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Every JRPG coming in 2018

Plan ahead this year and keep track of each Japanese RPG releasing in 2018. This calendar of JRPG releases is kept up to date on a daily basis. Check back as more release dates are confirmed!

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Community2330d ago
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upmagic2330d ago
theflamey2330d ago

looking forward to many of these

Fullmetalevolust2330d ago

Every time a JRPG releases on Western shores, a Japanese angel gets their wings. Already got Dragon Quest XI pre-ordered. Project Octopath is next, among others. I hope E3 brings in more releases and new announcements. It's a genre I cannot get enough of.

patterson2330d ago

Lots of good ones to look forward to! Biggest one for me is Dragon Quest XI

thatguyhayat2330d ago

Ive got a bad feeling about kingdom hearts 3. It might be delayed

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One Fenix Down Interview: Dev Talks Making a '90s-Inspired RPG in 2024

In a Game Rant interview, One Fenix Down's developer talks about how '90s RPGs influenced the development, story, and world of the game.

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Community149d ago

All 2023 JRPG Release Dates | Icicle Disaster

All North American release dates for JRPGs coming out in 2023, including softly confirmed and still to be announced titles.

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SullysCigar588d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Community587d ago
LG_Fox_Brazil588d ago

Amazing list, just favorited the link. Thanks for the tips

shinoff2183588d ago

Good list though. Hopefully they will keep it updated and rolling along. So many jrpgs coming out this year or so.

587d ago
Vithar587d ago

what a year :) gunna be fun!


Final Fantasy XVI Is in Good Hands

After 2 long years, we finally have a release window for Final Fantasy XVI. But the names behind the title, are probably largely unknown outside of the Final Fantasy XIV bubble. So allow us to introduce you to the team of Final Fantasy XVI and why you should be excited!

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Community841d ago
pietro1212841d ago

The talent behind this game is what made me so hyped

PapaBop840d ago

Same, what has been showcased so far doesn't leave me excited but I have faith in Yoshi P.

Knightofelemia841d ago

I'll believe it when the game comes out.

-Foxtrot841d ago

That's like saying Cyberpunk was automatically in good hands because the Witcher 3 was amazing and GOTY

Each new project is a a blank slate, always expect the unexpected, not everything is going to be good because the last thing the team did was.

sinspirit841d ago (Edited 841d ago )

Agreed. Not that I wouldn't be excited about a future game from a renowned studio. But, I am already put off by the FF16 trailer. The combat just doesn't seem fun to me and I need to know more of the story. It doesn't seem exciting to me. It just looks like it's trying to be safe.

VersusDMC841d ago

Combat looks more fun to me but i like action game combat.

And a Final Fantasy game going with a Devil May Cry style combat system is nowhere close to tying to be Safe.

A turn based combat system would be the safest combat system to use.

pietro1212841d ago

But has Square put a out a game as bad as Cyberpunk was? No they haven’t not even with the likes of FFXIII and XV

VersusDMC841d ago

They haven't put out a FF game that bad...but they did release Balan, Quiet Man and Left Alive.

-Foxtrot841d ago

The point isn’t about if it’s broken

It’s about automatically giving a pass on a new game because the last developers game was great. So because FFXIV is great this is automatically going to be? Yeah it shouldn’t work like that.

DarXyde841d ago

Umm, to a point, I agree.

1. Of course, you must also realize the inverse is true. A terrible game made by a studio doesn't mean the next game will be bad. Even a bad track record doesn't suggest that the next game will be bad.

2. I would say it is moreso a matter of playing to a studio's strengths that matters above all else. In the instance of Cyberpunk, I haven't played it, but my sense is that it's a good game if it wasn't such a buggy mess. A high quality production wrapped in poor testing/optimization. I would also say that CDPR is probably much better at making open world fantasy RPGs than FPS games. I think they're similar to Guerilla in this context; Killzone was never a strong series in my opinion, but they really hit their stride with Horizon. FromSoft made Tenchu which I loved, but they also hit some rough patches until the Souls games, which have been pretty consistent in quality (DS2 is arguably the worst, but was still an enjoyable experience). For that reason, I see it as playing to one's strength. Some studios are far more versatile like Naughty Dog, Insomniac, etc. Others are kind of one trick ponies. So I would say that if the FFXVI team plays to its strengths, it'll be a solid game.

Just my thoughts on the matter.


@Foxtrot I'm with you on this one.

Kingdom Hearts isn't what it used to be, Final Fantasy XV was very crap compared to what we've seen from vs XIII and like I said in another post about this game I think it just looks very uninspired.

I used to buy every SquareSoft/Enix game without a second thought, now I have the complete opposite.

GoodGuy09841d ago (Edited 841d ago )

Things are looking good. But really, we should all wait til we play it ourselves to tell if it's a good game. Ffs (not including the mmos) been needing a big W in a very long time. The remake of ff7 although good, wasn't anything amazing.
Yoshi-p did amazing with 14 but it doesn't mean they can do amazing with a sp mainline ff game.

Lahftel841d ago

There is always a chance! But most of the team behind XVI has also worked on FFIX, Tactics and XII. The team definitely has a certain style of game they want to make. Which I would mostly attribute to working with Yasumi Matsuno, after combing through heaps of interviews. Most of them cite him as a massive influence on them.

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