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Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus Xbox One X Shines Over The PS4 Pro Version With Better Resolution

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus is yet another game that supports the Xbox One X's hardware. Before the game's launch, Bethesda stated that the Xbox One X patch will push the game to '4K' resolution, however it wasn't made clear whether it will be native or checkerboard 4K.

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Community2496d ago
pingthing2495d ago (Edited 2495d ago )

It's the same game, same experience, same review score. SAME, SAME, SAME. And I play on Xbox One X....resolution gate was stupid when Xbox was on the recieving end, it's still stupid now the roles are reversed, and it will still be stupid when Sony release the PS5........just enjoy what you play, and stop counting pixels......SAME!

XStation4pio_Pro2495d ago (Edited 2495d ago )

its nice to have the performance for those of us who are willing to pay for it and have it support our upgraded electronics. its not just this game and its not just resolution, its textures, its frame rate, its color gamut, its 4k bluray, dolby atmos, its faster load times and smoother animation... don't pretend its resolution-gate all over again. its far beyond that and some of us want the better experience. taking a road trip in a toyota corolla and taking one in mercedes E class both achieve the same goal, but one of them delivers the experience in a superior way. if that didn't matter there wouldn't be luxury cars, or 4k tv's, or iPhoneX's. we would have stopped a long time ago.

xX-oldboy-Xx2495d ago

it would also be nice if it was supported by it's maker. Not with BC, not with 4k demos, not with 4k apps, not with 3rd party games.

I'll quite happily play in systems that releas new games and support niche title, because not every gamer is the same.

pingthing2495d ago (Edited 2495d ago )

We're talking about Wolfenstein2 though bud, it is equally enjoyable on all platforms. Did Breaking Bad or GoT only start winning Emmys when the 4k Blu-ray editions came out? Were they not still great at lower resolutions when they first aired.....the art is the SAME.

OpenGL2495d ago

Shame it doesn't have the higher visual settings available in the PC version. Been playing it at 4K60 on max settings with my 1080Ti. No frequent dips below 60fps like on the Xbox. It's nice to have the performance for those of us who are willing to pay for it.

morganfell2495d ago (Edited 2495d ago )

"its nice to have the performance for those of us who are willing to pay for it and have it support our upgraded electronics."

Yeah I own it on PC...see how that works?

Does that make the PC version better than the X1X version?

According to you it does.

Not to me, but by your standard it does.

If you ain't first you're last seems to be your mantra. Does gaming in last place feel okay? Do you still enjoy the games? Well you cannot hide under a rock and pretend the PC doesn't exist. The PC. You know, the platform that gets every 1st party MS game and what used to be called Xbox exclusives. And they look better. And will only get better looking as time passes. So how does that feel? See how ridiculous it is to talk about gaming in that aspect?

DarXyde2495d ago

Do you have any examples of games with better frame rate on One X? As far as I've heard, I've seen nothing but improvements to resolution with the frame rate held constant. You're not going from 1080p/30fps to 4K/60fps. At least, in no examples I've ever heard of. Do you have any support for that claim?

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Vectrexer2495d ago

Stop your whining! When it was a PS4 Pro versus the Xbox One you was saying just the opposite so you should just get used to it until the next Xbox and Playstation come out the Xbox One X will be the de facto standard for console gaming!

Godmars2902495d ago

No. Many if not all in the Sony were saying it didn't matter, while many if not all in the Xbox camp were insisting how cloud distribution would overcome power differences. Then the XBX was announced.

ForeverTheGoat2495d ago

Lol now that’s far from the truth.

hamburgerhill2495d ago

And cloud still may live up to its potential unlike the cell last generation.

freshslicepizza2495d ago (Edited 2495d ago )

Apparently it doesn't matter now, how convenient. Meanwhile history has shown consumers want better products. Otherwise we would all be watching movies on VHS still.

"No. Many if not all in the Sony were saying it didn't matter"

Many loved the improvements when The Last of Us remaster came out, now many, if not all in the Sony don't care? Sony announced 20% of PS4 sales are for the more expensive Pro so don't tell people nobody cares. Why are you posting here if you don't care in a topic about better resolution?

Godmars2902495d ago

"Many loved the improvements when The Last of Us remaster came out"

Those were general performance improvements, frame-rates as well as graphics, from the PS3 to the PS4. And I for one didn't care about it because it was the start of the remastering craze. When general remakes across the industry became accepted.

"Sony announced 20% of PS4 sales are for the more expensive Pro so don't tell people nobody cares."

No one does care. No one talks about Pro sales and the only real reason anyone - you - talks about XBX is belief that somehow a similar 20% boost is going to help a system that's likely half of its own numbers behind.

