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Google, Not PlayStation, May Be Xbox’s Competition In The Future

Microsoft may be facing a fight against a bigger titan than it has ever faced before in the gaming market.

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Sophisticated_Chap1923d ago

Google definitely has the money and resources to compete with Microsoft, although, I don't trust Google one bit, so I will never do business with them.

Obscure_Observer1923d ago

Google will have to invest BIG MONEY in first party studios if they want to join the ranks of Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony.

lelo2play1923d ago

Not necessarily... they can simply buy their exclusives.

FlameBaitGod1922d ago (Edited 1922d ago )

"Not necessarily... they can simply buy their exclusives"

That worked so well for MS.... /s.

"The harsh reality is that we may need to do business with Google if we want to continue playing our favorite franchises"

I see what you did there, hopefully you're trolling with that name or you may actually need a lot of braincell implants.

S2Killinit1922d ago

We’ve already seen that big money doesnt necessarily mean a good console platform. Google, Amazon, Tencent will only come into gaming and destroy our hobby. MS wont be the only one facing them just because they have money. The traditional 3 will be up against them. I do think that these newcomers wont even take off the ground. At least not in the way that they are hoping.

LOGICWINS1923d ago

"I don't trust Google one bit, so I will never do business with them"

The harsh reality is that we may need to do business with Google if we want to continue playing our favorite franchises. The industry will change a lot in the next five years.

BizarroUltraman1923d ago

Why do we need to do business with Google to play our favorite franchises?

xX-oldboy-Xx1923d ago

Only if we let it, these streaming sub services shouldn't be supported by gamers. Send a message to the powers that be, not yet.

rainslacker1923d ago

Maybe if google buys up all those franchises, or pays for exclusive release. If the consoles have high sales again, then my favorite franchises, and new franchises that I may come to like, will keep getting released on them.

Funny thing about new markets is everyone seems to think they will always replace the old, but so long as the old keeps selling, it'll stick around.

Army_of_Darkness1923d ago

From Atari to nes to ps5...... Consoles not going anywhere.

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demonicale1923d ago

ANY company can be untrustworthy.

S2Killinit1922d ago

And especially Tencent/Epic.

DarXyde1923d ago

One collects aggregated data from the information we generously give them via our web browser, android phones, email, YouTube accounts, etc.; the other has a history of directly sharing your data with the NSA who has done some... interesting things in the name of "national security".

Honestly? I think Google has the power to do more comprehensive damage, especially in the context of a data leak, but if trust is a factor, I would not be willing to trust either, period.

Rude-ro1922d ago

And you trust Microsoft? 🤔😂

Sophisticated_Chap1922d ago (Edited 1922d ago )

Well I don't trust a company, that has helped China to censor the internet, so that their citizens don't have access to information from other cultures, religious or political ideologies, and even world news/events. I believe that Google has also helped China to set up their 'social credit ' system, where if you say anything bad about the CCP, you can be banned from going to University, taking public transit, taking a plane, a train or even renting a hotel room.

You might also not be able to get a date, if you have a low social credit score. Google has helped China orchestrate total control over their citizens, so do I trust Microsoft over Google, absolutely I do, and I've been doing business with them as a customer for almost 20 years, which has more or less been a good experience. I would say the same for Sony and Nintendo also, as they have earned a certain level of trust.

meep3161922d ago (Edited 1922d ago )

I think Google will be split up very shortly, the papers they had written to explain how they arent a monoploy wont hold up anymore. They are already in panic mode, shutting down multiple lobbying firms.

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MastaMold1923d ago (Edited 1923d ago )

So they will be fighting for 3rd place.
Oh snap!

xRacer74x1923d ago

No they are talking about much bigger companies not smaller companies like Sony.

MastaMold1923d ago

Just a joke bro calm down.

CDbiggen1923d ago

I can't imagine not being able to understand jokes.

ILostMyMind1923d ago

But the race is about position on gaming market, not about area occupied.

SamPao1923d ago

I will never understand how people think a company with the most money will always win...

KickSpinFilter1922d ago

Ya that smaller company will just continue to dominate globally, while others fight for 2nd & 3rd place.

TheSaint1922d ago

So the number one manufacturer of the last twenty years is 'small' ok.

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xRacer74x1923d ago

Google has the money to go head to head with Microsoft.

LOGICWINS1923d ago

They have the money to go head to head with anyone.

SamPao1922d ago

money money money. ITS NOT just about the money. They will crash and burn if all they have is money. If this is the metric they will not only finish last but completely burn everything they put into it.
Look at Google+, they burned millions if not billions there. did they have more money than Facebook, you bet they did.

KickSpinFilter1922d ago

Microsoft had the money to go head to head with Sony. What happened there?

thexmanone1922d ago (Edited 1922d ago )

They bought more studios and will soon release a new console. No signs of slowing down, only expanding. That's what happened.

