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Sony's Surprise PS5 Reveal Was a Stroke of Genius

PushSquare: “I think today’s story was targeted at investors, as the organisation attempts to reassure stockholders that it’s been busy behind-the-scenes. But in moving first in such a dramatic way, it’s stolen Microsoft’s thunder once more – buzzwords like SSD and ray tracing are now associated with the PS5, and will be greeted with little more than a shake of the shoulders when they’re inevitably announced for the next Xbox as well. It’s nice to know that this company is still as wily as it's always been.”

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Community1928d ago
crazyCoconuts1928d ago

I agree it stole MS thunder without really revealing much. MS shouldn't take the bait and they should stay mum until they're closer to reveal, but that's not really their MO...

Vasto1928d ago (Edited 1928d ago )

LOL, stole MS thunder?

Everybody knew PS5 in development and the specs they shared are exactly what was rumored. What was suprising about it? Microsoft are going to take the stage at E3 and talk about their system while Sony released an article on the web? I think this is the first other article I have seen today even talking about it. LMAO

Enjoy your announcement of what we already knew that really got no hype. We got E3 to look forward to!

Skuletor1928d ago

"Wait, til E3" We hear that every year it seems

Blastoise1928d ago

It's pretty obvious this isn't the big PS5 reveal so I don't know why you're acting as if it is.

Do you really think this is Sony's version of the massive PS4 reveal event they did in 2013?

Eonjay1928d ago

You know the most interesting part of Mark's interview is that he said dev fits are already out there. This means that the 14TFlops leak 2 days ago might be right.

I feel like Sony did good by getting the specs out early. It's a monster as is.

There is nothing more Microsoft can offer to upstage it.

Super fast SSD
Ryzen 2 (aka Ryzen 2rd Gen) eight core.
Backwards Compatible
Navi custom
8k confirmed

What more else could Microsoft offer?

Vasto1928d ago

"buzzwords like SSD and ray tracing are now associated with the PS5,"

That part is the funniest of the whole thing. LOL


1928d ago
Sophisticated_Chap1928d ago

@ Eonjay

The latest RTX 2080TI can't even do 8k, and even if it could, all game settings would be on the lowest possible settings to get any game to run at anything over 20 FPS. Not to mention, that the RTX 2080TI has 13.45 TFLOPS, and costs $1,300.00 USD and up. Even the Radeon VII with 13.44 TFLOPS costs $679.00 USD and up. People need to do some research and start using their brains. The only way the PS5 does 8K, is with movie playback, similar to how the Xbox One S can do 4K movie playback, but as far as 8K gaming goes, there's no way.

1928d ago
1928d ago
crazyCoconuts1928d ago

Yea stole their thunder as in: what are they going to announce at e3 that will top this?

Ceaser98573611928d ago


"buzzwords like SSD and ray tracing are now associated with the PS5,"

That part is the funniest of the whole thing. LOL



Are you being salty and trying to feel better ??
Speaking of Desperation well reminds me of what MS does with Xbox...

KwietStorm_BLM1928d ago

Sony didn't release an article on the web. Wired did an interview with Mark Cerny at their facility. If it got no hype, then why all these articles that you spoke of? Even CNN reported on it. Why so offended?

Muzikguy1928d ago


You ain't lyin'! Anytime I hear that now I laugh inside

mkis0071928d ago

Got no hype. Every site is talking about it. And everyone is trying to explain the ssd without knowing how it is customized. Thats hype.

NarutoFox1928d ago (Edited 1927d ago )

Desperation you say? Last time I checked Microsoft hasn't released anything better than Halo in over a decade. I think Microsoft is in desperation mode for exclusives. I guess they'll keep on milking the big three. Halo, Gears, and Forza. At this point Microsoft needs to put focus on better first party exclusives than hardware.

100_SavAGe1927d ago

Lol bruh I can sense your salt levels from way over here lmao you sound worried my guy 😭

Livingthedream1927d ago

This is the first I hear about it. If they had shown gameplay I think that would have done it. Theres no thunder to steal, E3 isn't here yet, and by the time E3 arrives this will be old news.

JackBNimble1927d ago

Mark gave us a little teaser taste , I'm willing to bet that when the official ps5 reveal finally comes , it will blow MS socks off.

