
Star Ocean: The Last Hope first gameplay video

Here's a first video of Star Ocean : The Last Hope for the Xbox 360 which is playable at Tokyo Game Show.

CEO of Troll Corp5734d ago

Looks like a compressed game,this must be the xbox 360 version

Adriana Lima5734d ago

I wanna see WK from lvl 5 and compare the two. Both look awesome.
Is this game going to the ps3 later or is it locked on the 360.

PirateThom5734d ago

Square Enix have tried to steer away from calling it exclusive, unlike Infinite Undisocvery, which makes me think it's timed exclusive.

KillaManiac5734d ago

Looks great!

I hope it comes out for my PS3, but if not...I don't mind buying it for my 360.

Star Ocean is a GREAT series!

Omegasyde5734d ago

How can they continue the story? I remember at the end of the last one , the game was a game with in a game like the .Hack Series.

Seriously the ending blew, the combat was cool.

Did ANYONE actually beat the last Star Ocean?

rhood0225734d ago


Yeah, I did. I was completely disappointed and like..what the hell?

This does look promising though. I will keep it on my radar.

Lanoire5734d ago

SO4 360 exclusive. And after looking through the vid, its clear why.
Jeez, no wonder this is 360 exclusive. The game is garbage.
The worlds dont even make any sense. Going from cave to snow covered forest to...spring forest?


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gdguide5734d ago

Love the speed of the combat, but the old school "battle area is the same regardless where you are" is just last gen by now. Here they are walking on stairs that go down another 500 feet, and you have a random battle up there that ends up on a 500' x 500' flat field. I can't believe devs are still falling back on that. This isn't the PS1 era any more. White Knight cleans up in that area with battles right there in the environments. Anything less this gen is falling back on last gen. That would drive me nuts knowing how it can be done properly.

Adriana Lima5734d ago

but the combat looks intense.

kewlkat0075734d ago

By the time this game comes out, I should have the new Update, so how many disc will this be?

Install on the HDD please...

This will be my first "SO" game.

Marojado5734d ago

Dude, Star Ocean games are spectacular. If this lives up to it's predecessors, you're going to love it.

kewlkat0075734d ago (Edited 5734d ago )

Sorry I'm old-school JRPG guy ala Lost Odyssey is my style, I've been very reluctant to embrace Action-based, I wish a choice was given to gamers at the beginning.

That's just me though...Call me Old-School, I have not liked the "Automated" functions of my fighters in JRPGs I guess.

Though the Gambit System works in FF12, I enjoy "choosing spells/skills/magic" and watching my characters develop individually as I put each one to use independent of each other and watching them do their thing, instead of an all out brawl/melee.

I also embrace "Random battles" I see my self running past monsters in the world map, I couldn't dare to do in FFX and other Random Battle JRPGs, again too easy. I miss the suspense and not knowing what lurks in new areas. sometimes you can get in a nasty battle you were not looking for. Again been playing JRPGs sinse NES.

As you know Turn-based/Action-based is a hot debate..but I didn't grow up on PS2 JRPGs.

Marojado5734d ago

Yeah, i know what you're saying. And I've been an RPG fan for a lot longer than just the PS2. RPGs were my main choice of game when i was younger. That said, it's always good to try something a little different, diversify every now and again :) I do reckon you'd really enjoy the Star Ocean series if you gave a it a shot, it actually started on the Super Nintendo like over a decade ago and some of the influences are still there :) hopefully there's a demo before release so you can give it a bash before dropping any cash or anything.

DJ5734d ago

Like FFXII and Rogue Galaxy. But the Star Ocean series has been rock solid so far.

Marojado5734d ago

I have to admit, i have a lot of love for Rogue Galaxy. And Level 5 in general. Waiting on WKC...

kewlkat0075734d ago

but Level 5 have really come into their own. From what I hear and have heard. There is a time period between 2003-2005 where I missed out of some JRPGs because of graduating college and working on building my bank account, I sorta stop gaming for a little. FF12 was the last title I played on PS2, when I sorta got back into gaming and there was a surge with the Xbox 360.

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tako20005734d ago

To tell the truth, it looks way better then IU...

