking console game this generation is a stretch.

UnHoly_One1845d ago (Edited 1845d ago )

Right, because people only play exclusive games and don't own other consoles or anything.

We just sit and stare at our Xbox the whole year waiting for a new game.

Why play a beautiful and awesome game like Remedy's Control when it's not exclusive?? That would just be stupid.

Sciurus_vulgaris1846d ago

Oddly, enough the last Xbox first party title I bought (ignoring a used copy of Quantum Break in 2018), was Gears 4. Looking at general reviews, and the review from ACG, it seems the Gears 5 has broken the Xbox first party slump of mixed to mediocre titles. (ignoring the Forza Horizon series). Gears 5, I will be getting a physical copy of Gears 5, once my work “dies” down.

Mr Pumblechook1845d ago

I'm happy that the response to this has been positive. But Xbox Unlocked saying it 'restores first-party order.' I would say 'one swallow does not a summer make.'

WickedLester1845d ago

Yeah it is a bit hyperbolic but guys like Ryan McCaffrey and Destin LeGary wear their Xbox fandom on their sleeve. I think "step in the right direction" is a more accurate description.

Sciurus_vulgaris1845d ago

Your point makes sense. We still have to see commercial and critical reception for Ori 2, Bleeding Edge, Battletoads, Gears Tactics, Halo Infinite, “and Forza 2020” from 2019 to 2020.

Donnie811845d ago

Dustin is far from an Xbox fanboy. You must have never watched ign

WickedLester1845d ago (Edited 1845d ago )


I only see him on Unlocked. He seems pretty sheepish towards Xbox to me. What is he then? A PC guy? He certainly has no love for PlayStation, I can tell you that.

Donnie811845d ago

Wickedlester go watch some older shows and you will see he’s way more a PlayStation guy. Ryan is trash too

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XiNatsuDragnel1845d ago

I am very impressed with this title so far.

1845d ago Replies(3)
DaDrunkenJester1845d ago

Still in Act 1 but holy moly so far it is leaps and bounds better than 4.

neutralgamer19921845d ago

But gears 4 was the an okay game at best so that's not saying much but your point is spot on this is return to gears original trilogy level quality

DaDrunkenJester1845d ago

Hence why I said leaps and bounds, and not just "yeah it's kinda better than 4"

PyroMessiah861845d ago

Totally is, maybe my fave Gears game. The amount of content is also staggering. Plus free updates.They did a great job.

Profchaos1845d ago

Gears 4 started off well but fell apart around 3 hours in after kaits village was totalled from that point on the story felt like it was directed by a Disney exec

AngelicIceDiamond1845d ago (Edited 1845d ago )

There was an interview back at E3 and one of the questions they asked Rod Ferguesson was Gears 4 was more of the same and uninspiring. He admits he was the one who played it safe because he talked about new talent joining the Coalition and they had all these ideas to make the games new but still Gears. He thought it was a good idea to stick with the same Gears template because fear of community backlash of being too different. But obviously the reaction was the opposite. Glad to see Rod is taking cues from its new talent and evolving with the industry and innovating with Gears 5, here's hoping Halo's the same way.

DaDrunkenJester1845d ago

Yeah that was their main thing with 4. The studio only had like 5 people total who even played Gears, so it was important for them to show they understand the fundamentals. But Gears 5 they were able to flex a bit more on their creativity and changes and it seems to have paid off.

1-pwnsause-11845d ago

It didn’t restore first party order, but it’s a good start.

rainslacker1845d ago

I'm glad they produced a quality AAA game, because that's what I think they've been lacking. But their 1st party order this gen has been one good AAA game a year...most years. So, I'd say that this game does restore their 1st party order.

gamer78041845d ago (Edited 1845d ago )

I disagree a little, they need to make a new franchise thats AAA that performs as well as Gears Forza and Halo. Those are all top of the line games but we need more than just 3 of the expected. (I am glad that all three of those have great coop, we need more of that)

rainslacker1845d ago

I think their main franchises are always pretty good or great games. For the most part, I dont think MS makes bad games, it's just the frequency of releases is too far spaced out in the AAA department. The mid tier or filler stuff can go either way on quality, but it's the big name stuff that most people refer to when they speak of a consoles available library.

So, for the way that MS has been performing this gen, I think gow5 is just the same order they've been doing for years now.

It's kind of sad when the fan boys have to treat the mid tier games as if they're the high profile games that people really care about. Those can all be good games, but they arent lighting the charts on fire, and people arent buying the system for them.

As of now, this will probably be the last big release for the console before scarlett comes out, with any big game next year being cross gen. Most of their bigger games their new studios are working on are still multiplat, and published by a 3rd party, so giving MS credit for those is not really appropriate.

AngelicIceDiamond1845d ago (Edited 1845d ago )

I agree with you its not completely restored. MS still has lots of work to do. MS getting its 1st party back on track is more realistic, not restored.

@Gamer is absolutely correct. When MS loves certain games they write infinite checks for those games. Halo, Gears, Forza. If MS wants to prove that they're back, make AAA games with the same lvl and care as the trifecta franchises. Once MS does that then they're back on track full on no question about it.

NeoGamer2321845d ago

For sure, MS has to keep showing that it is serious about allowing these studios to be creative and giving them the time to build games that ship on day one with really good quality.

They seem to have a lot of good stuff in the pipe so we will see how it goes!

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All Xbox Games with Mouse and Keyboard Support

Are you longing to get a tactical advantage from your input method? Here's all the All Xbox Games with mouse and keyboard support.

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Gears 5 Is Microsoft's First Game on GeForce NOW; Deathloop, Grounded, Pentiment Coming Next Week

Gears 5 is available to stream on GeForce NOW as Microsoft's first game following the partnership with NVIDIA. More will follow next week.

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Top 35 Best Xbox One Games of All Time

BLG writes: "For a console that had a lukewarm (at best) launch, the Xbox One had a lot of great games. So much so that even listing 35 of the best Xbox One games feels like we’re leaving some out!"

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shinoff2183805d ago

i went through the list to kill some time. WHat I found crazy was out of the 35 games only 3 are exclusive to the xbox one. Forza ori and damn I forgot the other.