Jin_Sakai1927d ago (Edited 1927d ago )


“Enjoy your announcement of what we already knew that really got no hype. We got E3 to look forward to!“

And we have Days Gone, The Last of Us: Part 2, Ghost of Tsushima, and Death Stranding to look forward to. Enjoy your show. Lol

Dark_Knightmare21927d ago (Edited 1927d ago )

Lol got no hype come on fanboy be better. It’s been on every major gaming website with the comment sections filled with hundreds and in some cases thousands of comments,it’s got numerous different threads on resetera,was all over Facebook and twitter and was on huge broadcast news networks like CNN,BBC etc. Don worry MS will announce their plans in two months and you can go to comments talking about how it’s the greatest thing ever and has hype everywhere

Dark_Knightmare21927d ago (Edited 1927d ago )

Your other comment down below where you say “it’s funny the article said those buzzwords are associated with the new ps console”is funny because of your denial and it’s absolutely true. When MS announces their next system and the specs are similar people are going to be just like cool so the same as ps5

Harkins17211927d ago

The rumored specs aren't the same. Sony can just show their SoP and do the same as MS which is fine. They both have their own ways

1927d ago
SurgicalMenace1927d ago

E3 is a platform the same as any other, so how is this not a viable means to confirm the rumored? Everyone doesn't need E3, Sony is not the only company bowing out. Did those other companies realize the same thing that Sony did?

badz1491927d ago


desperation? LOL

your comment is the definition of desperation for attention and wanna know another desperation, Xbone SAD!

Father__Merrin1927d ago

There's no need to look forward to E3. All games are on pc fingers crossed I get a vega 56 in July so il be set for xbox exclusives

ILostMyMind1927d ago

"Microsoft are going to take the stage at E3 and talk about their system while Sony released an article on the web?"

And will you be at E3 to see MS announcements or will you see them through an article on the web?

1927d ago
Knushwood Butt1927d ago

'Enjoy your announcement of what we already knew that really got no hype. We got E3 to look forward to!'.

Well, your wait shouldn't be so bad; I hear there's a big Sea of Thieves update, or something.

frostypants1927d ago (Edited 1927d ago )

No, not everyone knew they'd be using a bleeding edge SSD tech that hasn't even hit the PC market yet.

averagejoe261927d ago

I can't wait for Microsoft's E3 to be filled with multiplats again.

It'll show us all the games we'll be playing on PS4 next year.

rainslacker1927d ago (Edited 1927d ago )

I'm sure MS will get plenty of press when they reveal the X2. It's more interesting than the X1/X1X to be honest, as those are pretty much dead in the water. About the best I've seen of late is some vain attempts to say how great MS is going to be in the future based on services, and not the actual hardware itself.

But to say Sony is desperate....that's a stretch. They haven't been desperate all gen, and haven't really reacted to anything MS has done. The closest reaction they've gotten is adding downloads to PSNow for PS4 games, and I doubt they did that as desperation, but just implementing a plan they thought would drive subs to the service based on MS getting subs to their service. But the difference is, Sony isn't dropping the price down to a buck a month or so to really make a big deal about it. They implemented the feature, and then pretty much let it be except if you go seeking it out.

What Sony is doing now isn't an act of desperation, it's an act of forcing MS hand to do more at E3. Once again have them have to talk about next gen, while MS once again has to ignore their customers this gen. Something they've done willingly up to now, but now they don't really have much choice. Sony's action is helping to sew the seeds of doubt in the Xbox consumer, as it can push towards the belief that MS doesn't care enough to really support it's consoles.

1927d ago
kayoss1927d ago

You know what else are a buzzwords for MS?
"Power of the Cloud"
"Always online"

bouzebbal1927d ago

e3 will be amazing
e3 will be amazing
e3 will be amazing
e3 will be amazing
e3 will be amazing
e3 will be amazing

did i just write it too many times?? It's as many times as we have been hearing it since 2014.. they flopped every single time.

Eonjay1927d ago

When it comes to 8k there are 4 separate theories
1) The PS4 will do 8k checkerboard upscaling from native 4K This is actually the most likely because itis based on what is happening now.
2) All video output can be upscaled to 8 via some best inclass upscalling.
3) Only movies are upscalled. This is your theory and it is obviously false based on the realities of 1 and 2.
4) The PS5 is a real monster not just to PR workers. It can do 8k 30-60FPS. In some limited capacity.