At the other hand, I don't think its going to PS3...X360 now is doing anything they can to outpace PS3.

I bet MS already spend a lot of money to solid the exclusive contract with SE, and we all know Sony don't have that kind of money.

Well, it comes out next year so still time to save up the money~ ^^

jjl5734d ago

Hard to say at this point. Microsoft would have to dish out a lot of money to keep it from Sony. Enough to make compensate for potential sales for a PS3 release, and from what I remember, Star Ocean is decently popular in Japan. For sure timed release at this point, exclusivity, only time will tell.

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10 Most Overlooked RPGs That You Should Play Now

Many overlooked RPGs lie dormant in the catalogues of gaming, but players can pick up their swords and shields with these amazing JRPG hidden gems!

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PlayStation Plus is a secret paradise for RPG fans

From games that digitaltrends DeAngelo Epps has always wanted to play but missed out on, like Odin Sphere, to newer titles that he'd love to re-experience like Yakuza: Like a Dragon, there was enough there to justify diving back in. And those titles aren’t even a small percent of what’s available here. Vanillaware titles, Square Enix games, NIS franchises he’d never even heard of — there’s a whole lot to dig into.

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Eonjay206d ago

PSPlus is Amazing for RPGs and NIS America, Square Enix and Vanillaware games are perfect for PSPortal.

LG_Fox_Brazil206d ago

Not really a 'secret' but a paradise indeed, I just finished Soul Hackers 2, pretty good, and started Labyrinth of Galleria and I am having a blast. Tons of great RPGs in the PS4/PS5 family

Mr_cheese206d ago

Secret is the click buzzword. Can't have a title without bait these days.

anast205d ago

secret, shadow, hidden

OtterX206d ago

Perfect for playing on the Portal, since rpgs can be such timesinks. For those people who can't stay glued to the TV, it's good to give some freedom around the house, out on the porch or whatever. I haven't picked up a Portal yet, bc of life priorities, but I definitely anticipate picking one up asap and playing more rpgs!

ziggyzinfirion205d ago

I'm currently playing Final Fantasy VII:Remake for the first time on PS5 and I am freaking blown away by this game so far. I don't know why I waited this long or due to my huge backlog but had to be honest, this game exceeded my expectations.

OtterX205d ago

Yea, story pacing aside, the combat system is pretty killer, especially if you slow it down to play it more like a tactical turned based jrpg!

I actually wish FF16 had gone this route, instead of the DMC route. The FF7:R system gave enough action for those who wanted to play that way, while still appeasing us old school turn based jrpg fans.

Glad you're enjoying!

crazyCoconuts205d ago

Some of the best in game HDR I've ever seen in that game. I liked it a lot too. My first final fantasy game believe it or not

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A beginner's guide to Star Ocean

Star Ocean is one of those series that did, and still does, things that others don’t. Think of it as a JRPG for fans of series like Star Trek. The casts regularly involve people from more advanced civilizations getting involved with those who are still growing, even though there are various measures in place to allegedly stop that sort of interference. As a result, people get energy weapons, cyborgs, magic and people who can turn into cats. It is a lot to take in.

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autobotdan1662d ago (Edited 1662d ago )

Let's see here. There was another classic JRPG series that started this SCI Fi. It was Phantasy Star by Sega. Before Star Ocean, there was Phantasy Star 1-4 on Sega consoles

Bhuahahaha1662d ago

a beginners guide to star ocean....after playing the 3rd game
you've been told that the universe (SO lore) is just a ------------------- and close the book

VsAssassin1662d ago

Yeah, that plot twist didn't work for me. I wish SO3 isn't canon, but it is. Anyway, SE can just sweep SO3 under the rug perhaps by soft rebooting the franchise.

Nerdmaster1662d ago

The first two were so great, among the top RPGs on 16 and 32-bit era. I wonder why it went downhill after that...

LiViNgLeGaCY1662d ago

I still regard the 2nd Story as one of the greatest JRPG's of all time.

ChronoJoe1662d ago

Play the PS1 game and then the PS2 game and then the rest probably aren't worth your time unless you're a superfan of the series. I think that's all you need to know.

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