
God of War (Playstation 4 Review) | ReadersGambit

Norse gods will fall and boys become men in Esler's review of God of War.

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lociefer2212d ago

Poor performance
Combat loses its shine"

Herp derp im special gib meh cliks

AspiringProGenji2212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

More like, I cannot combo and experiment for shit


Brave_Losers_Unite2212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

Zelda: Breath off the Wild

Completely shakes up the formula
Massive, believable Hyrule
Gorgeous graphics

Frame rate issues on Wii U

So framerate issues isn't docked here. And a pro is the graphics but no mention of it in God of War. Lmfao Nintendo fanboy

Tekken 7 (Same Reviewer as GoW)

Interesting new mechanics < LOL
Fantastic soundtrack
Lots of customisation options
Combat feels great

Story is a massive let down
Less game modes than previous entries
No tutorial for beginners

Oh and this game also got a higher score https://www.youtube.com/wat...

badz1492212d ago

"Gorgeous graphics" for BoTW but no mention for one of the best console graphic to date in GoW! LOL that's how you see how pathetic and insecure Nintendo fanboys are among the reviewers! and when they are called wearing the nostalgia glasses, they flipped out!

now suddenly performance matters! GoW performs almost all the time 30fps on the standard PS4 but it was a no issue back when BoTW runs at the 20's fps on the Switch! hypocrite much? AND..."combat losses its shine"?? but the simplistic and easy combat for BoTW didn't?? WTF? if you're gonna review troll a game already regarded as one of the best this gen, at least do it with plausible reasons, not blatant fanboyism like this!

sonarus2212d ago

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I don’t feel anyone needs to defend god of war the game honestly stands for itself. This game is amazing. A true evolution of a game. This is like jump from mgs1 to mgs2/mgs3. Just amazing

ShadowWolf7122212d ago

If he really didn't dock as many points for similar complaints in other games, this kinda smells like someone tring to "fix" a "meta" rating somewhere.

morganfell2212d ago

""Gorgeous graphics" for BoTW but no mention for one of the best console graphic to date in GoW!"

I have railed for years against sites which have no standards. Basically all of them. Written, detailed standards that lay out clearly for what points are awarded and why they are deducted. Reviews have degenerated into fanboyism written by fanboys with an intent. These persons do not like standards because having such holds them to a marker that does not allow them to damn a great game out of jealousy while overlooking chasm wide faults with other titles. Standards create concrete barriers to those acting without reason yet employing an ill gotten purpose. Enforceable standards are the first step in removing the individual's personal likes and dislikes from a review. For a generation of supposed writers that often feel their opinion is more important than serving the community, such an omission is too great a blow to their ego.

AKS2212d ago

On WiiU, huh? It has drops to 20 fps on both systems. I noticed last year according to reviewers not holding a rock solid 60 fps in Nier: Automata was a major disappointment yet drops to 20 fps were barely noticeable...as long as they were in Breath of the Wild.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2212d ago
DigitalRaptor2212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

It's really not hard to pick apart bad reviews for this game.

The combat in this game is deep and rewarding... it loses its shine how, exactly?

UltraNova2212d ago

Not very shiny 7.5/10 s/

morganfell2212d ago Show
UCForce2212d ago Show
UltraNova2212d ago Show
Lovable2212d ago Show
JackBNimble2212d ago Show
xPhearR3dx2212d ago

For me personally the combat is extremely repetitive with section after section having similar objectives/task. Visuals and set pieces are breathtaking, but I just can't get into the gameplay. HOWEVER, if I was a reviewer, I wouldn't review this game. The only reason I played it is because I game share and my cousin wanted it. I've never been a huge fan of the series or the combat. I don't know if that's the case here, but lately I've been seeing lots of reviewers reviewing games/genres that have no interest in. Obviously there's always going to be people like myself that don't care for X game, this case of God of War. At the same time, it's just not my type of game. If a reviewer has the same mentality, they shouldn't review the game.

I can totally see why this game is getting so much praise, but it's just not for me. I would like to finish it as the story is actually interesting for once (for me). Then again, I'm not too far in I don't think. I'm in the process of climbing the mountain after SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER. So maybe it switches up and doesn't feel as repetitive to me later on. I do like the single camera angle. I would actually like to see that done more, it's extremely immersive.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2212d ago
TheGoodestBoi2212d ago

I thought the performance was impressive especially considering the visuals and there hardly being any loading screens, I personally didnt notice any frame dips either.
I also think the combat is another positive aspect of the game. I doubt the reviewer experimented with combos and swtiching stances much if he thinks it a negative

Dark_Knightmare22212d ago

Man the combat is so deep especially once you get the switching stances for both axe and bare handed it just opens up a whole host of new options

OB1Biker2212d ago

'Combat loses its shine'???
I can't even.. The game combat is straight mind blowing. Sooo good.

kneon2212d ago

I finished the game and probably never even used half the moves available. I'll try to expand on that on my second play through, though I'll need to change gear as my stats aren't currently high enough for some of the moves. It may take more than 2 play throughs to really fully explore the combat.

doggo842212d ago

Exactly. The combat is brilliant in its own right and i never experienced any major performance problem that hampered my experience

bluefox7552212d ago

Performance for me has been rock solid the whole time, and the combat has only gotten more enjoyable as I get better at it.