Thank about it. The one thing we know is that the PS5 can stream texture data around 20x faster than the PS4. That is one hurdle removed. So now its gonna be up to memory bandwidth and other factors. I think we will see some 8K games. And as you said there are games out there so simple that you can easily do 8K.

UltraNova1927d ago

To steal ones thunder first it must exist...and MS has absolutely no thunder what so ever.

You reek of desperation. Go check your kidneys cause all that salt is doing numbers on you.

jlove4life1927d ago

Nice plug enjoyed video thx brad

DarXyde1927d ago (Edited 1927d ago )


While you may not be wrong, I think there is a some chance that things are not what you think.

First, there are rumors that Sony is working closely with AMD on the development of Navi itself. It is not totally out of the realm of possibility that Sony will just eat their portion of the cost on PS5, but collect on Navi GPUs in other hardware. In such a case, that's a pretty sneaky way to blow up the cost of other hardware featuring the GPU without compromising the affordability of your own.
Second, as I understand, PS5 supports checkerboard/ upscaled 8K, not native. The Pro's CPU is anemic, but it's still able to keep performance in checkerboard 4K games. We also have no idea if PS5 games will be non-native 8K or backwards compatible software. I'm doubting it'll support movie playback beyond digital again.

We have to think about PS4 and what they can take from it that worked: lacking blu ray movie playback had no negative impact on sales, nor did the absence of CD playback. As it turns out, the most important features are (a) playing games, (b) playing good games, (c) music streaming, and (d) a decent online service.

gravedigger1927d ago (Edited 1927d ago )

But how many rumored things aren't correct? One thing is rumour with bunch of incorrect info, other thing is straight up from the horses mouth. Yeah, Sony's stroke was perfect without revealing so much.

MS didn't said anything about SSD, Ryzen and other stuff in their next console. Now, they need to reveal more. If they reveal the same stuff like Cerny did yesterday, it will be : "naaaah, same thing like PS5 will have, nothing special about next Xbox."

richie007bond1927d ago (Edited 1927d ago )

156 disagree's the ponys are out in full force a stampede lol

RacerX1927d ago

Remember when MS announced XboX One first, and all the articles talked about how that gave Sony an advantage? I remember like it was yesterday.

+ Show (40) more repliesLast reply 1927d ago
Sophisticated_Chap1928d ago

How did steal Microsoft's thunder? There's almost nothing here that tells us what the performance of their machine will be. We know it's going to have a Zen2 CPU and Navi GPU....ok, and what are the specs of those components? Also, how much memory will the PS5 have? Without this kind of critical info, there literally is no real announcement, other than the fact that the PS5 is coming...

Razzer1928d ago

"Without this kind of critical info, there literally is no real announcement, other than the fact that the PS5 is coming..."

Bullshit. It is one thing to say Sony "stole MS thunder", which I don't agree with as there was no thunder at all from MS, and just as bad to say the announcement of key components such as CPU, GPU, SSD, etc is the same as "literally" no "real announcement" at all. What did you expect at this point? Schematics and benchmarks? You are being silly.

Sophisticated_Chap1928d ago

@ Razzer

Okay smart guy, we already knew that the PS5 was coming, so tell us all, what are the performance specs of the PS5?

neocores80551928d ago

Did you even read it... It's zen 3 not 2

Ceaser98573611928d ago

How did it steal MS's thunder?
Well Sony PS has always done that this Gen. and I believe it will continuing doing so... Let's just wait and watch...

TKCMuzzer1928d ago

What they are implying is simple, once a feature is announced for a console it lessens the effect when announced for another. It’s just playing on the minds of gamers and it works. If MS said the next Xbox has an SSD people will now just be like...”yeah and?”
It’s called getting in first, which if I’m correct, stood them up pretty well at the start of this gen.

