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Switch Online Makes Nintendo Look Weak

Nintendo finally revealed its Switch Online plans and… they’re not great. Worse than that, they make Nintendo look as clueless and weird as ever.

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Community2225d ago
r2oB2224d ago

His exaggerations are intentional, and he raises a valid point. As long as there is no other alternative to backing up saves, charging for it is just ridiculous, even if it’s just $20. I guarantee most Switch owners that pay the $20 will do so primarily for the ability to back up saves, and Nintendo knows this, which is why they don’t offer another option. To be honest, the $20 for online and cloud saves is very reasonable, but they need to enable saving locally. Otherwise it just seems as if they are withholding a mundane feature, that has been around for decades, for the sake of gouging money.

Apollosupreme2224d ago

Considering their consoles has been hacked wide open and cannot be remedied the last thing they should be doing is implementing anti-consumer practices such as utilizing a paywall for save backups. They are opening Pandora's box here.

Prince_TFK2225d ago (Edited 2225d ago )

I love Jim Sterling but he seems to be very biased lately while favour a certain console more.

As for the Switch online, it is priced at $20 per year so why do you expect it to give you as much value as a $60 sub? I really would like someone to honestly answer this.

AAWELLS092224d ago

He answers in his video very plainly and its easy to understand.

WickedLester2224d ago

No trophy/achievement system
No way to back up saves
No native support for voice chat on the system

I'd say he's right on the button.

Gemmol2224d ago

Nintendo since Wii U do not force developers to put achievement system, they have a choice unlike ps4 and Xbox

But you can put one in your game.....

disgae for switch have ps4 trophy in it where it shows up exactly like the ps4 version

Minecraft shows up just like Xbox system achievement

So your response is wrong

Now if you said you wish Nintendo had 1 standard and all the developers follow it to make a trophy system now this would be correct but saying they don't have a system when the system allow u to do whatever is just lying

AspiringProGenji2225d ago (Edited 2225d ago )

it is not my fault that the Switch lacks more options to back up saves, so I am fked if I choose not to pay for online, which I won’t, when my Switch breaks of whatever happens eh? Nice way to punish me I guess.

Neonridr2225d ago

Let's not cry foul here. Both Sony and MS charge for cloud saving too. Literally all Nintendo needs to do is allow for either external HDs to be connected to the Switch or more preferably the dock or to allow to backup saves to the SD card. A simple fix in the firmware that could come anytime.

-Foxtrot2225d ago

Both Sony and Microsoft have consoles which include 500GB - 1TB - 2TB hard drives...

Majin-vegeta2225d ago

How bout right now?

AspiringProGenji2225d ago (Edited 2225d ago )

Except i am NOT Paying for cloud saving on PS4 in particular. That’s an extra to me. And if I choose not to pay for PS+, I got an USB for backup

Meanwhile with Nintendo... Pay or else. How you nintendo chills fail to see this flaw when comparing it to Sony and MS As excuse I will never know

MeteorPanda2225d ago

The other two have had external saving and the subscription has a lot more features

Magnetar2225d ago

Actually only Sony charges for cloud saves.

Monster_Tard2225d ago

Nope, a Xbox Gold subscription is required for cloud saves.

Magnetar2225d ago

You should go check your facts, because gold is not required for cloud saves.

Monster_Tard2225d ago

Check your facts sir.

"To use cloud storage for your saved games, you need:

An Xbox Live Gold subscription
A console connected to the Xbox Live service
514 megabytes (MB) of storage space on your console (local cache)"

Magnetar2224d ago (Edited 2224d ago )

I guess their site contradicts itself.

Liqu1d2224d ago

Both MS and Sony have free alternatives to back up saves, Nintendo doesn't.

Neonridr2224d ago

Sony only allowed the use of external hard drives how long after the launch of the PS4? Fun to point fingers when Sony was just as guilty for the longest time.

salmonade2224d ago

You could always use USB sticks for save back-ups since launch.

Dragonscale2224d ago

@neon, you can swap out the PS4 hard drive. You can't do that on xbone or switch lol.