KickSpinFilter1922d ago (Edited 1922d ago )

Guess who else is expanding and releasing a console? Only difference they don't scream it from the rooftops about expanding studios. That's what is happenING.

Godmars2901923d ago

For either last place, or, the biggest company to throw good money after badly throughout ideas.

Immagaiden1923d ago

“Specifically, it seems like Microsoft is now prepared for a world in which gaming platforms and gaming hardware are no longer synonymous as they once were. A “platform” becomes nebulous, almost intangible, nothing more than your login ID to access your games library; games that you can then play anywhere.”

Still doesn’t seem plausible. Your first example only compared casual gamers going from Wii & DS to mobile devices, which isn’t as substantial an example since casual gamers are fickle by nature.

Majority of core gamers who pay on consoles still wouldn’t be willing to give up the hardware based platform in exchange for cloud based gaming. The trade offs aren’t as convenient. Some gamers may like the option, but it’s absurd to believe that traditional gaming is in danger of becoming obsolete.

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Is Cloud Gaming Finally Feasible In 2024?

Cloud gaming is being pushed by big corporations like Nvidia and Microsoft, but is streaming games online really that feasible?

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Cacabunga19d ago

Xcloud is still in beta so… also runs poorly and not good on all devices.

darthv7218d ago

It's been around long enough to drop the beta tag. It works really good if you have at least 100mb speed. When I had 50mb, it would lag. Once I doubled it, it was much better. And that is running on a phone, a PC and a cloud handheld.

truthBombs19d ago

Maybe for super casual and turn based games. But nah. Nothing beats local hardware!

RhinoGamer8819d ago

Super fast wifi...yes (5% of us have it)...

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Stadia May Have Shot Itself in the Foot By Shutting Down So Early

As Google bids farewell to Stadia, recent events surrounding gaming industry hints that the tech giant might have closed shopped prematurely.

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Community553d ago
crazyCoconuts554d ago

"So, it wouldn't be far off to imagine a scenario where Microsoft would have signed a 10-year"

Like that would have saved Stadia. Ridiculously naive premise

isarai554d ago (Edited 554d ago )

No, it shot itself in the foot by not delivering on anything they promised. Besides the browser and multi device launching being easy, they failed to deliver on any other of their highly touted selling points. No game ran at 4k, or 60fps, or even at high settings let alone all 3 together. And honestly had some of the worst latency of any streaming service.

rippermcrip553d ago

No reason to give Microsoft a reason to tout another stupid "10 year deal" with cloud services that no one has ever heard of or uses.

Microsoft announces 10 year deal to bring Gamepass to LG refrigerators!!

gold_drake553d ago

lets not pretend that streaming games is great. and ms cant change that with their deals.

Terry_B553d ago

mad gamerant author is mad.

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Is Stadia Dead?

Is Stadia dead? No! Stadia’s heart beat is alive and well. Despite the perpetual declarations of Stadia’s death since even before the platform’s release, Stadia has continued to evolve, to release games (nearly 300!), to release new platform features and to expand to new territories.

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Garethvk776d ago

I can tell you that p.r. firms no longer flood my inbox telling me which games are being released for it.

Yang_kai776d ago (Edited 776d ago )

But it’s time is running out Nintendo and VR is waiting for it in gaming hell

776d ago
Yang_kai775d ago

@sensor did you play with it?
I did and YES it’s in gaming hell
Regardless of what Nintendo fans think or wish for 🤷🏿

cluclap775d ago

@sensorchip, I think he is referring to Nintendo labo vr not Nintendo and vr separately

S2Killinit775d ago (Edited 775d ago )

VR is only getting bigger. Nintendo is doing superbly. Not sure where you are pulling your opinion from.

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Yang_kai775d ago

@ cluclap
I’m talking about the 90’s VR aka virtual boy that was dead on arrival like stadia.
Anyways let me stop here before I get flagged and send to sit outside in the ice thunderstorm

darthv72776d ago

I still get emails once a month about new titles and deals.

Knightofelemia776d ago

It should have died years ago but like a 1980's shitty horror movie with shitty sequels this thing will just not die.

Terry_B776d ago

Stadia is only 3 Years old, it started in November 2019. lol.

frostypants775d ago (Edited 775d ago )

Should have been DOA. Arguably it was for practical purposes. I don't know a single person who has it. It's the Atari Jaguar of cloud gaming services.

adamwparker775d ago

Google wasn't ready. They tried to deliver something good on paper, but messy behind the scenes.
Once the promises on the founders pack expired and still weren't realized, Stadia was done.
With more preparation, it could have been a whole different story.
Maybe the higher brass was pushing deadlines?
Maybe the competition was too much?
Maybe Covid stopped progress already mapped out for success?

We may never know everything about the Stadia startup, but it was a bold move, I'll give them that.

Aloymetal776d ago

It was practically DOA. It's just taking longer to fail because the company behind it has money to burn.

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