
New Screenshots of The Conduit Released

High on the announcement that Sega will be publishing The Conduit, they have also released new screenshots for The Conduit on the Nintendo Wii for you to check out.

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condorstrike5805d ago (Edited 5805d ago )

fooled me and everyone else, Sega???
that's not bad but it feels weird...
i guess madworld and the Conduit make a nice hardcore-treat...

by the way: Awesome screens, Game looks better with every new screenshot.... good job HVS.


Splatoon 2 Shows Off What Wii Shooters Should Have Been

There’s a consensus about Splatoon 1 that cannot be disputed: motion controls are the way to play. The Wii U Gamepad had its many problems on the system as a whole, but along with the way in which the touch screen was implemented in the first game like I mentioned in my last piece, using the Gamepad’s gyroscope was deemed a superior way to play compared to traditional joystick control.

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Great Games Of Last Generation: The Conduit

Rustyshell.com: The Conduit strived to be the quality FPS experience Wii owners were missing out on, with quality graphics and a robust online multiplayer component.

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The Bin: The Conduit

Hardcore Gamer: The Conduit was an interesting first-person shooter that sneaked its way onto the Wii amid a deluge of shovelware and "family" games.

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