1928d ago
NarutoFox1927d ago (Edited 1927d ago )

Sony is probably waiting to see what Microsoft reveals at E3 so they can counter it. All they can probably counter is the memory ram at this point though

Sophisticated_Chap1927d ago

@ Neocores8055

Yes, I did read it, but since you didn't, here you go:

"The CPU is based on the third generation of AMD’s Ryzen line and contains eight cores of the company’s new 7nm Zen 2 microarchitecture"

Razzer1927d ago (Edited 1927d ago )

"we already knew that the PS5 was coming', according to you that was all Cerny said. "PS5 is coming". That is exactly what you just said.

"what are the performance specs of the PS5?"

You are damn thick, aren't you. There were no projected performance announcements or deep details of the hardware. You are equating the lack of that information with " real announcement other than the fact that the PS5 is coming". That is utter bullshit and you know it. Somehow DF wrote an entire article about this non-announcement.

rainslacker1927d ago

I don't personally think MS really had too much thunder to begin with. Certainly no lightning. Just a bunch of postulating about how great their next gen was going to be because of their services, perpetuated by the media who come up with the most illogical conclusions, and then it's hyped up by the fan boys as if it's true.

What Sony did was put MS in a position where they either have to react, or ignore what we now know, and since both systems are likely to be similarly spec'd to some degree, it makes whatever MS has to offer old news by the time they announce it. It puts them in a potential position to just have more "me too" statements from Spencer and his team, which is really where they've been all gen, as they seem to have this need to respond to every thing that Sony does.

In the mean time, while Sony is dropping mini-reveals of the next gen, MS is showing off a discless console made to promote digital distribution, remove ownership, and not even doing it at a price which is respectable. MS has their mention about them making a console, and the talk of how great it is by devs in a staged video, but I think a lot of people remember the last how great it is video they had at the X1 reveal, and how that turned out.

It's going to be an interesting E3, but as it stands, MS is likely going to respond to the next gen looming, and that puts them in yet another position of looking like they just don't care about this gen, which to me, is going to cause more of their customers to feel like MS didn't do enough, and breed doubt among their user base on if they're worth supporting.

Unspoken1927d ago

This news is not news. Everyone already knew it would be next generation hardware. The biggest question was on the CPU. And with Ryzen and including an SSD will guarantee this will be at least $500 unless they are willing to take a loss.

Rude-ro1927d ago

I’ll help...
It’s a Sony console. Fans are like “I can not wait to see what games Sony makes with more power”.
Microsoft fans will be like “god I hope they deliver”.
That’s what history does to things.

andibandit1927d ago


Almost every new console is sold at a loss.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1927d ago
Nu1928d ago

Microsoft will study the PS5 info to create the most powerful console and the competition will see red

xX-oldboy-Xx1928d ago

Whatever they do they'll be 3rd again, Sony for sure will curb stomp them again next gen.

TKCMuzzer1928d ago

Eh what? Is this sarcasm? The design and specs of the next Xbox will have already been decided, they won’t be able to react because it could add months to the release schedule , it will already be set in stone. I think the last thing anyone wants is MS to change specs and rush a console to market, we’ve all experienced the results of that manoeuvre.

1928d ago
Dark_Knightmare21927d ago

Yeah because it’s not like devs already have the new Xbox kits smh. You do understand how production works right?

peppeaccardo1927d ago

red .. as the red ring of death? hope not this time around. lol

kingPoS1927d ago (Edited 1927d ago )

While the Xbox 4 could very well be physically more powerful, history has proven graphics aren't the end all for game consoles. From the PS2 the king of consoles, the lovable Wii (which had a tragic lack of 3rd party support) and the hyper accessible Switch. They all were in their time, popular. Not just by a little bit, they were and are, massively popular.

As it stands right now, the competition between Xbox 1/X and PS4/Pro seems awefuly similar to the Xbox and PS2 days. People, then and now, just want to play games. That's a good thing in my opinion.

Gateway MT6706 2008

1927d ago
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PhantomS421927d ago

True that.
Microsoft: We have a new console, well the same one without a disc drive so you can't play any of your games that aren't digital or watch any movies you own...
Sony: Here is a taste of PS5, kick-ass specs, physical media, and backward compatibility!
Even Nintendo's trailer with the Smash update really shined over MS.