"Why are you posting here if you don't care in a topic about better resolution?"

I've been tired of the better graphics argument since early PS3/360. Seen it and the likes of MTs only take away from gaming as my voice becomes ever more diminished and outnumbered.

Better to ask why, as you wait and hope for games to prove and justify graphic increases which make 1TB drives inadequate, why are you?

PFFT2495d ago


If i remember correctly it was the Sony fanboys that were constantly making fun of the Cloud. And constantly rubbing it on the MS fanbase faces when games looked crappier on the Xbox One. But now that the tables have turned power doesnt matter anymore and the games are the same thing on both consoles. Bunch of Hypocrites.

freshslicepizza2495d ago

"And I for one didn't care about it because it was the start of the remastering craze. When general remakes across the industry became accepted."

Accepted? Why are you talking like Yoda. People want better performance, just because you don't care doesn't mean anything in the grander scheme of things. So unless you like hearing yourself I guess your done then.

"No one"

You do not equate to everyone, sorry. Sure the mainstream will continue to buy the cheaper options but the fact is both Sony and Microsoft see a viable market. As does AMD and nVidia.

"Better to ask why, as you wait and hope for games to prove and justify graphic increases which make 1TB drives inadequate, why"

The Nintendo Switch can't even store one game, do you always go off on tangents? Nobody here is asking for your approval or justification. If you are happy with your base system then so be it but again you see to warrant attention. Nothing wrong with having options out there, no need to be bitter.

Godmars2902495d ago (Edited 2495d ago )

"constantly making fun of the Cloud."

Considering that nothing major has been done with it, the expectation was that it would improve Xbox games by a factor of 50, your point? No other title has used cloud servers and as the flagship title for it MS have backed off from claims for CD3.

"no need to be bitter."

Not a COD/FPS fan, not really into first-person perspective in general, nor am I into community/multiplayer. And I've only seen focus on those trends, plus the iOS P2W mentality take away from what use to be traditional gaming. Less options than come at extra costs.

So when most Xbox I've been dumb enough to comment with can't see past their own console, how a company like MS still has a major impact on gaming while essentially being in third, repeatedly failing to gain industry traction in the industry because of moves like Kinect and always online, don't tell me not to be bitter. You and like-minded others - on both and all sides - are so closed minded, little more than lemmings, you don't even understand what I'm talking about.

(I had to get that out at least once...)

Godmars2902495d ago (Edited 2495d ago )

"And constantly rubbing it on the MS fanbase faces when games looked crappier on the Xbox One."

Cause that BS didn't start when 360-build games were compared to PS3 sub-builds, then died off or switched as devs learned how to compensate.

Again, this graphics BS has been going on since OG Xbox, PS2 and, Gamecube and Dreamcast and is still utter s**t.

2494d ago
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2495d ago
Darkwatchman2495d ago

I do enjoy what I play. I’m a console only gamer that doesn’t get butthurt when pc versions of multiplatform look significantly better. Technology is cool and interesting and fascinating. I enjoy people that pixel count and analyzing game engines and performance and graphical effects. It’s cool, my dude. Don’t get your panties in a bunch. People like tech and people like comparisons. They’re fun!!!!

MrVux0002495d ago (Edited 2495d ago )

Even tho i agree with your opinion, many others will mention the differences and praise them to oblivion like they make the overall difference *huge*.

I always found it silly when PC,PS4 and XboxOne comparisons were done on multiplat games, fanboys were always raging about the *huge* differences (even before the mid-gen upgrades) when in the end of the day those differences are quite minimal (IMO) when you take into consideration that you need to freeze the frame and zoom it in to notice the mentioned differences.

Unfortunately as it is evident from most of the comments on related discussions, fanboys will continue to be fanboys and there is nothing that you nor i can do about it.

xX-oldboy-Xx2495d ago

well said, pixels don't equal better gameplay - regardless of who's pushing the most.

hulk_bash19872495d ago

Why are you whining? It is the same game so play it on whatever console you want to/own. That doesn't change the fact that the Xbox One X has the better version on console, in terms of performance. Just calm down and enjoy the game.

xX-oldboy-Xx2495d ago

Yes it does - and let's applaud MS for that. I just expect more from such a large, wealthy company.

It seems their supporters are happy with being drip fed lies and 3rd party upgrades.

Some people are easily pleased I guess.

hulk_bash19872495d ago (Edited 2495d ago )

It seems like PS Only Fanboys are super butthurt that the Pro is no longer the top performing console on the market. It's sad that they let something as simple as that get to them so much. IMO, the PS4 still has the most diverse and intriguing fist party exclusives on the market right now so I dont understand why they whine so much.

