
Monster Hunter: Iceborn is Coming Out on September 6th on Xbox One and PS4

Monster Hunter: Iceborn finally has a release date! You can expect to see this game on September 6th for the PS4 and Xbox One. The Steam version is coming a little later in January 2020.

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TSA Game of the Year 2020 – Best Ongoing Game

There’s all manner of games out there in terms of length, from short two hour experiences and six hour cinematic campaigns, through to sprawling RPGs that will take you closer to 100 hours before you see the end. Then there are those games that just keep going and going and going, like they’re a Duracell Bunny (or Energizer Bunny if you’re American).

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Monster Hunter World: Iceborne x Monster Hunter Movie Event Afterthought

Kuma writes about the new collaboration event between Monster Hunter World: Iceborne and the Monster Hunter movie starring Mila Jovovich.

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LightningMonkey1296d ago

They need to keep the greatness that is Monster Hunter the game series FAR FAR FAR separated from the people who are making that movie.

They already ruined the Resident Evil movies.

Beastgamerkuma1295d ago

@lightningMonkey I agree with that because this was very lazy done.

CrimsonWing691296d ago

Can just anyone post anything on N4G.com?

I mean I start the vid thinking I’m going to watch some professional video and it’s a dude smacking his lips eating cereal.

I’m just wondering because if so, I’ll start posting stuff like this on here.

Beastgamerkuma1295d ago

It's sad you didn't enjoy the creative humor of me giving the same energy of this event that they gave to the Monster Hunter Community. I had other people that enjoyed and understood the humor of it, but thanks for your feedback either way.


Finalise your Monster Hunter World Iceborne collection with the latest Capcom Crossover DLC sets

Neil writes: "Monster Hunter World is one of Capcom's biggest, most immersive of games. Since release on Xbox One back in 2018 it has however continued to go from strength to strength, with the Iceborne expansion pushed it on to new heights. Today we find even more downloadable content made available for the game, with eight new sets that look to allow all players the chance to find full completion, all while crossing over with a variety of other Capcom titles."

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