Gaming4Life19811927d ago stole what thunder????? We already knew ps5 was being worked on and that's really all that was said, no specs were mentioned. Both Sony and Microsoft have no thunder only thing we know is that they will reveal these next gen system this year or early next year.

crazyCoconuts1927d ago

The official announcement of a product is the "thunder" that, if successful, gets media and customers excited. MS plans to have some "thunder" at E3 I guess if you think that's a lmao moment there's no point in trying to explain the subtle brilliance in HOW Sony just did that. Bliss in...

rainslacker1927d ago

I agree about the part about associating SSD and RayTracing with PS5. It's going to cause a lot of talk about what it is, which will eventually trickle down to the mainstream some, while MS may end up looking like they just have a "me-too" offering with X2. I think MS made mention of ray-tracing at one point, but didn't make it a point at the reveal, just a tweet from Spencer, IIRC. Tweets are fine, but they really only get much notice by the hardcore and the followers.

I'm not so sure about if Sony did it to reassure the investors. I think PS4 has been doing well enough, and Sony has surpassed all expectations they set for themselves almost every step of the way this gen, so I don't think the investors confidence was shaken. Especially after the company has a whole has been doing quite well since the restructuring.

crazyCoconuts1927d ago

I agree. To me these look like the little PR games the companies play with each other to stay in a favorible light with media. Perhaps even to get the competition to reveal plans early. For example, now MS might feel pressured to give out some more info at e3 to give people the perception that the next Xbox will be better, and that info might be useful to Sony's planning...

GameStallion1925d ago

Would be sweet if Microsoft was like, “oh yeah, our console will be 22 teraflops!!” And it actually was... and then they released like 5 first party single player, story driven 3rd person games at launch that all got 10’s on Metacritic. And then Sony was like, “oh yeah!...”

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1928d ago Replies(3)
Evolve1928d ago

When I first read it, I thought it was a rumor, then PlayStation's twitter account tweeted about it, then I realized that this is NOT a drill! I am super excited to see where this is going.

1928d ago Replies(1)
franwex1928d ago (Edited 1928d ago )

The ps5 news was very exciting and very much welcomed.

However in regards to stealing thunder from Microsoft to appease shareholders may not be correct.

Microsoft wants to be associated with it being a service and generating revenue by being the Netflix of games. That’s what Microsoft shareholders want. They do not care much for hardware.

It just goes to show how different cultures appeal to different investors.

Sophisticated_Chap1928d ago

I don't think you know what you're talking about lol

Ceaser98573611928d ago


dude you need calm.down... You speak like PS5 will be piss poor and the next Xbox will be a beast because of Xbox X ...

So relax and trying not being salty...

Sophisticated_Chap1927d ago

I never said the PS5 would be piss poor, I'm just saying that everyone is going crazy about this 'reveal', but the problem is that, there really isn't anything of significance being revealed. B/C is encouraging, and a solid state drive is a good thing too, but hopefully it is larger than 1TB. Other than that, we still have no performance specs. We don't even know what type of memory it will have.

franwex1927d ago

I actually do know what I am talking about. I’m referring to shareholders, not gamers. Microsoft is one of the biggest companies on earth. Their most recent growth is in them being a service using the cloud. Xbox being a service expands revenue from their existing infrastructure.
Microsoft already stated that they are working on their next gen consoles and it will most likely be about the same specs as the ps5, like the previous gens. So there will be another Xbox console for traditional gamers that like to use hardware. So don’t worry.

But their focus is expanding the Xbox service. Dude, you’ll be able to stream Xbox on your Nintendo Switch-they are mostly focusing the service route. That’s a competitor console, what more proof do you need?

Shareholders are happy about that. Sony shareholders are happy with PlayStation continuing it’s course on powerful consoles. So what?

BlackTar1871927d ago

Sophisticated Microsoft is moving to a SaaS model company wide there is very little reason they wouldn't br doing that in gaming.

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TKCMuzzer1928d ago

Er....not quite , share holders are important but it’s how they come across to their customer that will decide the next Xbox is a success or not. You play to the people that spend money, not those making it, in public anyway.

motorsport711928d ago

I thought it was just another one of those bullshit "PS5 SPECS!!!!" articles that get published 40 times a week. Then I saw it was an interview with Mark Cerny and was intrigued

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The Pokemon Company Had Retail Sales Worth $10.8 Billion In 2023

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gold_drake10h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot1h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing1h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro1h ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


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