Fleshstick2223d ago

Don't spread false info, you could always transfer saves/screenshots/game data on PS4 (it was also present on PS3) to a USB device - maybe you are confused with Sony adding support for game and application installs onto external hard drives.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2223d ago
Doge2225d ago

Same goes if your PS4 hard drive breaks dude. You'll lose your save data unless you pay for PS+ to get cloud saves lmao.

>But you can back-up your saves on an external drive

And if Nintendo adds that? What then? What's the next excuse lol

AspiringProGenji2225d ago (Edited 2225d ago )


1) the chances of HDD breaking is very low
2) I am already paying to play Online on PS4 and get cloud saves as extra
3) Don’t want ro pay for online anymore? I get other options to back up saves

Meanhile Nintendo:

1) no other options to back up saves unless I Play. If there was, no problem
2) I have no interest in playing online on Switch. So again, no other choice to back up saves

And if Nintendo ads that? GREAT! But the damn question is, why is this not a thing in 2018 yet? Nintendo has this problem of being the last In catching up with features the competitiors have been doing for years yet they make it worse instead of better. This needs to stop Like... now!

Doge2225d ago

Dude unless you're equipped with an SSD, the chances of the stock mechanical drive failing is higher than flash memory. I agree that Nintendo should've added SD back-up for the Switch, but the comparison that an option that other platforms have with their online sub is "holding you hostage" is kinda ridiculous. You can't really back up your save data if your console gets bricked from a firmware update or the drive dies out :/

AspiringProGenji2225d ago (Edited 2225d ago )

I bought a 2 tB HDD 4 years ago and it is still working. I bough a 1 HDD for my PS3 like 8 years ago and it is still going. No breaks! I mean you have to have a huge power surge problem in your town to corrupt your HDD that much

Again, where Nintendo chills fail with the comparison is that there are plenty of options to back up saves on PS4 and Xbox. One who doesn’t have PS+ or Gold can still do it the old fashioned way, while Nintendo the one and only option is behind a paywall. That is why people are being vocal about it: people who don’t want to pay for online are screwed.

Back ups is a feature people have been asking for, and when Nintendo finally listens they put it beind a paywall

r2oB2224d ago

@ Doge

Obviously you can’t back up files from a bricked console or to a bad drive, it’s just absurd to even mention that. What you CAN do, however, is back up files to an external HDD or USB sticks as many times as you want (you can have all your saves on multiple USB sticks at no cost) that way if your console bricks, your saves are good. Or if one flash drive goes bad, you have another (they are dirt cheap and most people probably have a hunch lying around).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2224d ago
wonderfulmonkeyman2225d ago

And when Nintendo ever does anything paid, the Sony and Micro shills say that Nintendo doesn't deserve to play by the same rules, that everything Nintendo offers should either be better, be free, or not be at all.
I've seen these same people whining like spoiled brats about Nintendo charging for online multiplayer [for less than half the price] when Sony and Microsoft do the same thing and charge far more for it. [for the record, I don't feel multiplayer should be charged for at all. The free games are enough of a reason to subscribe, if there needs to be a reason at all]

Your drives not breaking doesn't mean it never happens to others, and if you take such great care of your stuff anyways, then you're literally not affected by not having free cloud saves in the first place because apparently your stuff never ever breaks no matter what.

AspiringProGenji2225d ago

And here's the biggest shill of all.

I am not saying that Nintendo doesn't deserve to charge for online like the others are doing. The problem is that the feature everyone has been requesting is behind a paywall and there's no more options. This should not be the case in 2018

Gaming_1st2225d ago

You're making stuff up. If Nintendo is doing a paid online service then it should be fairly on par with the other 2. Simple as that. And we know Nintendo has been behind in online infrastructure for almost a decade now.

Goldby2224d ago


"Your drives not breaking doesn't mean it never happens to others, and if you take such great care of your stuff anyways, then you're literally not affected by not having free cloud saves in the first place because apparently your stuff never ever breaks no matter what."

but a home console is subject to alot less wear and tear than a handheld hybrid console. not saying that is the reason that people are up in arms about not being able to back up their saves locally, but it is a factor in that.

gangsta_red2224d ago

"This should not be the case in 2018"

Kind of hard to get upset over this when we all accept features and options that both MS and Sony lock behind a paywall for their own 2018...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2224d ago
wonderfulmonkeyman2224d ago

You better have been looking in a mirror when you said that, because that's the only way what you said would make sense.

