
Hideo Kojima Explains How Spider-Man Is Similar To Japanese Superheroes

Out of all American superheroes, there is one that many in Japan seem to like best: Spider-Man. But why? In a recent interview, Hideo Kojima explains how Spider-Man is like Japanese heroes, which might explain the character’s appeal to local audiences.

CobraKai1904d ago

Too bad they didn’t include “The Emissary of Death” costume, but at least there was that little Easter egg line about needing Peter wanting a giant transforming robot.

Sono4211903d ago (Edited 1903d ago )

I don't think Spider-man is similar to Japanese superheroes at all. Most Japanese superheroes have completely unique worlds and their own set of rules around those worlds, where most American superheroes are based around our world with the main differences between our world being the hero themselves, with the exceptions of adding distant planets. I just find the structures and storytelling in Japanese heroes to be much more imaginative, which to me makes them more enjoyable. I like to be presented with a new world made to seem realistic with it's own set of rules, rather than introducing outlandish things in our current world and trying to make them fit, I've already said it, but it gives for a better structure, as long as you follow the rules you've already set for your world and don't change them on the fly to fit the current narrative.

EDIT------ Not to mention most Japanese superheroes have some sort of endgame, a main goal they look to accomplish, a set ending to their story, where as a lot of US heroes just want to save people, or take out a bad guy.

FalconofLucis981904d ago

Nah Batman still dunks on him though. I thought the Japanese had culture.

HeisenbergX1904d ago

Batman .. probably the most overrated character ever.

CorndogBurglar1904d ago

Batman isn't overrated. Just over used.

ShadowWolf7121904d ago


No, he's both. I love him but my God he has the most insufferable fanboys ever, and they make up a MASSIVE chunk of his fanbase.

FalconofLucis981904d ago

Batman overused? ... and Spider Man isnt? 😂 good one

rainslacker1904d ago

They're different types of superheroes.
I dont think batman is overused, so much as the angsty emo version of his character has been made too much of a focus. I like batman a lot, but I dont need every story about him to be about how hes conflicted about something, and the allegory of the human psyche that goes along with it.

Not that it needs to be as silly as the 60s version, or the burton films...just not always something that is depressing.

Spiderman is usually a bit more upbeat, even when hes conflicted. Although they havent dobe very well on those stories about such things well in the movies.

gangsta_red1904d ago

Batman is definitely overused. Out of every DC hero he's the one that gets the most time spent on in every regards with media.

InMyOpinion1903d ago

I would kill for a sequel to Dredd, or how about a series. So tired of all the Marvel franchise movies starring the same boring characters. Wish there were more movies like Watchmen with anti-heroes and a darker theme.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1903d ago
ShadowWolf7121904d ago

Spider-Man outsells Batman worldwide, homie. And frankly?

Peter > Bruce.

FalconofLucis981904d ago (Edited 1904d ago )

Spider-Man is aimed more at kids Batman is far more mature. Marvel has a problem with villains. Batman villains have a lot more depth and are just far better and well-written.

Sales dont mean shit, thats just all the MCU kids buying all the toys. Most of the MCU movies are mediocre as hell Homecoming included. Why dont you compare the IMDb scores of The Dark Knight trilogy to your beloved "Peter > Bruce" films

Tross1904d ago

I like them both, personally. They're both about the weight of responsibility that comes with being a superhero and the thanklessness that comes with no one knowing they're the ones who wear that costume. They both tackle it a different way, as Bruce is rich but doesn't have any actual super-powers, while Peter has super-powers but has to deal with everyday mundane things, and both characters at times have difficulty navigating everyday life. I guess it depends on who appeals to you more, but they both appeal to me in their own way. Sales don't mean anything to me.

@FalconofLucis98 I agree that there's more to Batman villains, given that they're not just the result of something sciency happening to them or some alien being fusing with them. I don't care about IMDb scores either though. I personally enjoyed all the MCU films, and while I used to like the Dark Knight Trilogy, I found out just how poor a representation of Batman it is once I started playing the Arkham games, and since then those films have been dead to me. I never had a particularly strong interest in Batman until the Arkham games showed me there's a lot more depth to it than I had realized, and which I didn't see in those films.

