
God of War's First Proper Boss Fight is What I Hate About Action Games

Rich at GameSpew: God of War is an amazing game, no doubt. But its first proper boss fight exhibits the same flaws that many other action games fall victim to.

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AspiringProGenji2285d ago (Edited 2285d ago )

“ The first fight with The Stranger crosses that line. Goading you into combat, fists are thrown. Eventually it gets to the point where The Stranger and Kratos are punching each other into the air and over a small house. Honestly, it's like watching a Dragon Ball fight, and it irks me.“

Lol you think the “action” in the name is there just for looks? Either this guy gates anime of he is just cueless. The action in that fight is why it is awesome

“They're Gods, I get it.”

Looks you don’t...!

“...But it's overblown and unnecessary. It makes a mockery of the game's consistency, too. If I can punch a God over a building, why do I need to use a fancy axe to beat normal enemies? If I can grab a log and swing it in a story scene, why can't I do it in-game? It's one of those stupid things in video games, that's why.“

Oh well looks like he just started gaming yesterday. Sonce when not being able to do the same stunts in setpieces is inconsistency? And You can punch enemies in the game too.

morganfell2285d ago

The perceptions...errr...no, that isn't correct because it carries the connotation one can perceive and clearly the person at games pew cannot. It is hilarious as you point out since they hang themselves with their own remarks. The articles written at games pew possess some of the most laughable conclusions and are the reason they have an honored place in my hostfile block.

mikeslemonade2284d ago (Edited 2284d ago )

I don’t like action movies either but what god of war has done thus far in my playthrough I respect it. And if you don’t like it then that’s just a personal problem that you need to fix.

Obelisk922284d ago

OMG It's one of the worst articles I've ever read. No joke.
Makes no sense whatsoever, and gets so many things wrong. Total disinformation.

One must play the whole game before even starting to talk about it with a judging tone.

VenomUK2284d ago

The fight with the Stranger took me by surprise - it was amazing! So dynamic and through different environments, like a superhero battle. I honestly don't know why somebody would complain about a superior boss battle - and so close to the start of the game.

bouzebbal2284d ago

I laughed like a retard when he attacked kratos the first time. Kratos amswer was epic as ****.
...but then the fight started, and i stopped laughing!

morganfell2284d ago


Look at the history of games pew on N4G. Not exactly stellar journalism. In fact it doesn't rise to the level of journalism at all. It is merely one person using a public platform to tell you what they do and do not like. As if that matters.

N4G should not allow what amounts to a verbal pinterest to masquerade as a valid submission. Valuable opinion pieces, and this certainly is not one, offer insight that actually allows the reader to comprehend the point of view of the writer, even if you do not agree and are not swayed. This is simply a rant.

CaptainOmega2284d ago

It’s as if the writer has never heard of supsension of disbelief..

GamingIVfun2284d ago (Edited 2284d ago )

This article is stupid click bait and the person who wrote is probably too cynical to enjoy anything but complaining about things that are beyond obvious. Since when does realism have anything to do with the majority of video games. The first boss battle is an awesome experience.

Also there are enemies that are easier to kill using your fist throughout the game, enemies with shields in front of them are one of them. If you very your hits you can take out enemies quicker also.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2284d ago
darthv722285d ago ShowReplies(5)
Rimeskeem2285d ago

The reason you punch the god and do everything over blown is BECAUSE THEY ARE A GOD! You think you can just axe a god the same way with normal enemies? Hell no

UltraNova2284d ago

Its funny cause when I was fighting The Stranger I loved it even more because it actually reminded me of a Dragon Ball fight! Ha!

Andy_Dee2283d ago

Actually you can xD keep playing the game.