Yeah, having an alternate method would be nice, but "because 2018" and other edge-lord netizen BS doesn't excuse how big of a mountain shills who don't even own the system are making out of this mole-hill of an issue.
You'd think they'd have been up in arms when Sony went paid multiplayer, instead, but noooooo, now they're here demonizing Nintendo over something as none-essential as cloud saves.>_>

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2223d ago
fonger082225d ago

Shhhhh... don’t let obvious facts ruin what bizarre expectations of a $20/year online service should be for those here :)

Foraoise2225d ago

I'm deffo paying for the 20/y. What I was saying is that it's a good deal for what we're getting for the Switch's online service.

fonger082225d ago

Definitely. All things considered the fact that most of us have put up the numerous ups and downs of the PSN and Xbox live since their respective beginnings with $50-60 fees... $20 is nothing.

Gaming_1st2225d ago (Edited 2225d ago )

30 bucks a year for 3 years of PSN, thanks for amazon...But hey, lets not try to detract from your agenda.


Sorry, you have major issues with both PSN/XboxLive services. I have had very little issues. But hey at least they had have services for people to use. 2018 and just now getting a online service for a console.....ROFLMAO. And btw, 50-60 bucks is something i have never paid for psn. Just got my account good till 2020 with 30 bucks a year from amazon.

fonger082225d ago

@gaming_1st soooo you’re comparing something you find on sale (that’s still more expensive) to something that’s list and not out yet... neat.

Btw nice troll account. But let’s compare more apples to oranges here, seems to make since lol.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2225d ago
Gaming_1st2225d ago

Sorry i bought 3 years worth of subscriptions from amazon for 30 bucks, for PSN....You we're saying?

Prince_TFK2225d ago

Does that apply to everyone else in the entire world?

blawren42224d ago

You paid a 50% off sale price of $90($180 normally) and had to buy 3 years up front compared to a non sale price of $60, which you won't have to prepay. What is your point exactly?

Araragifeels 2225d ago

$20 for a limited Cloud Saves, Online, ??-??% discount, free(not) Classic NES games that I can emulate on any phone but won't do it since I don't care about old crappy title, paying for for online for barely any online game, access to switch online app vs $60 for cloud saves, 10-70% discount, free(not) variety of current gen games each months, free Exclusive contents, sometimes early access to Beta games, Soo many online games, PlayStation/xbox app is free .

marloc_x2225d ago (Edited 2225d ago )!?

Liqu1d2224d ago

PS3 online was free yet you could use voice chat on the system and you could back up saves to a USB for free. Meanwhile Nintendo is charging $20 to use voice chat through a phone app (even though discord is free) and they're locking the only method of save backup behind the online. But go ahead and act like people are being unreasonable.

All Nintendo have to do is allow voice chat directly through the Switch and implement a free alternative to back up saves.

badz1492224d ago

For Nintendo fanboys, PS3 and Vita don't count LOL

badz1492224d ago


Local UNLIMITED offline back up is FREE=$0 on Xbone and PS4 vs NONE on Switch. What's your point?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2224d ago
masterfox2225d ago

Well overall its game lineup is weak and sad as hell not to mention that thing weak specs, just think about it for a second all its hype and popularity consist in Marios, Zeldas or Pokemons, yes those games can sell but if we are talking about variety or other genre Nintendo effing sucks, so talking about online what can Nintendo offer while being anti-tech company ?, some laughs I guess sadly.

Prince_TFK2225d ago (Edited 2225d ago )


Mario Odyssey: 3D platformer
DK TF: 2D platformer
Mario Kart: Racer
Splatoon: Shooter
Pokken: Fighter
BOTW: Action Adventure
FE Warrior: Dynasty Warrior-styled
Arms: Motion control
Xenoblade 2: RPG

This not to mention other unreleased games such as Smash, Metriod, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon and sport games like Mario Tennis. And there are still mature games like No More Hero and Bayonetta 3. So what are you on about Nintendo lacking variety?

PhoenixUp2225d ago

When it comes to online gaming you should always expect to be disappointed in some way with Nintendo

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