Ceaser98573612212d ago

"Poor performance
Combat loses its shine"

Like seriously!! I dont want to waste any words other then LMAO! on this guy

showtimefolks2212d ago

😂 Just 😂

Poor performance and combat is so much better than before. Now you can't just button mash it takes actual skills

Dark_Knightmare22212d ago

Lol right poor performance my ass and combat never loses it shine or gets boring. They are def looking for clicks with this review especially since we have digital foundry already having done their hands on with it and there was no poor performance which blows my mind this site would try to say that

OffRoadKing2212d ago

The poor performance thing is total bullshit, the other is subjective but for me I felt the combat got better the longer you play. Thanks for the heads up. Not clicking that garbage.

Mithan2212d ago

Yep, I didn't click through and wont. I don't think you need to give God of War a 10/10, but anything lower than a 9 is just crap IMO.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2212d ago
UCForce2212d ago

“Combat loses its shine” That’s a big no.

2212d ago Replies(3)
GNCFLYER2212d ago

This is the comment I was scrolling for. Did they even play this game? The combat is one of its strong points and never loses shine.

Lol what were they thinking with that comment?

2211d ago
Big_Game_Hunters2212d ago

exactly, it never had any to begin with

chrisx2212d ago

What a click bait review.

UltraNova2212d ago

It would be if it was released within a week of release...

This review is not very... shiny 3/10 - IGN

2212d ago
Relientk772212d ago

Funny how weeks after the game came out, now come the clickbait reviews

OffRoadKing2212d ago

They feel its safe to do them now, to have tried to drop these garbage reviews while all the 10's were rolling in would have made them look even dumber then they already do.

Shiken2212d ago

My thoughts exactly...Goty for sure.

blackblades2212d ago

I remember there being a way to down vote a site. I dont see it no more it needs a comeback.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2212d ago
AspiringProGenji2212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

I like how any minimal complain is worth giving a game lower than average score these days

“Poor performace”
The game performs really well with very minimal dips

“Combat loses its shine”
There are two weapons (three if you count shield), each with a shit ton of abilities and combos, then there’s the bow which helps you link combos/juggles as well. So there’s no excuse to experiment and keep the combat fresh

Jinger2212d ago

I really wouldn't say a "shit ton" of abilities and combos. There are a decent amount, but it's too bad a lot of the cool moves are behind a cool down meter. So once you use those up you're left with your basic light/heavy attack and a couple stance changing moves. Plus switching between your second weapon isn't the quickest so chaining together moves between all the weapons isn't as satisfying as it was in the old GoW games. But using Atreus strategically to keep a juggle going is rewarding, but very rare unfortunately in the harder difficulty settings.

Germaximus2212d ago

Exactly what Jinger said. It amazes me that so many people don't seem to understand this.

Enturax2212d ago Show
AspiringProGenji2212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

He is only partially right. I can still chain combos using different weapons even tho there’s a slight delay. Not only that but you can use 4 runic attacks using both weapons so that’s a plus. Also you can lower the cooldown with gear. The game gives you a lot of options for different playstyles so no excuses

And there’s nothing wrong with the cooldown. It is called balance. Choose the ones that fot your playstile and all set. Thet afe in cooldown? There are still many abilities you can use to combo

And again, juggging is not rare. You just need to use heavy attacks and once done keep the momentum. The juggling here isn’t as forgiving and eqsy to cheat hordes as the old games. Take that as you will

Aceman182212d ago

That's why I use the "boy" arrow to keep them in the air when I juggle them upwards. I can switch real quick and keep my combo going.

DivineAssault 2212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

Try some new tactics dude.. There are MANY ways to damage/combo foes.. Spamming the same 4 hit combo is dull and not very effective on higher difficulties.. Also try changing up Atreus' summons and your runic attacks and work them into your moves

OffRoadKing2212d ago

Switching between weapons is literally one button press and the cool down can be shortened by using the proper load out. You're not even nitpicking right.

Christopher2212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

I swapped between them easily. I think it just takes practice. Fire off a spinning axe special or AOE special, switch immediately and go to town. Hold triangle at any time to switch back to axe, don't use dpad for swapping to axe. Let alone melee attacks required no switching at all, so shield breaks or trips were always immediately accessible.

I think the problem with this game is much like the earlier ones, you could experiment but usually the tried and true is all you needed. There were a ton of rage and melee things I used only once or twice because I didn't need to.

Jinger2212d ago

@Everyone who replied

I think most of the problem is that I'm playing on Give Me God of War difficulty, and enemies will go into a rage mode and attack more frequently and when they are in rage mode you can't start juggling them with just a heavy attack. More often then not you can't even interrupt an enraged enemy so pulling off long combos isn't very frequent for me.

I have to constantly be dodging and countering since it just a takes a few hits to kill me. Most of the time when I experiment with juggling combo's it's only 1v1, which isn't very often. Then it makes it worse that enemies in this difficutly take upwards of 20 or so hits, so between that, then going rage mode (becoming harder, stronger, faster, longer) I end up having to resort into more cheap attack patterns otherwise when I do moves I get locked into an animation and that is almost certain death.


I'm going to try that Triangle move to switch from the blades to the Axe quicker. My main thing is it just feels clunky changing between weapons where as in the old games it was smooth and quick.

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boing12212d ago

Combat loses shine if you play on easy. There is no need for strategy then.

morganfell2212d ago

But that isn't even true then because even on easy you cannot button mash your way through the game.

boing12211d ago

Well, I played on easy at first and there is a huge difference IMO. Of course you can't button mash through everything but it's way more forgiving if you're trying to.

Big_Game_Hunters2212d ago

same applies to GMGOW, just roll spam and fully upgrade the kid to let him do all the work.

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Nacho_Z144d ago

Might be in a minority here but I didn't enjoy any of the sections playing as Atreus or having companions at all. If I had my way it'd be Kratos on his lonesome from start to finish. Straightforward action gameplay without the endless boring chatter.