Prem8tuaProcrastin8a2495d ago

REALLY? I have an X and an s, and the difference between the two is jaw dropping. It is not the same experience at all, the game is blurry by comparison on anything else but the X. Funny how all the same people who were drawing attention to resolution and graphics when Sony's console was winning comparisons all of a sudden now just "want to talk games". Suck it up.

81BX2495d ago

Gamers still want to know which version they want to get though.

starchild2495d ago

There's nothing wrong with caring about the visual fidelity and performance of your games. Just like there's nothing wrong with caring about high quality audio equipment and how your music sounds. Or how your movies look and sound. Quite trying to demonize something that is totally normal and rational.

If you can only afford a platform with lower fidelity or have some other reason for prefering it that's fine. Just don't pretend that it's all the same. That would be like buying a cheap $400 4k TV at Walmart and claiming it puts out a picture that's equally good as higher rated, more expensive TVs. The problem isn't that you enjoy your tv and that it's sufficient for you the problem is you are trying to downplay much better sets and claim they all have the same picture quality.

KillBill2495d ago

Well no, it is only really the same if you play it at the same resolution. I have to imagine you don't play games at 4K to understand where the real difference is easily seen in regards to the resolution. Yes, at lower TV resolutions you will basically see far fewer differences... but on better TVs you will.

Little difference than when many of us talked that they couldn't tell the difference between HD TV and regular TV. Or Bluray vs DVD. Saw it all the time where people claimed it was still the same movie you were watching and wasn't worth it. Yet now even watching regular TV on the cable box you see yourself switching to the HD channel versus the broadcast channel because the HD channel is just that much better experience.

4K TVs are integrating into the market share at a far greater rate than even HD TVs did. And just like with HD TVs gamers really adopted the quickest.

To think just because the game has the same story and same gameplay that it doesn't show a discernable difference when played on a more capable system is just ignorant. Are you saying that seeing a movie in a theater is no different an experience than simply watching it on DVD?

pingthing2495d ago

Some articles are just plain written to divide us, They are comparing X to Pro, unless you had Digital Foundrys microscope you are kidding yourself if you say you can tell a difference during gameplay. And yes I play on a Samsung flagship tv, I queued at midnight for my Scorpio Edition, so I get the fanboy brand loyalty 4k thing, but its incremental at this stage in the cycle. Going forward though, a few exclusives or first party games, who knows.

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Cuzzo632495d ago

Well duuuuuh. Its suppose to... Anything new gameplay wise???

pingthing2495d ago

Exactly, my old Xbox one got relegated to the the spare room when I bought the new one, the TV in the spare room is a mere 720p.....I've played half the campaign on the old's the SAME gameplay, SAME fun, SAME story..

343_Guilty_Spark2495d ago

It would have had the same fundamental gameplay experience if it was on the PS3 or 360.

Gazondaily2495d ago

Behold! The power of the BEAST!!! ♏💪

PFFT2495d ago (Edited 2495d ago )

And the gap will continue to get wider as we move forward.

Lexreborn22495d ago

I remember when systems had same game different versions. Like how Alladin on SNES was different the Sega. Or maximum carnage for snes was different then Sega. Or even how the force unleashed on Wii was different then PS3 or 360.

Now the games are exactly the same with a different pixel count and people are treating it like the games I spoke of.

Destiny10802495d ago

ive never heard a pc gamer complain about 1440p and that seems to be the lowest resolution on ps4 pro

I personally couldn't care less I wont be moving to 4k until free sync tvs are readily available and the ps5 is on the shelf

demonicale2495d ago

Why ps5?, blind loyalty is so sad and childish.

Lexreborn22495d ago

From steam stats 1080p is the common spot still. But as it stands I really don’t see anything wrong with 1440p at all. My PC goes to 1440p and the games I got on there play the same at 1440p as they do at 720p or 1080p.

UKRsoldja2495d ago (Edited 2495d ago )

Digital Foundry says ps4 pro drops to a lowest of 2304x129. Ps4 pro can't even maintain 1440p...

Lexreborn22494d ago

@UKRsoldja there is no such drop to 2304x129 because that’s not a resolution. However you know that base Xbox that everyone actually has? That runabout at a super sweet 810p.. unless you feel like trading your base in and spending 500 bucks to try and reach your wanted standard.

Anyone who owns a pro aren’t getting upset with what it does. I know I’m not.

UKRsoldja2489d ago

That was a typo. 1296p. Btw, I own a pro and have mixed feelings about it so stop assuming things.

