
Man of Medan Review (Video) - CG

CG writes: Supermassive Games’ Until Dawn on PS4 was a resounding success for adventure fans. The UK based developer returns with The Dark Pictures Anthology – a series of short games where each one tells a new story with different cast of characters and predicament. Part one then is Man of Medan, a spooky tale of rich young adults on the receiving end of some crazy happenings in the French Polynesian waters. The QTE, laden formula worked well in Until Dawn, does it continue its success in Man of Medan?

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The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan Xbox Series X|S Review | TheXboxHub

Richard writes: "If you have yet to play any of The Dark Pictures Anthology games, there is no better place to start than with Man of Medan"

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Knushwood Butt608d ago (Edited 608d ago )

'If you have yet to play any of The Dark Pictures Anthology games, there is no better place to start than with Man of Medan.'.

That's me the other day, and it was so bad I literally couldn't take it any more and turned it off mid-game.

1. The sluggish controls
2. The repeated attempts at jump scares during the opening section, none of which worked, not even the first one.
3. The expressions on the dead soldiers' faces were funny, the opposite of being disturbing.
4. That intro sequence with some detective type guy walking down a corridor with some genre of 'rock' music accompanying it. WTF?!
5. It then changed to this dude bro section of a bunch of unlikeable entitled types load up beer on someone's pleasure boat, complete with awful dialogue and an unbelievable situation (would I be up for a 4 person trip with my sister, her new boyfriend of a few weeks, and his brother??).

Anyway, I couldn't take it any more. It was horrible, and not in a scary way. I force quit without a care for my progress save.


Man of Medan Update Delivers Free Native Next-Gen Version

Supermassive has released a Man of Medan patch that adds a native PS5 version alongside new improvements.

jonny897633d ago

Whenever the studio name is mentioned, 'Until Dawn' is always there somewhere.

Abnor_Mal633d ago

You can’t capture lightning in a bottle twice.

Profchaos633d ago (Edited 633d ago )

Funny thing about man of medan I played it recently on ps5 normally it's capped at 30 fps however there's a few point's in the game where you can trigger the game to run at 60fps by investigating specific items and reading specific letters.
For whatever reason that uncapped the frame rate for the remainder of your play session until the console is powered off or game stopped. You could also have multiple save file ones where you trigger the exploit quit and load into your main game

Not sure why it took so long for an official 60 fps patch.

Outside of that it's a great looking game and quite intriguing

excaliburps633d ago

I haven't played this one. I started it but didn't finish it. Kind of weird since I dug SuperM's games a fair bit.

BlackDoomAx633d ago

I'll give it another try. Maybe it'll be less boring this time.

Profchaos633d ago

If it ever comes accross as boring you could just see how fast you can kill off all your characters

BlackDoomAx632d ago

Good idea! I already played pretty bad, and my characters were still alive xD

philm87633d ago

I played this after it was given away on PS Plus and enjoyed it, until the ending I had which just seemed really empty. I think only one of the characters died as well.

crazyCoconuts633d ago

Yeah, kinda a blah ending. I'm going through a second time to save everyone. It's been ok I think, just ok.
I'm hoping I get this upgrade despite also getting it on PS Plus so I can benefit for the rest of my playthrough

1nsomniac632d ago (Edited 632d ago )

Actually thought this one was quite good and didn’t deserve the hate it got at all.

The Quarry was their worst release to date - most disappointing game of the generation so far. Such a shame.

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Man of Medan and Little Hope Have Been Rated for PS5

Both Man of Medan and Little Hope have received PEGI ratings for PS5, indicating that they might be getting a native release soon.

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dazzysima644d ago

Give me that free upgrade with 60fps