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Nintendo Is Making All The Right Moves – But Can It Keep Up The Momentum?

Nintendo's on a roll when it comes to recent announcements for the Switch, 3DS and NES Classic Edition. WWG takes a closer look as to whether it can carry that energy into 2018.

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Community2507d ago
wonderfulmonkeyman2507d ago (Edited 2507d ago )

Well, I wouldn't say ALL the right moves.
Their subscription service is still 90% unknown, their lack of a Miiverse successor and an in-system messaging service is a distinct mistake, and their online chat alternative is a prat-fall in all but the most literal of senses, but they've definitely succeeded in spreading out their games more, and in getting more devs interested, than they ever did with the Wii U, so the signs of it becoming a long-term success are positive.
What matters now is, once they've gotten their biggest names all accounted for, what will they do next, first-party-wise?

That'll be key to keeping momentum, and I'm thinking they'll turn towards reviving franchises they haven't revisited in a while.

Kid Icarus Uprising 2? A new F-Zero?
Or maybe, dare we hope for it... a collaboration with Squeenix for a proper Legend of the Seven Stars follow-up?

There's tons of potential, the Switch's stride is strong so far, and the ball's in Nintendo's court.
Time will tell.

2507d ago
TheFirstClassic2507d ago

Mario rpg with the worlds and characters from that game? Like a legit sequel? That would be dope.

Nodoze2507d ago

They are out of the gate quickly....but it is a long race. As mentioned the online infrastructure and services are giant question marks. As usual the first party offerings are fantastic. They just need to keep the momentum.

I would LOVE WiiU ports of
Starfox (with PROPER twin stick controls)
Xenoblade X
Bayonetta 1+2
All Zelda releases - re re released

ibrake4naps2507d ago

It's gunna sell great like their other handhelds. I'm loving mine

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2507d ago

Yes. With
Super Mario Odyssey
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Metroid Prime 4
project Octopath Traveler
Kirby Star Allies
and ever exclusive and unannounced games for 2018

SuperSonic912507d ago

I hope Ninty don't put too much "violent adult" games on Switch for it will ruin the kiddie friendly image of the platform.

Prince_TFK2507d ago

There had been adults game, and there had been kiddie games on Nintendo console. Even if Nintendo focuses on the young audience, that doesn't mean they neglect their older ones. While games like Mario Kart 8D and Mario+Rabbids might be appealing to younger audiences, there are always games like BOTW and Xenoblade 2 that lean toward the more mature ones.

yellowgerbil2507d ago

clearly you haven't played Mario+Rabbids. that is the most hardcore game made this gen, it does a good job of preparing people for how difficult it gets, but the game is brutal starting at the Halloween world (halfway through the story). Even before that point there is some serious tactical challenge, and I'd say it is actually MORE robust than xcom with a lot of the mechanics

TallonIV2506d ago (Edited 2506d ago )

M+R is a difficult game, I don't see many kids beating it.

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The Pokemon Company Had Retail Sales Worth $10.8 Billion In 2023

The Pokemon Company had retail sales worth of 10.8 billion US Dollars in the year 2023, based on the latest report.

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gold_drake10h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot2h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing1h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro1h ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


Game Boy Advance is Getting a New Game Xeno Crisis

Bitmap Bureau has announced its plans to release Xeno Crisis to the Game Boy Advance in both physical and digital form.

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Community1d 11h ago

Boosteroid Drops Lots of New Information in Exclusive Interview With Cloud Dosage

We've wrapped up our live interview with Boosteroid. Lots of new information released about the cloud service:

- New datacenters (Brazil, California, Omaha)!
- New AMD hardware coming. Specialized for Boosteroid.
- Cloud Gaming User Counts
- Boosteroid Coming to Vehicles!
- New Smat TV Apps

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