81BX2284d ago

That fight is a classic game moment but overall the fighting seems too paced. I'm used to constant slashing and I know this is a new direction for GOW. I would like more slashing though lol

PhantomS422284d ago

Spoilers ahead: It reminding me of a Dragonball fight makes that first fight even more epic. These are gods (or when you start the game one god and one guy with crazy powers). I don't expect them to be slapping each other like two idiots in a bar fight I expect over the top action. It also sets up that this is still the Kratos you knew from the original trilogy, just because he's older doesn't mean he can't hold his own now.

360ICE2284d ago (Edited 2284d ago )

It does feel weird that you could punch someone over a house, but need Atreus to extend a chain whenever you want to scale a ledge.

Other GoW games actually gave you a huge range of movement during gameplay, so it was less apparent there.

Stop being so defensive. Some of these are reasonable criticisms. And it's still an amazing game.

AspiringProGenji2284d ago (Edited 2284d ago )

Complaining about not being able to do the same stunts in gameplay that are seen in setpieces is not reasonable at all. And besides the old games were even more exaggerated when it came to this, many stuff which you couldn’t do in gameplay especially punching enemies (up until Ascencion).

“Other GoW games actually gave you a huge range of movement during gameplay, so it was less apparent there.”

Define huge range? Because even if you had the wings your jumps were limited to gliding and not taking off to jump any obstacle, which you can see Kratos do sometimes im cutscenes. There are some things that you can’t just implement in gameplay that you see in cutscenes or else there’s no balance in the game. If you haven’t realised this already in tipically every game up until now then I don’t know what to tell you

Complaining about too much action in an “action” game is not reasonable either. Is complaining about too much punches in fighting games reasonable too?

Teflon022284d ago

You do realize that kratos learns to control himself in this meaning he doesn't do extremely unless necessary. Kinda stated right before the fight where he says anger can be a weapon if you can control it. Kratos unleashed his wrath. Kinda obviously how it should go

bluefox7552284d ago (Edited 2284d ago )

I'm not into anime or dragon ball, but that fight was awesome, so epic. Can't stand when people cry about "video game logic".

StormSnooper2284d ago

Clickbait. That was the greatest fight I’ve ever played in a video game, this guy is mental.

Ceaser98573612284d ago

Man! such nitpicking Someone tell him its a frigging video game Did he think everything in GOD OF WAR is REAL??

CaptainOmega2284d ago

It’s as if the person has never played video games before. lol

rainslacker2284d ago

Lol. Games consistency. Guess he never played a gow game. Every boss fight is an over the top set peice action sequence. It's a trademark of the series.

zaherdab2284d ago (Edited 2284d ago )

i feel like we're at the point where we want to be critical to be critical when a game is too good ... graphics are good ... gameplay is good and story is good and nothing left to pick on ... let me find a detail and write an expose about it ..

1... it's not an issue that just plagues game look at IRobot ... killing one robot at the beginning to the movie is close to impossible by the end of the movie they are shooting them down like they are hordes of zombies.
2. in the game he only punches him coz he enters a rage mode when he is scared for his son ... if you watched the comic included with the game kratos' biggest challenge is keeping his rage in check
3. when you're in rage mode within the game you can do all kinda cool hand punching shit
4. enjoy the game and stop nit picking

Christopher2284d ago

I liked it. It was a great way to introduce and enforce the importance of counter blocks. And it ensured the audience that Kratos was still a god, but he wasn't the only one of his type left. It also set up for some nice combo maneuvers if you were getting used to it.

Posted this to chat the other night and was impressed with my combo during the fight: throw axe which is dodged as expected, counter, light punch, light punch, recall axe hitting on way back, heavy attack, light attack, throw axe and actually hit. It was a very satisfying combo.

I have my problems with God of War as I do with every game, but the boss battle wasn't something to complain about for me.

thejigisup2284d ago

A goku skin would be great dlc

joab7772284d ago

He wrote this article for reason. Because 99% of us LOVE that fight and consider it a testament to everything great about GoW. It’s a marvel for video games.

So, take the opposite side and see your hits skyrocket, like every trolling review.