ShadowWolf7121904d ago (Edited 1904d ago )

Lmao it's pretty clear you haven't read much Spider-Man.

And that you're not equipped to have a conversation about this.

Point is, Batman does not "dunk" on Spider-Man in the eyes of the world, my guy. There might just be a reason for that.

And FYI, there's really not "a lot more" to Batman villains. lol people stereotype so hard they miss Spider-Man actually has some of the best villains out there.

rainslacker1904d ago

I think they both have really good, or really stupid throw away villains. The writing depends on who's writing the story. Usually the good ones are the ones that are somehow a dark side of the hero.

Hungryalpaca1904d ago


Um. Batman has FAR more child friendly media than he does mature. If you wanna go and pull the whole “dark knight trilogy” I’ll go ahead and say “justice league and BVS”. See. I can cherry pick too.

Besides. The dark knight trilogy wasn’t good because of Batman. It was Nolan’s writing and direction. Heath Ledger carries TDK. Not Christian Bale.

If you want to do scores Batman has PLENTY of garbage movies. You’re just being a sore ass fanboy and cherry picking one of the very few good iterations.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1904d ago
dboyman1904d ago (Edited 1904d ago )

Overused AND Overrated you mean.. and this is coming from a former Batman fan...

FalconofLucis981904d ago

@tross The TDK films are the best on screen representation of Batman yet, they got his character and philosophy right. Just cause the games feel more comic booky doesnt undermine what the films set up. Detective mode, where do you think that came from? TDK. So go educate yourself.

Tross1904d ago

I've seen the films and actually used to really like them. They just don't hold a candle to the games IMHO. I can list all the reasons why, but I'm not going to.

I apologize if I don't spend enough time "educating" myself on where certain things originated, but I have other interests besides learning the ins and outs of superheroes (or vigilantes I guess in Batman's case). I feel like in another life I would be a big superhero/comic book fan, but that isn't the path I've chosen. I suppose it's fair to say that every bit of media has had an impact on these franchises, so credit where it is due. I just can't go back now that I've seen that there's a whole world to Batman I didn't know about all those years ago.

Hungryalpaca1904d ago

spiderman is relatable, funny and charming with major faults, constant loss and growth.

Batman is an instant win button that broods and whines and wears his underwear on the outside.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1903d ago
Dirtnapstor1904d ago (Edited 1904d ago )

Okay, very cool. But I don’t think Japanese superheroes have the constant desire to virtue signal like ours did.

FunAndGun1904d ago

"Marvel’s stories will always be about the world outside our window.” - Stan Lee

Moral issues and doing 'good' are literally the reason comic books exist.

It's just that today we have a subset of people like you who can't handle it, so you dismiss every act you don't agree with. You call it virtue signaling, they just call them stories.

I'm not sure if Japanese audiences are as fickle as some Americans like you anyway.

Dirtnapstor1904d ago

Hmmm, perhaps I should have been more specific...of late, the actors and/or script writers (Disney?) that have been fickle with their adulteration of characters nonsense.

Silly gameAr1904d ago


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that was a weird comment to make. Heroes acting like heroes=virtue signalling? Does not compute.

FunAndGun1904d ago

So you basing your comment on one actress and her comments.... yes, that is quite a knee-jerk reaction when you mention "constant desire" and "superheroes." Give it a rest, you just upset that some actress said something that you find offensive and now you're 'outraged'.....again, some Americans like you are fickle. I swear, guys like you are worse than the ones you flame against and blow everything out of proportion. You just wrote off all of comic book history because of the comments or direction of a MOVIE. Really?

Dirtnapstor1904d ago (Edited 1904d ago )

No. Not outraged, just extremely aware of the sjw nonsense that is now beginning to plague Disney and all its assets. Have you actually seen/heard the "ones [ I ] flame against"? Take an honest, objective listen. It has gotten ridiculous.
Oh, and I'm not writing off comic book history because of one movie's direction....