2495d ago
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PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for April: Kena, Doom Eternal, Riders Republic and more

Also added this month: The Evil Within, Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom, Paradise Killer, Dishonored: Definitive Edition.

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MaximusPrime_530d ago

Riders republic. Nice. I never bought it but played beta twice. Good fun openworld game.

BigBosss530d ago

I have 3 other mates who like playing multiplayer games. Is this something we will all enjoy together?

Astrokis530d ago

It’s a really fun game when there’s a lot of people on but the player base dropped a lot compared to launch. This should help increase the amount online drastically.

It’s definitely a - I want to chill with my friends type of game so definitely check it out! Also it’s a huge improvement over Steep

MaximusPrime_530d ago

Sounds good. Also, Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores DLC coming a day after. I'll be more likely spending time on that DLC first. But will join when free.

closed_account530d ago (Edited 530d ago )

Riders Republic is a ton of fun and one of the best things Ubisoft has done in recent years IMO.

The music and acting are obnoxious, which I just turn down... but it's so much just freeriding mountain bikes or other stuff across the mountains. I haven't played w friends, but I imagine it would be a ton of fun in MP. Very underrated game!

SlothLordPootus530d ago

I kept getting caught up in other games so I never got around to buying Doom Eternal. If it's good I'll still buy it so i can keep it. The reboot was awesome, i think i played through it about 5 times, and platinumed it.

closed_account529d ago

Same here, I've had Doom Eternal on my wishlist for a long time. I'm definitely jumping in considering the free PS5 upgrade they released.

Storm23529d ago

It is a lot of fun. First FPS in a while that has really grabbed me. And I love FPS games. C’mon Killzone/Resistance series remasters/remakes/sequels…anyt hing.

DefenderOfDoom2529d ago

I agree , Sony has not produced a single player FPS campaign in about 8 years. I already played DOOM Eternal which was awesome.

FallenAngel1984530d ago

A whole lotta Bethesda titles in this lineup

Sackboy also got included as well despite already being as Essential title

crazyCoconuts530d ago

Regarding sackboy, you're right... That's confusing. At least wait until it's not in essential, as it's impossible to have extra without essential.

Welshy530d ago (Edited 530d ago )

Damned if you do and damned if you don't with that one I think. When a former monthly free game goes into the subscription catalog at a later date it also gets criticism, so may as well just add it straight away for people who don't claim it going forward I guess.

Profchaos529d ago

Hopefully the claim on the game counts as a essentials claim so when the game leaves the catalogue it doesn't leave the players library.

I found a similar situation frustrating I played fallout 76 when it was introduced as a premium game a month or so later it was a essentials game and I could not repurchase it so I'll lose the game when it leaves the Library

crazyCoconuts530d ago

Spiderman is in the titles leaving Extra in May. Guess 1st party titles aren't guaranteed to stay

Welshy530d ago

That's just the way of subscription services in general, titles come and go, but I'm sure it'll be back. Maybe it's a Quantum Break deal where it's just a license refresh?

It's one of the reasons I fear a subscription/digital only future. I don't want the platforms telling me what I can and can't play at any given time and waiting of tenterhooks for games I actually want to be available.

closed_account530d ago

Oh boy, that's making me want to jump back into Returnal! Not that I'd mind buying the game, love it.

EvertonFC530d ago

Great Month, own most of them but looking fwd to trying monstor boy, nice sto have EW in my collection now and some wolfeinstein.

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Top 10 Best Shooters On Switch

Despite lacking Call of Duty, the Nintendo Switch has many great shooters to replace it. Here are some of the best shooters on Switch.

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RavenWolfx712d ago

Anyone else have a small but noticeable delay in aiming on Borderlands 2? Anytime I move the aiming reticle, there is maybe a quarter of a second (250ms) delay before it moves. Happens in both Handheld and Docked.

jznrpg154d ago

I haven’t bought one shooter for Switch. It’s just to weak to play them good enough. I really don’t play my Switch at all anymore. Going to sell them and wait for Switch 2.


Best Wolfenstein Games - All the Wolfenstein Games Ranked

BLG writes, "There can be only one best Wolfenstein game. Since the franchise’s debut in 1981, the Wolfenstein series has graced our gaming platforms for over forty years. It’s hard to believe, but it’s true! In honor of that legacy, we’re going to list some of the best Wolfenstein games and the worst. That’s right: it’s the Wolfenstein games ranked."

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hop3lessfray779d ago
RaidenBlack778d ago

Scheiße! Nein.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein is the best in the series. After that:
New Order
New Colossus
Old Blood

Harryvok777d ago

I really wish they'd remake Return to Castle Wolfenstein from the ground up. Easily the best of them all.

772d ago