
Detroit: Become Human Could Be The Most Relatable Game of 2018 - OnlySP

OnlySP: "Whereas most games challenge the reflexes, Detroit: Become Human will test the mind. Quantic Dream’s previous games have made choices matter on a macro scale, with endings based on player actions, but Detroit promises to go beyond that. If even a fraction of the scenes in the final game carry the weight of this one, then David Cage’s latest could be the masterpiece so long awaited by his fans."

Toby_19812506d ago

Looking forward to this game

Soulst0rmer2505d ago

I think this will surpass Heavy Rain which is one of the best games ever made .

DrumBeat2505d ago

I loved Heavy Rains narratives and darkness. Great story. Detroit may be able to continue the greatness with a futuristic spin, involving human-robot interpersonal relations.

Soulst0rmer2505d ago

I think the terminology of becoming human in reference to this game is more than just Android. I think this is one of those games that's going to give us scenario that helps us take a step outside of ourselves and look inward at a society we have. As humans we are dumb Reckless people who are filled with hate and racism in fear and misunderstanding. I think this is going to be something that is really going to tug the heartstrings of individuals who are finally going to be able to experience the reality is that we have distance ourselves from who we truly are by the segregations of War politics and our own selfishness. And I think that this shows what it's like the truly become human by returning to what we were created to do. And maybe I have a lot of hype for the title but I have a feeling that David cage is going to knock it out the park with this roller coaster of emotional dramatic experiences.

Thatguy-3102505d ago

I wouldn't go as far as saying is the best game ever made but to me it's the best game out of its genre. The choices that one makes really made a difference to the plot. I truly hope detroit delivers a similar experience

Thatguy-3102505d ago

This game has gotten amazing preview reactions from the press. The fact that it's dealing with current issues I'm sure it'll reach the attention from the mainstream media.

k2d2505d ago

On that note - what would be 2017 most eye opening vg experience..? My vote would go to Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice.

alb18992505d ago

Is an interactive movie. I don't feel it like videogame because you watch more than play. But nevertheless it looks interesting experience for me and my wife.

UCForce2505d ago

It's a game which it does give you a lot of choice to change story.

chrisx2506d ago

No doubt my 1st playthrough will be as a nononsense killer robot

2505d ago
FallenAngel19842506d ago

You’re giving David Cage too much credit

andrewsquall2505d ago

And why shouldn't he get credit? Telltale games get WAYYYY too much credit with the choices in their games that practically mean NOTHING in the end. At least David Cage interactive experiences tend to mostly have huge repercussions with major characters just dying.
But of course they would get away with it because they aren't PlayStation hardware exclusive games that always look mind blowing compared to anything else out there.

DrumBeat2505d ago

They mean nothing at all. You can't lose a Telltale game. You're essentially just buying trophies and watching a C movie.

subtenko2505d ago

OOOOooooo GET EM!!!! Good call out

Imalwaysright2505d ago (Edited 2505d ago )

They get away with it because they can actually write a coherent story something that David Cage couldn't if his life depended on it and story is kinda important in these type of games. You see Telltale is one of the best studios at storytelling in this industry while David Cage is just a mediocre writer. That's why Telltale got licenses of small and irrelevant franchises such as Game of Thrones, TWD or Batman despite being an indie studio with limited resources. They are a trusted studio because they are a quality studio while QD is well... stuck with David Cage. Playstation has nothing to do it. If it was Until Dawn wouldn't have got the recognition it got but I get it, playing the victim is one of PS fanboys favorite pastimes.

Nyxus2505d ago

@ Iamalwaysright: And yet his games are beloved by many. Seems like in this case you are wrong.

Big_Game_Hunters2505d ago

@TheDBD, david cage is definitely a C story teller.

Ive Never played telltale games

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2505d ago
LP-Eleven2505d ago (Edited 2505d ago )

Nah. His games can be enjoyable and people like them, even if you don't. Thus, he's getting credit from the former.

Ceaser98573612505d ago

Xbx fanboy cant make a game close whats being shown and look at them always complaining .. They never learn... Had this been an Xbox game they would overhype it.. I have noticed that alot. For Eg They are so quick to call out The Order 1886 but forgets about Quantum Break. Two games i enjoyed throughly but could have been better..
So i suggest xbox fanboys to worry more about what xbox is offering apart from THEM GFX since PS makes BETTER GAMES ..

LP-Eleven2505d ago (Edited 2505d ago )

@ Nyxus: He's usually wrong. Why I stopped wasting any energy debating with him years ago.