SuperSonic912284d ago

This game is very good in grounding the gamer's expectation from the over the top GoW games. His self controlling attitude of Kratos makes him vulnerabl. Game rule settings and playing with it,. Setting up fights and boss battles are also well done.
The combat mechanics pretty well reflects the tone of the story telling and rule setting.

gleepot2284d ago

While you are correct, you clicked the article, and they won.

Nu2283d ago

I hate Superman vs Batman and I haven't even seen the movie. God of War is ridiculously over the top and I plan to play the game at some point.

BenRC012283d ago

Omg... none of you actually understand what's he's saying. Go back to mashing R1.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 2283d ago
Pancit_Canton2285d ago

LOL. I think that boss fight is epic as ****.

Probably the most intense and satisfying opening I've played in years. THIS IS GOD OF WAR!! Just Kratos being a bad ass and over the top set piece. I love it.

morganfell2285d ago

If they have an agenda, they need their site banned. If they can't appreciate a great boss battle then they just need help. God of War has always had epic opening boss battles and this one was no exception.


Bastrad2284d ago

I think God of War is one of the best games ever made, I absolutely love it, and totally disagree with this article, it's utter horseshit in writing form. But when you start talking about banning a site because they've got a shit opinion you're no better than the 'Ban this Sick Filth!' brigade.

morganfell2284d ago

Ban over one article? No. But if you look at the history, the mound of disservice to the gaming community is obvious.

Bastrad2284d ago

They're just another site on the internet, there's loads of sites that are crap. Learn what sites are crap and, which I'm sure you do anyway from your previous comments here, don't go on their site. Simple. No bans necessary, just less clicks for them.

I'm all for punishing shitty sites by giving them less revenue, but I think bans are totally against free speech.

Jinger2284d ago

Are you kidding? The Stranger fight was so basic it was nauseatingly repetitive and bland. Hell, the Hydra from GoW1 was a better opening than this fight.

morganfell2284d ago (Edited 2284d ago )

No one is impeding their ability to exercise their free speech. Telling them there is a bar for journalism isn't impeding their right to keep yammering. People are welcome to keep going to their site. But if they can't properly serve the gaming community then they are doing more harm than good. As I said, this isn't about a single article but rather repeatedly ramming it to the demographic.

Sites will never step up their game as long as they are allowed to produce en masse, poorly conceived and written click fest trash articles. If we do not put a stick in their eye then these types of parasitic sites flourish.

UCForce2284d ago

@Jinger You are not helping.

EazyC2284d ago

Whilst I disagree with this article in its entirety, I think you are on a slippery slope when you start calling for things to be banned. This is still well within the realm of valid freedom of speech

morganfell2284d ago (Edited 2284d ago )

I do not mistake freedom of speech for a free ride. Can't people read? No one is talking about stopping them from putting out these ill conceived pieces. let them keep wasting everyone's time. However there should be some journalistic standards and a bar that says you can't just write ridiculous pieces and get them pushed onto the public at a newsboiler site. They already have some standards here. All I am suggesting is tightening them when poorly researched articles appear.

A type of reader action and a price to pay for continually publishing click fests. Once upon a time they had a site rating system here that was never instituted. They should bring it back and actually use it. If you publish trash and are appropriately marked by readers it should be harder to get an approval. That will never happen because this site actually loves click bait. In fact if you can't get a piece approved just wait and PM a mod and they'll get it done. More hits for N4G. How many times do you see click bait disapproved as soon as it is submitted? Practically never. No, they wait until it is the leading story for a day and they get their revenue. Then they go, Oh yes this is click bait and its disproved as if the nature of the beast wasn't evident from the start. Fine. But at least mark a site with a tomato or similar item generated by reader disapproval so their reputation becomes known by newcomers. Telling people just do not visit doesn't prevent the disservice these types of sites perform.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2284d ago
EdwardNigma5612285d ago

Another hating GOW article. *yawn*

mervin432284d ago (Edited 2284d ago )

The opening boss fight set the tone for the rest of the game, it was a brilliant moment.

