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JamieReleases (10) - 5717d ago Cancel
me_p (1) - 5717d ago Cancel
shqype (1) - 5717d ago Cancel
160° - Eternal Sonata PS3 Demo Impressions writes:

"In 2007, Xbox 360 owners received a few games which PS3 only gamers were not invited to. Two them included 2K Games' BioShock and Namco Bandai's Eternal Sonata. A year later, those two games are no longer exclusive. I've already taken a look at BioShock's PS3 demo and now it's Eternal Sonata's turn. Will the PS3 demo finally convince me to pick up this JRPG?"

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Silogon5717d ago

Although slightly downgraded from the xbox 360 version, not surprising, I thought it was still a pretty good attempt. Anyone who owns the lesser system, and doesn't have the xbox 360 to play the real version of the game, should not doubt get it. It's as good as you're going to get on the ps3; since it's not as powerful as the xbox 36o is.

Lord Shuhei Yoshida5717d ago

How many days till you can go back to play in the Gamer Zone?

silverchode5717d ago

how many days till you go back to bashing the 360?

tangerine5717d ago

...................E N D Y O U R S E L F.
Thank you.

The gaming GOD5717d ago (Edited 5717d ago )

All he's good for is rumors and flaimbait.

He'll talk about how superior the 360 is one week just to turn around and say how superior the ps3 is the next week.

For example, he goes and says the ps3 just isnt for gaming. Yet he constantly talks about this site from Gamesblow that shows off these "amazing" ps3 games that he can't show to people. He keeps telling everyone how great these "games" are. Yet they are on a system that he says "isn't for gaming"

How much you want to bet Silogon will reply, whine, and NOT show this Gamesblow "website" that he keeps claiming?

Hell, maybe he IS Gamesblow like people keep saying. It would make sense since he keeps praising Gamesblow WITHOUT proof of this phantom website he preaches of

Sorry Shuhei, but keep him in the open zone. No offense to you man, but it's his place

silverchode5717d ago

lol at bloodmask making a thread about siligon.

The gaming GOD5717d ago (Edited 5717d ago )

Because I'm not dude

People already say I'm Nasim and Juuken as it is.

Silogon5717d ago (Edited 5717d ago )

Doesn't it suck when people say you're someone and you know you're not? Man, anymore I think it's fun, though. It might actually do me some good with my new website, actually. Anyways, Ican't give you Gamesblow's website link cause I don't have it. It's and that's all I know. It's a password only thing and you have to ask him about it. I think he's an idiot and it's stupid what he's doing, but I was invited in to see it back in September and it looks nice. I seen a lot of good stuff that has "yet" to happen or come to pass.

I'm in your corner on this one. I keep telling you this. Anyways, I got 3 days before I'm back in the gamerzone, so ... Let's try not to make a bad thing of this.

Edit to below: But I'm not an insider. Who said I was? I'm giving an opinion and relaying what I has seen. There is a big difference. I know what I seen and I don't see or hear of it everyday, so that doesn't make me an insider, man. It makes me a poster with an opinion who's pretty charasmatic and has a slew of people in love with his sophisticated ways.

The gaming GOD5717d ago (Edited 5717d ago )

If you are right, I will eat my undies. And I will personally and FULLY apologize for my disbelief of your news.

But you have to understand, this is the internet. Too many "insiders" turn out to be little more than rumor spreaders or common-sense news passers (like surfer girl/ skaterboy was)

He'll, I'll even keep bubbling you every chance I get so you get can to a normal number since I know that sucks having only two

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Shadow Man5717d ago

Love the colorful animation. I actually like this one more than Tales of Vesperia.

timmyrulz5717d ago

If i had a ps3 i wouldnt buy this game at full price, its really not that good, unless you're a fan of chopin and you're interested in his biography, the combat is ok but the story is a bit too gay for my liking and I dont find girls fighting giant mushrooms with an umberella very appealing

TheColbertinator5717d ago

Really? I liked Eternal Sonata.Sort of,the game looks like someone poured a factory of paint all over it.But the music was phenomenal and for people that like classical music and JRPGs,I recommend this anyday

xg-ei8ht5717d ago

All jrpg's are gay.

That's the nature of it.

Little boys with funky hair do's.

Is that all japan can come up with for it's characters.

I'll spank you with a spell, ZZZzzZZzz. Nearly as boring as oblivion.

Chronopath5717d ago

will I ever go one day without hearing the word "gay" or "f*g". This world is seriously turning into an idiocracy. C'mon people grow some brain cells there are more than 200,000 words in the english dictionary.

SaiyanFury5716d ago (Edited 5716d ago )

I like the gameplay, and the story is interesting. Of course, the big thing about the game is music. My favourite composer, Motoi Sakuraba who works on the Star Ocean games did the music for the game, so for me this one is a no brainer. I'm glad that Namco-Bandai took the time and trouble to make the game as visually pleasing on the PS3 as well as the 360. Some game companies have a habit of being lazy in the graphics department when it comes to ports. I'm looking at you Enchanted Arms.

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slave2Dcontroller5717d ago (Edited 5717d ago )

I'm actually excited about ES. I think its a pretty cool RPG and Lord knows my PS3 has been RPG deprived so its definantly going to be a welcome addition to my library. My cousin had this on 360 and I liked it rite off the bat.

I just dont know where its gonna fit in because I'm gonna be busy with Wipeout HD and LBP for some time to come. Then theres R2 but I will set aside a day week to focus on ES I suppose. Sony is really pumpin out the goodness these days. Happy Happy HAPPY! XD

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Community2254d ago

TOP 10 of the Most Beautiful Places in JRPGs

Gameplane: "Many games can astonish players with creative gameplay or emotional stories. Others are remarkable due to the fun we had with them, while some are simply beautiful. These are nine JRPGs, which made us fall in love with virtual places."

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Community2493d ago
Segata2492d ago

Xenoblade X felt like Avatar as a game visually. The art in that series is amazing.


Jerry's Top 7 Games Of 2007

Jerry from BagoGames says, "It turns out that 2007 was an amazing year for gamers, not only did many franchises begin, some started to get their footing."

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Community2604d ago
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MultiConsoleGamer2604d ago

It's crazy to think that Uncharted came out so long ago. I replayed the series last year as part of the Nathan Drake Collection, and the game felt brand new again, even after all these years. Such an enduring franchise.

jokerman272604d ago

I agree, I played all of them, included the Vita game last year just for funsies and they are amazing!

2603d ago
2603d ago
ShwaaMan2603d ago

Seriously, no Bioshock, Orange Box, or Modern Warfare on this list?

jokerman272603d ago

I could only pick 7 ;) They were hard to pick and MW was barely edged out by Halo 3.