Truth is Telltale still credit Heavy Rain as one of their biggest inspirations for their games. David Cage has improved his craft (storytelling) with each new project. I like watching him grow and evolve, while still keeping Heavy Rain close to my heart as my #1 video game.

Imalwaysright2505d ago (Edited 2505d ago )


Do you think that I will change my mind because others like QD games? GTFO with that pimpled teenager logic. David Cage is a mediocre writer but thank the gaming gods that there is some hope for Detroit as he isn't the only one writing it. We may actually play a QD game that makes sense so fingers crossed.

UCForce2505d ago

I know people criticize him for what he is. But in the end, some people love his game. Definition of game is everything. Gameplay is always come first and that's the fact, but it's endless way for developers to implement it.

Xerneas2505d ago (Edited 2505d ago )

Its a real shame that a superior game like Until Dawn doesn't get the credit David Cage gets.

Heres for Heavy rain:
QTEs, almost the whole game
Plot holes, very fatal to the story
Overly pretentious
So much for simple tasks like making a microwave dinner

All these ruined the game. Badly. Until Dawn nailed the formula. Sony just rather not spend marketing dollars on a game that deserved more sales than it got.

That said I'm getting Detroit, but I'm keeping my expectations limited.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2505d ago
TankCrossing2505d ago

Reminds me of the days I used to be an android. Not gonna lie, it was tough.

Big_Game_Hunters2505d ago

This story is gonna look like literal dogshit in the face of 2049.

guyman2505d ago (Edited 2505d ago )

Dogshit - reminds me of xbox's 2018 line up

UCForce2505d ago

And you are still disrespectful just like crapgamer.

glenn19792505d ago

you see this kind of wild imagination the developers of the Xbox x need pronto, they have a very powerful game console but they need to bring more I.P. because even if the PRO is not as powerful as the X in the end the games will matter

meka26112504d ago

While I agree with that sentiment this is the last type of game that xbox needs. We need actual games, not interactive story books. I liked until dawn and heavy rain, but let's not pretend this game will be awesome, it all depends on the story and the person. If you like the story, you will love the game; if the story doesn't interest you then there is no point as there is no gameplay.

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Yes, that's Kara in season 4 of The Boys

Been watching season 4 of The Boys and find Firecracker's face familiar? As a gamer, where you know her from might surprise you.

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Nerdmaster95d ago

I did have one of those "where do I know her from...?" feelings.
It's funny how a different hair style changes a person. I saw some pictures of her with short or blond hair and it made me remember Kara, but making her a redhead AND with long hair, just bugged my brain.
Here's hoping her character survives until the end of the show (even though her character is a horrible person).

just_looken95d ago

No doubt homelander will get pissed and show her his appreciation.

Episode 3 i was expecting a bitch slap death but it never happened he was zoned out then.

Would it not buy the boys still comedy she fight's back with that lame finger snap power he is like bitch really then just takes her out with one hit LOL

bloop94d ago

Thank you. Couldn't remember who Kara was and was too lazy to open article.

Tankbusta4095d ago

The only image from the show in my mind is the multiplying dudes eating each others butts in the sauna

VariantAEC95d ago

Valorie Curry is her name... not sure why that's not even in the short summary. Why is this gaming news though?

ZeekQuattro94d ago

I couldn't for the life of me remember what I remembered her from and then I saw The Tick in her acting credits. That's why she looked so familiar. I loved that short lived Amazon show.

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Detroit: Become Human has sold more than 8 million copies

Quantic Dream has sent Gamereactor a press release stating that Detroit: Become Human now has sold more than 2,5 million copies on PC, making it surpass 8 million across all platforms.

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Nerdmaster612d ago

That's great. Quantic Dream took everything they learned from their past games and built the most refined, coherent and interesting game and story yet. I even bought it on both PS4 and PC.

Seraphim612d ago

I preferred Beyond Two Souls. Still, Detroit was an exceptional experience just like Heavy Rain. Definitely happy to see the game has sold well over the years.

Fist4achin612d ago

Beyond was outstanding. Their other games were great, but BTS was my favorite so far.

CrimsonIdol612d ago (Edited 612d ago )

It took them nearly 5 years to accomplish that compared to a game that's just come out. Willing to bet a majority of those sales were heavily discounted too. Quantic Dream games were always heavily spruiked by Sony as exclusive graphical showpieces for the Playstation, so I'm sure that helped out too.

For reference the original Dead Space sold 2 Million over its lifetime, so some new IP from a new studio approaching that in its first year or so really isn't that bad.

sagapo612d ago

Great game, really enjoyed this one.

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