Expect a number of these as the months go by. It is now the game people love to hate. Gow has proven the haters wrong on every occasion and will continue to do so, but they will keep coming back to find other nitpicks and make pointless articles about them. Who cares though, soon we will see GOW breaking sales records after smashing reviews and that's all that counts.

Sirk7x2284d ago

Every incredibly rated game will have these articles. If it's popular, people are going to try to write anything for clicks. Remember all the hate BotW got?

mervin432283d ago

I remember that, we all know that BOTW is a masterpiece though. This happens with every great exclusive! but to be honest, the downplay and goal post moving is 90% from xbox fanboys.

UCForce2285d ago

I thought the first boss fight was awesome.

SuperSonic912284d ago (Edited 2284d ago )

I ahve never felt a boss fight like that before.

That is one of the best boss fights I have evr seen on gaming.

The use of environmental implements of death is a long time and consistent God of War staple. This is used not once in the game.
The writer must not have played GoW before.

Hardiman2285d ago

Really?!? Well it had me standing up, jumping in place which I haven't done in years! Great way to open up the game and the fact that he was trying to protect his son made it even better! My heart was racing and I had a huge smile on my face during that fight!

SuperSonic912284d ago (Edited 2284d ago )

I genuinely felt fear in this boss fight. Never fdlt it in any other game. To think that I was playing the Lone Wolf and Cub for just a few minutes. You really feel the sense of danger with the Staranger.

Sirk7x2284d ago

Lol, Stranger danger.

2284d ago
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God of War Needs to Redefine Kratos' Purpose Clearly and Quickly

Whatever form the next God of War game takes, it needs to be clear about what role Kratos is playing, lest the franchise lose direction.

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Nacho_Z59d ago

I'm pretty sure it'd be a major mistake having Atreus as the main character in the next GoW. Seems to me like at best people tolerate him and his gameplay sections.

Ideally the story for the next game would be that Atreus has gone missing in Egypt, Kratos gets mad about it, picks up Mimir and goes on a god killing rampage.

Mad_Matt59d ago

If that is an option for the dev team then they need to make it a clean slate. No Atreus, No Mimir. That's what happened when he changed pantheons before. Lets Kratos be in that world. But it will be a difficult task to complete. Kratos and his past demons are getting a bit redundant as far as story telling goes.

Nacho_Z59d ago

Yeah there's not a lot of meat left on the bone story wise. Personally I'd happily accept any goofy reason they could come up with for why Kratos is in Egypt chopping off heads. I'm personally not that bothered about the finer points of the storytelling, although they do it well.

The_Hooligan58d ago

I would still like to have Mimir in the next game. They (devs) can justify it by saying that Mimir wants to gain knowledge about other realms/pantheons. Also, personally I think Alastair Duncan did a great job as Mimir and would love to see the continuation of the small banters Kratos and Mimir had in the past games.

goldwyncq58d ago

The point of Ragnarok's ending is to show that Atreus is his own man now. Having Daddy Kratos save him in Egypt after getting himself into trouble would just undo his entire character development.

Nacho_Z58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

The point was more to do with getting Atreus out of the way rather than him being saved. Let's say he's off on his own adventures then and invent another reason for Kratos to be in Egypt.

Could be that Kratos thinks he's been captured or killed as motivation but at the close of the game it turns out Atreus has been up to his own shady shenanigans.

Lionsguard59d ago

They need to bring back the "God of War" in God of War. I was expecting to unleash hell and fury in Asgard against Thor that they really talked up in the first game but all we got was brooding middle aged dad drunk in a beer hall. Ragnarok was still "good" but I left that game expecting a lot more.

InUrFoxHole59d ago

Tried Rag... just couldn't get into it. Felt like more of the same. I would welcome a Kratos only game again.


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