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1904d ago
Tross1904d ago (Edited 1904d ago )

I see. I've never really followed the super-sentai genre, but yeah I can see why a culture who likes stories about average people becoming heroes and the impact that has on their lives would like Spiderman. It's kind of odd to think of him standing next to some very strange heroes, like the one who wears girls' panties as his face mask and knocks enemies out using his jock strap (and apparently that has a live action movie).

There's some very strange stuff in that manga I brought back from Japan a few years ago. One day I'll be able to actually read it, but until then it's just a fun conversation starter. Don't get me started on what's in the children's manga.

dboyman1904d ago

Let's not forget there was a Marvel authorized Japanese Live action tv show of Spiderman. He had a flying car and was the first live action show which super Sentai would adopt with the transforming giant mech/robot...


Palworld maker vows to fight Nintendo lawsuit on behalf of fans and indie developers

Palworld developer Pocketpair has responded to this morning's dramatic decision by Nintendo to file a patent infringement.

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GotGame8182d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Palworld is better, but Nintendo has$$$$ They can fight it all they want, but will absolutely lose. It is a blatant Pokemon rip off. I do wish them luck though.

RedDevils22h ago

Go check Dragon Quest you would know where Pokemon got their ideas from.

MeteorPanda21h ago

The character design is NOT the issue here. Pokemon patented bullsht. You can patent "Throwing an item to capture a virtual character and another action to release an item that releases a combat character onto virtual world" but my god that is vague as fuck and shouldnt hold in any court...and the kicker? it was patented AFTER palworld was made.

If this lawsuit goes through that is literally going to work on every single monster capture game,

Lionsguard21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

Like the other guy said, this has nothing to do with any of the designs. This is Nintendo patent trolling. It's like Rockstar suing another game if they have a guy opening the car door and yanking them out to steal the car because that's why you do in GTA so therefore that game is infringing on GTA's "patent". And that's the reason why Pocketpair is fighting this because if they lose this opens the doors to MORE lawsuits of this kind.

Profchaos1d 1h ago

Weren't the wire models used in palworld ripped out of Pokemon in the end?

porkChop1d ago

No they weren't. That was proven false. And, again since people don't seem to understand, this is not a copyright lawsuit or about stolen content/assets/designs/etc. It's a patent lawsuit. So far all the possible patents I've seen were filed by Nintendo 4 months *after* Palworld released.

Profchaos22h ago

Then I have no clue what this is about specifically

--Onilink--22h ago

The catching mechanic patent was filed even before Arceus was released, I dont know which ones you have been watching because all the ones I’ve seen were before Palword came out
(Though not all have been approved in the US yet, just in Japan)

porkChop22h ago

The patent for the catching mechanic was filed July 2024 and granted August 2024. It was filed on top of a separate, "parent" patent that had been filed in 2021. Nintendo filed new patents and had them expedited just so they could sue Pocket Pair/Palworld.

MeteorPanda21h ago

it's so dumb. if that patent holds any water in court - any monster capture game is done and gone. cnts.

NotoriousWhiz10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Source that says it was filed in July? I couldn't find it. And everything I can find states that it typically takes around a year or more for patents to be approved.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 10h ago
jznrpg1d 1h ago

On behalf of their money seems like the biggest reason

Kneetos23h ago(Edited 23h ago)

People want Nintendo to lose as a big middle finger to the company, but if Nintendo wins then they set a precedent for others to follow which could be bad for Nintendo themselves if they end up infringing on a patent owned by someone else

The one I'm reminded of is, a few years ago Sony patented something to do with AI controlling a characters moments in a game to "help get past difficult or grindy parts" of a game

Mario kart 8 deluxe had a the auto acceleration and auto steering technology implemented, so potentially if that came back for mario kart 9 could possibly open the door for Sony to sue them if it's close enough

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cammers19951d 13h ago

I can't wait for this to release I'm so excited